215 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
e3ddfec818 Don't use informative text for message box
The informative text is meant to be additional information, not the main
information.  If you use informative text without using regular text, it
causes the message box to get all squishy.
2014-08-24 08:56:50 -07:00
97543def13 Fix 'possible loss of data' warning
Qt doesn't like to use size_t anywhere.
2014-08-24 08:27:27 -07:00
448c3670a0 Refactor log upload to create JSON via obs_data 2014-08-24 02:05:46 +02:00
ca8aba0bf4 Add Help -> "Show Log Files" menu entry 2014-08-22 19:10:44 +02:00
a64707a4f5 Add File -> "Show Recordings" menu entry 2014-08-22 19:10:44 +02:00
cc5884c136 Fix Remove Dialog
Remove failed test and add other Messagebox to correct Text with Language support

Add Title again -,-
2014-08-17 14:40:03 +02:00
6597206d93 Alert user when using existing source name. 2014-08-12 17:07:59 -04:00
5780f3f177 (API Change) Improve graphics API consistency
- Prefix all graphics subsystem names with gs_ or GS_
- Unsquish funciton names (for example _setfloat to _set_float)
- Changed create functions to be more consistent with the rest of the
  API elsewhere.  For exmaple, instead of
  gs_create_texture/gs_texture_destroy, it's now
- Renamed gs_stencil_op enum to gs_stencil_op_type

