2023-12-05 13:32:08 -05:00

1743 lines
61 KiB

export {};
//* note: All enums were moved to mods/utility/enums.ts
//? Everything was just dumped in as I looked down the lua_api.md
/** @noSelf **/
export interface minetest {
get_current_modname(): string
get_modpath(modName: string): string
get_modnames(): string[]
get_game_info(): GameInfo
get_worldpath(): string
is_singleplayer(): boolean
features(): MinetestFeatures
has_feature(featureName: string): boolean
get_player_information(playerName: string): PlayerInformation
get_player_window_information(playerName: string): WindowInformation
mkdir(dir: string): boolean
rmdir(dir: string): boolean
cpdir(dir: string, dst: string): boolean
mvdir(dir: string): boolean
get_dir_list(dir: string, isDir: boolean): string[]
safe_file_write(path: string, content: string): boolean
get_version(): MinetestInfo
sha1(data: any, raw: boolean): string
colorspec_to_colorstring(colorSpec: ColorSpec): string
colorspec_to_bytes(colorSpec: ColorSpec): string
encode_png(width: number, height: number, data: ColorSpec[] | string, compression: number): string
urlencode(url: string): string
debug(anything: string): void
log(level: LogLevel, text: string): void
register_node(nodeName: string, definition: NodeDefinition): void
register_craftitem(craftItemName: string, definition: ItemDefinition): void
register_tool(toolName: string, definition: ItemDefinition): void
override_item(itemName: string, definition: ItemDefinition): void
unregister_item(itemName: string): void
register_entity(entityName: string, definition: LuaEntity): void
register_abm(abm: ABMDefinition): void
register_lbm(lbm: LBMDefinition): void
register_alias(alias: string, originalName: string): void
register_alias_force(alias: string, originalName: string): void
register_ore(ore: OreDefinition): void
register_biome(biome: BiomeDefinition): void
unregister_biome(biomeName: string): void
register_decoration(decoration: DecorationDefinition): void
register_schematic(schematic: SchematicDefinition): number
clear_registered_biomes(): void
clear_registered_decorations(): void
clear_registered_ores(): void
clear_registered_schematics(): void
register_craft(craftRecipe: CraftRecipeDefinition): void
clear_craft(craftRecipe: CraftRecipeDefinition): void
register_chatcommand(commandName: string, definition: ChatCommandDefinition): void
override_chatcommand(commandName: string, definition: ChatCommandDefinition): void
unregister_chatcommand(commandName: string): void
register_privilege(privilegeName: string, definition: PrivilegeDefinition): void
register_authentication_handler(authHandler: AuthenticationHandlerDefinition): void
register_globalstep(fun: (delta: number) => void): void
register_on_mods_loaded(fun: () => void): void
register_on_shutdown(fun: () => void): void
register_on_placenode(fun: (pos: Vec3, node: NodeTable, placer: ObjectRef, oldNode: NodeTable, itemStack: ItemStackObject, pointedThing: PointedThing) => void): void
register_on_dignode(fun: (pos: Vec3, oldNode: NodeTable, digger: ObjectRef) => void): void
register_on_punchnode(fun: (pos: Vec3, node: NodeTable, puncher: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing) => void): void
register_on_generated(fun: (minp: Vec3, maxp: Vec3, blockSeed: number) => void): void
register_on_newplayer(fun: (player: ObjectRef) => void): void
register_on_punchplayer(fun: (player: ObjectRef, hitter: ObjectRef, timeFromLastPunch: number, toolCapabilities: ToolCapabilities, dir: Vec3, damage: number) => void): void
register_on_rightclickplayer(fun: (player: ObjectRef, clicker: ObjectRef) => void): void
register_on_player_hpchange(fun: (player: ObjectRef, hpChange: number, reason: HPChangeReasonDefinition) => void, modifier: boolean): void
register_on_dieplayer(fun: (player: ObjectRef, reason: HPChangeReasonDefinition) => void): void
register_on_respawnplayer(fun: (player: ObjectRef) => void): void
register_on_prejoinplayer(fun: (name: string, ip: string) => void): void
register_on_joinplayer(fun: (player: ObjectRef, lastLogin: string) => void): void
register_on_leaveplayer(fun: (player: ObjectRef, timedOut: boolean) => void): void
register_on_authplayer(fun: (name: string, ip: string, isSuccess: boolean) => void): void
register_on_auth_fail(fun: (name: string, ip: string) => void): void
register_on_cheat(fun: (player: ObjectRef, cheat: CheatDefinition) => void): void
register_on_chat_message(fun: (name: string, message: string) => void): void
register_on_chatcommand(fun: (name: string, command: string, params: string) => boolean): void
register_on_player_receive_fields(fun: (player: ObjectRef, formName: string, fields: {string : any}) => void): void
register_on_craft(fun: (itemStack: ItemStackObject, player: ObjectRef, oldCraftGrid: any[], craftInv: string) => void): void
register_craft_predict(fun: (itemStack: ItemStackObject, player: ObjectRef, oldCraftGrid: any[], craftInv: string) => void): void
register_allow_player_inventory_action(fun: (player: ObjectRef, action: string, inventory: string, inventoryInfo: ActionDefinition) => void): void
register_on_player_inventory_action(fun: (player: ObjectRef, action: string, inventory: string, inventoryInfo: ActionDefinition) => void): void
register_on_protection_violation(fun: (position: Vec3, name: string) => void): void
register_on_item_eat(fun: (hpChange: number, replaceWithItem: boolean, itemStack: ItemStackObject, user: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing) => void): void
register_on_item_pickup(fun: (itemStack: ItemStackObject, picker: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing, timeFromLastPunch: number, ...any: any) => void): void
register_on_priv_grant(fun: (name: string, granter: string, priv: string) => void): void
register_on_priv_revoke(fun: (name: string, revoker: string, priv: string) => void): void
register_can_bypass_userlimit(fun: (name: string, ip: string) => void): void
register_on_modchannel_message(fun: (channelName: string, sender: string, message: string) => void): void
register_on_liquid_transformed(fun: (posList: Vec3[], nodeList: string[]) => void): void
register_on_mapblocks_changed(fun: (modifiedBlocks: string[], nodeList: any[]) => void): void
settings: MinetestSettingsObject
setting_get_pos(name: string): Vec3
string_to_privs(str: string, delim: string): string
privs_to_string(privs: string, delim: string): string
get_player_privs(playerName: string): string[]
check_player_privs(playerOrName: ObjectRef | string, stringListOrMap: string | Map<string, boolean>): boolean | boolean[]
check_password_entry(playerName: string, entry: string, password: string): boolean
get_password_hash(playerName: string, rawPassword: string): string
get_player_ip(playerName: string): string
get_auth_handler(): AuthenticationHandlerDefinition
notify_authentication_modified(playerName: string): void
set_player_password(playerName: string, passwordHash: string): void
set_player_privs(playerName: string, {string : boolean}): void
