This adds support for RTX video Effects SDK. The Background Removal filter relies on NVIDIA RTX AI Greenscreen FX. A front speaker is separated from a background by applying an alpha mask computed by AI. Signed-off-by: pkv <pkv@obsproject.com>
786 lines
33 KiB
786 lines
33 KiB
#pragma once
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <util/platform.h>
#include <dxgitype.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // ___cplusplus
#ifndef NvVFX_API
#ifdef _WIN32
#define NvVFX_API __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl
#define NvVFX_API
#else //if linux
#define NvVFX_API // TODO: Linux code goes here
#endif // _WIN32 or linux
#endif //NvVFX_API
#ifndef NvCV_API
#ifdef _WIN32
#define NvCV_API __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl
#define NvCV_API
#else //if linux
#define NvCV_API // TODO: Linux code goes here
#endif // _WIN32 or linux
#endif //NvCV_API
// allows for future loading of a second fx
static HMODULE nv_videofx = NULL;
static HMODULE nv_cvimage = NULL;
static HMODULE nv_cudart = NULL;
static HMODULE nv_cuda = NULL;
//! Status codes returned from APIs.
typedef enum NvCV_Status {
NVCV_SUCCESS = 0, //!< The procedure returned successfully.
NVCV_ERR_GENERAL = -1, //!< An otherwise unspecified error has occurred.
-2, //!< The requested feature is not yet implemented.
-3, //!< There is not enough memory for the requested operation.
NVCV_ERR_EFFECT = -4, //!< An invalid effect handle has been supplied.
-5, //!< The given parameter selector is not valid in this effect filter.
NVCV_ERR_BUFFER = -6, //!< An image buffer has not been specified.
-7, //!< An invalid parameter value has been supplied for this effect+selector.
-8, //!< Some parameters are not appropriately matched.
-9, //!< The specified pixel format is not accommodated.
NVCV_ERR_MODEL = -10, //!< Error while loading the TRT model.
NVCV_ERR_LIBRARY = -11, //!< Error loading the dynamic library.
-12, //!< The effect has not been properly initialized.
NVCV_ERR_FILE = -13, //!< The file could not be found.
NVCV_ERR_FEATURENOTFOUND = -14, //!< The requested feature was not found
NVCV_ERR_MISSINGINPUT = -15, //!< A required parameter was not set
-16, //!< The specified image resolution is not supported.
NVCV_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDGPU = -17, //!< The GPU is not supported
NVCV_ERR_WRONGGPU = -18, //!< The current GPU is not the one selected.
-19, //!< The currently installed graphics driver is not supported
-20, //!< There is no model with dependencies that match this system
-21, //!< There has been a parsing or syntax error while reading a file
-22, //!< The specified model does not exist and has been substituted.
NVCV_ERR_READ = -23, //!< An error occurred while reading a file.
NVCV_ERR_WRITE = -24, //!< An error occurred while writing a file.
NVCV_ERR_PARAMREADONLY = -25, //!< The selected parameter is read-only.
NVCV_ERR_TRT_ENQUEUE = -26, //!< TensorRT enqueue failed.
NVCV_ERR_TRT_BINDINGS = -27, //!< Unexpected TensorRT bindings.
-28, //!< An error occurred while creating a TensorRT context.
-29, ///< The was a problem creating the inference engine.
-30, ///< There was a problem deserializing the inference runtime engine.
NVCV_ERR_NPP = -31, //!< An error has occurred in the NPP library.
-32, //!< No suitable model exists for the specified parameter configuration.
NVCV_ERR_DIRECT3D = -99, //!< A Direct3D error has occurred.
NVCV_ERR_CUDA_BASE = -100, //!< CUDA errors are offset from this value.
-101, //!< A CUDA parameter is not within the acceptable range.
-102, //!< There is not enough CUDA memory for the requested operation.
-112, //!< A CUDA pitch is not within the acceptable range.
-127, //!< The CUDA driver and runtime could not be initialized.
NVCV_ERR_CUDA_LAUNCH = -819, //!< The CUDA kernel launch has failed.
-309, //!< No suitable kernel image is available for the device.
-135, //!< The installed NVIDIA CUDA driver is older than the CUDA runtime library.
-901, //!< The CUDA operation is not supported on the current system or device.
-800, //!< CUDA tried to load or store on an invalid memory address.
-1099, //!< An otherwise unspecified CUDA error has been reported.