From:                            To:
tvertarray                       gs_tvertarray
vb_data                          gs_vb_data
vbdata_create                    gs_vbdata_create
vbdata_destroy                   gs_vbdata_destroy
shader_param                     gs_shader_param
gs_effect                        gs_effect
effect_technique                 gs_effect_technique
effect_pass                      gs_effect_pass
effect_param                     gs_effect_param
texture_t                        gs_texture_t
stagesurf_t                      gs_stagesurf_t
zstencil_t                       gs_zstencil_t
vertbuffer_t                     gs_vertbuffer_t
indexbuffer_t                    gs_indexbuffer_t
samplerstate_t                   gs_samplerstate_t
swapchain_t                      gs_swapchain_t
texrender_t                      gs_texrender_t
shader_t                         gs_shader_t
sparam_t                         gs_sparam_t
effect_t                         gs_effect_t
technique_t                      gs_technique_t
eparam_t                         gs_eparam_t
device_t                         gs_device_t
graphics_t                       graphics_t
shader_param_type                gs_shader_param_type
shader_param_info                gs_shader_param_info
shader_type                      gs_shader_type
SHADER_PIXEL                     GS_SHADER_PIXEL
shader_destroy                   gs_shader_destroy
shader_numparams                 gs_shader_get_num_params
shader_getparambyidx             gs_shader_get_param_by_idx
shader_getparambyname            gs_shader_get_param_by_name
shader_getviewprojmatrix         gs_shader_get_viewproj_matrix
shader_getworldmatrix            gs_shader_get_world_matrix
shader_getparaminfo              gs_shader_get_param_info
shader_setbool                   gs_shader_set_bool
shader_setfloat                  gs_shader_set_float
shader_setint                    gs_shader_set_int
shader_setmatrix3                gs_shader_setmatrix3
shader_setmatrix4                gs_shader_set_matrix4
shader_setvec2                   gs_shader_set_vec2
shader_setvec3                   gs_shader_set_vec3
shader_setvec4                   gs_shader_set_vec4
shader_settexture                gs_shader_set_texture
shader_setval                    gs_shader_set_val
shader_setdefault                gs_shader_set_default
effect_property_type             gs_effect_property_type
EFFECT_NONE                      GS_EFFECT_NONE
EFFECT_BOOL                      GS_EFFECT_BOOL
EFFECT_FLOAT                     GS_EFFECT_FLOAT
EFFECT_COLOR                     GS_EFFECT_COLOR
effect_param_info                gs_effect_param_info
effect_destroy                   gs_effect_destroy
effect_gettechnique              gs_effect_get_technique
technique_begin                  gs_technique_begin
technique_end                    gs_technique_end
technique_beginpass              gs_technique_begin_pass
technique_beginpassbyname        gs_technique_begin_pass_by_name
technique_endpass                gs_technique_end_pass
effect_numparams                 gs_effect_get_num_params
effect_getparambyidx             gs_effect_get_param_by_idx
effect_getparambyname            gs_effect_get_param_by_name
effect_updateparams              gs_effect_update_params
effect_getviewprojmatrix         gs_effect_get_viewproj_matrix
effect_getworldmatrix            gs_effect_get_world_matrix
effect_getparaminfo              gs_effect_get_param_info
effect_setbool                   gs_effect_set_bool
effect_setfloat                  gs_effect_set_float
effect_setint                    gs_effect_set_int
effect_setmatrix4                gs_effect_set_matrix4
effect_setvec2                   gs_effect_set_vec2
effect_setvec3                   gs_effect_set_vec3
effect_setvec4                   gs_effect_set_vec4
effect_settexture                gs_effect_set_texture
effect_setval                    gs_effect_set_val
effect_setdefault                gs_effect_set_default
texrender_create                 gs_texrender_create
texrender_destroy                gs_texrender_destroy
texrender_begin                  gs_texrender_begin
texrender_end                    gs_texrender_end
texrender_reset                  gs_texrender_reset
texrender_gettexture             gs_texrender_get_texture
gs_device_name                   gs_get_device_name
gs_device_type                   gs_get_device_type
gs_entercontext                  gs_enter_context
gs_leavecontext                  gs_leave_context
gs_getcontext                    gs_get_context
gs_renderstart                   gs_render_start
gs_renderstop                    gs_render_stop
gs_rendersave                    gs_render_save
gs_getinput                      gs_get_input
gs_geteffect                     gs_get_effect
gs_create_effect_from_file       gs_effect_create_from_file
gs_create_effect                 gs_effect_create
gs_create_vertexshader_from_file gs_vertexshader_create_from_file
gs_create_pixelshader_from_file  gs_pixelshader_create_from_file
gs_create_texture_from_file      gs_texture_create_from_file
gs_resetviewport                 gs_reset_viewport
gs_set2dmode                     gs_set_2d_mode
gs_set3dmode                     gs_set_3d_mode
gs_create_swapchain              gs_swapchain_create
gs_getsize                       gs_get_size
gs_getwidth                      gs_get_width
gs_getheight                     gs_get_height
gs_create_texture                gs_texture_create
gs_create_cubetexture            gs_cubetexture_create
gs_create_volumetexture          gs_voltexture_create
gs_create_zstencil               gs_zstencil_create
gs_create_stagesurface           gs_stagesurface_create
gs_create_samplerstate           gs_samplerstate_create
gs_create_vertexshader           gs_vertexshader_create
gs_create_pixelshader            gs_pixelshader_create
gs_create_vertexbuffer           gs_vertexbuffer_create
gs_create_indexbuffer            gs_indexbuffer_create
gs_gettexturetype                gs_get_texture_type
gs_load_defaultsamplerstate      gs_load_default_samplerstate
gs_getvertexshader               gs_get_vertex_shader
gs_getpixelshader                gs_get_pixel_shader
gs_getrendertarget               gs_get_render_target
gs_getzstenciltarget             gs_get_zstencil_target
gs_setrendertarget               gs_set_render_target
gs_setcuberendertarget           gs_set_cube_render_target
gs_beginscene                    gs_begin_scene
gs_draw                          gs_draw
gs_endscene                      gs_end_scene
gs_setcullmode                   gs_set_cull_mode
gs_getcullmode                   gs_get_cull_mode
gs_enable_depthtest              gs_enable_depth_test
gs_enable_stenciltest            gs_enable_stencil_test
gs_enable_stencilwrite           gs_enable_stencil_write
gs_blendfunction                 gs_blend_function
gs_depthfunction                 gs_depth_function
gs_stencilfunction               gs_stencil_function
gs_stencilop                     gs_stencil_op
gs_setviewport                   gs_set_viewport
gs_getviewport                   gs_get_viewport
gs_setscissorrect                gs_set_scissor_rect
gs_create_texture_from_iosurface gs_texture_create_from_iosurface
gs_create_gdi_texture            gs_texture_create_gdi
gs_is_compressed_format          gs_is_compressed_format
gs_num_total_levels              gs_get_total_levels
texture_setimage                 gs_texture_set_image
cubetexture_setimage             gs_cubetexture_set_image
swapchain_destroy                gs_swapchain_destroy
texture_destroy                  gs_texture_destroy
texture_getwidth                 gs_texture_get_width
texture_getheight                gs_texture_get_height
texture_getcolorformat           gs_texture_get_color_format
texture_map                      gs_texture_map
texture_unmap                    gs_texture_unmap
texture_isrect                   gs_texture_is_rect
texture_getobj                   gs_texture_get_obj
cubetexture_destroy              gs_cubetexture_destroy
cubetexture_getsize              gs_cubetexture_get_size
cubetexture_getcolorformat       gs_cubetexture_get_color_format
volumetexture_destroy            gs_voltexture_destroy
volumetexture_getwidth           gs_voltexture_get_width
volumetexture_getheight          gs_voltexture_get_height
volumetexture_getdepth           gs_voltexture_getdepth
volumetexture_getcolorformat     gs_voltexture_get_color_format
stagesurface_destroy             gs_stagesurface_destroy
stagesurface_getwidth            gs_stagesurface_get_width
stagesurface_getheight           gs_stagesurface_get_height
stagesurface_getcolorformat      gs_stagesurface_get_color_format
stagesurface_map                 gs_stagesurface_map
stagesurface_unmap               gs_stagesurface_unmap
zstencil_destroy                 gs_zstencil_destroy
samplerstate_destroy             gs_samplerstate_destroy
vertexbuffer_destroy             gs_vertexbuffer_destroy
vertexbuffer_flush               gs_vertexbuffer_flush
vertexbuffer_getdata             gs_vertexbuffer_get_data
indexbuffer_destroy              gs_indexbuffer_destroy
indexbuffer_flush                gs_indexbuffer_flush
indexbuffer_getdata              gs_indexbuffer_get_data
indexbuffer_numindices           gs_indexbuffer_get_num_indices
indexbuffer_gettype              gs_indexbuffer_get_type
texture_rebind_iosurface         gs_texture_rebind_iosurface
texture_get_dc                   gs_texture_get_dc
texture_release_dc               gs_texture_release_dc
2014-08-09 11:57:38 -07:00
04712b5fe9 (API Change) Unsquish obs_data_* names
Changed:                 To:
obs_data_getjson         obs_data_get_json
obs_data_getstring       obs_data_get_string
obs_data_getint          obs_data_get_int
obs_data_getdouble       obs_data_get_double
obs_data_getbool         obs_data_get_bool
obs_data_getobj          obs_data_get_obj
obs_data_getarray        obs_data_get_array
obs_data_setstring       obs_data_set_string
obs_data_setint          obs_data_set_int
obs_data_setdouble       obs_data_set_double
obs_data_setbool         obs_data_set_bool
obs_data_setobj          obs_data_set_obj
obs_data_setarray        obs_data_set_array
obs_data_item_getstring  obs_data_item_get_string
obs_data_item_getint     obs_data_item_get_int
obs_data_item_getdouble  obs_data_item_get_double
obs_data_item_getbool    obs_data_item_get_bool
obs_data_item_getobj     obs_data_item_get_obj
obs_data_item_getarray   obs_data_item_get_array
obs_data_item_setstring  obs_data_item_set_string
obs_data_item_setint     obs_data_item_set_int
obs_data_item_setdouble  obs_data_item_set_double
obs_data_item_setbool    obs_data_item_set_bool
obs_data_item_setobj     obs_data_item_set_obj
obs_data_item_setarray   obs_data_item_set_array
2014-08-09 11:57:36 -07:00
a3682fc8fb (API Change) Use 'get' convention in libobs (base)
Instead of having functions like obs_signal_handler() that can fail to
properly specify their actual intent in the name (does it signal a
handler, or does it return a signal handler?), always prefix functions
that are meant to get information with 'get' to make its functionality
more explicit.