auth_reload(): void
chat_send_all(message: string): void
chat_send_player(playerName: string, message: string): void
format_chat_message(playerName: string, message: string): void
set_node(position: Vec3, nodeTable: NodeTable): void
add_node(position: Vec3, nodeTable: NodeTable): void
bulk_set_node(positions: Vec3[], nodeTable: NodeTable): void
swap_node(position: Vec3, nodeTable: NodeTable): void
remove_node(position: Vec3): void
get_node(position: Vec3): NodeTable
get_node_or_nil(position: Vec3): NodeTable | null
get_node_light(position: Vec3, timeOfDay: number): number
get_natural_light(position: Vec3, timeOfDay: number): number
get_artificial_light(param1: number): number
place_node(position: Vec3, nodeTable: NodeTable): void
dig_node(position: Vec3): boolean
punch_node(position: Vec3): void
spawn_falling_node(position: Vec3): [boolean, ObjectRef] | boolean
find_nodes_with_meta(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3): Vec3[]
get_meta(position: Vec3): MetaRef
get_node_timer(position: Vec3): NodeTimerObject
add_entity(position: Vec3, entityName: string, staticData?: string): ObjectRef | null
add_item(position: Vec3, item: ItemStackObject | string): ObjectRef
get_player_by_name(playerName: string): ObjectRef
get_objects_inside_radius(position: Vec3, radius: number): ObjectRef[]
get_objects_in_area(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3): ObjectRef[]
set_timeofday(newTimeOfDay: number): void
get_timeofday(): number
get_gametime(): number
get_day_count(): number
find_node_near(position: Vec3, radius: number, nodeNames: string[], searchCenter?: boolean): Vec3 | void
find_nodes_in_area(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3, nodeNames: string[], grouped: boolean): any[] //! FIXME: returns a very specific thing, turn it into an interface
find_nodes_in_area_under_air(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3, nodeNames: string[]): Vec3[]
get_perlin(nodeParams: NoiseParams): PerlinNoiseObject
get_perlin(seedDiff: number, octaves: number, persistence: number, spread: number): PerlinNoiseObject
get_voxel_manip(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3): VoxelManipObject
set_gen_notify(flags: GenNotifyFlags, decorationIDs: number[]): void
get_gen_notify(): number[]
get_decoration_id(decorationName: string): number
get_mapgen_object(objectName: string): GenNotifyObject
get_heat(position: Vec3): number
get_humidity(position: Vec3): number
get_biome_data(position: Vec3): BiomeDataDefinition | void
get_biome_id(biomeName: string): number
get_biome_name(biomeID: number): string
get_mapgen_setting(settingName: string): MapGenSettingsDefinition
set_mapgen_params(mapgenParams: MapGenSettingsDefinition): void
get_mapgen_edges(mapgenLimit: number, chunkSize: number): void
get_mapgen_setting(settingName: string): MapGenSettingsDefinition
get_mapgen_setting_noiseparams(settingName: string): NoiseParams
set_mapgen_setting(name: string, value: any, overrideMeta: boolean): void
set_noiseparams(name: string, noiseParams: NoiseParams, overrideMeta: boolean): void
get_noiseparams(name: string): NoiseParams
generate_ores(voxelManip: VoxelManipObject, pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3): void
generate_decorations(voxelManip: VoxelManipObject, pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3): void
clear_objects(options: ClearObjectsOptions): void
load_area(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3): void
emerge_area(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3, fun: EmergeAreaCallback, param: any): void
delete_area(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3): void
line_of_sight(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3): [boolean, Vec3]
raycast(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3, hitObjects: boolean, hitLiquids: boolean): RaycastObject
find_path(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3, searchDistance: number, maxJump: number, maxDrop: number, algorithm: SearchAlgorithm): Vec3[]
spawn_tree(position: Vec3, definition: TreeDefinition): void
transforming_liquid_add(position: Vec3): void
get_node_max_level(position: Vec3): number
get_node_level(position: Vec3): number
set_node_level(position: Vec3, level: number): number
add_node_level(position: Vec3, level: number): number
fix_light(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3): boolean
check_single_for_falling(position: Vec3): void
check_for_falling(position: Vec3): void
get_spawn_level(x: number, z: number): number | void
mod_channel_join(channelName: string): void
get_inventory(position: Vec3): InvRef
get_perlin_map(params: NoiseParams, size: Vec3): PerlinNoiseMapObject
get_inventory(position: Vec3): InvRef
create_detached_inventory(name: string, callbacks: DetachedInventoryCallbacks, playerName: string): InvRef
remove_detached_inventory(name: string): boolean
do_item_eat(hpChange: number, replaceWithItem: ItemStackObject, itemStack: ItemStackObject, user: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing): ItemStackObject | void
show_formspec(playerName: string, formName: string, formSpec: string): void
close_formspec(playerName: string, formName: string): void
formspec_escape(escape: string): string
explode_table_event(string: string): Map<any,any>
explode_textlist_event(string: string): Map<any,any>
explode_scrollbar_event(string: string): Map<any,any>
inventorycube(img1: string, img2: string, img3: string): string
get_pointed_thing_position(pointedThing: PointedThing, above: boolean): Vec3 | void
dir_to_facedir(direction: Vec3, is6d: boolean): number
facedir_to_dir(faceDir: number): Vec3
dir_to_fourdir(direction: Vec3): number
fourdir_to_dir(faceDir: number): Vec3
dir_to_wallmounted(direction: Vec3): number
wallmounted_to_dir(faceDir: number): Vec3
dir_to_yaw(direction: Vec3): number
yaw_to_dir(yaw: number): Vec3
is_colored_paramtype(pType: number): boolean
strip_param2_color(param2: number, paramType2: ParamType2): number | void
get_node_drops(node: string | NodeTable, toolName: string): string[]
get_craft_result(input: CraftRecipeCheckDefinition): LuaMultiReturn<[CraftResultObject, CraftRecipeCheckDefinition]>
get_craft_recipe(output: string | NodeTable): CraftRecipeDefinition | void
get_all_craft_recipes(queryItem: string | NodeTable): CraftRecipeDefinition[] | void
handle_node_drops(position: Vec3, drops: string[], digger: ObjectRef): void
itemstring_with_palette(item: ItemStackObject, paletteIndex: number): string
itemstring_with_color(item: ItemStackObject, colorString: DynamicColorSpec): string
rollback_get_node_actions(position: Vec3, range: number, seconds: number, limit: number): Rollback[]
rollback_revert_actions_by(actor: string, seconds: number): [boolean, string]
item_place_node(itemStack: ItemStackObject, placer: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing, param2: number, preventAfterPlace: boolean): [ItemStackObject, Vec3 | void]
//? Deprectated.