} NvCV_Status;
/** Filter selectors */
#define NVVFX_FX_TRANSFER "Transfer"
#define NVVFX_FX_GREEN_SCREEN "GreenScreen" // Green Screen
#define NVVFX_FX_BGBLUR "BackgroundBlur" // Background blur
#define NVVFX_FX_ARTIFACT_REDUCTION "ArtifactReduction" // Artifact Reduction
#define NVVFX_FX_SUPER_RES "SuperRes" // Super Res
#define NVVFX_FX_SR_UPSCALE "Upscale" // Super Res Upscale
#define NVVFX_FX_DENOISING "Denoising" // Denoising
/** Parameter selectors */
#define NVVFX_INPUT_IMAGE_0 "SrcImage0"
#define NVVFX_INPUT_IMAGE_1 "SrcImage1"
#define NVVFX_OUTPUT_IMAGE_0 "DstImage0"
#define NVVFX_CUDA_STREAM "CudaStream" //!< The CUDA stream to use
#define NVVFX_CUDA_GRAPH "CudaGraph" //!< Enable CUDA graph to use
#define NVVFX_INFO "Info" //!< Get info about the effects
#define NVVFX_SCALE "Scale" //!< Scale factor
#define NVVFX_STRENGTH "Strength" //!< Strength for different filters
#define NVVFX_STRENGTH_LEVELS "StrengthLevels" //!< Number of strength levels
#define NVVFX_MODE "Mode" //!< Mode for different filters
#define NVVFX_TEMPORAL "Temporal" //!< Temporal mode: 0=image, 1=video
#define NVVFX_GPU "GPU" //!< Preferred GPU (optional)
#define NVVFX_BATCH_SIZE "BatchSize" //!< Batch Size (default 1)
#define NVVFX_MODEL_BATCH "ModelBatch"
#define NVVFX_STATE "State" //!< State variable
#define NVVFX_STATE_SIZE "StateSize" //!< Number of bytes needed to store state
//! The format of pixels in an image.
typedef enum NvCVImage_PixelFormat {
NVCV_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 0, //!< Unknown pixel format.
NVCV_Y = 1, //!< Luminance (gray).
NVCV_A = 2, //!< Alpha (opacity)
NVCV_YA = 3, //!< { Luminance, Alpha }
NVCV_RGB = 4, //!< { Red, Green, Blue }
NVCV_BGR = 5, //!< { Red, Green, Blue }
NVCV_RGBA = 6, //!< { Red, Green, Blue, Alpha }
NVCV_BGRA = 7, //!< { Red, Green, Blue, Alpha }
NVCV_ARGB = 8, //!< { Red, Green, Blue, Alpha }
NVCV_ABGR = 9, //!< { Red, Green, Blue, Alpha }
10, //!< Luminance and subsampled Chrominance { Y, Cb, Cr }
11, //!< Luminance and subsampled Chrominance { Y, Cb, Cr }
12, //!< Luminance and full bandwidth Chrominance { Y, Cb, Cr }
} NvCVImage_PixelFormat;
//! The data type used to represent each component of an image.
typedef enum NvCVImage_ComponentType {
NVCV_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, //!< Unknown type of component.
NVCV_U8 = 1, //!< Unsigned 8-bit integer.
NVCV_U16 = 2, //!< Unsigned 16-bit integer.
NVCV_S16 = 3, //!< Signed 16-bit integer.
NVCV_F16 = 4, //!< 16-bit floating-point.
NVCV_U32 = 5, //!< Unsigned 32-bit integer.
NVCV_S32 = 6, //!< Signed 32-bit integer.
NVCV_F32 = 7, //!< 32-bit floating-point (float).
NVCV_U64 = 8, //!< Unsigned 64-bit integer.
NVCV_S64 = 9, //!< Signed 64-bit integer.
NVCV_F64 = 10, //!< 64-bit floating-point (double).
} NvCVImage_ComponentType;
//! Value for the planar field or layout argument. Two values are currently accommodated for RGB:
//! Interleaved or chunky storage locates all components of a pixel adjacent in memory,
//! e.g. RGBRGBRGB... (denoted [RGB]).
//! Planar storage locates the same component of all pixels adjacent in memory,
//! e.g. RRRRR...GGGGG...BBBBB... (denoted [R][G][B])
//! YUV has many more variants.
//! 4:2:2 can be chunky, planar or semi-planar, with different orderings.
//! 4:2:0 can be planar or semi-planar, with different orderings.
//! Aliases are provided for FOURCCs defined at fourcc.org.
//! Note: the LSB can be used to distinguish between chunky and planar formats.
