Current build scripts rely on comparing a architecture string provided by the OS which will be localised in certain languages. This change uses a boolean 64-bit flag to use script-defined identifiers to avoid this issue.
138 lines
4.7 KiB
138 lines
4.7 KiB
[String]$BuildDirectory = "build",
[ValidateSet('x86', 'x64')]
[String]$BuildArch = ('x86', 'x64')[[System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem],
[ValidateSet("Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "MinSizeRel", "Debug")]
[String]$BuildConfiguration = "RelWithDebInfo"
# Windows OBS build script
# This script contains all steps necessary to:
# * Build OBS with all required dependencies
# * Create 64-bit and 32-bit variants
# Parameters:
# -Help : Print usage help
# -Quiet : Suppress most build process output
# -Verbose : Enable more verbose build process output
# -SkipDependencyChecks : Skip dependency checks
# -BuildDirectory : Directory to use for builds
# Default: build64 on 64-bit systems
# build32 on 32-bit systems
# -BuildArch : Build architecture to use (x86 or x64)
# -BuildConfiguration : Build configuration to use
# Default: RelWithDebInfo
# -CombinedArchs : Create combined packages and installer
# (x86 and x64) - Default: off
# -Package : Prepare folder structure for installer creation
# Environment Variables (optional):
# WindowsDepsVersion : Pre-compiled Windows dependencies version
# WindowsQtVersion : Pre-compiled Qt version
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$_RunObsBuildScript = $true
$ProductName = "OBS-Studio"
$CheckoutDir = Resolve-Path -Path "$PSScriptRoot\.."
$DepsBuildDir = "${CheckoutDir}/../obs-build-dependencies"
$ObsBuildDir = "${CheckoutDir}/../obs-studio"
. ${CheckoutDir}/CI/include/build_support_windows.ps1
# Handle installation of build system components and build dependencies
. ${CheckoutDir}/CI/windows/01_install_dependencies.ps1
# Handle OBS build configuration
. ${CheckoutDir}/CI/windows/02_build_obs.ps1
# Handle packaging
. ${CheckoutDir}/CI/windows/03_package_obs.ps1
function Build-OBS-Main {
Ensure-Directory ${CheckoutDir}
Write-Step "Fetching version tags..."
$null = git fetch origin --tags
$GitBranch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
$GitHash = git rev-parse --short HEAD
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$GitTag = git describe --tags --abbrev=0
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
if(Test-Path variable:BUILD_FOR_DISTRIBUTION) {
$VersionString = "${GitTag}"
} else {
$VersionString = "${GitTag}-${GitHash}"
$FileName = "${ProductName}-${VersionString}"
if($CombinedArchs.isPresent) {
if (!(Test-Path env:obsInstallerTempDir)) {
$Env:obsInstallerTempDir = "${CheckoutDir}/install_temp"
if(!($SkipDependencyChecks.isPresent)) {
Install-Dependencies -BuildArch x64
Build-OBS -BuildArch x64
if(!($SkipDependencyChecks.isPresent)) {
Install-Dependencies -BuildArch x86
Build-OBS -BuildArch x86
} else {
if(!($SkipDependencyChecks.isPresent)) {
if($Package.isPresent) {
Package-OBS -CombinedArchs:$CombinedArchs
function Print-Usage {
Write-Host "build-windows.ps1 - Build script for ${ProductName}"
$Lines = @(
"Usage: ${_ScriptName}",
"-Help : Print this help",
"-Quiet : Suppress most build process output"
"-Verbose : Enable more verbose build process output"
"-SkipDependencyChecks : Skip dependency checks - Default: off",
"-BuildDirectory : Directory to use for builds - Default: build64 on 64-bit systems, build32 on 32-bit systems",
"-BuildArch : Build architecture to use (x86 or x64) - Default: local architecture",
"-BuildConfiguration : Build configuration to use - Default: RelWithDebInfo",
"-CombinedArchs : Create combined packages and installer (64-bit and 32-bit) - Default: off"
"-Package : Prepare folder structure for installer creation"
$Lines | Write-Host
$_ScriptName = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
if($Help.isPresent) {
exit 0