- Updated the services API so that it links up with an output and the output gets data from that service rather than via settings. This allows the service context to have control over how an output is used, and makes it so that the URL/key/etc isn't necessarily some static setting. Also, if the service is attached to an output, it will stick around until the output is destroyed. - The settings interface has been updated so that it can allow the usage of service plugins. What this means is that now you can create a service plugin that can control aspects of the stream, and it allows each service to create their own user interface if they create a service plugin module. - Testing out saving of current service information. Saves/loads from JSON in to obs_data_t, seems to be working quite nicely, and the service object information is saved/preserved on exit, and loaded again on startup. - I agonized over the settings user interface for days, and eventually I just decided that the only way that users weren't going to be fumbling over options was to split up the settings in to simple/basic output, pre-configured, and then advanced for advanced use (such as multiple outputs or services, which I'll implement later). This was particularly painful to really design right, I wanted more features and wanted to include everything in one interface but ultimately just realized from experience that users are just not technically knowledgable about it and will end up fumbling with the settings rather than getting things done. Basically, what this means is that casual users only have to enter in about 3 things to configure their stream: Stream key, audio bitrate, and video bitrate. I am really happy with this interface for those types of users, but it definitely won't be sufficient for advanced usage or for custom outputs, so that stuff will have to be separated. - Improved the JSON usage for the 'common streaming services' context, I realized that JSON arrays are there to ensure sorting, while forgetting that general items are optimized for hashing. So basically I'm just using arrays now to sort items in it.
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Copyright (C) 2013-2014 by Hugh Bailey <obs.jim@gmail.com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <obs.hpp>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <memory>
#include "window-main.hpp"
#include "window-basic-properties.hpp"
#include <util/util.hpp>
#include <QPointer>
class QListWidgetItem;
#include "ui_OBSBasic.h"
class OBSBasic : public OBSMainWindow {
std::unordered_map<obs_source_t, int> sourceSceneRefs;
obs_output_t streamOutput;
obs_service_t service;
obs_encoder_t aac;
obs_encoder_t x264;
bool sceneChanging;
int previewX, previewY;
float previewScale;
int resizeTimer;
ConfigFile basicConfig;
QPointer<OBSBasicProperties> properties;
void SaveService();
bool LoadService();
bool InitOutputs();
bool InitEncoders();
bool InitService();
bool InitBasicConfigDefaults();
bool InitBasicConfig();
OBSScene GetCurrentScene();
OBSSceneItem GetCurrentSceneItem();
void GetFPSCommon(uint32_t &num, uint32_t &den) const;
void GetFPSInteger(uint32_t &num, uint32_t &den) const;
void GetFPSFraction(uint32_t &num, uint32_t &den) const;
void GetFPSNanoseconds(uint32_t &num, uint32_t &den) const;
void GetConfigFPS(uint32_t &num, uint32_t &den) const;
void UpdateSources(OBSScene scene);
void InsertSceneItem(obs_sceneitem_t item);
void TempFileOutput(const char *path, int vBitrate, int aBitrate);
void TempStreamOutput(const char *url, const char *key,
int vBitrate, int aBitrate);
public slots:
void StreamingStart();
void StreamingStop(int errorcode);
private slots:
void AddSceneItem(OBSSceneItem item);
void RemoveSceneItem(OBSSceneItem item);
void AddScene(OBSSource source);
void RemoveScene(OBSSource source);
void UpdateSceneSelection(OBSSource source);
/* OBS Callbacks */
static void SceneItemAdded(void *data, calldata_t params);
static void SceneItemRemoved(void *data, calldata_t params);
static void SourceAdded(void *data, calldata_t params);
static void SourceRemoved(void *data, calldata_t params);
static void ChannelChanged(void *data, calldata_t params);
static void RenderMain(void *data, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy);
void ResizePreview(uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy);
void AddSource(obs_scene_t scene, const char *id);
void AddSourcePopupMenu(const QPoint &pos);
obs_service_t GetService();
void SetService(obs_service_t service);
bool ResetVideo();
bool ResetAudio();
void ResetAudioDevice(const char *sourceId, const char *deviceName,
int channel);
void ResetAudioDevices();
void NewProject();
void SaveProject();
void LoadProject();
virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override;
virtual void changeEvent(QEvent *event) override;
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override;
virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) override;
private slots:
void on_action_New_triggered();
void on_action_Open_triggered();
void on_action_Save_triggered();
void on_action_Settings_triggered();
void on_scenes_currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem *current,
QListWidgetItem *prev);
void on_scenes_customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos);
void on_actionAddScene_triggered();
void on_actionRemoveScene_triggered();
void on_actionSceneProperties_triggered();
void on_actionSceneUp_triggered();
void on_actionSceneDown_triggered();
void on_sources_currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem *current,
QListWidgetItem *prev);
void on_sources_customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos);
void on_actionAddSource_triggered();
void on_actionRemoveSource_triggered();
void on_actionSourceProperties_triggered();
void on_actionSourceUp_triggered();
void on_actionSourceDown_triggered();
void on_streamButton_clicked();
void on_settingsButton_clicked();
explicit OBSBasic(QWidget *parent = 0);
virtual ~OBSBasic();
virtual void OBSInit() override;
virtual config_t Config() const override;
std::unique_ptr<Ui::OBSBasic> ui;