// item_place_object(itemStack: ItemStackObject, placer: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing): ItemStackObject
item_place(itemStack: ItemStackObject, placer: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing, param2: number): [ItemStackObject, Vec3 | void]
item_pickup(itemStack: ItemStackObject, picker: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing, timeFromLastPunch: number, ...any: any): ItemStackObject
item_drop(itemStack: ItemStackObject, dropper: ObjectRef | null, position: Vec3): ItemStackObject
item_eat(hpChange: number, replaceWithItem: string): void
node_punch(position: Vec3, nodeTable: NodeTable, puncher: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing): void
node_dig(position: Vec3, nodeTable: NodeTable, digger: ObjectRef): void
after(seconds: number, fun: (...any: any) => void, ...any: any): Job
handle_async(fun: (...any: any) => any, callback: (...any: any) => any, ...any: any): any // any any any any
register_async_dofile(path: string): void
request_shutdown(message: string, reconnect: boolean, delay: number): void
cancel_shutdown_requests(): void
get_server_status(name: string, joined: boolean): void
get_server_uptime(): number
get_server_max_lag(): number
remove_player(playerName: string): number
remove_player_auth(playerName: string): boolean
dynamic_add_media(options: DynamicAddMediaOptions, fun: (name: string) => void): void
get_ban_list(): string
get_ban_description(ipOrName: string): string
ban_player(playerName: string): boolean
unban_player_or_ip(ipOrName: string): void
kick_player(playerName: string, reason: string): boolean
disconnect_player(name: string, reason: string): boolean
add_particle(definition: ParticleDefinition): void
add_particlespawner(definition: ParticleSpawnerDefinition): number
delete_particlespawner(id: number, playerName: string): void
create_schematic(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3, probabilityList: SchematicProbability[], fileName: string, sliceProbList: SchematicSliceProbability[]): void
place_schematic(position: Vec3, schematic: SchematicDefinition | string, rotation: SchematicRotation, replacements: Map<string, string>, forcePlacement: boolean, flags: SchematicPlacementFlag[]): void
place_schematic_on_vmanip(voxelManip: VoxelManipObject, position: Vec3, schematic: SchematicDefinition, rotation: SchematicRotation, replacement: Map<string, string>, forcePlacement: boolean, flags: SchematicPlacementFlag[]): void
serialize_schematic(schematic: SchematicDefinition, format: SchematicFormat, options: SchematicSerializationOption[]): void
read_schematic(schematic: SchematicDefinition | string, options: SchematicReadOptionYSlice[]): Array<any>
request_http_api(): HTTPApi
get_mod_storage(): MetaRef
get_connected_players(): ObjectRef[]
is_player(thing: ObjectRef): boolean
player_exists(playerName: string): boolean
hud_replace_builtin(name: HudReplaceBuiltinOption, definition: HudDefinition): void
parse_relative_number(arg: ParseRelativeNumberArgument, relativeTo: number): number | void
send_join_message(playerName: string): void
send_leave_message(playerName: string, timedOut: boolean): void
hash_node_position(position: Vec3): number
get_position_from_hash(hash: number): Vec3
get_item_group(name: string, group: string): number
raillike_group(name: string): number
get_content_id(name: string): number
get_name_from_content_id(id: number): string
parse_json(string: string, nullValue: any): Array<any>
write_json(data: any[], styled: boolean): string | void
serialize(any: any): string
deserialize(string: string, safe?: boolean): {[id: string | number | symbol] : any}
compress(data: string, method: CompressionMethod, ...any: any): string
decompress(data: string, method: CompressionMethod, ...any: any): string
rgba(red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha: number): string
encode_base64(string: string): string
decode_base64(string: string): string
is_protected(position: Vec3, name: string): boolean
record_protection_violation(position: Vec3, name: string): void
is_creative_enabled(name: string): boolean
is_area_protected(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3, playerName: string, interval: number): boolean
rotate_and_place(itemStack: ItemStackObject, placer: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing, infiniteStacks: boolean, orientFlags: RotateAndPlaceOrientationFlag, preventAfterPlace: boolean): ItemStackObject
rotate_node(itemStack: ItemStackObject, placer: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing): void
calculate_knockback(player: ObjectRef, hitter: ObjectRef, timeFromLastPunch: number, toolCapabilities: ToolCapabilities, dir: Vec3, distance: number, damage: number): number
forceload_block(position: Vec3, transient: boolean, limit: number): boolean
forceload_free_block(position: Vec3, transient: boolean): void
compare_block_status(position: Vec3, condition: BlockStatusCondition): boolean | void
request_insecure_environment(): any
global_exists(name: string): boolean
registered_items: {[id: string] : ItemDefinition}
registered_nodes: {[id: string] : NodeDefinition}
registered_craftitems: {[id: string] : ItemDefinition}
registered_tools: {[id: string] : ItemDefinition}
registered_entities: {[id: string] : LuaEntity}
object_refs: {[id: string] : ObjectRef}
luaentities: {[id: string] : LuaEntity}
registered_abms: ABMDefinition[]
registered_lbms: LBMDefinition[]
registered_aliases: {[id: string] : string}
registered_ores: {[id: string] : OreDefinition}
registered_biomes: {[id: string] : BiomeDefinition}
registered_decorations: {[id: string] : DecorationDefinition}
registered_schematics: {[id: string] : SchematicDefinition}
registered_chatcommands: {[id: string] : ChatCommandDefinition}
registered_privileges: {[id: string] : PrivilegeDefinition}
wrap_text(str: string, limit: number, asTable: boolean): string | string[]
pos_to_string(position: Vec3, decimalPlaces: number): string
string_to_pos(string: string): Vec3
string_to_area(positions: string, relativeTo: Vec3): [Vec3, Vec3]
formspec_escape(string: string): string
is_yes(arg: any): boolean
is_nan(arg: number): boolean
get_us_time(): number
pointed_thing_to_face_pos(placer: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing): Vec3
get_tool_wear_after_use(uses: number, initialWear: number): number
get_dig_params(groups: string[], toolCapabilities: ToolCapabilities, wear: number): DigParamsReturn
get_hit_params(groups: string[], toolCapabilities: ToolCapabilities, timeFromLastPunch: number, wear: number): HitParamsReturn
get_translator(textDomain: string): Translator
translate(textDomain: string, ...string: string[]): string
sound_play(spec: SimpleSoundSpec, parameters?: SoundParameterTable, ephemeral?: boolean): number
sound_stop(handle: number): void
sound_fade(handle: number, step: number, gain: number): void
registerTSEntity(clazz: { new(): LuaEntity }): void
get_color_escape_sequence(color: string): string
colorize(color: string, message: string): string
get_background_escape_sequence(color: string): string
strip_foreground_colors(string: string): string
strip_background_colors(string: string): string
strip_colors(string: string): string
* This is only exposed to allow extension!
