The message boxes that tell you that the browser is initializing or that
you're authenticating with twitch are annoying on startup. It makes
sense to do it in the settings/autoconfig dialogs where you sort of need
to know what's going on while waiting for it to connect, but on startup
it's not really necessary and can be kind of annoying.
Adds functions for executing functions within separate threads without
blocking the user interface, or by blocking the user interface with a
dialog box.
Allows creating a QThread via an std::function. A backward-compatible
alternative to QThread::create for Qt versions older than 5.10 (when it
became available in Qt).
A helper function used with QMetaObject::invokeMethod which allows the
ability to use Qt::DirectConnection if on the Qt UI thread, or
Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection if on another thread to ensure that
regardless of what thread the invokeMethod is called from, that it will
wait until the invoked method has been called.