first commit

jordan4ibanez 2016-02-15 21:43:33 -05:00
commit 87d8f6295b
5593 changed files with 2048297 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
## Generic ignorable patterns and files
## Files related to minetest development cycle

README.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
This gamemode is created for fun to have fun, if you don't want your mod in this game mode feel free to message me on the forum (jordan4ibanez) and I will promptly remove your mod from this game mode.
Each mod is licensed under whatever license it is distributed as.
The modpack itself is WTFPL.
That is,
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.
The rest of default minetest_game:
Minetest Game [minetest_game]
The main subgame for the Minetest engine
To use this subgame with the Minetest engine, insert this repository as
The Minetest engine can be found in:
The Minetest Game github master HEAD is generally compatible with the github
master HEAD of the Minetest engine.
Additionally, when the Minetest engine is tagged to be a certain version (eg.
0.4.10), Minetest Game is tagged with the version too.
When stable releases are made, Minetest Game is packaged and made available in
and in case the repository has grown too much, it may be reset. In that sense,
this is not a "real" git repository. (Package maintainers please note!)
License of source code
Copyright (C) 2010-2012 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <>
See README.txt in each mod directory for information about other authors.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
License of media (textures and sounds)
Copyright (C) 2010-2012 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <>
See README.txt in each mod directory for information about other authors.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
License of menu/header.png
Copyright (C) 2015 paramat CC BY-SA 3.0

game.conf Normal file
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name = Mystic