spawn_item(pos: Vec3, item: ItemStackObject | string): ObjectRef | null
// export interface HeightMapObject {
// }
// export interface BiomeMapObject {
// }
// export interface HeatMapObject {
// }
// export interface HumidityMapObject {
// }
declare global {
interface ItemStackObject {
name: string
// count: number
wear: number
metadata: string
is_empty(): boolean
get_name(): string
set_name(name: string): boolean
get_count(): number
set_count(count: number): boolean
get_wear(): number
set_wear(wear: number): boolean
get_meta(): MetaRef
get_description(): string
get_short_description(): string
clear(): void
replace(item: ItemStackObject | string): void
to_string(): string
to_table(): any[]
get_stack_max(): number
get_free_space(): number
is_known(): boolean
get_definition(): ItemDefinition
get_tool_capabilities(): ToolCapabilities
add_wear(wear: number): void
add_wear_by_uses(maxUses: number): void
add_item(item: ItemStackObject): ItemStackObject
item_fits(item: ItemStackObject): boolean
take_item(n: number): ItemStackObject
peek_item(n: number): ItemStackObject
equals(other: ItemStackObject): boolean
export interface InvRefLocation {
type: string
name: string
pos: Vec3
export interface InvRef {
is_empty(listName: string): boolean
get_size(listName: string): number
set_size(listName: string, size: number): boolean
get_width(listName: string): number
set_width(listName: string, size: number): void
get_stack(listName: string, i: number): ItemStackObject
set_stack(listName: string, i: number, stack: ItemStackObject | string): void
get_list(listName: string): ItemStackObject[]
set_list(listName: string, list: ItemStackObject[]): void
get_lists(): string[]
set_lists(lists: ItemStackObject[]): void
add_item(listName: string, stack: ItemStackObject | string): ItemStackObject
room_for_item(listName: string, stack: ItemStackObject | string): boolean
contains_item(listName: string, stack: ItemStackObject | string, matchMeta: boolean): boolean
remove_item(listName: string, stack: ItemStackObject | string): ItemStackObject[]
get_location(): InvRefLocation
export interface TreeDefinition {
axiom: string
rules_a: string
rules_b: string
rules_c: string
rules_d: string
trunk: string
leaves: string
leaves2: string
leaves2_chance: number
angle: number
iterations: number
random_level: number
trunk_type: string
thin_branches: boolean
fruit: string
fruit_chance: number
seed: number
export type GenNotifyObject = Map<string, Vec3[]>
export interface SimpleSoundSpec {
name?: string
gain?: number
pitch?: number
fade?: number
export interface SoundParameterTable extends SimpleSoundSpec {
start_time?: number
loop?: boolean
pos?: Vec3
object?: ObjectRef
to_player?: string
max_hear_distance?: number
export interface NodeBox {
type: Nodeboxtype
fixed?: boxTable
wall_top?: box
wall_bottom?: box
wall_side?: box
connect_top?: box
connect_bottom?: box
connect_front?: box
connect_left?: box
connect_back?: box
connect_right?: box
disconnected_top?: box
disconnected_bottom?: box
disconnected_front?: box
disconnected_left?: box
disconnected_back?: box
disconnected_right?: box
disconnected?: box
disconnected_sides?: box
export type box = number[]
export type boxTable = box[]
export type itemstring = string
export interface GameInfo {
id: string
title: string
author: string
path: string
export interface MinetestFeatures {
glasslike_framed: boolean
nodebox_as_selectionbox: boolean
get_all_craft_recipes_works: boolean
use_texture_alpha: boolean
no_legacy_abms: boolean
texture_names_parens: boolean
area_store_custom_ids: boolean
add_entity_with_staticdata: boolean
no_chat_message_prediction: boolean
object_use_texture_alpha: boolean
object_independent_selectionbox: boolean
httpfetch_binary_data: boolean
formspec_version_element: boolean
area_store_persistent_ids: boolean
pathfinder_works: boolean
object_step_has_moveresult: boolean
direct_velocity_on_players: boolean
use_texture_alpha_string_modes: boolean
degrotate_240_steps: boolean
abm_min_max_y: boolean
dynamic_add_media_table: boolean
particlespawner_tweenable: boolean
get_sky_as_table: boolean
get_light_data_buffer: boolean
mod_storage_on_disk: boolean
compress_zstd: boolean
export interface PlayerInformation {
address: string
ip_version: number
connection_uptime: number
protocol_version: number
formspec_version: number
lang_code: string
min_rtt: number
max_rtt: number
avg_rtt: number
min_jitter: number
max_jitter: number
avg_jitter: number
export interface WindowInformation {
size: Vec2
max_formspec_size: Vec2
real_gui_scaling: number
real_hud_scaling: number
export interface MinetestInfo {
project: string
string: string
proto_min: string
proto_max: string
hash: string
is_dev: boolean
export interface ColorSpec {
a: number
r: number
g: number
b: number
export interface NodeSoundSpec {
footstep?: SimpleSoundSpec
dig?: SimpleSoundSpec | string
dug?: SimpleSoundSpec
place?: SimpleSoundSpec
place_failed?: SimpleSoundSpec
fall?: SimpleSoundSpec
export interface ItemDropSpec {
tools?: string[]
rarity?: number
items?: string[]
inherit_color?: boolean
tool_groups?: string[] | string[][]
export interface NodeDropSpec {
max_items?: number
items: ItemDropSpec[]
export interface MapNode {
name: string
prob: number
param2: number
force_place: boolean
export interface NodeTable {
name: string
param1?: number
param2?: number
export interface PointedThing {
type: string
under: Vec3
above: Vec3
ref: ObjectRef
export interface GroupCap {
// Allow the end programmer to do it their way.
times: number[] | {[id: number] : number},
uses?: number,
maxlevel?: number
// This is a bolt on specifically for Forgotten Lands. You can still use it though, but it won't do anything without implementation.
maxdrop?: number
export interface ToolCapabilities {
full_punch_interval?: number
max_drop_level?: number
groupcaps?: {[id: string] : GroupCap}
damage_groups?: {[id: string] : number}
punch_attack_uses?: number
export interface ItemSounds {
breaks: SimpleSoundSpec
eat: SimpleSoundSpec
punch_use: SimpleSoundSpec
punch_use_air: SimpleSoundSpec
export interface Collision {
type: string
axis: string
node_pos: Vec3
object: ObjectRef
old_velocity: Vec3
new_velocity: Vec3
export interface MoveResult {
touching_ground: boolean
collides: boolean
standing_on_object: boolean
collisions: Collision[]
export type DynamicColorSpec = (ColorSpec | string)
export interface ItemDefinition {
type?: string
description?: string
short_description?: string
groups?: {[id: string]: number}
inventory_image?: string
inventory_overlay?: string
wield_image?: string
wield_overlay?: string
wield_scale?: Vec3
palette?: string
color?: string
stack_max?: number
range?: number
liquids_pointable?: boolean
light_source?: number
tool_capabilities?: ToolCapabilities
node_placement_prediction?: string
node_dig_prediction?: string
sound?: SimpleSoundSpec
on_place?(itemStack: ItemStackObject, placer: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing): void
on_secondary_use?(itemStack: ItemStackObject, user: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing): void
on_drop?(itemStack: ItemStackObject, dropper: ObjectRef, position: Vec3): void
on_pickup?(itemStack: ItemStackObject, picker: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing, timeFromLastPunch: number, ...any: any): void
on_use?(itemStack: ItemStackObject, user: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing): void
after_use?(itemStack: ItemStackObject, user: ObjectRef, nodeTable: NodeTable, {string : any}): void
/** @noSelf **/
export interface NodeDefinition {
drawtype?: Drawtype
visual_scale?: number
tiles?: string[]
overlay_tiles?: string[]
special_tiles?: string[]
color?: DynamicColorSpec
light_source?: number
use_texture_alpha?: TextureAlpha
palette?: string
post_effect_color?: DynamicColorSpec
