This replaces the previous Open File dialog for importing collections with a window for importing many collections at once, based on the remux window, along with support for importing from OBS Classic, XSplit Broadcaster and from Streamlabs' fork. This also translates sources between OSes that Studio supports.
585 lines
15 KiB
585 lines
15 KiB
Copyright (C) 2019-2020 by Dillon Pentz <dillon@vodbox.io>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "importers.hpp"
#include <QByteArray>
using namespace std;
using namespace json11;
static bool source_name_exists(const Json::array &sources, const string &name)
for (size_t i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) {
Json source = sources[i];
if (name == source["name"].string_value())
return true;
return false;
#define translate_int(in_key, in, out_key, out, off) \
out[out_key] = in[in_key].int_value() + off;
#define translate_string(in_key, in, out_key, out) out[out_key] = in[in_key];
#define translate_double(in_key, in, out_key, out) \
translate_string(in_key, in, out_key, out);
#define translate_bool(in_key, in, out_key, out) \
out[out_key] = in[in_key].int_value() == 1;
static Json::object translate_scene_item(const Json &in, const Json &source)
Json::object item = Json::object{};
translate_string("name", source, "name", item);
translate_int("crop.top", in, "crop_top", item, 0);
translate_int("crop.bottom", in, "crop_bottom", item, 0);
translate_int("crop.left", in, "crop_left", item, 0);
translate_int("crop.right", in, "crop_right", item, 0);
Json::object pos = Json::object{};
translate_int("x", in, "x", pos, 0);
translate_int("y", in, "y", pos, 0);
Json::object bounds = Json::object{};
translate_int("cx", in, "x", bounds, 0);
translate_int("cy", in, "y", bounds, 0);
item["pos"] = pos;
item["bounds"] = bounds;
item["bounds_type"] = 2;
item["visible"] = true;
return item;
static int red_blue_swap(int color)
int r = color / 256 / 256;
int b = color % 256;
return color - (r * 65536) - b + (b * 65536) + r;
static void create_string_obj(const string &data, Json::array &arr);
static Json::object translate_source(const Json &in, const Json &sources)
string id = in["class"].string_value();
string name = in["name"].string_value();
Json::array source_arr = sources.array_items();
if (id == "GlobalSource") {
for (size_t i = 0; i < source_arr.size(); i++) {
Json source = source_arr[i];
if (name == source["name"].string_value()) {
Json::object obj = source.object_items();
obj["preexist"] = true;
return obj;
Json in_settings = in["data"];
Json::object settings = Json::object{};
Json::object out = Json::object{};
int i = 0;
string new_name = name;
while (source_name_exists(source_arr, new_name)) {
new_name = name + to_string(++i);
out["name"] = new_name;
if (id == "TextSource") {
out["id"] = "text_gdiplus";
int color = in_settings["color"].int_value() + 16777216;
color = red_blue_swap(color) + 4278190080;
settings["color"] = color;
color = in_settings["backgroundColor"].int_value();
color = red_blue_swap(color + 16777216) + 4278190080;
settings["bk_color"] = color;
color = in_settings["outlineColor"].int_value();
color = red_blue_swap(color + 16777216) + 4278190080;
settings["outline_color"] = color;
translate_string("text", in_settings, "text", settings);
translate_int("backgroundOpacity", in_settings, "bk_opacity",
settings, 0);
translate_bool("vertical", in_settings, "vertical", settings);
translate_int("textOpacity", in_settings, "opacity", settings,
translate_bool("useOutline", in_settings, "outline", settings);
translate_int("outlineOpacity", in_settings, "outline_opacity",
settings, 0);
translate_int("outlineSize", in_settings, "outline_size",
settings, 0);
translate_bool("useTextExtents", in_settings, "extents",
translate_int("extentWidth", in_settings, "extents_cx",
settings, 0);
translate_int("extentHeight", in_settings, "extents_cy",
settings, 0);
translate_bool("mode", in_settings, "read_from_file", settings);
translate_bool("wrap", in_settings, "extents_wrap", settings);
string str = in_settings["file"].string_value();
settings["file"] = StringReplace(str, "\\\\", "/");
int in_align = in_settings["align"].int_value();
string align = in_align == 0
? "left"
: (in_align == 1 ? "center" : "right");
settings["align"] = align;
bool bold = in_settings["bold"].int_value() == 1;
bool italic = in_settings["italic"].int_value() == 1;
bool underline = in_settings["underline"].int_value() == 1;