0 //!< All components of pixel(x,y) are adjacent (same as chunky) (default for non-YUV).
#define NVCV_CHUNKY \
0 //!< All components of pixel(x,y) are adjacent (same as interleaved).
#define NVCV_PLANAR 1 //!< The same component of all pixels are adjacent.
#define NVCV_UYVY 2 //!< [UYVY] Chunky 4:2:2 (default for 4:2:2)
#define NVCV_VYUY 4 //!< [VYUY] Chunky 4:2:2
#define NVCV_YUYV 6 //!< [YUYV] Chunky 4:2:2
#define NVCV_YVYU 8 //!< [YVYU] Chunky 4:2:2
#define NVCV_CYUV 10 //!< [YUV] Chunky 4:4:4
#define NVCV_CYVU 12 //!< [YVU] Chunky 4:4:4
#define NVCV_YUV 3 //!< [Y][U][V] Planar 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 or 4:4:4
#define NVCV_YVU 5 //!< [Y][V][U] Planar 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 or 4:4:4
#define NVCV_YCUV \
7 //!< [Y][UV] Semi-planar 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 (default for 4:2:0)
#define NVCV_YCVU 9 //!< [Y][VU] Semi-planar 4:2:2 or 4:2:0
//! The following are FOURCC aliases for specific layouts. Note that it is still required to specify the format as well
//! as the layout, e.g. NVCV_YUV420 and NVCV_NV12, even though the NV12 layout is only associated with YUV420 sampling.
#define NVCV_I420 NVCV_YUV //!< [Y][U][V] Planar 4:2:0
#define NVCV_IYUV NVCV_YUV //!< [Y][U][V] Planar 4:2:0
#define NVCV_YV12 NVCV_YVU //!< [Y][V][U] Planar 4:2:0
#define NVCV_NV12 NVCV_YCUV //!< [Y][UV] Semi-planar 4:2:0 (default for 4:2:0)
#define NVCV_NV21 NVCV_YCVU //!< [Y][VU] Semi-planar 4:2:0
#define NVCV_YUY2 NVCV_YUYV //!< [YUYV] Chunky 4:2:2
#define NVCV_I444 NVCV_YUV //!< [Y][U][V] Planar 4:4:4
#define NVCV_YM24 NVCV_YUV //!< [Y][U][V] Planar 4:4:4
#define NVCV_YM42 NVCV_YVU //!< [Y][V][U] Planar 4:4:4
#define NVCV_NV24 NVCV_YCUV //!< [Y][UV] Semi-planar 4:4:4
#define NVCV_NV42 NVCV_YCVU //!< [Y][VU] Semi-planar 4:4:4
//! The following are ORed together for the colorspace field for YUV.
//! NVCV_601 and NVCV_709 describe the color axes of YUV.
//! NVCV_VIDEO_RANGE and NVCV_VIDEO_RANGE describe the range, [16, 235] or [0, 255], respectively.
//! NVCV_CHROMA_COSITED and NVCV_CHROMA_INTSTITIAL describe the location of the chroma samples.
#define NVCV_601 0x00 //!< The Rec.601 YUV colorspace, typically used for SD.
#define NVCV_709 0x01 //!< The Rec.709 YUV colorspace, typically used for HD.
#define NVCV_2020 0x02 //!< The Rec.2020 YUV colorspace.
#define NVCV_VIDEO_RANGE 0x00 //!< The video range is [16, 235].
#define NVCV_FULL_RANGE 0x04 //!< The video range is [ 0, 255].
0x00 //!< The chroma is sampled at the same location as the luma samples horizontally.
0x08 //!< The chroma is sampled between luma samples horizontally.
0x10 //!< The chroma is sampled at the same location as the luma samples horizontally and vertically.
#define NVCV_CHROMA_MPEG2 NVCV_CHROMA_COSITED //!< As is most video.
//! This is the value for the gpuMem field or the memSpace argument.
#define NVCV_CPU 0 //!< The buffer is stored in CPU memory.
#define NVCV_GPU 1 //!< The buffer is stored in CUDA memory.
#define NVCV_CUDA 1 //!< The buffer is stored in CUDA memory.
#define NVCV_CPU_PINNED 2 //!< The buffer is stored in pinned CPU memory.
#define NVCV_CUDA_ARRAY 3 //!< A CUDA array is used for storage.