game_api.txt Normal file
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Minetest Game API
GitHub Repo:
The Minetest Game subgame offers multiple new possibilities in addition to the Minetest engine's built-in API,
allowing you to add new plants to farming mod, buckets for new liquids, new stairs and custom panes.
For information on the Minetest API, visit
Please note:
[XYZ] refers to a section the Minetest API
[#ABC] refers to a section in this document
^ Explanation for line above
Bucket API
The bucket API allows registering new types of buckets for non-default liquids.
"default:lava_source", -- name of the source node
"default:lava_flowing", -- name of the flowing node
"bucket:bucket_lava", -- name of the new bucket item (or nil if liquid is not takeable)
"bucket_lava.png", -- texture of the new bucket item (ignored if itemname == nil)
"Lava Bucket", -- text description of the bucket item
{lava_bucket = 1} -- groups of the bucket item, OPTIONAL
Beds API
"beds:bed", -- Bed name
def: See [#Bed definition] -- Bed definition
beds.read_spawns() -- returns a table containing players respawn positions
beds.kick_players() -- forces all players to leave bed
beds.skip_night() -- sets world time to morning and saves respawn position of all players currently sleeping
#Bed definition
description = "Simple Bed",
inventory_image = "beds_bed.png",
wield_image = "beds_bed.png",
tiles = {
bottom = {[Tile definition],
^ the tiles of the bottom part of the bed
top = {[Tile definition],
^ the tiles of the bottom part of the bed
nodebox = {
bottom = regular nodebox, see [Node boxes], -- bottm part of bed
top = regular nodebox, see [Node boxes], -- top part of bed
selectionbox = regular nodebox, see [Node boxes], -- for both nodeboxes
recipe = { -- Craft recipe
{"group:wool", "group:wool", "group:wool"},
{"group:wood", "group:wood", "group:wood"}
Doors API
The doors mod allows modders to register custom doors and trapdoors.
doors.register_door(name, def)
^ name: "Door name"
^ def: See [#Door definition]
-> Registers new door
doors.register_trapdoor(name, def)
^ name: "mod_door"
^ def: See [#Trapdoor definition]
-> Registers new trapdoor
^ pos = { x = .., y = .., z = ..}
-> Returns an ObjecRef to a door, or nil if the pos did not contain a door
:open(player) -- Open the door object, returns if door was opened
:close(player) -- Close the door object, returns if door was closed
:toggle(player) -- Toggle the door state, returns if state was toggled
:state() -- returns the door state, true = open, false = closed
the "player" parameter can be omitted in all methods. If passed then
the usual permission checks will be performed to make sure the player
has the permissions needed to open this door. If omitted then no
permission checks are performed.
#Door definition
description = "Door description",
inventory_image = "mod_door_inv.png",
groups = {choppy = 1},
tiles = { "mod_door.png" },
material = "default:wood", -- used to make a craft recipe
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), -- optional
sound_open = sound play for open door, -- optional
sound_close = sound play for close door, -- optional
protected = false,
^ If true, only placer can open the door (locked for others)
#Trapdoor definition
description = "Trapdoor description",
inventory_image = "mod_trapdoor_inv.png",
groups = {choppy = 1},
tile_front = "doors_trapdoor.png",
^ the texture for the front and back of the trapdoor
tile_side: "doors_trapdoor_side.png",
^ the tiles of the four side parts of the trapdoor
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), -- optional
sound_open = sound play for open door, -- optional
sound_close = sound play for close door, -- optional
protected = false,
^ If true, only placer can open the door (locked for others)
Fence API
Allows creation of new fences with "fencelike" drawtype.
default.register_fence(name, item definition)
^ Registers a new fence. Custom fields texture and material are required, as
^ are name and description. The rest is optional. You can pass most normal
^ nodedef fields here except drawtype. The fence group will always be added
^ for this node.
#fence definition
name = "default:fence_wood",
description = "Wooden Fence",
texture = "default_wood.png",
material = "default:wood",
groups = {choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2, flammable = 2},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
Farming API
The farming API allows you to easily register plants and hoes.
farming.register_hoe(name, hoe definition)
-> Register a new hoe, see [#hoe definition]
farming.register_plant(name, Plant definition)
-> Register a new growing plant, see [#Plant definition]
#Hoe Definition
description = "", -- Description for tooltip
inventory_image = "unknown_item.png", -- Image to be used as wield- and inventory image
max_uses = 30, -- Uses until destroyed
material = "", -- Material for recipes
recipe = { -- Craft recipe, if material isn't used
{"air", "air", "air"},
{"", "group:stick"},
{"", "group:stick"},
#Plant definition
description = "", -- Description of seed item
inventory_image = "unknown_item.png", -- Image to be used as seed's wield- and inventory image
steps = 8, -- How many steps the plant has to grow, until it can be harvested
^ Always provide a plant texture for each step, format: modname_plantname_i.png (i = stepnumber)
minlight = 13, -- Minimum light to grow
maxlight = default.LIGHT_MAX -- Maximum light to grow
Screwdriver API
The screwdriver API allows you to control a node's behaviour when a screwdriver is used on it.
To use it, add the on_screwdriver function to the node definition.
on_rotate(pos, node, user, mode, new_param2)
^ pos: position of the node that the screwdriver is being used on
^ node: that node
^ user: the player who used the screwdriver
^ mode: screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE or screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS
^ new_param2: the new value of param2 that would have been set if on_rotate wasn't there
^ return value: false to disallow rotation, nil to keep default behaviour, true to allow
it but to indicate that changed have already been made (so the screwdriver will wear out)
^ use on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow to always disallow rotation
^ use on_rotate = screwdriver.rotate_simple to allow only face rotation
Stairs API
The stairs API lets you register stairs and slabs and ensures that they are registered the same way as those
delivered with Minetest Game, to keep them compatible with other mods.
stairs.register_stair(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, sounds)
-> Registers a stair.
-> subname: Basically the material name (e.g. cobble) used for the stair name. Nodename pattern: "stairs:stair_subname"
-> recipeitem: Item used in the craft recipe, e.g. "default:cobble"
-> groups: see [Known damage and digging time defining groups]
-> images: see [Tile definition]
-> description: used for the description field in the stair's definition
-> sounds: see [#Default sounds]
stairs.register_slab(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, sounds)
-> Registers a slabs
-> subname: Basically the material name (e.g. cobble) used for the stair name. Nodename pattern: "stairs:stair_subname"
-> recipeitem: Item used in the craft recipe, e.g. "default:cobble"
-> groups: see [Known damage and digging time defining groups]
-> images: see [Tile definition]
-> description: used for the description field in the stair's definition
-> sounds: see [#Default sounds]
stairs.register_stair_and_slab(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, desc_stair, desc_slab, sounds)
-> A wrapper for stairs.register_stair and stairs.register_slab
-> Uses almost the same arguments as stairs.register_stair
-> desc_stair: Description for stair node
-> desc_slab: Description for slab node
Xpanes API
Creates panes that automatically connect to each other
xpanes.register_pane(subname, def)
-> subname: used for nodename. Result: "xpanes:subname" and "xpanes:subname_{2..15}"
-> def: See [#Pane definition]
#Pane definition
textures = {"texture_Bottom_top", "texture_left_right", "texture_front_back"},
^ More tiles aren't supported
groups = {group = rating},
^ Uses the known node groups, see [Known damage and digging time defining groups]
sounds = SoundSpec,
^ See [#Default sounds]
recipe = {{"","","","","","","","",""}},
^ Recipe field only
Raillike definitions
The following nodes use the group `connect_to_raillike` and will only connect to
raillike nodes within this group and the same group value.
Use `minetest.raillike_group(<Name>)` to get the group value.
| Node type | Raillike group name
| default:rail | "rail"
| tnt:gunpowder | "gunpowder"
| tnt:gunpowder_burning | "gunpowder"
If you want to add a new rail type and want it to connect with default:rail,
add `connect_to_raillike=minetest.raillike_group("rail")` into the `groups` table
of your node.
Default sounds
Sounds inside the default table can be used within the sounds field of node definitions.
Default constants
^ The maximum light level (see [Node definition] light_source)
Player API
The player API can register player models and update the player's appearence
default.player_register_model(name, def)
^ Register a new model to be used by players.
-> name: model filename such as "character.x", "foo.b3d", etc.
-> def: See [#Model definition]
^ Get a model's definition
-> see [#Model definition]
default.player_set_model(player, model_name)
^ Change a player's model
-> player: PlayerRef
-> model_name: model registered with player_register_model()
default.player_set_animation(player, anim_name [, speed])
^ Applies an animation to a player
-> anim_name: name of the animation.
-> speed: frames per second. If nil, default from the model is used
default.player_set_textures(player, textures)
^ Sets player textures
-> player: PlayerRef
-> textures: array of textures
^ If <textures> is nil, the default textures from the model def are used
^ Returns a table containing fields "model", "textures" and "animation".
^ Any of the fields of the returned table may be nil.
-> player: PlayerRef
Model Definition
animation_speed = 30, -- Default animation speed, in FPS.
textures = {"character.png", }, -- Default array of textures.
visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1}, -- Used to scale the model.
animations = {
-- <anim_name> = {x = <start_frame>, y = <end_frame>},
foo = {x = 0, y = 19},
bar = {x = 20, y = 39},
-- ...
To enable leaf decay for a node, add it to the "leafdecay" group.
The rating of the group determines how far from a node in the group "tree"
the node can be without decaying.
If param2 of the node is ~= 0, the node will always be preserved. Thus, if
the player places a node of that kind, you will want to set param2=1 or so.
The function default.after_place_leaves can be set as after_place_node of a node
to set param2 to 1 if the player places the node (should not be used for nodes
that use param2 otherwise (e.g. facedir)).
If the node is in the leafdecay_drop group then it will always be dropped as an
To make recipes that will work with any dye ever made by anybody, define
them based on groups. You can select any group of groups, based on your need for
amount of colors.
#Color groups
Base color groups:
- basecolor_white
- basecolor_grey
- basecolor_black
- basecolor_red
- basecolor_yellow
- basecolor_green
- basecolor_cyan
- basecolor_blue
- basecolor_magenta
Extended color groups (* = equal to a base color):
* excolor_white
- excolor_lightgrey
* excolor_grey
- excolor_darkgrey
* excolor_black
* excolor_red
- excolor_orange
* excolor_yellow
- excolor_lime
* excolor_green
- excolor_aqua
* excolor_cyan
- excolor_sky_blue
* excolor_blue
- excolor_violet
* excolor_magenta
- excolor_red_violet
The whole unifieddyes palette as groups:
- unicolor_<excolor>
For the following, no white/grey/black is allowed:
- unicolor_medium_<excolor>
- unicolor_dark_<excolor>
- unicolor_light_<excolor>
- unicolor_<excolor>_s50
- unicolor_medium_<excolor>_s50
- unicolor_dark_<excolor>_s50
Example of one shapeless recipe using a color group:
type = "shapeless",
output = '<mod>:item_yellow',
recipe = {'<mod>:item_no_color', 'group:basecolor_yellow'},
#Color lists
^ Array containing the names of available base colors
^ Array containing the names of the available extended colors
default.grow_tree(pos, is_apple_tree)
^ Grows a mgv6 tree or apple tree at pos
^ Grows a mgv6 jungletree at pos
^ Grows a mgv6 pinetree at pos
^ Grows a new design apple tree at pos
^ Grows a new design jungle tree at pos
^ Grows a new design pine tree at pos
^ Grows a new design acacia tree at pos

goals.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Welcome to the code of the mystic gamemode. This gamemode adds in a bunch of things to make the game more fun.
# Writeable books/paper, realistic bookshelves, book entities, randomly generating bookshelves/books
# Fish, water creatures, underwater plantlife
# Fishing, lures, bait, worm/frog/fly/gnat entities to catch, spawn worm entity when a dirt/grass node is dug
# 3d ladders (That can't be placed on the ground), torches,
# Minecraft like crafting (to add artificial difficulty)
# Better boat physics, mesh, different types of boats
# 3d Chest mesh
# 3d Cactus
# Better TNT (dynamite)
# Add in upgrades to all inventory bars through achievements
# Make ladders like minecraft ladders
# Make jungle plants drop green dye as well as cotton seed
# Make drinking drinks replenish stamina

menu/header.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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menu/icon.png Normal file