Previous names:             New names:
obs_audio                   obs_get_audio
obs_video                   obs_get_video
obs_signalhandler           obs_get_signal_handler
obs_prochandler             obs_get_proc_handler
obs_source_signalhandler    obs_source_get_signal_handler
obs_source_prochandler      obs_source_get_proc_handler
obs_output_signalhandler    obs_output_get_signal_handler
obs_output_prochandler      obs_output_get_proc_handler
obs_service_signalhandler   obs_service_get_signal_handler
obs_service_prochandler     obs_service_get_proc_handler
2014-08-08 11:04:46 -07:00
73baaa59e9 (API Change) Unsquish libobs (base) names
Previous names:             New names:
obs_view_setsource          obs_view_set_source
obs_view_getsource          obs_view_get_source
obs_source_getdisplayname   obs_source_get_display_name
obs_source_getwidth         obs_source_get_width
obs_source_getheight        obs_source_get_height
obs_filter_getparent        obs_filter_get_parent
obs_filter_gettarget        obs_filter_get_target
obs_source_filter_setorder  obs_source_filter_set_order
obs_source_getsettings      obs_source_get_settings
obs_source_getname          obs_source_get_name
obs_source_setname          obs_source_set_name
obs_source_setvolume        obs_source_set_volume
obs_source_getvolume        obs_source_get_volume
obs_scene_getsource         obs_scene_get_source
obs_scene_fromsource        obs_scene_from_source
obs_scene_findsource        obs_scene_find_source
obs_output_getdisplayname   obs_output_get_display_name
obs_output_getname          obs_output_get_name
obs_encoder_getname         obs_encoder_get_name
obs_service_getdisplayname  obs_service_get_display_name
obs_service_getname         obs_service_get_name
2014-08-08 11:04:46 -07:00
41176eef27 (API Change) Remove obs_graphics()
API Removed:
- graphics_t obs_graphics();
Replaced With:
- void obs_enter_graphics();
- void obs_leave_graphics();

