This change moves all code related to handling font settings from TsMuxerWindow to its own model. The widget handling the data is now just an ordinary QTableView. This does away with storing everything as strings inside a QTableWidget, which means that functions using font data to generate metafile or other kinds of output use QFont objects directly.
38 lines
1.2 KiB
38 lines
1.2 KiB
# this file exists only because of the problems with running CMake with Qt
# projects under MXE.
# you're free to use it for compiling the GUI if you don't want to use CMake for
# whatever reason, but keep in mind that it will be removed once the relevant
# bugs in MXE are resolved.
QT = core gui widgets multimedia
CONFIG += c++17 strict_c++ lrelease embed_translations
HEADERS += tsmuxerwindow.h lang_codes.h muxForm.h checkboxedheaderview.h \
codecinfo.h fontsettingstablemodel.h
SOURCES += main.cpp tsmuxerwindow.cpp muxForm.cpp checkboxedheaderview.cpp \
FORMS += tsmuxerwindow.ui muxForm.ui
RESOURCES += images.qrc
TRANSLATIONS = translations/tsmuxergui_en.ts translations/tsmuxergui_ru.ts translations/tsmuxergui_fr.ts translations/tsmuxergui_zh.ts
win32 {
RC_FILE += icon.rc
version_num = 2.6.16
tsmuxer_release = 0
equals(tsmuxer_release, 1) {
tsmuxer_version = $${version_num}
} else {
system(git status >/dev/null 2>&1) {
git_rev_short = $$system(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
tsmuxer_version = git-$${git_rev_short}
} else {
tsmuxer_version = $${version_num}-dev
DEFINES += TSMUXER_VERSION=\\\"$${tsmuxer_version}\\\"