int flags = bold ? OBS_FONT_BOLD : 0;
flags |= italic ? OBS_FONT_ITALIC : 0;
flags |= underline ? OBS_FONT_UNDERLINE : 0;
Json::object font = Json::object{};
font["flags"] = flags;
translate_int("fontSize", in_settings, "size", font, 0);
translate_string("font", in_settings, "face", font);
if (bold && italic) {
font["style"] = "Bold Italic";
} else if (bold) {
font["style"] = "Bold";
} else if (italic) {
font["style"] = "Italic";
} else {
font["style"] = "Regular";
settings["font"] = font;
} else if (id == "MonitorCaptureSource") {
out["id"] = "monitor_capture";
translate_int("monitor", in_settings, "monitor", settings, 0);
translate_bool("captureMouse", in_settings, "capture_cursor",
} else if (id == "BitmapImageSource") {
out["id"] = "image_source";
string str = in_settings["path"].string_value();
settings["file"] = StringReplace(str, "\\\\", "/");
} else if (id == "BitmapTransitionSource") {
out["id"] = "slideshow";
Json files = in_settings["bitmap"];
if (!files.is_array()) {
files = Json::array{in_settings["bitmap"]};
settings["files"] = files;
} else if (id == "WindowCaptureSource") {
out["id"] = "window_capture";
string win = in_settings["window"].string_value();
string winClass = in_settings["windowClass"].string_value();
win = StringReplace(win, "/", "\\\\");
win = StringReplace(win, ":", "#3A");
winClass = StringReplace(winClass, ":", "#3A");
settings["window"] = win + ":" + winClass + ":";
settings["priority"] = 0;
} else if (id == "CLRBrowserSource") {
out["id"] = "browser_source";
string browser_dec =
string err;
Json browser = Json::parse(browser_dec, err);
if (err != "")
return Json::object{};
Json::object obj = browser.object_items();
translate_string("CSS", obj, "css", settings);
translate_int("Height", obj, "height", settings, 0);
translate_int("Width", obj, "width", settings, 0);
translate_string("Url", obj, "url", settings);
} else if (id == "DeviceCapture") {
out["id"] = "dshow_input";
string device_id = in_settings["deviceID"].string_value();
string device_name = in_settings["deviceName"].string_value();
settings["video_device_id"] = device_name + ":" + device_id;
int w = in_settings["resolutionWidth"].int_value();
int h = in_settings["resolutionHeight"].int_value();
settings["resolution"] = to_string(w) + "x" + to_string(h);
} else if (id == "GraphicsCapture") {
bool hotkey = in_settings["useHotkey"].int_value() == 1;
if (hotkey) {
settings["capture_mode"] = "hotkey";
} else {
settings["capture_mode"] = "window";
string winClass = in_settings["windowClass"].string_value();
string exec = in_settings["executable"].string_value();
string window = ":" + winClass + ":" + exec;
settings["window"] = ":" + winClass + ":" + exec;
translate_bool("captureMouse", in_settings, "capture_cursor",
out["settings"] = settings;
return out;
#undef translate_int
#undef translate_string
#undef translate_double
#undef translate_bool
static void translate_sc(const Json &in, Json &out)
Json::object res = Json::object{};
Json::array out_sources = Json::array{};
Json::array global = in["globals"].array_items();
if (!in["globals"].is_null()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < global.size(); i++) {
Json source = global[i];
Json out_source = translate_source(source, out_sources);
Json::array scenes = in["scenes"].array_items();
string first_name = "";
for (size_t i = 0; i < scenes.size(); i++) {
Json in_scene = scenes[i];
if (first_name == "")
first_name = in_scene["name"].string_value();
Json::object settings = Json::object{};
Json::array items = Json::array{};
Json::array sources = in_scene["sources"].array_items();
for (size_t x = sources.size(); x > 0; x--) {
Json source = sources[x - 1];
Json::object out_source =
translate_source(source, out_sources);
Json::object out_item =
translate_scene_item(source, out_source);
out_item["id"] = (int)x - 1;
if (out_source.find("preexist") == out_source.end())
{"id", "scene"},
{"name", in_scene["name"]},
Json::object{{"items", items},
{"id_counter", (int)items.size()}}}});
res["current_scene"] = first_name;
res["current_program_scene"] = first_name;
res["sources"] = out_sources;
res["name"] = in["name"];
out = res;
static void create_string(const string &name, Json::object &out,
const string &data)
string str = StringReplace(data, "\\\\", "/");
out[name] = str;
static void create_string_obj(const string &data, Json::array &arr)
Json::object obj = Json::object{};
create_string("value", obj, data);
static void create_double(const string &name, Json::object &out,
const string &data)
double d = atof(data.c_str());
out[name] = d;
static void create_int(const string &name, Json::object &out,
const string &data)
int i = atoi(data.c_str());
out[name] = i;
static void create_data_item(Json::object &out, const string &line)
size_t end_pos = line.find(':') - 1;
if (end_pos == string::npos)
size_t start_pos = 0;
while (line[start_pos] == ' ')
string name = line.substr(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos);
const char *c_name = name.c_str();
string first = line.substr(end_pos + 3);
if ((first[0] >= 'A' && first[0] <= 'Z') ||
(first[0] >= 'a' && first[0] <= 'z') || first[0] == '\\' ||
first[0] == '/') {
if (out.find(c_name) != out.end()) {
Json::array arr = out[c_name].array_items();
if (out[c_name].is_string()) {
Json::array new_arr = Json::array{};
string str = out[c_name].string_value();
create_string_obj(str, new_arr);
arr = new_arr;
create_string_obj(first, arr);
out[c_name] = arr;
} else {
create_string(c_name, out, first);
} else if (first[0] == '"') {
string str = first.substr(1, first.size() - 2);
if (out.find(c_name) != out.end()) {
Json::array arr = out[c_name].array_items();
if (out[c_name].is_string()) {
Json::array new_arr = Json::array{};
string str1 = out[c_name].string_value();
create_string_obj(str1, new_arr);
arr = new_arr;
create_string_obj(str, arr);
out[c_name] = arr;
} else {
create_string(c_name, out, str);
} else if (first.find('.') != string::npos) {
create_double(c_name, out, first);
} else {
create_int(c_name, out, first);
static Json::object create_object(Json::object &out, string &line, string &src);
static Json::array create_sources(Json::object &out, string &line, string &src)
Json::array res = Json::array{};
line = ReadLine(src);
size_t l_len = line.size();
while (line != "" && line[l_len - 1] != '}') {
size_t end_pos = line.find(':');
if (end_pos == string::npos)
return Json::array{};
size_t start_pos = 0;
while (line[start_pos] == ' ')
string name = line.substr(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos - 1);
Json::object nul = Json::object();
Json::object source = create_object(nul, line, src);
source["name"] = name;
line = ReadLine(src);
l_len = line.size();
if (!out.empty())
out["sources"] = res;
return res;
static Json::object create_object(Json::object &out, string &line, string &src)
size_t end_pos = line.find(':');
if (end_pos == string::npos)
return Json::object{};
size_t start_pos = 0;
while (line[start_pos] == ' ')
string name = line.substr(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos - 1);
Json::object res = Json::object{};
line = ReadLine(src);
size_t l_len = line.size() - 1;
while (line != "" && line[l_len] != '}') {
start_pos = 0;
while (line[start_pos] == ' ')
if (line.substr(start_pos, 7) == "sources")
create_sources(res, line, src);
else if (line[l_len] == '{')
create_object(res, line, src);
create_data_item(res, line);
line = ReadLine(src);
l_len = line.size() - 1;
if (!out.empty())
out[name] = res;
return res;
string ClassicImporter::Name(const string &path)
return GetFilenameFromPath(path);
int ClassicImporter::ImportScenes(const string &path, string &name, Json &res)
BPtr<char> file_data = os_quick_read_utf8_file(path.c_str());
if (!file_data)
string sc_name = GetFilenameFromPath(path);
if (name == "")
name = sc_name;
Json::object data = Json::object{};
data["name"] = name;
string file = file_data.Get();
string line = ReadLine(file);
while (line != "" && line[0] != '\0') {
string key = line != "global sources : {" ? "scenes"
: "globals";
Json::array arr = create_sources(data, line, file);
data[key] = arr;
line = ReadLine(file);
Json sc = data;
translate_sc(sc, res);
bool ClassicImporter::Check(const string &path)
BPtr<char> file_data = os_quick_read_utf8_file(path.c_str());
if (!file_data)
return false;
bool check = false;
if (strncmp(file_data, "scenes : {\r\n", 12) == 0)
check = true;
return check;
OBSImporterFiles ClassicImporter::FindFiles()
OBSImporterFiles res;
#ifdef _WIN32
char dst[512];
int found = os_get_config_path(dst, 512, "OBS\\sceneCollection\\");
if (found == -1)
return res;
os_dir_t *dir = os_opendir(dst);
struct os_dirent *ent;
while ((ent = os_readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
if (ent->directory || *ent->d_name == '.')
string name = ent->d_name;
size_t pos = name.find(".xconfig");
if (pos != -1 && pos == name.length() - 8) {
string path = dst + name;
return res;