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# Language and language region of this file
2013-12-18 09:08:31 -08:00
Region="United States"
# commonly shared locale
MoveUp="Move Up"
MoveDown="Move Down"
2013-12-10 10:22:09 -08:00
UI: Add scene editing So, scene editing was interesting (and by interesting I mean excruciating). I almost implemented 'manipulator' visuals (ala 3dsmax for example), and used 3 modes for controlling position/rotation/size, but in a 2D editing, it felt clunky, so I defaulted back to simply click-and-drag for movement, and then took a similar though slightly different looking approach for handling scaling and reszing. I also added a number of menu item helpers related to positioning, scaling, rotating, flipping, and resetting the transform back to default. There is also a new 'transform' dialog (accessible via menu) which will allow you to manually edit every single transform variable of a scene item directly if desired. If a scene item does not have bounds active, pulling on the sides of a source will cause it to resize it via base scale rather than by the bounding box system (if the source resizes that scale will apply). If bounds are active, it will modify the bounding box only instead. How a source scales when a bounding box is active depends on the type of bounds being used. You can set it to scale to the inner bounds, the outer bounds, scale to bounds width only, scale to bounds height only, and a setting to stretch to bounds (which forces a source to always draw at the bounding box size rather than be affected by its internal size). You can also set it to be used as a 'maximum' size, so that the source doesn't necessarily get scaled unless it extends beyond the bounds. Like in OBS1, objects will snap to the edges unless the control key is pressed. However, this will now happen even if the object is rotated or oriented in any strange way. Snapping will also occur when stretching or changing the bounding box size.
2014-06-15 00:54:48 -07:00
DroppedFrames="Dropped Frames %1 (%2%)"
# "name already exists" dialog box
NameExists.Title="Name already exists"
NameExists.Text="The name is already in use."
NoNameEntered.Title="Please enter a valid name"
NoNameEntered.Text="You cannot use empty names."
# confirm delete dialog box
ConfirmRemove.Title="Confirm Remove"
ConfirmRemove.Text="Are you sure you wish to remove '$1'?"
# output connect messages
Output.ConnectFail.Title="Failed to connect"
Output.ConnectFail.BadPath="Invalid Path or Connection URL. Please check your settings to confirm that they are valid."
Output.ConnectFail.ConnectFailed="Failed to connect to server"
Output.ConnectFail.InvalidStream="Could not access the specified channel or stream key. This could be because the key/channel is invalid, or because the server still thinks you are logged in."
Output.ConnectFail.Error="An unexpected error occurred when trying to connect to the server. More information in the log file."
Output.ConnectFail.Disconnected="Disconnected from server."
# output recording messages
Output.BadPath.Title="Bad File Path"
Output.BadPath.Text="The configured file output path is invalid. Please check your settings to confirm that a valid file path has been set."
# log upload dialog text and messages
LogReturnDialog="Log Upload Successful"
LogReturnDialog.CopyURL="Copy URL"
LogReturnDialog.ErrorUploadingLog="Error uploading log file"
2014-07-13 11:36:47 -07:00
# license agreement dialog
LicenseAgreement="License Agreement"
LicenseAgreement.PleaseReview="Please review the license terms before using OBS. By using this program, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms of the <a href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html'>GNU General Public License v2.0</a>. Please scroll down to see the rest of the agreement."
LicenseAgreement.ClickIAgreeToContinue="If you accept the terms of the agreement, click I Agree to continue. You must accept the agreement to use OBS."
LicenseAgreement.IAgree="I Agree"
# remux dialog
Remux.SourceFile="OBS Recording"
Remux.TargetFile="Target File"
Remux.RecordingPattern="OBS Recording (*.flv)"
Remux.FinishedTitle="Remuxing finished"
Remux.Finished="Recording remuxed"
Remux.FinishedError="Recording remuxed, but the file may be incomplete"
Remux.SelectRecording="Select OBS Recording …"
Remux.SelectTarget="Select target file …"
Remux.FileExistsTitle="Target file exists"
Remux.FileExists="Target file exists, do you want to replace it?"
Remux.ExitUnfinishedTitle="Remuxing in progress"
Remux.ExitUnfinished="Remuxing is not finished, stopping now may render the target file unusable.\nAre you sure you want to stop remuxing?"
