Hardcode short hash length to 9 characters in CI and packaging scripts. It is not guaranteed that short hashes are the same length across different platforms or different versions of git. This caused problems with upload/download action names, as the hashes sometimes didn't match. Fix the download artifact name in the Windows installer job and the macOS notarization job to prevent them from failing due to a name mismatch.
156 lines
6.2 KiB
156 lines
6.2 KiB
[Switch]$Help = $(if (Test-Path variable:Help) { $Help }),
[Switch]$Quiet = $(if (Test-Path variable:Quiet) { $Quiet }),
[Switch]$Verbose = $(if (Test-Path variable:Verbose) { $Verbose }),
[Switch]$BuildInstaller = $(if ($BuildInstaller.isPresent) { $BuildInstaller }),
[Switch]$CombinedArchs = $(if ($CombinedArchs.isPresent) { $CombinedArchs }),
[String]$BuildDirectory = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildDirectory) { "${BuildDirectory}" } else { "build" }),
[ValidateSet('x86', 'x64')]
[String]$BuildArch = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildArch) { "${BuildArch}" } else { ('x86', 'x64')[[System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem] }),
[ValidateSet("Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "MinSizeRel", "Debug")]
[String]$BuildConfiguration = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildConfiguration) { "${BuildConfiguration}" } else { "RelWithDebInfo" })
# Windows OBS package function
# This script file can be included in build scripts for Windows or run
# directly
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
function Package-OBS {
[String]$BuildDirectory = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildDirectory) { "${BuildDirectory}" }),
[String]$BuildArch = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildArch) { "${BuildArch}" }),
[String]$BuildConfiguration = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildConfiguration) { "${BuildConfiguration}" })
Write-Status "Package plugin ${ProductName}"
Ensure-Directory ${CheckoutDir}
if ($CombinedArchs.isPresent) {
if (!(Test-Path env:obsInstallerTempDir)) {
$Env:obsInstallerTempDir = "${CheckoutDir}/install_temp"
if (!(Test-Path ${CheckoutDir}/install_temp/bin/64bit)) {
Write-Step "Build 64-bit OBS..."
Invoke-Expression "cmake -S . -B `"${BuildDirectory}64`" -DCOPIED_DEPENDENCIES=OFF -DCOPY_DEPENDENCIES=ON"
Invoke-Expression "cmake --build `"${BuildDirectory}64`" --config `"${BuildConfiguration}`""
if (!(Test-Path ${CheckoutDir}/install_temp/bin/32bit)) {
Write-Step "Build 32-bit OBS..."
Invoke-Expression "cmake -S . -B `"${BuildDirectory}32`" -DCOPIED_DEPENDENCIES=OFF -DCOPY_DEPENDENCIES=ON"
Invoke-Expression "cmake --build `"${BuildDirectory}32`" --config `"${BuildConfiguration}`""
Write-Step "Prepare Installer run..."
Invoke-Expression "cmake -S . -B build -DINSTALLER_RUN=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`"${CheckoutDir}/build/install`""
Write-Step "Execute Installer run..."
Invoke-Expression "cmake --build build --config `"${BuildConfiguration}`" -t install"
$CompressVars = @{
Path = "${CheckoutDir}/build/install/*"
CompressionLevel = "Optimal"
DestinationPath = "${FileName}-Win-x86+x64.zip"
Write-Step "Creating zip archive..."
$ProgressPreference = $(if ($Quiet.isPresent) { 'SilentlyContinue' } else { 'Continue' })
Compress-Archive -Force @CompressVars
$ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
} elseif ($BuildArch -eq "x64") {
Write-Step "Install 64-bit OBS..."
Invoke-Expression "cmake --build `"${BuildDirectory}64`" --config ${BuildConfiguration} -t install"
$CompressVars = @{
Path = "${CheckoutDir}/build64/install/bin", "${CheckoutDir}/build64/install/data", "${CheckoutDir}/build64/install/obs-plugins"
CompressionLevel = "Optimal"
DestinationPath = "${FileName}-Win-x64.zip"
Write-Step "Creating zip archive..."
$ProgressPreference = $(if ($Quiet.isPresent) { 'SilentlyContinue' } else { 'Continue' })
Compress-Archive -Force @CompressVars
$ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
} elseif ($BuildArch -eq "x86") {
Write-Step "Install 32-bit OBS..."
Invoke-Expression "cmake --build `"${BuildDirectory}32`" --config ${BuildConfiguration} -t install"
$CompressVars = @{
Path = "${CheckoutDir}/build32/install/bin", "${CheckoutDir}/build32/install/data", "${CheckoutDir}/build32/install/obs-plugins"
CompressionLevel = "Optimal"
DestinationPath = "${FileName}-Win-x86.zip"
Write-Step "Creating zip archive..."
$ProgressPreference = $(if ($Quiet.isPresent) { 'SilentlyContinue' } else { 'Continue' })
Compress-Archive -Force @CompressVars
$ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
function Package-OBS-Standalone {
$ProductName = "OBS-Studio"
$CheckoutDir = Resolve-Path -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\.."
. ${CheckoutDir}/CI/include/build_support_windows.ps1
Write-Step "Fetch OBS tags..."
$null = git fetch origin --tags
Ensure-Directory ${CheckoutDir}
$GitBranch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
$GitHash = git rev-parse --short=9 HEAD
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$GitTag = git describe --tags --abbrev=0
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
if(Test-Path variable:BUILD_FOR_DISTRIBUTION) {
$VersionString = "${GitTag}"
} else {
$VersionString = "${GitTag}-${GitHash}"
$FileName = "${ProductName}-${VersionString}"
function Print-Usage {
$Lines = @(
"Usage: ${_ScriptName}",
"-Help : Print this help",
"-Quiet : Suppress most build process output",
"-Verbose : Enable more verbose build process output",
"-CombinedArchs : Create combined architecture package",
"-BuildDirectory : Directory to use for builds - Default: build64 on 64-bit systems, build32 on 32-bit systems",
"-BuildArch : Build architecture to use (x86 or x64) - Default: local architecture",
"-BuildConfiguration : Build configuration to use - Default: RelWithDebInfo"
$Lines | Write-Host
if(!(Test-Path variable:_RunObsBuildScript)) {
$_ScriptName = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
if($Help.isPresent) {
exit 0