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Copyright (C) 2012 Hugh Bailey <obs.jim@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#pragma once
class D3D10VertexShader;
inline GSColorFormat ConvertGIBackBufferFormat(DXGI_FORMAT format)
case DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM: return GS_R10G10B10A2;
case DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM: return GS_B5G5R5A1;
case DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM: return GS_B5G6R5;
class D3D10VertexBuffer : public VertexBuffer
friend class D3D10System;
friend class OBS;
ID3D10Buffer *vertexBuffer;
ID3D10Buffer *normalBuffer;
ID3D10Buffer *colorBuffer;
ID3D10Buffer *tangentBuffer;
List<ID3D10Buffer*> UVBuffers;
UINT vertexSize;
UINT normalSize;
UINT colorSize;
UINT tangentSize;
List<UINT> UVSizes;
BOOL bDynamic;
UINT numVerts;
VBData *data;
static VertexBuffer* CreateVertexBuffer(VBData *vbData, BOOL bStatic);
void MakeBufferList(D3D10VertexShader *vShader, List<ID3D10Buffer*> &bufferList, List<UINT> &strides) const;
virtual void FlushBuffers();
virtual VBData* GetData();
class D3D10SamplerState : public SamplerState
friend class D3D10System;
friend class OBS;
ID3D10SamplerState *state;
static SamplerState* CreateSamplerState(SamplerInfo &info);
class D3D10Texture : public Texture
friend class D3D10OutputDuplicator;
friend class D3D10System;
friend class OBS;
ID3D10Texture2D *texture;
ID3D10ShaderResourceView *resource;
ID3D10RenderTargetView *renderTarget;
UINT width, height;
GSColorFormat format;
IDXGISurface1 *surface;
bool bGDICompatible;
bool bDynamic;
static Texture* CreateFromSharedHandle(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, HANDLE handle);
static Texture* CreateTexture(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GSColorFormat colorFormat, void *lpData, BOOL bGenMipMaps, BOOL bStatic);
static Texture* CreateFromFile(CTSTR lpFile, BOOL bBuildMipMaps);
static Texture* CreateRenderTarget(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GSColorFormat colorFormat, BOOL bGenMipMaps);
static Texture* CreateGDITexture(unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
static Texture* CreateShared(unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
virtual DWORD Width() const;
virtual DWORD Height() const;
virtual BOOL HasAlpha() const;
virtual void SetImage(void *lpData, GSImageFormat imageFormat, UINT pitch);
virtual bool Map(BYTE *&lpData, UINT &pitch);
virtual void Unmap();
virtual GSColorFormat GetFormat() const;
virtual bool GetDC(HDC &hDC);
virtual void ReleaseDC();
LPVOID GetD3DTexture() {return texture;}
virtual HANDLE GetSharedHandle();
struct ShaderParam
ShaderParameterType type;
String name;
UINT samplerID;
UINT textureID;
int arrayCount;
List<BYTE> curValue;
List<BYTE> defaultValue;
BOOL bChanged;
inline ~ShaderParam() {FreeData();}
inline void FreeData()
struct ShaderSampler
String name;
SamplerState *sampler;
inline ~ShaderSampler() {FreeData();}
inline void FreeData()
delete sampler;
struct ShaderProcessor : CodeTokenizer
BOOL ProcessShader(CTSTR input, CTSTR filename);
BOOL AddState(SamplerInfo &info, String &stateName, String &stateVal);
UINT nTextures;
List<ShaderSampler> Samplers;
List<ShaderParam> Params;
List<D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC> generatedLayout;
bool bHasNormals;
bool bHasColors;
bool bHasTangents;
UINT numTextureCoords;
inline ShaderProcessor() {zero(this, sizeof(ShaderProcessor));}
inline ~ShaderProcessor() {FreeData();}
inline void FreeData()
for(i=0; i<Samplers.Num(); i++)
for(i=0; i<Params.Num(); i++)