2014-07-13 23:56:28 -07:00
# update dialog
UpdateAvailable="New Update Available"
UpdateAvailable.Text="Version %1.%2.%3 is now available. <a href='%4'>Click here to download</a>"
# audio device names
Basic.DesktopDevice1="Desktop Audio"
Basic.DesktopDevice2="Desktop Audio 2"
Basic.AuxDevice2="Mic/Aux 2"
Basic.AuxDevice3="Mic/Aux 3"
Basic.AuxDevice4="Mic/Aux 4"
# startup scene/capture
Basic.DisplayCapture="Display Capture"
# add scene dialog
Basic.Main.AddSceneDlg.Title="Add Scene"
Basic.Main.AddSceneDlg.Text="Please enter the name of the scene"
# add scene suggested name
Basic.Main.DefaultSceneName.Text="Scene %1"
# add source dialog
2014-07-13 13:09:56 -07:00
Basic.SourceSelect="Create/Select Source"
Basic.SourceSelect.CreateNew="Create new"
Basic.SourceSelect.AddExisting="Add Existing"
# properties window
2014-07-12 02:08:51 -07:00
Basic.PropertiesWindow="Properties for '%1'"
Basic.PropertiesWindow.AutoSelectFormat="%1 (unsupported; autoselect: %2)"
2014-07-19 12:00:14 -07:00
Basic.PropertiesWindow.SelectColor="Select color"
Basic.PropertiesWindow.SelectFont="Select font"
2014-09-15 16:16:16 -07:00
# interaction window
Basic.InteractionWindow="Interacting with '%1'"
# status bar
Basic.StatusBar.Reconnecting="Disconnected, reconnecting (attempt %1)"
Basic.StatusBar.ReconnectSuccessful="Reconnection successful"
UI: Add scene editing So, scene editing was interesting (and by interesting I mean excruciating). I almost implemented 'manipulator' visuals (ala 3dsmax for example), and used 3 modes for controlling position/rotation/size, but in a 2D editing, it felt clunky, so I defaulted back to simply click-and-drag for movement, and then took a similar though slightly different looking approach for handling scaling and reszing. I also added a number of menu item helpers related to positioning, scaling, rotating, flipping, and resetting the transform back to default. There is also a new 'transform' dialog (accessible via menu) which will allow you to manually edit every single transform variable of a scene item directly if desired. If a scene item does not have bounds active, pulling on the sides of a source will cause it to resize it via base scale rather than by the bounding box system (if the source resizes that scale will apply). If bounds are active, it will modify the bounding box only instead. How a source scales when a bounding box is active depends on the type of bounds being used. You can set it to scale to the inner bounds, the outer bounds, scale to bounds width only, scale to bounds height only, and a setting to stretch to bounds (which forces a source to always draw at the bounding box size rather than be affected by its internal size). You can also set it to be used as a 'maximum' size, so that the source doesn't necessarily get scaled unless it extends beyond the bounds. Like in OBS1, objects will snap to the edges unless the control key is pressed. However, this will now happen even if the object is rotated or oriented in any strange way. Snapping will also occur when stretching or changing the bounding box size.
2014-06-15 00:54:48 -07:00
# transform window
Basic.TransformWindow="Scene Item Transform"
UI: Add scene editing So, scene editing was interesting (and by interesting I mean excruciating). I almost implemented 'manipulator' visuals (ala 3dsmax for example), and used 3 modes for controlling position/rotation/size, but in a 2D editing, it felt clunky, so I defaulted back to simply click-and-drag for movement, and then took a similar though slightly different looking approach for handling scaling and reszing. I also added a number of menu item helpers related to positioning, scaling, rotating, flipping, and resetting the transform back to default. There is also a new 'transform' dialog (accessible via menu) which will allow you to manually edit every single transform variable of a scene item directly if desired. If a scene item does not have bounds active, pulling on the sides of a source will cause it to resize it via base scale rather than by the bounding box system (if the source resizes that scale will apply). If bounds are active, it will modify the bounding box only instead. How a source scales when a bounding box is active depends on the type of bounds being used. You can set it to scale to the inner bounds, the outer bounds, scale to bounds width only, scale to bounds height only, and a setting to stretch to bounds (which forces a source to always draw at the bounding box size rather than be affected by its internal size). You can also set it to be used as a 'maximum' size, so that the source doesn't necessarily get scaled unless it extends beyond the bounds. Like in OBS1, objects will snap to the edges unless the control key is pressed. However, this will now happen even if the object is rotated or oriented in any strange way. Snapping will also occur when stretching or changing the bounding box size.