  obs_graphics() was somewhat of a pointless function.  The only time
that it was ever necessary was to pass it as a parameter to
gs_entercontext() followed by a subsequent gs_leavecontext() call after
that.  So, I felt that it made a bit more sense just to implement
obs_enter_graphics() and obs_leave_graphics() functions to do the exact
same thing without having to repeat that code.  There's really no need
to ever "hold" the graphics pointer, though I suppose that could change
in the future so having a similar function come back isn't out of the

Still, this at least reduces the amount of unnecessary repeated code for
the time being.
2014-08-08 11:04:45 -07:00
b007c6b139 (API Change) Un-squish obs_sceneitem_*
Renamed:                         To:
obs_sceneitem_getscene           obs_sceneitem_get_scene
obs_sceneitem_getsource          obs_sceneitem_get_source
obs_sceneitem_setpos             obs_sceneitem_set_pos
obs_sceneitem_setrot             obs_sceneitem_set_rot
obs_sceneitem_setscale           obs_sceneitem_set_scale
obs_sceneitem_setalignment       obs_sceneitem_set_alignment
obs_sceneitem_setorder           obs_sceneitem_set_order
obs_sceneitem_getpos             obs_sceneitem_get_pos
obs_sceneitem_getrot             obs_sceneitem_get_rot
obs_sceneitem_getscale           obs_sceneitem_get_scale
obs_sceneitem_getalignment       obs_sceneitem_get_alignment
2014-08-08 11:04:45 -07:00
e42af67128 (API Change) Split obs_source_gettype
- obs_source_gettype
- enum obs_source_type obs_source_get_type(obs_source_t source);
- const char *obs_source_get_id(obs_source_t source);

This function was inconsistent for a number of reasons.  First, it
returns both the ID and the type of source (input/transition/filter),
which is inconsistent with the name of "get type".  Secondly, the
'squishy' naming convention which has just turned out to be bad
practice and causes inconsistencies.  So it's now replaced with two
functions that just return the type and the ID.
2014-08-08 11:04:44 -07:00
d2b4f82637 (API Change) Rename order_movement
Prefix with obs_ for the sake of consistency

Renamed enums:
- order_movement (now obs_order_movement)

Affected functions:
- obs_source_filter_setorder
- obs_sceneitem_setorder
2014-08-08 11:04:43 -07:00
24bd82a09c (API Change) Rename obs_sceneitem_info structure
Change obs_sceneitem_info structure to obs_transform_info - this
structure will not just be used with scene items in the future.
2014-08-08 11:04:42 -07:00
11c7e07eac Add extra search path for third party plugins
The OBSBasic UI will now allow the use of a subdirectory of the user
application data directory for third-party plugins.  Though I'm not
entirely sure if this ideal or not.  Regardless, this is one of the
first (of many) steps towards a plugin manager.