post_effect_color_shaded?: boolean
paramtype?: ParamType1
paramtype2?: ParamType2
place_param2?: number
is_ground_content?: boolean
sunlight_propagates?: boolean
walkable?: boolean
groups?: {[id: string] : number}
pointable?: boolean
diggable?: boolean
climbable?: boolean
move_resistance?: number
buildable_to?: boolean
floodable?: boolean
liquidtype?: LiquidType
liquid_alternative_flowing?: string
liquid_alternative_source?: string
liquid_viscosity?: number
liquid_renewable?: boolean
liquid_move_physics?: boolean
leveled?: number
leveled_max?: number
liquid_range?: number
drowning?: number
damage_per_second?: number
node_box?: NodeBox
connects_to?: string[]
connect_sides?: NodeBoxConnections
mesh?: string
selection_box?: NodeBox
collision_box?: NodeBox
legacy_facedir_simple?: boolean
legacy_wallmounted?: boolean
waving?: number
sounds?: NodeSoundSpec
drop?: NodeDropSpec | string
on_construct?(position: Vec3): void
on_destruct?(position: Vec3): void
after_destruct?(position: Vec3, oldNode: MapNode): void
on_flood?(position: Vec3, oldNode: NodeTable, newNode: NodeTable): void
preserve_metadata?(position: Vec3, oldNode: NodeTable, oldMeta: NodeTable, drops: ItemStackObject[]): void
after_place_node?(position: Vec3, placer: ObjectRef, itemStack: ItemStackObject, pointedThing: PointedThing): void
after_dig_node?(position: Vec3, oldNode: NodeTable, oldMeta: string, digger: ObjectRef): void
can_dig?(position: Vec3, canDig: ObjectRef): boolean
on_punch?(position: Vec3, node: NodeTable, puncher: ObjectRef, pointedThing: PointedThing): void
on_rightclick?(position: Vec3, node: NodeTable, clicker: ObjectRef, itemStack: ItemStackObject, pointedThing: PointedThing): void
on_dig?(position: Vec3, node: NodeTable, digger: ObjectRef): void
on_timer?(position: Vec3, elapsed: number): void
on_receive_fields?(position: Vec3, formName: string, fields: {[id: string] : any}, sender: ObjectRef): void
allow_metadata_inventory_move?(position: Vec3, fromList: string, fromIndex: number, toList: string, toIndex: number, count: number, player: ObjectRef): void
allow_metadata_inventory_put?(position: Vec3, listName: string, index: number, stack: ItemStackObject, player: ObjectRef): number
allow_metadata_inventory_take?(position: Vec3, listName: string, index: number, stack: ItemStackObject, player: ObjectRef): number
on_metadata_inventory_move?(position: Vec3, fromList: string, fromIndex: number, toList: string, toIndex: number, count: number, player: ObjectRef): void
on_metadata_inventory_put?(position: Vec3, listName: string, index: number, stack: ItemStackObject, player: ObjectRef): void
on_metadata_inventory_take?(position: Vec3, listName: string, index: number, stack: ItemStackObject, player: ObjectRef): void
on_blast?(position: Vec3, intensity: number): void
mod_origin?: string
export interface MetaRef {
set_tool_capabilities(toolCapabilities: ToolCapabilities): void
contains(key: string): boolean
get(key: string): string
set_string(key: string, value: string): void
get_string(key: string): string
set_int(key: string, value: number): void
get_int(key: string): number
set_float(key: string, value: number): void
get_float(key: string): number
get_keys(): string[]
to_table(): MetaData | void
from_table(data: MetaData): boolean
equals(other: MetaRef): boolean
// node
get_inventory(): InvRef
mark_as_private(nameOrArray: string | string[]): void
// timer
set(timeOut: number, elapsed: number): void
start(timeOut: number): void
stop(): void
get_timeout(): number
get_elapsed(): number
is_started(): boolean
export interface ABMDefinition {
label: string
nodenames: string[]
neighbors: string[]
interval: number
chance: number
min_y: number
max_y: number
catch_up: number
action(pos: Vec3, node: NodeTable, activeObjectCount: number, activeObjectCountWider: number): void
export interface LBMDefinition {
label: string
name: string
nodenames: string[]
run_at_every_load: boolean
action(pos: Vec3, node: NodeTable, delta: number): void
export interface SchematicReadOptionYSlice {
write_yslice_prob: SchematicReadOptionYSliceOption
export interface SchematicData {
name: string
prob: number
param1: number
param2: number
force_place: boolean
export interface SchematicProbability {
pos: Vec3
prob: number
export interface SchematicSliceProbability {
ypos: number
prob: number
export interface SchematicDefinition {
size: Vec3
data: SchematicData[]
yslice_prob: number[][]
export interface HTTPrequestDefinition {
url: string
timeout: number
method: HTTPRequestMethod
data: string | {string : string}
user_agent: string
extra_headers: string[]
multipart: boolean
post_data: string | {string : string}
export interface HTTPRequestResult {
completed: boolean
succeeded: boolean
timeout: boolean
code: number
data: string
export interface HTTPApi {
fetch(req: HTTPrequestDefinition, callback: (res: HTTPRequestResult) => void): void
fetch_async(req: HTTPrequestDefinition): number
fetch_async_get(handle: number): HTTPRequestResult
export interface NoiseParams {
offset: number
scale: number
spread: Vec3
seed: number
octaves: number
persistence: number
lacunarity: number
flags: NoiseFlags
export interface OreDefinition {
ore_type: OreType
ore: string
ore_param2?: number
wherein: string
clust_scarcity: number
clust_num_ores: number
clust_size: number
y_min: number
y_max: number
flags?: OreFlags
noise_threshold?: number
noise_params?: NoiseParams
biomes?: string[]
column_height_min?: number
column_height_max?: number
column_midpoint_factor?: number
np_puff_top?: NoiseParams
np_puff_bottom?: NoiseParams
random_factor?: number
np_stratum_thickness?: NoiseParams
stratum_thickness?: number
export interface BiomeDefinition {
name: string
node_dust?: string
node_top?: string
depth_top?: number
node_filler?: string
depth_filler?: number
node_stone?: string
node_water_top?: string
depth_water_top?: number
node_water?: string
node_river_water?: string
node_riverbed?: string
depth_riverbed?: number
node_cave_liquid?: string
node_dungeon?: string
node_dungeon_alt?: string
node_dungeon_stair?: string
y_max?: number
y_min?: number
max_pos?: Vec3
min_pos?: Vec3
vertical_blend?: number
heat_point?: number
humidity_point?: number
export interface DecorationDefinition {
name: string
deco_type?: DecorationType
place_on?: string
sidelen?: number
fill_ratio?: number
noise_params?: NoiseParams
biomes?: string[]
y_min?: number
y_max?: number
spawn_by?: string
check_offset?: number
num_spawn_by?: number
flags?: string | {string : boolean}
decoration?: string | string[]
height?: number
height_max?: number
param2?: number
param2_max?: number
place_offset_y?: number
schematic?: string | SchematicDefinition | number
replacements?: {string : string}
rotation?: string
export interface CraftRecipeDefinition {
type?: CraftRecipeType
output?: string
recipe: string[][] | string[] | string
replacements?: string[]
additional_wear?: number
cooktime?: number
burntime?: number
export interface CraftResultObject {
item: ItemStackObject
time: number
replacements: ItemStackObject[]
export interface CraftRecipeCheckDefinition {
method: CraftCheckType
width: number
items: ItemStackObject[]
export interface ChatCommandDefinition {
params: string
description: string
privs: string[]
func(name: string, param: string): [boolean, string]
export interface PrivilegeDefinition {
description: string
give_to_singleplayer: boolean
give_to_admin: boolean
on_grant(name: string, granterName: string): void
on_revoke(name: string, revokerName: string): void
export interface AuthenticationHandlerDefinition {
get_auth(name: string): void
create_auth(name: string, password: string): void
delete_auth(name: string): void
set_password(name: string, password: string): void
set_privileges(name: string, privileges: Map<any,any>): void // ! fixme: this needs to be checked.