inline UINT GetSamplerID(CTSTR lpSampler)
for(UINT i=0; i<Samplers.Num(); i++)
return i;
return INVALID;
class D3D10Shader : public Shader
friend class D3D10System;
friend class OBS;
List<ShaderParam> Params;
List<ShaderSampler> Samplers;
ID3D10Buffer *constantBuffer;
UINT constantSize;
bool ProcessData(ShaderProcessor &processor, CTSTR lpFileName);
void UpdateParams();
virtual int NumParams() const;
virtual HANDLE GetParameter(UINT parameter) const;
virtual HANDLE GetParameterByName(CTSTR lpName) const;
virtual void GetParameterInfo(HANDLE hObject, ShaderParameterInfo &paramInfo) const;
virtual void LoadDefaults();
virtual void SetBool(HANDLE hObject, BOOL bValue);
virtual void SetFloat(HANDLE hObject, float fValue);
virtual void SetInt(HANDLE hObject, int iValue);
virtual void SetMatrix(HANDLE hObject, float *matrix);
virtual void SetVector(HANDLE hObject, const Vect &value);
virtual void SetVector2(HANDLE hObject, const Vect2 &value);
virtual void SetVector4(HANDLE hObject, const Vect4 &value);
virtual void SetTexture(HANDLE hObject, BaseTexture *texture);
virtual void SetValue(HANDLE hObject, const void *val, DWORD dwSize);
class D3D10VertexShader : public D3D10Shader
friend class D3D10System;
friend class D3D10VertexBuffer;
friend class OBS;
ID3D10VertexShader *vertexShader;
ID3D10InputLayout *inputLayout;
bool bHasNormals;
bool bHasColors;
bool bHasTangents;
UINT nTextureCoords;
inline UINT NumBuffersExpected() const
UINT count = 1;
if(bHasNormals) count++;
if(bHasColors) count++;
if(bHasTangents) count++;
count += nTextureCoords;
return count;
static Shader* CreateVertexShaderFromBlob(std::vector<char> const &blob, CTSTR lpShader, CTSTR lpFileName);
static Shader* CreateVertexShader(CTSTR lpShader, CTSTR lpFileName);
static void CreateVertexShaderBlob(std::vector<char> &blob, CTSTR lpShader, CTSTR lpFileName);
virtual ShaderType GetType() const {return ShaderType_Vertex;}
class D3D10PixelShader : public D3D10Shader
friend class D3D10System;
ID3D10PixelShader *pixelShader;
static Shader* CreatePixelShaderFromBlob(ShaderBlob const &blob, CTSTR lpShader, CTSTR lpFileName);
static Shader* CreatePixelShader(CTSTR lpShader, CTSTR lpFileName);
static void CreatePixelShaderBlob(ShaderBlob &blob, CTSTR lpShader, CTSTR lpFileName);
virtual ShaderType GetType() const {return ShaderType_Pixel;}
class D3D10OutputDuplicator : public OutputDuplicator
IDXGIOutputDuplication *duplicator;
Texture *copyTex;
POINT cursorPos;
Texture *cursorTex;
BOOL bCursorVis;
bool Init(UINT output);
virtual ~D3D10OutputDuplicator();
virtual DuplicatorInfo AcquireNextFrame(UINT timeout);
virtual Texture* GetCopyTexture();
virtual Texture* GetCursorTex(POINT* pos);
struct SavedBlendState
GSBlendType srcFactor, destFactor;
ID3D10BlendState *blendState;
class D3D10System : public GraphicsSystem
friend class OBS;
friend class D3D10VertexShader;
friend class D3D10PixelShader;
IDXGIFactory1 *factory;
ID3D10Device1 *d3d;
IDXGISwapChain *swap;
ID3D10RenderTargetView *swapRenderView;
ID3D10DepthStencilState *depthState;
ID3D10RasterizerState *rasterizerState;
ID3D10RasterizerState *scissorState;
bool bDisableCompatibilityMode;
D3D10Texture *curRenderTarget;
D3D10Texture *curTextures[8];
D3D10SamplerState *curSamplers[8];
D3D10VertexBuffer *curVertexBuffer;
D3D10VertexShader *curVertexShader;
D3D10PixelShader *curPixelShader;
List<SavedBlendState> blends;
ID3D10BlendState *curBlendState;
ID3D10BlendState *disabledBlend;
BOOL bBlendingEnabled;
VertexBuffer *spriteVertexBuffer, *boxVertexBuffer;
float curProjMatrix[16];
float curViewMatrix[16];