2014-06-15 00:54:48 -07:00
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment="Positional Alignment"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType="Bounding Box Type"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsAlignment="Alignment in Bounding Box"
Basic.TransformWindow.Bounds="Bounding Box Size"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.TopLeft="Top Left"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.TopCenter="Top Center"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.TopRight="Top Right"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.CenterLeft="Center Left"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.CenterRight="Center Right"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.BottomLeft="Bottom Left"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.BottomCenter="Bottom Center"
Basic.TransformWindow.Alignment.BottomRight="Bottom Right"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.None="No bounds"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.MaxOnly="Maximum size only"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.ScaleInner="Scale to inner bounds"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.ScaleOuter="Scale to outer bounds"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.ScaleToWidth="Scale to width of bounds"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.ScaleToHeight="Scale to height of bounds"
Basic.TransformWindow.BoundsType.Stretch="Stretch to bounds"
# no scene warning
Basic.Main.AddSourceHelp.Title="Cannot Add Source"
Basic.Main.AddSourceHelp.Text="You need to have at least 1 scene to add a source."
# basic mode main window
Basic.Main.StartRecording="Start Recording"
Basic.Main.StartStreaming="Start Streaming"
Basic.Main.StopRecording="Stop Recording"
Basic.Main.StopStreaming="Stop Streaming"
# basic mode file menu
Basic.MainMenu.File.ShowRecordings="Show &Recordings"
Basic.MainMenu.File.Remux="&Remux Recordings"
UI: Add scene editing So, scene editing was interesting (and by interesting I mean excruciating). I almost implemented 'manipulator' visuals (ala 3dsmax for example), and used 3 modes for controlling position/rotation/size, but in a 2D editing, it felt clunky, so I defaulted back to simply click-and-drag for movement, and then took a similar though slightly different looking approach for handling scaling and reszing. I also added a number of menu item helpers related to positioning, scaling, rotating, flipping, and resetting the transform back to default. There is also a new 'transform' dialog (accessible via menu) which will allow you to manually edit every single transform variable of a scene item directly if desired. If a scene item does not have bounds active, pulling on the sides of a source will cause it to resize it via base scale rather than by the bounding box system (if the source resizes that scale will apply). If bounds are active, it will modify the bounding box only instead. How a source scales when a bounding box is active depends on the type of bounds being used. You can set it to scale to the inner bounds, the outer bounds, scale to bounds width only, scale to bounds height only, and a setting to stretch to bounds (which forces a source to always draw at the bounding box size rather than be affected by its internal size). You can also set it to be used as a 'maximum' size, so that the source doesn't necessarily get scaled unless it extends beyond the bounds. Like in OBS1, objects will snap to the edges unless the control key is pressed. However, this will now happen even if the object is rotated or oriented in any strange way. Snapping will also occur when stretching or changing the bounding box size.
2014-06-15 00:54:48 -07:00
# basic mode edit menu
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.UndoAction="&Undo $1"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.RedoAction="&Redo $1"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.EditTransform="&Edit Transform..."