reload(): void
record_login(name: string): void
iterate(): void
export interface HPChangeReasonDefinition {
type: HPChangeReasonType
node: string
node_pos: Vec3
object: ObjectRef
from: string
export interface ActionDefinition {
from_list: string
to_list: string
from_index: number
to_index: number
count: number
listname: string
index: number
stack: ItemStackObject
export interface CheatDefinition {
type: CheatType
export type EmergeAreaCallback = (blockPos: Vec3, action: any, callsRemaining: number, param: any) => void // ! FIXME: figure out what minetest.EMERGE_CANCELLED EVEN IS!
export interface BiomeDataDefinition {
biome: number
heat: number
humidity: number
export interface MapGenSettingsDefinition {
mgname: string
seed: number
chnksize: number
water_level: number
flags: string
export interface MetaData {
fields: {string : any}
inventory: {string : {number : string}}
export function ItemStack(stringOrObject: ItemStackObject | string): ItemStackObject
export function VoxelManip(_pos1: Vec3, _pos2: Vec3): VoxelManipObject
export function VoxelArea(_min: Vec3, _max: Vec3): VoxelAreaObject
export function Raycast(_pos1: Vec3, _pos2: Vec3, _object: boolean, _liquids: boolean): RaycastObject
export function SecureRandom(): SecureRandomObject
export function Settings(_: string): MinetestSettingsObject
export function PcgRandom(seed: number, sequence: number[]): PcgRandomObject
export function PerlinNoise(params: NoiseParams): PerlinNoiseObject
export function PerlinNoiseMap(params: NoiseParams, size: Vec3): PerlinNoiseMapObject
export function PseudoRandom(seed: number): PseudoRandomObject
export function AreaStore(_: AreaStoreType): AreaStoreObject
export namespace vector {
export function zero(): Vec3
export function copy(vec: Vec3): Vec3
export function from_string(s: string, init: string): Vec3
export function to_string(vec: Vec3): string
export function direction(vec1: Vec3, vec2: Vec3): Vec3
export function distance(vec1: Vec3, vec2: Vec3): number
export function length(vec: Vec3): number
export function normalize(vec: Vec3): Vec3
export function floor(vec: Vec3): Vec3
export function round(vec: Vec3): Vec3
export function apply(vec: Vec3, fun: (input: number) => number): Vec3
export function combine(vec1: Vec3, vec2: Vec3, fun: (...any: any) => void): Vec3 //! fixme: test this
export function equals(vec1: Vec3, vec2: Vec3): boolean
export function sort(vec1: Vec3, vec2: Vec3): [Vec3, Vec3]
export function angle(vec1: Vec3, vec2: Vec3): number
export function dot(vec1: Vec3, vec2: Vec3): number
export function cross(vec1: Vec3, vec2: Vec3): number
export function check(vec: Vec3): boolean
export function in_area(vec: Vec3, min: Vec3, max: Vec3): boolean
export function add(vec: Vec3, scalarOrVec: Vec3 | number): Vec3
export function subtract(vec: Vec3, scalarOrVec: Vec3 | number): Vec3
export function multiply(vec: Vec3, scalarOrVec: Vec3 | number): Vec3
export function divide(vec: Vec3, scalarOrVec: Vec3 | number): Vec3
export function rotate(vec: Vec3, radians: number): Vec3
export function rotate_around_axis(vec: Vec3, vec2: Vec3, radians: number): Vec3
export function dir_to_rotation(vec: Vec3, up: Vec3): Vec3
// This is created in the utility module because new is a reserved keyword in TS.
export function create(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number): Vec3
// Everything else is a bolt on created in the utility module.
export function create2d(x?: number, y?: number): Vec2
export function random(minX: number, maxX: number, minY: number, maxY: number, minZ: number, maxZ: number): Vec3
export function distance2d(vec1: Vec3, vec2: Vec3): number
export interface VoxelManipObject {
read_from_map(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3): [Vec3, Vec3]
write_to_map(light: boolean): void
get_node_at(position: Vec3): MapNode
set_node_at(position: Vec3, node: MapNode): void
get_data(buffer?: number[]): number[]
set_data(buffer?: number[]): number[]
set_lighting(light: number, p1: Vec3, p2: Vec3): void
get_light_data(buffer: number[]): number[]
set_light_data(lightData: number[]): void
get_param2_data(buffer: number[]): number[]
set_param2_data(param2Data: number[]): void
calc_lighting(p1: Vec3, p2: Vec3, propagateShadows: boolean): void
update_liquids(): void
was_modified(): boolean
get_emerged_area(): [Vec3, Vec3]
export interface VoxelAreaInitializer {
MinEdge: Vec3
MaxEdge: Vec3
export interface VoxelAreaObject {
ystride: number
zstride: number
new(init: VoxelAreaInitializer): VoxelAreaObject
getExtent(): Vec3
index(x: number, y: number, z: number): number
indexp(p: Vec3): number
position(i: number): Vec3
contains(x: number, y: number, z: number): boolean
containsp(p: Vec3): boolean
containsi(i: number): boolean
iter(minX: number, minY: number, minZ: number, maxX: number, maxY: number, maxZ: number): Iterator<number>
iterp(minp: Vec3, maxp: Vec3): Iterator<number>
export interface RaycastObject extends Iterator<PointedThing>{}
export interface SecureRandomObject {
next_bytes(count: number): string
export interface DetachedInventoryCallbacks {
allow_move(inv: InvRef, fromList: string, fromIndex: number, toList: string, toIndex: number, count: number, player: ObjectRef): number
allow_put(inv: InvRef, listName: string, index: number, stack: ItemStackObject, player: ObjectRef): number
allow_take(inv: InvRef, listName: string, index: number, stack: ItemStackObject, player: ObjectRef): number
on_move(inv: InvRef, fromList: string, fromIndex: number, toList: string, toIndex: number, count: number, player: ObjectRef): void
on_put(inv: InvRef, listName: string, index: number, stack: ItemStackObject, player: ObjectRef): void
on_take(inv: InvRef, listName: string, index: number, stack: ItemStackObject, player: ObjectRef): void
export interface AreaStoreObject {
get_area(id: number, includeCorners: boolean, includeData: boolean): Array<AreaStoreArea | boolean> | void
get_areas_for_pos(pos: Vec3, includeCorners: boolean, includeData: boolean): Array<AreaStoreArea | boolean> | void
get_areas_in_area(corner1: Vec3, corner2: Vec3, acceptOverlap: boolean, includeCorners: boolean, includeData: boolean): Array<AreaStoreArea | boolean> | void
insert_area(corner1: Vec3, corner2: Vec3, data: string, id: number): number
reserve(count: number): void
remove_area(id: number): boolean
set_cache_params(params: AreaStoreCacheDefinition): void
to_string(): string
to_file(fileName: string): void
from_string(str: string): [boolean, string] | void
from_file(fileName: string): [boolean, string] | void
export interface MinetestSettingsObject {
get(key: string): any
get_bool(key: string, defaul?: boolean): boolean | null
get_np_group(key: string): NoiseParams
get_flags(key: string): {string : boolean}
set(key: string, value: string): void
set_bool(key: string, value: boolean): void
set_np_group(key: string, value: NoiseParams): void
remove(key: string): boolean
