
223 lines
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Copyright (C) 2013 Ruwen Hahn <palana@stunned.de>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#pragma once
#include <Windows.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
struct safe_handle
operator bool() const { return h != nullptr; }
operator HANDLE() { return h; }
void reset(HANDLE h_=nullptr) { if(h) CloseHandle(h); h = h_; }
bool operator!() const { return !h; }
safe_handle &operator=(safe_handle &&other) { reset(other.h); other.h = nullptr; return *this; }
safe_handle(HANDLE h=nullptr) : h(h) {}
~safe_handle() { if(h) CloseHandle(h); }
safe_handle(safe_handle &&other) : h(other.h) { other.h = nullptr; };
safe_handle(const safe_handle&);
struct NamedSharedMemory
std::wstring name;
uint64_t size;
void *memory;
safe_handle file;
bool operator!() const { return !memory || !file; }
void *operator&() { return memory; }
template <class T>
T &as() { return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(memory); }
NamedSharedMemory &operator=(NamedSharedMemory &&other)
{ FreeMemory(); name = other.name; size = other.size; memory = other.memory; other.memory = nullptr; file = std::move(other.file); return *this; }
//NamedSharedMemory(const NamedSharedMemory& other) : name(other.name), size(other.size), memory(nullptr) { InitMemory(); }
NamedSharedMemory(NamedSharedMemory&& other)
: name(std::move(other.name)), size(std::move(other.size)), memory(std::move(other.memory)), file(std::move(other.file)) { other.memory = nullptr; }
~NamedSharedMemory() { FreeMemory(); }
NamedSharedMemory(std::wstring name, uint64_t size=1) : name(name), size(size), memory(nullptr) { InitMemory(); }
NamedSharedMemory() : memory(nullptr) {}
void FreeMemory() { if(memory) UnmapViewOfFile(memory); memory = nullptr; }
void InitMemory()
size = 1;
file.reset(CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, nullptr, PAGE_READWRITE, size>>32, size & 0xffffffff, name.c_str()));
memory = MapViewOfFile(file, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0);
template <bool manual>
struct IPCSignal
safe_handle signal_;
bool is_signalled(DWORD timeout=0) { return WaitForSingleObject(signal_, timeout) == WAIT_OBJECT_0; }
void signal() { SetEvent(signal_); }
void reset() { ResetEvent(signal_); }
bool operator!() const { return !signal_; }
IPCSignal &operator=(IPCSignal &&other) { signal_ = std::move(other.signal_); return *this; }
IPCSignal(std::wstring name) { signal_.reset(CreateEvent(nullptr, manual, false, name.c_str())); }
IPCSignal() {}
struct IPCWaiter
std::vector<HANDLE> list;
void push_back(const HANDLE &h) { list.push_back(h); }
bool wait(DWORD timeout=0) { if(!list.size()) return false; auto res = wait_for_multiple_objects(timeout); return WAIT_OBJECT_0 <= res && res < (WAIT_OBJECT_0+list.size()); }
bool wait_for(DWORD object, DWORD timeout=0) { if(!list.size()) return false; return wait_for_multiple_objects(timeout) == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + object); }
bool wait_for_two(DWORD first, DWORD second, DWORD timeout=0) { if(!list.size()) return false; auto res = wait_for_multiple_objects(timeout); return res == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + first) || res == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + second); }
bool wait_timeout(DWORD timeout=0) { if(!list.size()) return false; return wait_for_multiple_objects(timeout) == WAIT_TIMEOUT; }
DWORD wait_for_multiple_objects(DWORD timeout) { return WaitForMultipleObjects(static_cast<DWORD>(list.size()), &list.front(), false, timeout); }
struct IPCMutex
safe_handle mutex_;
void lock() { if(mutex_) WaitForSingleObject(mutex_, INFINITE); }
void unlock() { if(mutex_) ReleaseMutex(mutex_); }
bool operator!() { return !mutex_; }
IPCMutex &operator=(IPCMutex &&other) { mutex_ = std::move(other.mutex_); return *this; }
IPCMutex(std::wstring name) { mutex_.reset(CreateMutex(nullptr, false, name.c_str())); }
IPCMutex() {}
template <class T>
struct IPCMutexLock
T& t;
bool enabled;
IPCMutexLock(T &t) : t(t), enabled(true) { t.lock(); }
~IPCMutexLock() { if(enabled) t.unlock(); }
IPCMutexLock(IPCMutexLock &&other) : t(other.t), enabled(other.enabled) { other.enabled = false; }
template <class T>
IPCMutexLock<T> lock_mutex(T &t) { return IPCMutexLock<T>(t); }
template <class T, class F>
void with_locked(T &t, F &f) { IPCMutexLock<T> lock(t); f(); }
template <class T>
struct IPCType
NamedSharedMemory memory;
bool operator!() const { return !memory; }
operator T() { return memory.as<T>(); }
T *operator&() { return &memory.as<T>(); }
T *operator->() { return &memory.as<T>(); }
T &operator*() { return memory.as<T>(); }
IPCType &operator=(IPCType &&other) { memory = std::move(other.memory); return *this; }
IPCType(std::wstring name) : memory(name, sizeof(T)) {}
IPCType() {}
template <class T>
struct IPCSignalledType : IPCType<T>, IPCSignal<false>
bool operator!() const { return !memory || !signal_; }
IPCSignalledType &operator=(IPCSignalledType &&other) { memory = std::move(other.memory); signal_ = std::move(other.signal_); return *this; }
IPCSignalledType(std::wstring name) : IPCType(name), IPCSignal(name+L"Signal") {}
IPCSignalledType() {}
template <class T>
struct IPCLockedSignalledType : IPCSignalledType<T>, IPCMutex
bool operator!() const { return !memory || !signal_ || !mutex_; }
IPCLockedSignalledType &operator=(IPCLockedSignalledType &&other) { memory = std::move(other.memory); signal_ = std::move(other.signal_); mutex_ = std::move(other.mutex_); return *this; }
IPCLockedSignalledType(std::wstring name) : IPCSignalledType(name), IPCMutex(name+L"Lock") {}
IPCLockedSignalledType() {}
template <class T>
struct IPCArray
NamedSharedMemory memory;
size_t size;
bool operator!() const { return !memory; }
operator T*() { return static_cast<T*>(&memory); }
IPCArray &operator=(IPCArray &&other) { memory = std::move(other.memory); size = other.size; return *this; }
IPCArray(std::wstring name, size_t size) : memory(name, sizeof(T)*size), size(size) {}
IPCArray() {}
template <class T>
struct IPCSignalledArray : IPCArray<T>, IPCSignal<false>
bool operator!() const { return !memory || !signal_; }
IPCSignalledArray &operator=(IPCSignalledArray &&other) { memory = std::move(other.memory); signal_ = std::move(other.signal_); size = other.size; return *this; }
IPCSignalledArray(std::wstring name, size_t size) : IPCArray(name, size), IPCSignal(name+L"Signal") {}
IPCSignalledArray() {}
template <class T>
struct IPCLockedSignalledArray : IPCSignalledArray<T>, IPCMutex
bool operator!() { return !memory || !signal_ || !mutex_; }
IPCLockedSignalledArray &operator=(IPCLockedSignalledArray &&other)
{ memory = std::move(other.memory); signal_ = std::move(other.signal_); mutex_ = std::move(other.mutex_); size = other.size; return *this; }
IPCLockedSignalledArray(std::wstring name, size_t size) : IPCSignalledArray(name, size), IPCMutex(name+L"Lock") {}
IPCLockedSignalledArray() {}