/** Parameter selectors */
#define NVVFX_INPUT_IMAGE_0 "SrcImage0"
#define NVVFX_INPUT_IMAGE_1 "SrcImage1"
#define NVVFX_OUTPUT_IMAGE_0 "DstImage0"
#define NVVFX_CUDA_STREAM "CudaStream" //!< The CUDA stream to use
#define NVVFX_CUDA_GRAPH "CudaGraph" //!< Enable CUDA graph to use
#define NVVFX_INFO "Info" //!< Get info about the effects
#define NVVFX_SCALE "Scale" //!< Scale factor
#define NVVFX_STRENGTH "Strength" //!< Strength for different filters
#define NVVFX_STRENGTH_LEVELS "StrengthLevels" //!< Number of strength levels
#define NVVFX_MODE "Mode" //!< Mode for different filters
#define NVVFX_TEMPORAL "Temporal" //!< Temporal mode: 0=image, 1=video
#define NVVFX_GPU "GPU" //!< Preferred GPU (optional)
#define NVVFX_BATCH_SIZE "BatchSize" //!< Batch Size (default 1)
#define NVVFX_MODEL_BATCH "ModelBatch"
#define NVVFX_STATE "State" //!< State variable
#define NVVFX_STATE_SIZE "StateSize" //!< Number of bytes needed to store state
//! Image descriptor.
typedef struct
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#endif // _MSC_VER
NvCVImage {
unsigned int width; //!< The number of pixels horizontally in the image.
unsigned int height; //!< The number of pixels vertically in the image.
signed int pitch; //!< The byte stride between pixels vertically.
pixelFormat; //!< The format of the pixels in the image.
componentType; //!< The data type used to represent each component of the image.
unsigned char pixelBytes; //!< The number of bytes in a chunky pixel.
unsigned char
componentBytes; //!< The number of bytes in each pixel component.
unsigned char numComponents; //!< The number of components in each pixel.
unsigned char planar; //!< NVCV_CHUNKY, NVCV_PLANAR, NVCV_UYVY, ....
unsigned char gpuMem; //!< NVCV_CPU, NVCV_CPU_PINNED, NVCV_CUDA, NVCV_GPU
unsigned char
colorspace; //!< An OR of colorspace, range and chroma phase.
unsigned char reserved
[2]; //!< For structure padding and future expansion. Set to 0.
void *pixels; //!< Pointer to pixel(0,0) in the image.
void *deletePtr; //!< Buffer memory to be deleted (can be NULL).
void (*deleteProc)(
void *p); //!< Delete procedure to call rather than free().
unsigned long long
bufferBytes; //!< The maximum amount of memory available through pixels.
} NvCVImage;
//! Integer rectangle.
typedef struct NvCVRect2i {
int x; //!< The left edge of the rectangle.
int y; //!< The top edge of the rectangle.
int width; //!< The width of the rectangle.
int height; //!< The height of the rectangle.
} NvCVRect2i;
//! Integer point.
typedef struct NvCVPoint2i {
int x; //!< The horizontal coordinate.
int y; //!< The vertical coordinate
} NvCVPoint2i;
typedef struct CUstream_st *CUstream;
typedef const char *NvVFX_EffectSelector;
typedef const char *NvVFX_ParameterSelector;
typedef void *NvVFX_Handle;
/* nvvfx functions */
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetVersion_t)(unsigned int *version);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_CreateEffect_t)(NvVFX_EffectSelector code,
NvVFX_Handle *effect);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_DestroyEffect_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetU32_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
unsigned int val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetS32_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, int val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetF32_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, float val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetF64_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, double val);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetU64_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
unsigned long long val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetObject_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, void *ptr);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetCudaStream_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
CUstream stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetImage_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, NvCVImage *im);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetString_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
const char *str);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetU32_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