On windows, this is %appdata%/obs-studio/plugins
On linux, this is ~/.obs-studio/plugins
On mac, this is ~/Library/Application Support/obs-sudio/plugins
2014-07-27 17:29:11 -07:00
59ea3becf2 (API Change) Refactor module handling
Changed API:
- char *obs_find_plugin_file(const char *sub_path);

  Changed to: char *obs_module_file(const char *file);

  Cahnge it so you no longer need to specify a sub-path such as:

  Instead, now automatically handle the module data path so all you need
  to do is:

- int obs_load_module(const char *name);

  Changed to: int obs_open_module(obs_module_t *module,
                                  const char *path,
                                  const char *data_path);
              bool obs_init_module(obs_module_t module);

  Change the module loading API so that if the front-end chooses, it can
  load modules directly from a specified path, and associate a data
  directory with it on the spot.

  The module will not be initialized immediately; obs_init_module must
  be called on the module pointer in order to fully initialize the
  module.  This is done so a module can be disabled by the front-end if
  the it so chooses.

New API:
- void obs_add_module_path(const char *bin, const char *data);

  These functions allow you to specify new module search paths to add,
  and allow you to search through them, or optionally just load all
  modules from them.  If the string %module% is included, it will
  replace it with the module's name when that string is used as a
  lookup.  Data paths are now directly added to the module's internal
  storage structure, and when obs_find_module_file is used, it will look
  up the pointer to the obs_module structure and get its data directory
  that way.


  This would cause it to additionally look for the binary of a
  hypthetical module named "foo" at /opt/obs/my-modules/foo/bin/foo.so
  (or libfoo.so), and then look for the data in

  This gives the front-end more flexibility for handling third-party
  plugin modules, or handling all plugin modules in a custom way.

- void obs_find_modules(obs_find_module_callback_t callback, void

  This searches the existing paths for modules and calls the callback
  function when any are found.  Useful for plugin management and custom
  handling of the paths by the front-end if desired.

- void obs_load_all_modules(void);

  Search through the paths and both loads and initializes all modules
  automatically without custom handling.

- void obs_enum_modules(obs_enum_module_callback_t callback,
                        void *param);

  Enumerates currently opened modules.
2014-07-27 17:29:10 -07:00
34b67db50f Minor refactor for creation of sub-windows
This refactors the sub-window code a bit so that instead of deleting the
window pointers, it calls QWidget::close() on them to safely trigger a
normal close on them instead (which will also delete them).
Moves setting the DeleteOnClose flag from inside of the Dialog classes
into the OBSBasic class, to make that behaviour more obvious.
2014-07-23 17:46:17 +02:00
3a2677c502 If Direct3D doesn't initialize, try OpenGL 2014-07-20 18:25:57 -07:00
86d634eeab Check for valid sizes when initializing video 2014-07-20 18:25:57 -07:00
778cc2b318 (API Change) obs_reset_video: Use return codes
Changed API functions:
libobs: obs_reset_video

Before, video initialization returned a boolean, but "failed" is too
little information, if it fails due to lack of device capabilities or
bad video device parameters, the front-end needs to know that.

The OBS Basic UI has also been updated to reflect this API change.
2014-07-20 18:25:57 -07:00
e62f965d3e Mark menu entries for Qt application menu mangling on OSX 2014-07-21 03:22:18 +02:00
5da8d14570 Fix update checck bug
Fix bug where updates for windows would check for mac updates and vise

(I am ashamed)
2014-07-17 07:03:27 -07:00
18026c363d No need to initialize map value to 0 (bug fix)
There's no need to initialize the map value to 0.  What was happening is
that obs_scene_add was adding a ref to a non-existent value, which
simply created it and added 1, which is perfectly fine.  Then,
obs_add_source would set the ref to 0, overwriting the existing value.