get_names(): string[]
has(key: string): boolean
write(): boolean
to_table(): Map<string, any>
export interface NametagAttributes {
text: string
color: RGBA
bgcolor: RGBA
export interface AttachRef {
parent: ObjectRef
bone: string
position: Vec3
rotation: Vec3
forced_visible: boolean
export interface ObjectRef {
get_pos(): Vec3
set_pos(position: Vec3): void
get_velocity(): Vec3
add_velocity(velocity: Vec3): void
move_to(newPos: Vec3, continuous: boolean): void
punch(puncher: ObjectRef, timeFromLastPunch: number, toolCapabilities: ToolCapabilities, dir: Vec3): void
right_click(clicker: ObjectRef): void
get_hp(): number
set_hp(hp: number, reason: HPChangeReasonType): void
get_inventory(): InvRef
get_wield_list(): string
get_wield_index(): number
get_wielded_item(): ItemStackObject
set_wielded_item(item: ItemStackObject): boolean
get_armor_groups(): {string : number}
set_armor_groups(groups: {[id: string] : number}): void
get_animation(): Array<Vec2 | number>
set_animation(frameRange: Vec2, frameSpeed: number, frameBlend: number, loop: boolean): void
set_animation_frame_speed(speed: number): void
set_attach(parent: ObjectRef, bone: string, position: Vec3, rotation: Vec3, forcedVisible: boolean): void
get_attach(): AttachRef | void
get_children(): ObjectRef[]
set_detach(): void
set_bone_position(bone: string, position: Vec3, rotation: Vec3): void
set_properties(objectPropertiesTable: ObjectProperties): void
get_properties(): ObjectProperties
is_player(): boolean
get_nametag_attributes(): NametagAttributes
set_nametag_attributes(attributes: NametagAttributes): void
remove(): void
set_velocity(velocity: Vec3): void
set_acceleration(acceleration: Vec3): void
get_acceleration(): Vec3
set_rotation(rotation: Vec3): void
get_rotation(): Vec3
set_yaw(yaw: number): void
get_yaw(): number
set_texture_mod(mod: string): void
get_texture_mod(): string
set_sprite(startFrame: Vec2, numberOfFrames: number, frameLength: number, selectXByCamera: boolean): void
name: string
get_luaentity(): LuaEntity
get_player_name(): string
get_look_dir(): Vec3
get_look_vertical(): number
get_look_horizontal(): number
set_look_vertical(radians: number): void
set_look_horizontal(radians: number): void
get_look_pitch(): number
get_look_yaw(): number
set_look_pitch(radians: number): void
set_look_yaw(radians: number): void
get_breath(): number
set_breath(value: number): void
set_fov(fov: number, isMultiplier: boolean, transitionTime: number): void
get_fov(): number
get_meta(): MetaRef
set_inventory_formspec(formSpec: string): void
get_inventory_formspec(): string
set_formspec_prepend(formSpec: string): void
get_formspec_prepend(): string
get_player_control(): PlayerControl
get_player_control_bits(): number
set_physics_override(override: PhysicsOverride): void
get_physics_override(): PhysicsOverride
hud_add(definition: HudDefinition): number
hud_remove(id: number): void
hud_change(id: number, stat: HudElementType, value: any): void
hud_get(id: number): HudDefinition
hud_set_flags(flags: HudFlags): void
hud_get_flags(): HudFlags
hud_set_hotbar_itemcount(count: number): void
hud_get_hotbar_itemcount(): number
hud_set_hotbar_image(textureName: string): void
hud_get_hotbar_image(): string
hud_set_hotbar_selected_image(textureName: string): void
hud_get_hotbar_selected_image(): string
set_minimap_modes(mode: MinimapModes, selectedMode: number): void
set_sky(parameters: SkyParameters): void
get_sky(asTable: true): SkyParameters
set_sun(parameters: SunParameters): void
get_sun(): SunParameters
set_moon(parameters: MoonParameters): void
get_moon(): MoonParameters
set_stars(parameters: StarParameters): void
get_stars(): StarParameters
set_clouds(parameters: CloudParameters): void
get_clouds(): CloudParameters
override_day_night_ratio(ratio: number | void): void
get_day_night_ratio(): number | void
set_local_animation(idle: Vec2, walk: Vec2, dig: Vec2, walkWhileDig: Vec2, frameSpeed: number): void
get_local_animation(): [Vec2, Vec2, Vec2, Vec2, number]
set_eye_offset(firstPerson: Vec3, thirdPersonBack: Vec3, thirdPersonFront: Vec3): void
get_eye_offset(): [Vec3, Vec3, Vec3]
send_mapblock(blockPos: Vec3): boolean
set_lighting(definition: LightingDefinition): void
get_lighting(): LightingDefinition
respawn(): void
export interface PcgRandomObject {
next(): number
next(min: number, max: number): number
rand_normal_dist(min: number, max: number, trials: number): number
export interface PerlinNoiseObject {
get_2d(position: Vec2): number
get_3d(position: Vec3): number
export interface PerlinNoiseMapObject {
get_2d_map(pos: Vec2): number[][]
get_3d_map(pos: Vec3): number[][][]
get_2d_map_flat(pos: Vec2, buffer: number[]): number[]
get_3d_map_flat(pos: Vec3, buffer: number[]): number[]
calc_2d_map(pos: Vec2): void
calc_3d_map(pos: Vec3): void
get_map_slice(sliceOffset: Vec3, sliceSize: Vec3, buffer: number[]): number[]
export interface PseudoRandomObject {
next(): number
next(min: number, max: number): number
export interface PhysicsOverride {
speed?: number
jump?: number
gravity?: number
speed_climb?: number
speed_crouch?: number
liquid_fluidity?: number
liquid_fluidity_smooth?: number
liquid_sink?: number
acceleration_default?: number
acceleration_air?: number
sneak?: boolean
sneak_glitch?: boolean
new_move?: boolean
export interface PlayerControl {
up: boolean
down: boolean
left: boolean
right: boolean
jump: boolean
aux1: boolean
sneak: boolean
dig: boolean
place: boolean
LMB: boolean
RMB: boolean
zoom: boolean
export interface SkyParametersColor {
day_sky: DynamicColorSpec
day_horizon: DynamicColorSpec
dawn_sky: DynamicColorSpec
dawn_horizon: DynamicColorSpec
night_sky: DynamicColorSpec
night_horizon: DynamicColorSpec
indoors: DynamicColorSpec
fog_sun_tint: DynamicColorSpec
fog_moon_tint: DynamicColorSpec
fog_tint_type: SkyParametersFogTintType
export interface SkyParametersFog {
fog_distance: number
fog_start: number
export interface SkyParameters {
base_color: DynamicColorSpec
body_orbit_tilt: number
type: SkyParametersType
textures: string[]
clouds: boolean
sky_color: SkyParametersColor
fog: SkyParametersFog
export interface SunParameters {
visible: boolean
texture?: string
tonemap?: string
sunrise?: string
sunrise_visible: boolean
scale?: number
export interface MoonParameters {
visible: boolean
texture?: string
tonemap?: string
scale?: number
export interface StarParameters {
visible: boolean
day_opacity: number
count: number
star_color: DynamicColorSpec
scale: number
export interface CloudParameters {
density: number
color: DynamicColorSpec
ambient: DynamicColorSpec
height: number
thickness: number
speed: Vec2
export interface LightShadowsSpec {
intensity: number
export interface LightExposureSpec {
luminance_min: number
luminance_max: number
exposure_correction: number
speed_dark_bright: number
speed_bright_dark: number
center_weight_power: number
export interface LightingDefinition {
saturation: number
shadows: LightShadowsSpec