unsigned int *val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetS32_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, int *val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetF32_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, float *val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetF64_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, double *val);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetU64_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
unsigned long long *val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetObject_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, void **ptr);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetCudaStream_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
CUstream *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetImage_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, NvCVImage *im);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetString_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
const char **str);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_Run_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect, int async);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_Load_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_CudaStreamCreate_t)(CUstream *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_CudaStreamDestroy_t)(CUstream stream);
/* NvCVImage functions */
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Init_t)(
NvCVImage *im, unsigned width, unsigned height, int pitch, void *pixels,
NvCVImage_PixelFormat format, NvCVImage_ComponentType type,
unsigned layout, unsigned memSpace);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_InitView_t)(NvCVImage *subImg,
NvCVImage *fullImg, int x,
int y, unsigned width,
unsigned height);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Alloc_t)(
NvCVImage *im, unsigned width, unsigned height,
NvCVImage_PixelFormat format, NvCVImage_ComponentType type,
unsigned layout, unsigned memSpace, unsigned alignment);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Realloc_t)(
NvCVImage *im, unsigned width, unsigned height,
NvCVImage_PixelFormat format, NvCVImage_ComponentType type,
unsigned layout, unsigned memSpace, unsigned alignment);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Dealloc_t)(NvCVImage *im);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Create_t)(
unsigned width, unsigned height, NvCVImage_PixelFormat format,
NvCVImage_ComponentType type, unsigned layout, unsigned memSpace,
unsigned alignment, NvCVImage **out);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Destroy_t)(NvCVImage *im);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_ComponentOffsets_t)(
NvCVImage_PixelFormat format, int *rOff, int *gOff, int *bOff,
int *aOff, int *yOff);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Transfer_t)(const NvCVImage *src,
NvCVImage *dst,
float scale,
struct CUstream_st *stream,
NvCVImage *tmp);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_TransferRect_t)(
const NvCVImage *src, const NvCVRect2i *srcRect, NvCVImage *dst,
const NvCVPoint2i *dstPt, float scale, struct CUstream_st *stream,
NvCVImage *tmp);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_TransferFromYUV_t)(
const void *y, int yPixBytes, int yPitch, const void *u, const void *v,
int uvPixBytes, int uvPitch, NvCVImage_PixelFormat yuvFormat,
NvCVImage_ComponentType yuvType, unsigned yuvColorSpace,
unsigned yuvMemSpace, NvCVImage *dst, const NvCVRect2i *dstRect,
float scale, struct CUstream_st *stream, NvCVImage *tmp);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_TransferToYUV_t)(
const NvCVImage *src, const NvCVRect2i *srcRect, const void *y,
int yPixBytes, int yPitch, const void *u, const void *v, int uvPixBytes,
int uvPitch, NvCVImage_PixelFormat yuvFormat,
NvCVImage_ComponentType yuvType, unsigned yuvColorSpace,
unsigned yuvMemSpace, float scale, struct CUstream_st *stream,
NvCVImage *tmp);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_MapResource_t)(NvCVImage *im,
struct CUstream_st *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_UnmapResource_t)(NvCVImage *im,
struct CUstream_st *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Composite_t)(
const NvCVImage *fg, const NvCVImage *bg, const NvCVImage *mat,
NvCVImage *dst, struct CUstream_st *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_CompositeRect_t)(
const NvCVImage *fg, const NvCVPoint2i *fgOrg, const NvCVImage *bg,