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.ResetTransform="&Reset Transform"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.Rotate90CW="Rotate 90 degrees CW"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.Rotate90CCW="Rotate 90 degrees CCW"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.Rotate180="Rotate 180 degrees"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.FlipHorizontal="Flip &Horizontal"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.FlipVertical="Flip &Vertical"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.FitToScreen="&Fit to screen"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.StretchToScreen="&Stretch to screen"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Transform.CenterToScreen="&Center to screen"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Order.MoveUp="Move &Up"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Order.MoveDown="Move &Down"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Order.MoveToTop="Move to &Top"
Basic.MainMenu.Edit.Order.MoveToBottom="Move to &Bottom"
UI: Add scene editing So, scene editing was interesting (and by interesting I mean excruciating). I almost implemented 'manipulator' visuals (ala 3dsmax for example), and used 3 modes for controlling position/rotation/size, but in a 2D editing, it felt clunky, so I defaulted back to simply click-and-drag for movement, and then took a similar though slightly different looking approach for handling scaling and reszing. I also added a number of menu item helpers related to positioning, scaling, rotating, flipping, and resetting the transform back to default. There is also a new 'transform' dialog (accessible via menu) which will allow you to manually edit every single transform variable of a scene item directly if desired. If a scene item does not have bounds active, pulling on the sides of a source will cause it to resize it via base scale rather than by the bounding box system (if the source resizes that scale will apply). If bounds are active, it will modify the bounding box only instead. How a source scales when a bounding box is active depends on the type of bounds being used. You can set it to scale to the inner bounds, the outer bounds, scale to bounds width only, scale to bounds height only, and a setting to stretch to bounds (which forces a source to always draw at the bounding box size rather than be affected by its internal size). You can also set it to be used as a 'maximum' size, so that the source doesn't necessarily get scaled unless it extends beyond the bounds. Like in OBS1, objects will snap to the edges unless the control key is pressed. However, this will now happen even if the object is rotated or oriented in any strange way. Snapping will also occur when stretching or changing the bounding box size.
2014-06-15 00:54:48 -07:00
# basic mode help menu
Basic.MainMenu.Help.Logs="&Log Files"
Basic.MainMenu.Help.Logs.ShowLogs="&Show Log Files"
Basic.MainMenu.Help.Logs.UploadCurrentLog="Upload &Current Log File"
Basic.MainMenu.Help.Logs.UploadLastLog="Upload &Last Log File"
2014-07-13 23:56:28 -07:00
Basic.MainMenu.Help.CheckForUpdates="Check For Updates"
# basic mode settings dialog
Basic.Settings.ProgramRestart="The program must be restarted for these settings to take effect."
Basic.Settings.ConfirmTitle="Confirm Changes"
Basic.Settings.Confirm="You have unsaved changes. Save changes?"
# basic mode 'general' settings
# basic mode 'stream' settings
Basic.Settings.Stream.StreamType="Stream Type"
# basic mode 'output' settings
Basic.Settings.Output.Mode="Output Mode"
Basic.Settings.Output.Mode.Simple="Simple (Stream and/or record)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Mode.Advanced="Advanced (Custom output type)"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.SavePath="FLV Recording Path"
2014-07-03 18:07:33 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Output.VideoBitrate="Video Bitrate"
Basic.Settings.Output.AudioBitrate="Audio Bitrate"
Basic.Settings.Output.Reconnect="Automatically Reconnect"
Basic.Settings.Output.RetryDelay="Retry Delay (seconds)"
Basic.Settings.Output.MaxRetries="Maximum Retries"
Basic.Settings.Output.Advanced="Enable Advanced Encoder Settings"
Basic.Settings.Output.X264Preset="x264 Preset"
Basic.Settings.Output.CustomX264Settings="Custom x264 Settings"
Basic.Settings.Output.UseCBR="Use Constant Bitrate"
# basic mode 'video' settings
Basic.Settings.Video.Adapter="Video Adapter:"
Basic.Settings.Video.BaseResolution="Base Resolution:"
Basic.Settings.Video.ScaledResolution="Scaled Resolution:"
Basic.Settings.Video.DownscaleFilter="Downscale Filter:"
Basic.Settings.Video.DisableAeroWindows="Disable Aero (Windows only)"
Basic.Settings.Video.FPSCommon="Common FPS Values"
Basic.Settings.Video.FPSInteger="Integer FPS Value"
Basic.Settings.Video.FPSFraction="Fractional FPS Value"
Basic.Settings.Video.InvalidResolution="Invalid resolution value. Must be [width]x[height] (i.e. 1920x1080)"
Basic.Settings.Video.CurrentlyActive="Video output is currently active. Please turn off any outputs to change video settings."
# basic mode 'audio' settings
Basic.Settings.Audio.SampleRate="Sample Rate"
Basic.Settings.Audio.DesktopDevice="Desktop Audio Device"
Basic.Settings.Audio.DesktopDevice2="Desktop Audio Device 2"
2014-05-23 20:00:58 -07:00
Basic.Settings.Audio.AuxDevice="Mic/Auxiliary Audio Device"
Basic.Settings.Audio.AuxDevice2="Mic/Auxiliary Audio Device 2"
Basic.Settings.Audio.AuxDevice3="Mic/Auxiliary Audio Device 3"