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minetest.conf Normal file
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minetest.conf.example Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# This file contains settings of Minetest Game that can be changed in minetest.conf
# By default, all the settings are commented and not functional.
# Uncomment settings by removing the preceding #.
# Whether creative mode (fast digging of all blocks, unlimited resources) should be enabled
#creative_mode = false
# The time in seconds after which the bones of a dead player can be looted by everyone
# 0 to disable
#share_bones_time = 1200
# Whether standard fire should be disabled ('basic flame' nodes will disappear)
# 'permanent flame' nodes will remain with either setting
#disable_fire = false
# Whether steel tools, torches and cobblestone should be given to new players
#give_initial_stuff = false
# Whether the TNT mod should be enabled
#enable_tnt = <true in singleplayer, false in multiplayer>
# The radius of a TNT explosion
#tnt_radius = 3
# Enable the stairs mod ABM that replaces the old 'upside down'
# stair and slab nodes in old maps with the new param2 versions.
#enable_stairs_replace_abm = false
# Whether you allow respawning in beds
# Default value is true
#enable_bed_respawn = true
# Whether players can skip night by sleeping
# Default value is true
#enable_bed_night_skip = true

mod_jail/nssm/README.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Not so simple mobs by NPX team
We would like to thank:
- PilzAdam, for his wonderful simple-mobs mod;
- Tenplus1, for his hard work in making mobs_redo;
- Echoes91, for Spears: simple but amazing;
- and obviously Celeron-55 and all the people who contributed to Minetest and its community;
- Denise and Ponzi_Duro for the revision of the guide
- Double P and Ponzi_Duro for the beta testing
License GPL v3
The mod makes the game really hard, please read the Guide, available on the thread of the mod, before playing!

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:ant_queen", {"nssm:ant_dirt"}, {"air"}, 0, 20, 60, 200, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:ant_queen", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 120,
hp_min = 120,
collisionbox = {-1, 0.00, -1, 1, 1, 1},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "ant_queen.x",
textures = {{"ant_queen.png"}},
visual_size = {x=6, y=6},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 30,
walk_velocity = 1.5,
run_velocity = 2,
lifetimer = 300,
mamma = true,
rotate = 270,
sounds = {
random = "ant",
attack = "ant",
damage = 4,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 5,
max = 7,},
{name = "nssm:ant_queen_abdomen",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
{name = "nssm:ant_leg",
chance = 2,
min = 1,
max = 6,},
{name = "nssm:ant_mandible",
chance = 3,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
reach = 4,
armor = 70,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 2,
lava_damage = 7,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 20,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 50,
walk_start = 120,
walk_end = 160,
run_start = 120,
run_end = 160,
punch_start = 170,
punch_end = 190,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:ant_soldier", {"nssm:ant_dirt"}, {"air"}, 0, 20, 7, 30, 4, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:ant_soldier", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 20,
hp_min = 20,
collisionbox = {-0.49, 0.00, -0.49, 0.49, 0.9, 0.49},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "ant_soldier.x",
textures = {{"ant_soldier.png"}},
visual_size = {x=3, y=3},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 20,
walk_velocity = 1.5,
run_velocity = 3,
rotate = 270,
sounds = {
random = "ant",
damage = 4,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
{name = "nssm:ant_leg",
chance = 2,
min = 1,
max = 6,},
{name = "nssm:ant_mandible",
chance = 3,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
reach = 2,
armor = 90,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 2,
lava_damage = 7,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 20,
speed_run = 35,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 60,
walk_start = 90,
walk_end = 130,
run_start = 90,
run_end = 130,
punch_start = 60,
punch_end = 80,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:ant_worker", {"nssm:ant_dirt"}, {"air"}, 0, 20, 5, 10, 5, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:ant_worker", {
type = "animal",
hp_max = 13,
hp_min = 13,
collisionbox = {-0.4, 0.00, -0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "ant_worker.x",
textures = {{"ant_worker.png"}},
visual_size = {x=2, y=2},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 20,
walk_velocity = 1.5,
run_velocity = 2,
rotate = 270,
sounds = {
random = "ant",
damage = 2,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 2,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
{name = "nssm:ant_leg",
chance = 2,
min = 1,
max = 6,},
{name = "nssm:ant_mandible",
chance = 3,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
armor = 90,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 2,
lava_damage = 7,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 20,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 50,
walk_start = 120,
walk_end = 160,
run_start = 120,
run_end = 160,
punch_start = 50,
punch_end = 70,

mod_jail/nssm/api.lua Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:black_widow", {"default:jungle_grass", "default:jungletree", "nssm:web" }, {"air"}, 0, 20, 20, 1000, 2, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:black_widow", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 20,
hp_min = 19,
collisionbox = {-0.4, 0.00, -0.4, 0.4, 0.8, 0.4},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "black_widow.x",
textures = {{"black_widow.png"}},
visual_size = {x=2, y=2},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 15,
walk_velocity = 1,
run_velocity = 2.5,
rotate = 270,
sounds = {
random = "black_widow",
damage = 3,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
{name = "nssm:spider_leg",
chance = 2,
min = 1,
max = 8,},
{name = "nssm:web",
chance = 2,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 1,
webber = true,
lava_damage = 7,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 20,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 70,
walk_start = 80,
walk_end = 120,
run_start = 120,
run_end = 140,
punch_start = 150,
punch_end = 160,

mod_jail/nssm/bloco.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:bloco", {"default:stone"}, {"default:stone"}, 0, 20, 30, 500, 3, -31000, -20)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:bloco", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 15,
hp_min = 14,
collisionbox = {-0.56, -0.2, -0.56, 0.56, 1.2, 0.56},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "bloco.x",
textures = {{"bloco.png"}},
visual_size = {x=4, y=4},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 8,
walk_velocity = 1,
run_velocity = 2.5,
rotate = 270,
sounds = {
random = "bloco",
damage = 2,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
{name = "default:stone",
chance = 1,
min = 2,
max = 3,},
armor = 60,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 3,
lava_damage = 1,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 20,
speed_run = 20,
stand_start = 90,
stand_end = 110,
walk_start = 1,
walk_end = 80,
run_start = 120,
run_end = 160,
punch_start = 170,
punch_end = 190,

mod_jail/nssm/crab.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:crab", {"default:sand"}, {"default:water_source"}, 0, 20, 20, 3000, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:crab", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 17,
hp_min = 15,
collisionbox = {-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.55, 0.5},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "crab.x",
textures = {{"crab1.png"},{"crab2.png"}},
sounds = {
random = "crab",
visual_size = {x=3, y=3},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 7,
rotate = 270,
walk_velocity = 1,
run_velocity = 2,
damage = 3,
floats = 0,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
{name = "nssm:surimi",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
{name = "nssm:crab_chela",
chance = 4,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
armor = 60,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 10,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 35,
stand_start = 10,
stand_end = 80,
walk_start = 120,
walk_end = 140,
run_start = 120,
run_end = 140,
punch_start = 90,
punch_end = 110,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:crocodile", {"default:sand","default:water_source"}, {"default:water_source"}, 0, 20, 60, 35000, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:crocodile", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 20,
hp_min = 15,
collisionbox = {-0.45, -0.30, -0.45, 0.45, 0.3, 0.45},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "crocodile.x",
textures = {{"croco.png"}},
sounds = {
random = "crocod",
visual_size = {x=4, y=4},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 15,
walk_velocity = 1,
run_velocity = 1,
damage = 3,
floats = 1,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
{name = "nssm:croco_tail",
chance = 2,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
armor = 90,
drawtype = "front",
reach = 2,
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 10,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 80,
walk_start = 230,
walk_end = 270,
run_start = 230,
run_end = 270,
punch_start = 205,
punch_end = 220,
--swim_start = 100,
--swim_end = 140,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:daddy_long_legs", {"default:jungle_grass", "default:jungletree", "nssm:web" }, {"air"}, 0, 20, 10, 1000, 2, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:daddy_long_legs", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 19,
hp_min = 16,
collisionbox = {-0.4, 0.00, -0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.4},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "daddy_long_legs.x",
textures = {{"daddy_long_legs.png"}},
visual_size = {x=8, y=8},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 12,
walk_velocity = 1.5,
run_velocity = 3.3,
rotate = 90,
sounds = {
random = "daddy",
damage = 3,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
{name = "nssm:spider_leg",
chance = 3,
min = 1,
max = 8,},
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 1,
lava_damage = 7,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 20,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 60,
walk_start = 80,
walk_end = 120,
run_start = 80,
run_end = 120,
punch_start = 140,
punch_end = 165,

mod_jail/nssm/dahaka.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:dahaka", {"default:desert_sand", "default:desert_stone"}, {"air"}, 0, 20, 1200, 20000, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:dahaka", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 80,
hp_min = 80,
collisionbox = {-0.85, -0.30, -0.85, 0.85, 4.50, 0.85},
visual = "mesh",
digger = true,
mesh = "dahaka.x",
textures = {{"dahaka.png", "dahaka_sand.png"}},
visual_size = {x=4, y=4},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 30,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 2,
damage = 8,
reach = 3,
jump = false,
jump_chance = 0,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 7,
max = 9,},
{name = "nssm:black_sand",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
armor = 40,
drawtype = "front",
sounds = {
random = "dakaka",
water_damage = 20,
lava_damage = 0,
light_damage = 0,
rotate = 270,
on_rightclick = nil,
mele_number =2,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 40,
stand_start = 230,
stand_end = 290,
walk_start = 0,
walk_end = 40,
run_start = 0,
run_end = 40,
punch_start = 300,
punch_end = 330,
punch1_start = 120,
punch1_end = 155,

mod_jail/nssm/darts.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
-- lava_arrow
nssm:register_arrow("nssm:lava_arrow", {
visual = "sprite",
visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1},
textures = {"transparent.png"},
velocity = 15,
-- direct hit
hit_player = function(self, player)
nssm:lava_explosion(pos, player)
hit_mob = function(self, player)
nssm:lava_explosion(pos, player)
function nssm:lava_explosion(pos, player)
-- for i=pos.x-1, pos.x+1, 1 do
pos = player:getpos()
for j=pos.y-1, pos.y+6, 1 do
minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+1, y=j, z=pos.z+1}, {name="default:lava_flowing"})
minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+1, y=j, z=pos.z-1}, {name="default:lava_flowing"})
minetest.set_node({x=pos.x-1, y=j, z=pos.z+1}, {name="default:lava_flowing"})
minetest.set_node({x=pos.x-1, y=j, z=pos.z-1}, {name="default:lava_flowing"})
-- arrow (duck_arrow)
nssm:register_arrow("nssm:duck_father", {
visual = "sprite",
visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1},
textures = {"duck_egg.png"},
velocity = 8,
-- direct hit
hit_player = function(self, player)
nssm:duck_explosion_direct(pos, player)
hit_mob = function(self, player)
nssm:duck_explosion_direct(pos, player)
hit_node = function(self, pos, node)
function nssm:duck_explosion_direct(pos, player)
pos = player:getpos()
pos.y = pos.y+1;
amount = 10,
time = 0.2,
minpos = {x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z-1},
maxpos = {x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y+4, z=pos.z+1},
minvel = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
maxvel = {x=1, y=1, z=1},
minacc = {x=-0.5,y=5,z=-0.5},
maxacc = {x=0.5,y=5,z=0.5},
minexptime = 1,
maxexptime = 3,
minsize = 4,
maxsize = 6,
collisiondetection = false,
vertical = false,
texture = "duck_egg_fragments.png",
core.after(0.4, function()
for dx = -2,2 do
pos = {x = pos.x+dx, y=pos.y; z=pos.z+dx}
amount = 100,
time = 0.2,
minpos = {x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z-1},
maxpos = {x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y+4, z=pos.z+1},
minvel = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
maxvel = {x=1, y=5, z=1},
minacc = {x=-0.5,y=5,z=-0.5},
maxacc = {x=0.5,y=5,z=0.5},
minexptime = 1,
maxexptime = 3,
minsize = 2,
maxsize = 4,
collisiondetection = false,
vertical = false,
texture = "tnt_smoke.png",
minetest.add_entity(pos, "nssm:duck")
function nssm:duck_explosion(pos)
pos.y = pos.y+1;
amount = 10,
time = 0.2,
minpos = {x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z-1},
maxpos = {x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y+4, z=pos.z+1},
minvel = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
maxvel = {x=1, y=1, z=1},
minacc = {x=-0.5,y=5,z=-0.5},
maxacc = {x=0.5,y=5,z=0.5},
minexptime = 1,
maxexptime = 3,
minsize = 4,
maxsize = 6,
collisiondetection = false,
vertical = false,
texture = "duck_egg_fragments.png",
core.after(0.4, function()
for dx = -2,2 do
pos = {x = pos.x+dx, y=pos.y; z=pos.z+dx}
amount = 100,
time = 0.2,
minpos = {x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z-1},
maxpos = {x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y+4, z=pos.z+1},
minvel = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
maxvel = {x=1, y=5, z=1},
minacc = {x=-0.5,y=5,z=-0.5},
maxacc = {x=0.5,y=5,z=0.5},
minexptime = 1,
maxexptime = 3,
minsize = 2,
maxsize = 4,
collisiondetection = false,
vertical = false,
texture = "tnt_smoke.png",
minetest.add_entity(pos, "nssm:duck")
-- snow_arrow
nssm:register_arrow("nssm:snow_arrow", {
visual = "sprite",
visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1},
textures = {"transparent.png"},
velocity =20,
-- direct hit
hit_player = function(self, player)
nssm:ice_explosion1(pos, player)
hit_mob = function(self, player)
nssm:ice_explosion1(pos, player)
hit_node = function(self, pos, node)
function nssm:ice_explosion(pos)
--pos = player:getpos()
for i=pos.x-math.random(0, 1), pos.x+math.random(0, 1), 1 do
for j=pos.y-1, pos.y+4, 1 do
for k=pos.z-math.random(0, 1), pos.z+math.random(0, 1), 1 do
minetest.set_node({x=i, y=j, z=k}, {name="default:ice"})
function nssm:ice_explosion1(pos, player)
pos = player:getpos()
for i=pos.x-math.random(0, 1), pos.x+math.random(0, 1), 1 do
for j=pos.y-1, pos.y+4, 1 do
for k=pos.z-math.random(0, 1), pos.z+math.random(0, 1), 1 do
minetest.set_node({x=i, y=j, z=k}, {name="default:ice"})
-- arrow manticore
nssm:register_arrow("nssm:spine", {
visual = "sprite",
visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1},
textures = {"manticore_spine_flying.png"},
velocity = 10,
-- direct hit
hit_player = function(self, player)
player:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = 2},
}, nil)
hit_mob = function(self, player)
player:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = 2},
}, nil)
-- web arrow
nssm:register_arrow("nssm:webball", {
visual = "sprite",
visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1},
textures = {"web_ball.png"},
velocity = 8,
-- direct hit
hit_player = function(self, player)
local p = player:getpos()
hit_mob = function(self, player)
player:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = 1},
}, nil)
hit_node = function(self, pos, node)
function nssm:explosion_web(pos)
for i=pos.x-1, pos.x+1, 1 do
for j=pos.y-1, pos.y+1, 1 do
for k=pos.z-1, pos.z+1, 1 do
local current = minetest.get_node({x=i,y=j,z=k})
local ontop = minetest.get_node({x=i,y=j+1,z=k})
if ( ~= "air") and
( ~= "nssm:web") and
( == "air") then
minetest.set_node({x=i,y=j+1,z=k}, {name="nssm:web"})
-- arrow=>phoenix arrow
nssm:register_arrow("nssm:phoenix_arrow", {
visual = "sprite",
phoenix_fire = true,
visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1},
textures = {"transparent.png"},
velocity = 8,
-- direct hit
hit_player = function(self, player)
hit_mob = function(self, player)
hit_node = function(self, pos, node)
nssm:register_arrow("nssm:super_gas", {
visual = "sprite",
visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1},
textures = {"transparent.png"},
velocity = 8,
-- direct hit
hit_player = function(self, player)
local p = player:getpos()
hit_mob = function(self, player)
hit_node = function(self, pos, node)
function nssm:puzzetton_explosion(pos)
for dx=-2,2 do
for dy=-1,4 do
for dz=-2,2 do
local p = {x=pos.x+dx, y=pos.y+dy, z=pos.z+dz}
local n = minetest.env:get_node(p).name
if n== "air" then
minetest.set_node(p, {name="nssm:venomous_gas"})
nssm:register_arrow("nssm:roar_of_the_dragon", {
visual = "sprite",
visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1},
textures = {"transparent.png"},
velocity = 10,
remover = true,
-- direct hit
hit_player = function(self, player)
player:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = 3},
}, nil)
hit_mob = function(self, player)
player:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = 3},
}, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:dolidrosaurus", {"default:water_source"}, {"default:water_source"}, 0, 20, 60, 35000, 1, -31000, -1)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:dolidrosaurus", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 26,
hp_min = 23,
collisionbox = {-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.52, 0.5},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "dolidrosaurus.x",
textures = {{"dolidrosaurus1.png"},{"dolidrosaurus2.png"},{"dolidrosaurus3.png"},{"dolidrosaurus4.png"},{"dolidrosaurus5.png"}},
visual_size = {x=4, y=4},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 30,
fly = true,
fly_in = "default:water_source",
fall_speed = -20,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 3,
damage = 4,
rotate = 270,
jump = false,
jump_chance = 0,
jump_height = 0,
sounds = {
random = "quo",
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 3,},
armor = 80,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 10,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 35,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 80,
walk_start = 140,
walk_end = 180,
run_start = 140,
run_end = 180,
punch_start = 190,
punch_end = 220,

mod_jail/nssm/duck.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:duck", {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, {"group:flora"}, 10, 20, 20, 200, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:duck", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 10,
hp_min = 7,
collisionbox = {-0.3, 0.00, -0.3, 0.3, 0.95, 0.3},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "duck.x",
textures = {{"duck.png"}},
visual_size = {x=2, y=2},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 13,
walk_velocity = 1,
reach =1.5,
run_velocity = 2,
damage = 1,
jump = true,
sounds = {
random = "duck",
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
{name = "nssm:duck_legs",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
{name = "nssm:duck_beak",
chance = 5,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
floats = 1,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 15,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 20,
walk_start = 20,
walk_end = 40,
run_start = 20,
run_end = 40,
punch_start = 40,
punch_end = 60,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:duckking", {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, {"group:flora"}, 10, 20, 120, 3000, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:duckking", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 80,
hp_min = 77,
collisionbox = {-1.5, -0.25, -1.5, 1.5, 4.95, 1.5},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "king_duck.x",
textures = {{"king_duck.png"}},
visual_size = {x=10, y=10},
lifetimer = 300,
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 30,
rotate = 270,
duck_father = true,
walk_velocity = 1,
run_velocity = 2,
damage = 5,
jump = true,
sounds = {
random = "duckking",
attack = "duckking",
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 7,
max = 8,},
{name = "nssm:duck_legs",
chance = 1,
min = 40,
max = 50,},
{name = "nssm:king_duck_crown",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
{name = "nssm:duck_beak",
chance = 5,
min = 10,
max = 20,},
armor = 80,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
floats = 1,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogshoot",
dogshoot_stop = true,
arrow = "nssm:duck_father";
reach = 3,
animation = {
speed_normal = 15,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 60,
stand_end = 140,
walk_start = 0,
walk_end = 40,
run_start = 0,
run_end = 40,
punch_start = 190,
punch_end = 220,
dattack_start = 160,
dattack_end = 180,

mod_jail/nssm/echidna.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:echidna", {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0, 20, 120, 45000, 1, 22, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:echidna", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 90,
hp_min = 90,
collisionbox = {-0.6, 0.00, -0.6, 0.6, 2, 0.6},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "echidna.x",
textures = {{"echidnapes.png"}},
visual_size = {x=6, y=6},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 30,
rotate = 270,
lifetimer = 500,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 3.5,
damage = 10,
jump = true,
sounds = {
random = "echidna",
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 6,
max = 7,},
{name = "nssm:snake_scute",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
armor = 60,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
floats = 1,
lava_damage = 0,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogshoot",
dogshoot_stop = true,
arrow = "nssm:super_gas";
reach = 5,
animation = {
speed_normal = 15,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 60,
stand_end = 140,
walk_start = 1,
walk_end = 40,
run_start = 1,
run_end = 40,
punch_start = 160,
punch_end = 190,
dattack_start = 200,
dattack_end = 240,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:enderduck", {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, {"group:flora"}, 0, 10, 45, 900, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:enderduck", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 20,
hp_min = 18,
collisionbox = {-0.28, 0.00, -0.28, 0.28, 1.8, 0.28},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "enderduck.x",
textures = {{"enderduck.png"}},
visual_size = {x=2, y=2},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 25,
walk_velocity = 3,
run_velocity = 3.9,
rotate = 270,
sounds = {
random = "duck",
damage = 3,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2},
{name = "nssm:duck_legs",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2},
{name = "nssm:duck_beak",
chance = 5,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 1,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 15,
speed_run = 30,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 40,
walk_start = 100,
walk_end = 130,
run_start = 100,
run_end = 130,
punch_start = 60,
punch_end = 90,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:flying_duck", {"air"}, {"group:flora"}, 10, 20, 60, 550, 1, 1, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:flying_duck", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 15,
hp_min = 14,
collisionbox = {-0.3, -0.2, -0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.3},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "nathan_petrelli.x",
textures = {{"nathan_petrelli.png"}},
visual_size = {x=1, y=1},
view_range = 30,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 2.5,
fall_speed = 0,
stepheight = 3,
sounds = {
random = "duck",
damage = 2,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
{name = "nssm:duck_legs",
chance = 2,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
{name = "nssm:duck_beak",
chance = 5,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
fly = true,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 0,
stand_end = 80,
walk_start = 160,
walk_end = 200,
run_start = 160,
run_end = 220,
punch_start = 110,
punch_end = 140,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:icelamander", {"default:snowblock", "default:ice"}, {"default:snowblock", "default:ice"}, 0, 20, 120, 10000, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:icelamander", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 90,
hp_min = 90,
collisionbox = {-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 2.3, 0.5},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "icelamander.x",
textures = {{"icelamander.png"}},
visual_size = {x=4, y=4},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 35,
big_froster = true,
lifetimer = 500,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 4,
sounds = {
random = "icelamander",
damage = 8,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 6,
max = 8},
{name = "nssm:frosted_amphibian_heart",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1},
{name = "nssm:ice_tooth",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1},
{name = "nssm:little_ice_tooth",
chance = 1,
min = 0,
max = 20},
armor = 60,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 30,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
dogshoot_stop = true,
attack_type = "dogshoot",
arrow = "nssm:snow_arrow",
reach = 3,
shoot_interval = 2,
animation = {
speed_normal = 15,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 40,
walk_start = 80,
walk_end = 160,
run_start = 40,
run_end = 80,
punch_start = 160,
punch_end = 190,
dattack_start = 190,
dattack_end = 210,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:icesnake", {"default:snowblock", "default:ice", "default:dirt_with_snow"}, {"default:snowblock", "default:ice", "default:dirt_with_snow"}, 0, 20, 30, 5000, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:icesnake", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 17,
hp_min = 13,
collisionbox = {-0.7, 0, -0.7, 0.7, 0.50, 0.7},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "icesnake.x",
textures = {{"icesnake.png"}},
visual_size = {x=7, y=7},
makes_footstep_sound = false,
view_range = 10,
rotate = 270,
froster = true,
walk_velocity = 1.2,
run_velocity = 3,
sounds = {
random = "icesnake",
damage = 3,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2},
{name = "nssm:frosted_amphibian_heart",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1},
{name = "nssm:little_ice_tooth",
chance = 2,
min = 0,
max = 4},
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 20,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 15,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 170,
stand_end = 220,
walk_start = 1,
walk_end = 60,
run_start = 80,
run_end = 120,
punch_start = 130,
punch_end = 160,

mod_jail/nssm/init.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
local path = minetest.get_modpath("nssm")
--Final Boss

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
minetest.register_entity("nssm:kamehameha", {
textures = {"kamehameha.png"},
velocity = 15,
on_step = function (self, pos, node, dtime)
local pos = self.object:getpos()
local objs = minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}, 2)
for k, obj in pairs(objs) do
if obj:is_player() then
if obj:get_entity_name() ~= "nssm:kamehameha" then
if obj:get_hp()<=0 then
for dx=-1,1 do
for dy=-1,1 do
for dz=-1,1 do
local p = {x=pos.x+dx, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+dz}
local t = {x=pos.x+dx, y=pos.y+dy, z=pos.z+dz}
local n = minetest.env:get_node(p).name
if n ~= "kamehameha:kame_entity" and n ~="default:stone" and n ~="default:desert_stone" then
if minetest.registered_nodes[n].groups.flammable --[[or math.random(1, 100) <= 1]] then
minetest.env:set_node(t, {name="fire:basic_flame"})
minetest.env:set_node(t, {name="air"})
elseif n == "default:stone" or n =="default:desert_stone" then
self.hit_node(self, pos, node)
hit_node = function(self, pos, node)
for dx=-4,4 do
for dy=-4,4 do
for dz=-4,4 do
local p = {x=pos.x+dx, y=pos.y+dy, z=pos.z+dz}
local t = {x=pos.x+dx, y=pos.y+dy, z=pos.z+dz}
local n = minetest.env:get_node(pos).name
if math.random(1, 50) <= 35 then
if minetest.registered_nodes[n].groups.flammable or math.random(1, 100) <=5 then
minetest.env:set_node(t, {name="fire:basic_flame"})
local objects = minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 4)
for _,obj in ipairs(objects) do
if obj:is_player() or (obj:get_luaentity() and obj:get_luaentity().name ~= "__builtin:item") then
local obj_p = obj:getpos()
local vec = {x=obj_p.x-pos.x, y=obj_p.y-pos.y, z=obj_p.z-pos.z}
local dist = (vec.x^2+vec.y^2+vec.z^2)^0.5
local damage = (80*0.5^dist)*2
obj:punch(obj, 1.0, {
}, vec)
minetest.sound_play("boom", {
max_hear_distance = 100,
--This is the particle spawner, but it will slow your pc. If you have a powerful pc you can uncomment this section
1, --amount
0.1, --time
{x=pos.x-3, y=pos.y-3, z=pos.z-3}, --minpos
{x=pos.x+3, y=pos.y+3, z=pos.z+3}, --maxpos
{x=-0, y=-0, z=-0}, --minvel
{x=0, y=0, z=0}, --maxvel
{x=-0.5,y=5,z=-0.5}, --minacc
{x=0.5,y=5,z=0.5}, --maxacc
0.1, --minexptime
1, --maxexptime
8, --minsize
15, --maxsize
false, --collisiondetection
"tnt_smoke.png" --texture
minetest.register_tool("nssm:kamehameha_hand", {
description = "Kamehameha",
inventory_image = "kamehameha_hand.png",
on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
local dir = placer:get_look_dir();
local playerpos = placer:getpos();
local obj = minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x+0+dir.x,y=playerpos.y+2+dir.y,z=playerpos.z+0+dir.z}, "nssm:kamehameha")
local vec = {x=dir.x*6,y=dir.y*6,z=dir.z*6}
return itemstack
light_source = 12,
output = 'nssm:kamehameha_hand',
recipe = {
{'nssm:great_energy_globe', 'nssm:great_energy_globe', 'nssm:great_energy_globe'},
{'nssm:great_energy_globe', '', 'nssm:great_energy_globe'},
{'nssm:great_energy_globe', 'nssm:great_energy_globe', 'nssm:great_energy_globe'},

mod_jail/nssm/kienzan.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
disk_shoot_disk=function (item, player, pointed_thing)
if player:get_inventory():contains_item("main", "nssm:kienzan_hand") then
local playerpos=player:getpos()
local obj=minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x,y=playerpos.y+1.5,z=playerpos.z}, "nssm:kienzan_entity")
local dir=player:get_look_dir()
obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x*disk_VELOCITY, y=dir.y*disk_VELOCITY, z=dir.z*disk_VELOCITY})
minetest.register_tool("nssm:kienzan_hand", {
description = "Kienzan",
inventory_image = "kienzan_hand.png",
stack_max = 1,
-- not_in_creative_inventory=0,
on_use = disk_shoot_disk,
physical = false,
textures = {"kienzan.png"},
collisionbox = {0,0,0,0,0,0},
kienzan_ENTITY.on_step =function (self, pos, node, dtime)
local timer = 0
timer = timer + dtime;
if timer > 10 then
local pos = self.object:getpos()
local objs = minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}, 2)
for k, obj in pairs(objs) do
if obj:is_player() then
if obj:get_entity_name() ~= "nssm:kienzan_entity" then
if obj:get_hp()<=0 then
for dx=-1,1 do
-- for dy=-1,1 do
for dz=-1,1 do
local p = {x=pos.x+dx, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+dz}
local t = {x=pos.x+dx, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+dz}
local n = minetest.env:get_node(p).name
if n ~= "nssm:kienzan_entity" then
minetest.env:set_node(t, {name="air"})
minetest.register_entity("nssm:kienzan_entity", kienzan_ENTITY)
output = 'nssm:kienzan_hand',
recipe = {
{'', '', ''},
{'nssm:great_energy_globe', 'nssm:great_energy_globe', 'nssm:great_energy_globe'},
{'', '', ''},

mod_jail/nssm/kraken.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:kraken", {"default:water_source"}, {"default:water_source"}, 0, 20, 120, 90000, 1, -31000, 0)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:kraken", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 150,
hp_min = 150,
collisionbox = {-2, 0, -2, 2, 4, 2},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "kraken.x",
textures = {{"kraken.png"}, {"kraken2.png"}},
visual_size = {x=15, y=15},
inker = false,
view_range = 50,
fly = true,
fly_in = "default:water_source",
fall_speed = -1,
walk_velocity = 3.5,
run_velocity = 4.5,
damage = 8,
rotate = 270,
jump = false,
jump_chance = 0,
jump_height = 0,
sounds = {
random = "kraken",
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 6,
max = 7,},
{name = "nssm:tentacle",
chance = 1,
min = 30,
max = 40,},
{name = "nssm:tentacle_curly",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
armor = 70,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 10,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 20,
speed_run = 30,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 40,
walk_start = 60,
walk_end = 100,
run_start = 60,
run_end = 100,
punch_start = 120,
punch_end = 150,

mod_jail/nssm/larva.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:larva", {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, {"default:tree"}, 0, 20, 40, 200, 1, -31000, 22)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:larva", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 10,
hp_min = 8,
collisionbox = {-0.3, 0, -0.3, 0.3, 0.41, 0.3},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "larva.x",
textures = {{"larva.png"}},
visual_size = {x=3, y=3},
makes_footstep_sound = false,
view_range = 10,
rotate = 90,
jump = false,
jump_height =0,
walk_velocity = 0.4,
run_velocity = 0.4,
sounds = {
random = "sand",
damage = 1,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 3,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
metamorphosis = true,
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 1,
lava_damage = 1,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 20,
speed_run = 20,
stand_start = 0,
stand_end = 80,
walk_start = 100,
walk_end = 160,
run_start = 100,
run_end = 160,
punch_start = 180,
punch_end = 230,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:lava_titan", {"default:stone"}, {"air"}, 0, 120, 12, 2000, 1, -31000, -50)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:lava_titan", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 80,
hp_min = 80,
collisionbox = {-0.6, -0.05, -0.6, 0.6, 4.0, 0.6},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "lava_titan.x",
textures = {{"lava_titan.png"}},
visual_size = {x=4, y=4},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 20,
lifetimer = 500,
walk_velocity = 1,
run_velocity = 2,
floats = 1,
sounds = {
random = "lava_titan",
damage = 7,
jump = false,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 7,
max = 9,},
{name = "nssm:lava_titan_eye",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
{name = "bucket:bucket_lava",
chance = 2,
min = 1,
max = 3,},
armor = 40,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 4,
rotate = 270,
digger = true,
--melter = true,
light_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
floats = 1,
attack_type = "dogshoot",
dogshoot_stop = true,
arrow = "nssm:lava_arrow",
reach = 3,
shoot_interval = 2,
shoot_offset = -1,
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 120,
stand_end = 300,
walk_start = 10,
walk_end = 110,
run_start = 120,
run_end = 300,
punch_start = 301,
punch_end = 340,
dattack_start =340,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:manticore", {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 10, 20, 30, 15000, 1, 20, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:manticore", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 25,
hp_min = 24,
collisionbox = {-0.8, -0.85, -0.8, 0.8, 1.9, 0.8},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "manticore.x",
textures = {{"manticore.png"}},
visual_size = {x=4, y=4},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 25,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 4,
sounds = {
random = "manticore",
damage = 4,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 3,
max = 4,},
{name = "nssm:manticore_spine",
chance = 3,
min = 2,
max = 5,},
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 2,
rotate = 270,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogshoot",
dogshoot_stop = true,
arrow = "nssm:spine",
reach = 3,
shoot_interval = 2,
shoot_offset = 1,
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 40,
walk_start = 240,
walk_end = 280,
run_start = 91,
run_end = 108,
punch_start = 110,
punch_end = 143,
dattack_start =180,