const NvCVPoint2i *bgOrg, const NvCVImage *mat, unsigned mode,
NvCVImage *dst, const NvCVPoint2i *dstOrg, struct CUstream_st *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_CompositeOverConstant_t)(
const NvCVImage *src, const NvCVImage *mat, const void *bgColor,
NvCVImage *dst, struct CUstream_st *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_FlipY_t)(const NvCVImage *src,
NvCVImage *dst);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_GetYUVPointers_t)(
NvCVImage *im, unsigned char **y, unsigned char **u, unsigned char **v,
int *yPixBytes, int *cPixBytes, int *yRowBytes, int *cRowBytes);
typedef const char *(*NvCV_GetErrorStringFromCode_t)(NvCV_Status code);
/* beware: this is experimental : D3D functions */
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_ToD3DFormat_t)(
NvCVImage_PixelFormat format, NvCVImage_ComponentType type,
unsigned layout, DXGI_FORMAT *d3dFormat);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_FromD3DFormat_t)(
DXGI_FORMAT d3dFormat, NvCVImage_PixelFormat *format,
NvCVImage_ComponentType *type, unsigned char *layout);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_ToD3DColorSpace_t)(
unsigned char nvcvColorSpace, DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE *pD3dColorSpace);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_FromD3DColorSpace_t)(
DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE d3dColorSpace, unsigned char *pNvcvColorSpace);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_InitFromD3D11Texture_t)(
NvCVImage *im, struct ID3D11Texture2D *tx);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_InitFromD3DTexture_t)(NvCVImage *im,
struct ID3D11Texture2D *tx);
/* cuda runtime */
typedef enum cudaError {
cudaSuccess = 0,
cudaErrorInvalidValue = 1,
cudaErrorMemoryAllocation = 2,
cudaErrorInitializationError = 3,
cudaErrorCudartUnloading = 4,
cudaErrorProfilerDisabled = 5,
cudaErrorProfilerNotInitialized = 6,
cudaErrorProfilerAlreadyStarted = 7,
cudaErrorProfilerAlreadyStopped = 8,
cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration = 9,
cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue = 12,
cudaErrorInvalidSymbol = 13,
cudaErrorInvalidHostPointer = 16,
cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer = 17,
cudaErrorInvalidTexture = 18,
cudaErrorInvalidTextureBinding = 19,
cudaErrorInvalidChannelDescriptor = 20,
cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection = 21,
cudaErrorAddressOfConstant = 22,
cudaErrorTextureFetchFailed = 23,
cudaErrorTextureNotBound = 24,
cudaErrorSynchronizationError = 25,
cudaErrorInvalidFilterSetting = 26,
cudaErrorInvalidNormSetting = 27,
cudaErrorMixedDeviceExecution = 28,
cudaErrorNotYetImplemented = 31,
cudaErrorMemoryValueTooLarge = 32,
cudaErrorStubLibrary = 34,
cudaErrorInsufficientDriver = 35,
cudaErrorCallRequiresNewerDriver = 36,
cudaErrorInvalidSurface = 37,
cudaErrorDuplicateVariableName = 43,
cudaErrorDuplicateTextureName = 44,
cudaErrorDuplicateSurfaceName = 45,
cudaErrorDevicesUnavailable = 46,
cudaErrorIncompatibleDriverContext = 49,
cudaErrorMissingConfiguration = 52,
cudaErrorPriorLaunchFailure = 53,
cudaErrorLaunchMaxDepthExceeded = 65,
cudaErrorLaunchFileScopedTex = 66,
cudaErrorLaunchFileScopedSurf = 67,
cudaErrorSyncDepthExceeded = 68,
cudaErrorLaunchPendingCountExceeded = 69,
cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction = 98,
cudaErrorNoDevice = 100,
cudaErrorInvalidDevice = 101,
cudaErrorDeviceNotLicensed = 102,
cudaErrorSoftwareValidityNotEstablished = 103,
cudaErrorStartupFailure = 127,
cudaErrorInvalidKernelImage = 200,
cudaErrorDeviceUninitialized = 201,
cudaErrorMapBufferObjectFailed = 205,
cudaErrorUnmapBufferObjectFailed = 206,
cudaErrorArrayIsMapped = 207,
cudaErrorAlreadyMapped = 208,
cudaErrorNoKernelImageForDevice = 209,
cudaErrorAlreadyAcquired = 210,
cudaErrorNotMapped = 211,
cudaErrorNotMappedAsArray = 212,
cudaErrorNotMappedAsPointer = 213,
cudaErrorECCUncorrectable = 214,
cudaErrorUnsupportedLimit = 215,
cudaErrorDeviceAlreadyInUse = 216,
cudaErrorPeerAccessUnsupported = 217,
cudaErrorInvalidPtx = 218,
cudaErrorInvalidGraphicsContext = 219,
cudaErrorNvlinkUncorrectable = 220,
cudaErrorJitCompilerNotFound = 221,
cudaErrorUnsupportedPtxVersion = 222,
cudaErrorJitCompilationDisabled = 223,
cudaErrorInvalidSource = 300,
cudaErrorFileNotFound = 301,
cudaErrorSharedObjectSymbolNotFound = 302,