So this meant that if you didn't call them in the right order, it
wouldn't work properly, and would break, which was pretty stupid.

Turns out that if you access a map value that doesn't exist, it'll
create one with the default constructor of that type.  In this case, int
will initialize to 0, which was exactly what we wanted in the first
place, and defeats the purpose of even needing to initialize the value
to 0.  So, there's no need to manually set it to 0 in
OBSBasic::SourceAdded, or worry about the order in which the functions
are called.

Just goes to show you have to be careful with reference counting.
2014-07-16 15:26:14 -07:00
1759d28ee2 Fix scene editing for device pixel ratios ≠ 1
Fixes #177
2014-07-16 02:29:13 +02:00
eee2ac038f Set User-Agent value of update check to OBS ver. 2014-07-14 08:51:57 -07:00
e03f34de9f Don't use separate update files per OS
Instead, just use separate version and download entries.
2014-07-14 03:48:30 -07:00
4e7f076c68 Add basic update checking 2014-07-14 03:19:24 -07:00
57736d308b Add OSX native shortcut for scene/source deletion 2014-07-13 21:46:44 +02:00
dbe166178f Save last version to global.ini on exit 2014-07-13 12:38:58 -07:00
e61cb07a94 Change names of default outputs/encoders/service 2014-07-13 05:05:29 -07:00
f3285e2cfa Fix bug where x264 buffer size was always 1000 2014-07-13 02:59:34 -07:00
a1073b8c1d Remove loading of test-input module 2014-07-12 12:06:26 -07:00
0bf0266b2a Use the "Stop Streaming" translated text 2014-07-12 05:34:23 -07:00
5585ae0eff Rename volume control if audio source renamed 2014-07-08 11:58:48 -07:00
f0cc386499 Implement status bar
The status bar now displays:
 - Auto-reconnect information (reconnecting and reconnect success)
 - Dropped frames (as well as percentage of total video frames)
 - Duration of session
 - CPU usage of the program
 - Kbp/s

The OBSBasic class is getting a bit big, so I separated out the
status bar code to its own class derived from QStatusBar.
2014-07-06 17:36:46 -07:00
a9b3da010d Add function to main window to query CPU usage 2014-07-06 17:36:45 -07:00
118e3edd18 Remove unnecessary tests to delete
The delete operator can be called on a null pointer, so there's no
reason for these tests.
2014-07-06 17:35:17 -07:00
df3623b478 Swap reconnect parameters
Fixes a bug where it would use the max retries for the delay time and
2014-07-04 13:21:11 -07:00
07b2fd5972 Do not visually select audio-only sources 2014-07-04 10:58:03 -07:00
d3e6148ae7 Add auto-reconnect settings 2014-07-03 18:07:33 -07:00
18966a9ca0 Implement 'Order' menu
Contains Move Up, Move Down, Move to Top, Move to Bottom.  Also assigns
Ctrl-Up, Ctrl-Down, Ctrl-Home, Ctrl-End to each action.

This was also added to the right-click context menu popup for sources.
2014-06-30 19:47:06 -07:00
0b52828086 Remove 'remove item' action, clean up code
The removeItemAction just for a keyboard shortcut was unnecessary.
Instead, use the toolbar button to associate a shortcut with, and remove
the removeItemAction object.
2014-06-30 18:21:40 -07:00
c48ec48765 Implement 'scenes' list context menu 2014-06-30 16:03:12 -07:00
66c3c862e4 Make 'remove' toolbar buttons query for removal 2014-06-30 13:47:51 -07:00
ff2a2cceb3 Implement context menu on 'sources' box 2014-06-30 01:13:32 -07:00
67440b92b5 Fix renaming bugs, deny if empty, and simplify
I screwed it up a bit originally, using && instead of ||.

Use 'trimmed' function to prevent sources with leading or trailing

Also, do not allow an empty value.
2014-06-30 01:08:12 -07:00
68c8fa3e17 Do not rename items if the name is the same 2014-06-30 00:40:51 -07:00
11a7b57cd8 Implement renaming of scenes/sources 2014-06-30 00:18:44 -07:00