float curViewProjMatrix[16];
float curBlendFactor[4];
float curCropping[4];
virtual void ResetViewMatrix();
virtual void ResizeView();
virtual void UnloadAllData();
virtual void CreateVertexShaderBlob(std::vector<char> &blob, CTSTR lpShader, CTSTR lpFileName) override;
virtual void CreatePixelShaderBlob(std::vector<char> &blob, CTSTR lpShader, CTSTR lpFileName) override;
virtual LPVOID GetDevice();
virtual void Init();
//Texture Functions
virtual Texture* CreateTextureFromSharedHandle(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, HANDLE handle);
virtual Texture* CreateTexture(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GSColorFormat colorFormat, void *lpData, BOOL bBuildMipMaps, BOOL bStatic);
virtual Texture* CreateTextureFromFile(CTSTR lpFile, BOOL bBuildMipMaps);
virtual Texture* CreateRenderTarget(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GSColorFormat colorFormat, BOOL bGenMipMaps);
virtual Texture* CreateGDITexture(unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
virtual bool GetTextureFileInfo(CTSTR lpFile, TextureInfo &info);
virtual SamplerState* CreateSamplerState(SamplerInfo &info);
virtual UINT GetNumOutputs();
virtual OutputDuplicator *CreateOutputDuplicator(UINT outputID);
//Shader Functions
virtual Shader* CreateVertexShaderFromBlob(ShaderBlob const &blob, CTSTR lpShader, CTSTR lpFileName) override;
virtual Shader* CreatePixelShaderFromBlob(ShaderBlob const &blob, CTSTR lpShader, CTSTR lpFileName) override;
virtual Shader* CreateVertexShader(CTSTR lpShader, CTSTR lpFileName);
virtual Shader* CreatePixelShader(CTSTR lpShader, CTSTR lpFileName);
//Vertex Buffer Functions
virtual VertexBuffer* CreateVertexBuffer(VBData *vbData, BOOL bStatic=1);
//Main Rendering Functions
virtual void LoadVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer* vb);
virtual void LoadTexture(Texture *texture, UINT idTexture=0);
virtual void LoadSamplerState(SamplerState *sampler, UINT idSampler=0);
virtual void LoadVertexShader(Shader *vShader);
virtual void LoadPixelShader(Shader *pShader);
virtual Shader* GetCurrentPixelShader();
virtual Shader* GetCurrentVertexShader();
virtual void SetRenderTarget(Texture *texture);
virtual void Draw(GSDrawMode drawMode, DWORD startVert=0, DWORD nVerts=0);
//Drawing mode functions
virtual void EnableBlending(BOOL bEnable);
virtual void BlendFunction(GSBlendType srcFactor, GSBlendType destFactor, float fFactor);
virtual void ClearColorBuffer(DWORD color=0xFF000000);
//Other Functions
void Ortho(float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float znear, float zfar);
void Frustum(float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float znear, float zfar);
virtual void SetViewport(float x, float y, float width, float height);
virtual void SetScissorRect(XRect *pRect=NULL);
virtual void DrawSpriteEx(Texture *texture, DWORD color, float x, float y, float x2, float y2, float u, float v, float u2, float v2);
virtual void DrawBox(const Vect2 &upperLeft, const Vect2 &size);
virtual void SetCropping(float left, float top, float right, float bottom);
virtual void CopyTexture(Texture *texDest, Texture *texSrc);
virtual void DrawSpriteExRotate(Texture *texture, DWORD color, float x, float y, float x2, float y2, float degrees, float u, float v, float u2, float v2, float texDegrees);
// To prevent breaking the API, put this at the end instead of with the other Texture functions
virtual Texture* CreateSharedTexture(unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
inline ID3D10Device* GetD3D() {return static_cast<ID3D10Device*>(GS->GetDevice());}