cudaErrorSharedObjectInitFailed = 303,
cudaErrorOperatingSystem = 304,
cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle = 400,
cudaErrorIllegalState = 401,
cudaErrorSymbolNotFound = 500,
cudaErrorNotReady = 600,
cudaErrorIllegalAddress = 700,
cudaErrorLaunchOutOfResources = 701,
cudaErrorLaunchTimeout = 702,
cudaErrorLaunchIncompatibleTexturing = 703,
cudaErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled = 704,
cudaErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled = 705,
cudaErrorSetOnActiveProcess = 708,
cudaErrorContextIsDestroyed = 709,
cudaErrorAssert = 710,
cudaErrorTooManyPeers = 711,
cudaErrorHostMemoryAlreadyRegistered = 712,
cudaErrorHostMemoryNotRegistered = 713,
cudaErrorHardwareStackError = 714,
cudaErrorIllegalInstruction = 715,
cudaErrorMisalignedAddress = 716,
cudaErrorInvalidAddressSpace = 717,
cudaErrorInvalidPc = 718,
cudaErrorLaunchFailure = 719,
cudaErrorCooperativeLaunchTooLarge = 720,
cudaErrorNotPermitted = 800,
cudaErrorNotSupported = 801,
cudaErrorSystemNotReady = 802,
cudaErrorSystemDriverMismatch = 803,
cudaErrorCompatNotSupportedOnDevice = 804,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnsupported = 900,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureInvalidated = 901,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureMerge = 902,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnmatched = 903,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined = 904,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureIsolation = 905,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureImplicit = 906,
cudaErrorCapturedEvent = 907,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureWrongThread = 908,
cudaErrorTimeout = 909,
cudaErrorGraphExecUpdateFailure = 910,
cudaErrorUnknown = 999,
cudaErrorApiFailureBase = 10000
} cudaError;
typedef enum cudaMemcpyKind {
cudaMemcpyHostToHost = 0, /**< Host -> Host */
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice = 1, /**< Host -> Device */
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost = 2, /**< Device -> Host */
cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice = 3, /**< Device -> Device */
cudaMemcpyDefault = 4
} cudaMemcpyKind;
typedef enum cudaError cudaError_t;
typedef cudaError_t CUDARTAPI (*cudaMalloc_t)(void **devPtr, size_t size);
typedef cudaError_t CUDARTAPI (*cudaStreamSynchronize_t)(CUstream stream);
typedef cudaError_t CUDARTAPI (*cudaFree_t)(void *devPtr);
typedef cudaError_t CUDARTAPI (*cudaMemsetAsync_t)(void *devPtr, int value,
size_t count,
CUstream stream);
typedef cudaError_t CUDARTAPI (*cudaMemcpy_t)(void *dst, const void *src,
size_t count,
enum cudaMemcpyKind kind);
/* nvvfx */
static NvVFX_GetVersion_t NvVFX_GetVersion = NULL;
static NvVFX_CreateEffect_t NvVFX_CreateEffect = NULL;
static NvVFX_DestroyEffect_t NvVFX_DestroyEffect = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetU32_t NvVFX_SetU32 = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetS32_t NvVFX_SetS32 = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetF32_t NvVFX_SetF32 = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetF64_t NvVFX_SetF64 = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetU64_t NvVFX_SetU64 = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetObject_t NvVFX_SetObject = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetCudaStream_t NvVFX_SetCudaStream = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetImage_t NvVFX_SetImage = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetString_t NvVFX_SetString = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetU32_t NvVFX_GetU32 = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetS32_t NvVFX_GetS32 = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetF32_t NvVFX_GetF32 = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetF64_t NvVFX_GetF64 = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetU64_t NvVFX_GetU64 = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetObject_t NvVFX_GetObject = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetCudaStream_t NvVFX_GetCudaStream = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetImage_t NvVFX_GetImage = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetString_t NvVFX_GetString = NULL;
static NvVFX_Run_t NvVFX_Run = NULL;
static NvVFX_Load_t NvVFX_Load = NULL;
static NvVFX_CudaStreamCreate_t NvVFX_CudaStreamCreate = NULL;
