Dan c2de3db345
Qt6 Readiness (#470)
Make it possible to build GUI with Qt 6 while keeping compatibility with 5.6.3.
2021-11-12 18:15:19 +01:00

41 lines
1.3 KiB

# this file exists only because of the problems with running CMake with Qt
# projects under MXE.
# you're free to use it for compiling the GUI if you don't want to use CMake for
# whatever reason, but keep in mind that it will be removed once the relevant
# bugs in MXE are resolved.
QT = core gui widgets
qtHaveModule(multimedia) {
QT += multimedia
CONFIG += c++17 strict_c++ lrelease embed_translations
HEADERS += tsmuxerwindow.h lang_codes.h muxForm.h checkboxedheaderview.h \
codecinfo.h fontsettingstablemodel.h
SOURCES += main.cpp tsmuxerwindow.cpp muxForm.cpp checkboxedheaderview.cpp \
FORMS += tsmuxerwindow.ui muxForm.ui
RESOURCES += images.qrc
TRANSLATIONS = translations/tsmuxergui_en.ts translations/tsmuxergui_ru.ts translations/tsmuxergui_fr.ts translations/tsmuxergui_zh.ts
win32 {
RC_FILE += icon.rc
version_num = 2.6.16
tsmuxer_release = 0
equals(tsmuxer_release, 1) {
tsmuxer_version = $${version_num}
} else {
system(git status >/dev/null 2>&1) {
git_rev_short = $$system(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
tsmuxer_version = git-$${git_rev_short}
} else {
tsmuxer_version = $${version_num}-dev
DEFINES += TSMUXER_VERSION=\\\"$${tsmuxer_version}\\\"