exposure: LightExposureSpec
export type CollisionBox = Array<number>
export interface ObjectProperties {
hp_max?: number
breath_max?: number
zoom_fov?: number
eye_height?: number
physical?: boolean
wield_item?: string
collide_with_objects?: boolean
collisionbox?: CollisionBox
selectionbox?: number[]
pointable?: boolean
visual?: EntityVisual
visual_size?: Vec3 | Vec2
mesh?: string
textures?: string[]
colors?: DynamicColorSpec[]
use_texture_alpha?: boolean
spritediv?: Vec2
initial_sprite_basepos?: Vec2
is_visible?: boolean
makes_footstep_sound?: boolean
automatic_rotate?: number
stepheight?: number
automatic_face_movement_dir?: number
automatic_face_movement_max_rotation_per_sec?: number
backface_culling?: boolean
glow?: number
nametag?: string
nametag_color?: ColorSpec
nametag_bgcolor?: ColorSpec
infotext?: string
static_save?: boolean
damage_texture_modifier?: string
shaded?: boolean
show_on_minimap?: boolean
export interface LuaEntity {
__index?: LuaEntity
initial_properties?: ObjectProperties
name: string
object: ObjectRef
on_activate?(staticData: string, delta: number): void
on_deactivate?(removal: boolean): void
on_step?(delta: number, moveResult: MoveResult): void
on_punch?(puncher: ObjectRef, timeFromLastPunch: number, toolCapabilities: ToolCapabilities, dir: Vec3, damage: number): void
on_death?(killer: ObjectRef): void
on_rightclick?(clicker: ObjectRef): void
on_attach_child?(child: ObjectRef): void
on_detach_child?(child: ObjectRef): void
on_detach?(parent: ObjectRef): void
get_staticdata?(): string
export interface MinimapModes {
type: MinimapType
label: string
size: number
texture: string
scale: number
export interface HudFlags {
hotbar?: boolean
healthbar?: boolean
crosshair?: boolean
wielditem?: boolean
breathbar?: boolean
minimap?: boolean
minimap_radar?: boolean
basic_debug?: boolean
chat?: boolean
export interface HudDefinition {
hud_elem_type: HudElementType
position: Vec2
name: string
scale?: Vec2
text?: string
text2?: string
number?: number
item?: number
direction?: number
alignment?: Vec2
offset?: Vec2
world_pos?: Vec3
size?: Vec2
z_index?: number
style?: number
export interface TileAnimationDefinition {
type: TileAnimationType
aspect_w: number
aspect_h: number
length: number
frames_w: number
frames_h: number
frame_length: number
export interface Rollback {
actor: string
pos: Vec3
time: number
oldnode: string
newnode: string
export interface Job {
cancel(): void
export interface DynamicAddMediaOptions {
filepath: string
to_player: string
ephemeral: boolean
export interface ParticleBounceDefinition {
min: number
max: number
bias: number
export interface ParticleDefinition {
pos: Vec3
velocity: Vec3
acceleration: Vec3
expirationtime: number
size: number
collisiondetection: boolean
collision_removal: boolean
object_collision: boolean
vertical: boolean
texture: string
playername: string
animation: TileAnimationDefinition
glow: number
node: NodeTable
node_tile: NodeSoundSpec
drag: Vec3
bounce: ParticleBounceDefinition
export interface ParticleSpawnerTweenDefinition extends Array<number | ParticleSpawnerRangeDefinition> {
// {number | ParticleSpawnerRangeDefinition}
style: ParticleSpawnerTweenStyle
reps: number
start: number
export interface ParticleSpawnerRangeDefinition {
min: Vec3
max: Vec3
bias: number
pos_tween: ParticleSpawnerTweenDefinition
x: number
y: number
z: number
export type ParticleSpawnerTextureScaleTween = Array<Vec2>
export interface ParticleSpawnerTextureDefinition {
name: string
alpha: number
alpha_tween: number[]
scale: number | Vec2
scale_tween: ParticleSpawnerTextureScaleTween
blend: ParticleSpawnerTextureBlend
animation: TileAnimationDefinition
export interface TexturePoolComponentTweenDefinition extends Array<number> {
style: ParticleSpawnerTweenStyle
reps: number
export interface TexturePoolComponentDefinition {
name: string
fade: TexturePoolComponentFade
alpha: number
scale: number
animation: TileAnimationDefinition
alpha_tween: TexturePoolComponentTweenDefinition
export type ParticleSpawnerTexturePoolDefinition = Array<string | TexturePoolComponentDefinition>
export interface ParticleSpawnerAttractionDefinition {
kind: ParticleSpawnerAttractionType
strength: Vec2
origin: Vec3
direction: Vec3
origin_attached: ObjectRef
direction_attached: ObjectRef
die_on_contact: boolean
export interface ParticleSpawnerDefinition {
maxpos: Vec3
minpos: Vec3
pos: number | ParticleSpawnerRangeDefinition
vel: Vec3RangeBias
acc: Vec3RangeBias
jitter: Vec3RangeBias
drag: Vec3RangeBias
bounce: Vec3RangeBias
exptime: Vec2
attract: ParticleSpawnerAttractionDefinition
radius: Vec3RangeBias
pos_tween: ParticleSpawnerTweenDefinition
texture: string | ParticleSpawnerTextureDefinition
texpool: ParticleSpawnerTexturePoolDefinition
export interface AreaStoreArea {
min: Vec3
max: Vec3
data: string
export interface AreaStoreCacheDefinition {
enabled: boolean
block_radius: number
limit: number
export interface Vec2 {
x: number
y: number
export interface Vec3 extends Vec2 {
__eq(other: Vec3): boolean
__unm(): Vec3
__add(other: Vec3): Vec3
__sub(other: Vec3): Vec3
__mul(other: Vec3): Vec3
__div(other: Vec3): Vec3
z: number
export interface Vec3RangeBias {
min: Vec3
max: Vec3
bias: Vec3
export interface RGBA {
r: number
g: number
b: number
a: number
export interface DigParamsReturn {
diggable: boolean
time: number
wear: number
groups: string[]
tool_capabilities: ToolCapabilities
export interface HitParamsReturn {
hp: number
wear: number
groups: string[]
tool_capabilities: ToolCapabilities
time_from_last_punch: number
export interface NodeTimerObject {
set(timeOut: number, elapsed: number): void
start(timeOut: number): void
stop(): void
get_timeout(): number
get_elapsed(): number
is_started(): boolean
export function dump(object: any, name?: string, dumped?: any[]): string
export function dump2(object: any, dumped?: any[]): string
export interface Translator {
__call(...string: string[]): string
// You can just bolt onto namespaces apparently!
export namespace math {
export function hypot(x: number, y: number): number
export function sign(x: number, tolerence: number): number
export function factorial(x: number): number
export function round(x: number): number
// Clamp is a bolt on created in utility.
export function clamp(min: number, max: number, input: number): number
export namespace string {
export function split(str: string, separator: string, includeEmpty: box, maxSplits: number, sepIsPattern: boolean): string
export function trim(str: string): string
export namespace table {
export function copy(table: LuaTable): LuaTable
export function indexof(list: LuaTable, val: any): number
export function insert_all(table: LuaTable, otherTable: LuaTable): LuaTable
export function key_value_swap(t: LuaTable): LuaTable
export function shuffle(table: LuaTable, from: number, to: number, randomFunc: () => number): LuaTable
declare global {
const minetest: minetest