static NvVFX_CudaStreamDestroy_t NvVFX_CudaStreamDestroy = NULL;
/*nvcvimage */
static NvCVImage_Init_t NvCVImage_Init = NULL;
static NvCVImage_InitView_t NvCVImage_InitView = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Alloc_t NvCVImage_Alloc = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Realloc_t NvCVImage_Realloc = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Dealloc_t NvCVImage_Dealloc = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Create_t NvCVImage_Create = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Destroy_t NvCVImage_Destroy = NULL;
static NvCVImage_ComponentOffsets_t NvCVImage_ComponentOffsets = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Transfer_t NvCVImage_Transfer = NULL;
static NvCVImage_TransferRect_t NvCVImage_TransferRect = NULL;
static NvCVImage_TransferFromYUV_t NvCVImage_TransferFromYUV = NULL;
static NvCVImage_TransferToYUV_t NvCVImage_TransferToYUV = NULL;
static NvCVImage_MapResource_t NvCVImage_MapResource = NULL;
static NvCVImage_UnmapResource_t NvCVImage_UnmapResource = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Composite_t NvCVImage_Composite = NULL;
static NvCVImage_CompositeRect_t NvCVImage_CompositeRect = NULL;
static NvCVImage_CompositeOverConstant_t NvCVImage_CompositeOverConstant = NULL;
static NvCVImage_FlipY_t NvCVImage_FlipY = NULL;
static NvCVImage_GetYUVPointers_t NvCVImage_GetYUVPointers = NULL;
/* nvcvimage D3D*/
static NvCVImage_ToD3DFormat_t NvCVImage_ToD3DFormat = NULL;
static NvCVImage_FromD3DFormat_t NvCVImage_FromD3DFormat = NULL;
static NvCVImage_ToD3DColorSpace_t NvCVImage_ToD3DColorSpace = NULL;
static NvCVImage_FromD3DColorSpace_t NvCVImage_FromD3DColorSpace = NULL;
static NvCVImage_InitFromD3D11Texture_t NvCVImage_InitFromD3D11Texture = NULL;
/* error codes */
static NvCV_GetErrorStringFromCode_t NvCV_GetErrorStringFromCode = NULL;
/* cuda runtime */
static cudaMalloc_t cudaMalloc = NULL;
static cudaStreamSynchronize_t cudaStreamSynchronize = NULL;
static cudaFree_t cudaFree = NULL;
static cudaMemcpy_t cudaMemcpy = NULL;
static cudaMemsetAsync_t cudaMemsetAsync = NULL;
static inline void release_nv_vfx()
NvVFX_CreateEffect = NULL;
NvVFX_CudaStreamCreate = NULL;
NvVFX_CudaStreamDestroy = NULL;
NvVFX_DestroyEffect = NULL;
NvVFX_GetCudaStream = NULL;
NvCV_GetErrorStringFromCode = NULL;
NvVFX_GetF32 = NULL;
NvVFX_GetF64 = NULL;
NvVFX_GetImage = NULL;
NvVFX_GetObject = NULL;
NvVFX_GetS32 = NULL;
NvVFX_GetString = NULL;
NvVFX_GetU32 = NULL;
NvVFX_GetU64 = NULL;
NvVFX_GetVersion = NULL;
NvVFX_Load = NULL;
NvVFX_SetCudaStream = NULL;
NvVFX_SetF32 = NULL;
NvVFX_SetF64 = NULL;
NvVFX_SetImage = NULL;
NvVFX_SetObject = NULL;
NvVFX_SetS32 = NULL;
NvVFX_SetString = NULL;
NvVFX_SetU32 = NULL;
NvVFX_SetU64 = NULL;
if (nv_videofx) {
nv_videofx = NULL;
NvCVImage_Alloc = NULL;
NvCVImage_ComponentOffsets = NULL;
NvCVImage_Composite = NULL;
NvCVImage_CompositeRect = NULL;
NvCVImage_CompositeOverConstant = NULL;
NvCVImage_Create = NULL;
NvCVImage_Dealloc = NULL;
NvCVImage_Destroy = NULL;
NvCVImage_Init = NULL;
NvCVImage_InitView = NULL;
NvCVImage_Realloc = NULL;
NvCVImage_Transfer = NULL;
NvCVImage_TransferRect = NULL;
NvCVImage_TransferFromYUV = NULL;
NvCVImage_TransferToYUV = NULL;
NvCVImage_MapResource = NULL;
NvCVImage_UnmapResource = NULL;
NvCVImage_InitFromD3D11Texture = NULL;
NvCVImage_FlipY = NULL;
NvCVImage_GetYUVPointers = NULL;
NvCVImage_ToD3DFormat = NULL;
NvCVImage_FromD3DFormat = NULL;
NvCVImage_ToD3DColorSpace = NULL;
NvCVImage_FromD3DColorSpace = NULL;
if (nv_cvimage) {
nv_cvimage = NULL;
cudaMalloc = NULL;
cudaStreamSynchronize = NULL;
cudaFree = NULL;
cudaMemcpy = NULL;
cudaMemsetAsync = NULL;
if (nv_cudart) {
nv_cudart = NULL;
static inline void nvvfx_get_sdk_path(char *buffer, const size_t len)
DWORD ret = GetEnvironmentVariableA("NV_VIDEO_EFFECTS_PATH", buffer,
if (!ret || ret >= len - 1) {
char path[MAX_PATH];
GetEnvironmentVariableA("ProgramFiles", path, MAX_PATH);
size_t max_len = sizeof(path) / sizeof(char);
snprintf(buffer, max_len,
"%s\\NVIDIA Corporation\\NVIDIA Video Effects\\",
static inline bool load_nv_vfx_libs()
char fullPath[MAX_PATH];
nvvfx_get_sdk_path(fullPath, MAX_PATH);
nv_videofx = LoadLibrary(L"NVVideoEffects.dll");
nv_cvimage = LoadLibrary(L"NVCVImage.dll");
nv_cudart = LoadLibrary(L"cudart64_110.dll");
return !!nv_videofx && !!nv_cvimage && !!nv_cudart;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus