James Park
libobs: Full-screen triangle format conversions
The cache coherency of rasterization for full-screen passes is better using an oversized triangle that is clipped rather than two triangles. Traversal order of rasterization is GPU-specific, but will almost certainly be better using an undivided primitive. A smaller benefit is that quads along the diagonal are not evaluated multiple times, but that's minor in comparison. Redo format shaders to bypass vertex buffer, and input layout. Add global shader bool "obs_glsl_compile" to make API-specific decisions, i.e. handle upside-down UVs. gl_ortho is not needed for format conversion because the vertex shader does not use ViewProj anymore. This can be applied to more situations, but start small first. Testbed full screen passes, Intel HD Graphics 530: RGBA -> UYVX: 467 -> 439 us, ~6% savings UYVX -> uv: 295 -> 239 us, ~19% savings
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