mod_jail/nssm/mantis.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
nssm:register_mob("nssm:mantis", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 15,
hp_min = 14,
collisionbox = {-0.5, 0.00, -0.5, 0.5, 2.30, 0.5},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "mantis.x",
textures = {{"mantis.png"}, {"mantis2.png"}},
visual_size = {x=4, y=4},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 20,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 2.5,
sounds = {
random = "manti",
damage = 2,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:mantis_claw",
chance = 2,
min = 1,
max = 4,},
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 2,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
mele_number =2,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 20,
walk_start = 20,
walk_end = 60,
run_start = 60,
run_end = 80,
punch_start = 120,
punch_end = 140,
punch1_start = 145,
punch1_end = 165,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
nssm:register_mob("nssm:mantis_beast", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 20,
hp_min = 17,
collisionbox = {-0.65, 0.00, -0.65, 0.65, 1.50, 0.65},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "mantis_beast.x",
textures = {{"mantis_beast.png"}, {"mantis_beast2.png"}},
visual_size = {x=6, y=6},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 25,
walk_velocity = 2.5,
run_velocity = 3.5,
sounds = {
random = "manti",
damage = 3,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:mantis_claw",
chance = 2,
min = 1,
max = 6,},
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 2,
max = 3,},
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 2,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 15,
speed_run = 20,
stand_start = 0,
stand_end = 60,
walk_start = 70,
walk_end = 110,
run_start = 70,
run_end = 110,
punch_start = 140,
punch_end = 165,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:masticone", {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, {"default:tree"}, 0, 20, 120, 4000, 2, -31000, 22)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:masticone", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 15,
hp_min = 14,
collisionbox = {-0.45, 0.00, -0.45, 0.45, 0.40, 0.45},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "masticone.x",
textures = {{"masticone.png"}},
visual_size = {x=4, y=4},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 15,
lifetimer = 500,
rotate = 270,
walk_velocity = 1.5,
run_velocity = 2.5,
sounds = {
random = "masticone",
damage = 5,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 7,
max = 8,},
{name = "nssm:masticone_fang",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
{name = "nssm:masticone_skull_fragments",
chance = 2,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
armor = 60,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 5,
hydra = true,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
reach =1.5,
animation = {
speed_normal = 20,
speed_run = 30,
stand_start = 80,
stand_end = 140,
walk_start = 20,
walk_end = 40,
run_start = 20,
run_end = 40,
punch_start = 50,
punch_end = 75,
on_die = function(self, pos)
core.after(2, function()
200, --amount
0.1, --time
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z-1}, --minpos
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z+1}, --maxpos
{x=-0, y=-0, z=-0}, --minvel
{x=1, y=1, z=1}, --maxvel
{x=-0.5,y=5,z=-0.5}, --minacc
{x=0.5,y=5,z=0.5}, --maxacc
0.1, --minexptime
1, --maxexptime
3, --minsize
4, --maxsize
false, --collisiondetection
"tnt_smoke.png" --texture
local pos1 = {x=pos.x+math.random(-1,1), y=pos.y+0.5, z=pos.z+math.random(-1,1)}
local pos2 = {x=pos.x+math.random(-1,1), y=pos.y+0.5, z=pos.z+math.random(-1,1)}
minetest.add_entity(pos1, "nssm:masticone")
minetest.add_entity(pos2, "nssm:masticone")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
nssm:register_mob("nssm:mese_dragon", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 333,
hp_min = 333,
collisionbox = {-1, 0, -1, 1, 5, 1},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "mese_dragon.x",
textures = {{"mese_dragon.png"}},
visual_size = {x=12, y=12},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
maxus = true,
view_range = 45,
rotate = 270,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 4,
sounds = {
shoot_attack = "mesed",
attack = "mese_dragon",
distance = 60,
damage = 16,
jump = true,
jump_height = 10,
putter = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:rainbow_staff",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1},
{name = "nssm:energy_globe",
chance = 1,
min = 99,
max = 99},
armor = 60,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 0,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogshoot",
dogshoot_stop = true,
arrow = "nssm:roar_of_the_dragon",
reach = 5,
shoot_interval = 3,
shoot_offset = -1,
animation = {
speed_normal = 15,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 60,
stand_end = 120,
walk_start = 161,
walk_end = 205,
run_start = 206,
run_end = 242,
punch_start = 242,
punch_end = 275,
punch1_start = 330,
punch1_end = 370,
dattack_start = 120,
dattack_end = 160,

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

mod_jail/nssm/models/bloco.x Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

mod_jail/nssm/models/crab.x Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

mod_jail/nssm/models/dahaka.x Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

mod_jail/nssm/models/duck.x Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

mod_jail/nssm/models/echidna.x Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

mod_jail/nssm/models/kraken.x Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

mod_jail/nssm/models/larva.x Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

mod_jail/nssm/models/mantis.x Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

mod_jail/nssm/models/octopus.x Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

mod_jail/nssm/models/phoenix.x Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:moonheron", {"air"}, {"air"}, 0, 10, 100, 750000, 1, 10, 40)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:moonheron", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 23,
hp_min = 22,
collisionbox = {-0.45, -0.3, -0.45, 0.45, 0.3, 0.45},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "moonheron.x",
textures = {{"moonheron.png"}},
visual_size = {x=10, y=10},
view_range = 35,
rotate = 270,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 3,
fall_speed = 0,
stepheight = 3,
sounds = {
random = "moonheron",
distance =40,
damage = 3,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 2,
max = 3,},
{name = "nssm:heron_leg",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
armor = 100,
floats = 1,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 5,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 5,
on_rightclick = nil,
fly = true,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 35,
stand_start = 140,
stand_end = 200,
walk_start = 20,
walk_end = 60,
run_start = 20,
run_end = 60,
punch_start = 80,
punch_end = 120,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:night_master", {"air"}, {"air"}, 0, 7, 120, 5200000, 2, 10, 40)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:night_master", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 30,
hp_min = 30,
collisionbox = {-0.65, -0.4, -0.65, 0.65, 0.4, 0.65},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "moonherontrio.x",
textures = {{"moonherontrio.png"}},
visual_size = {x=18, y=18},
view_range = 40,
rotate = 270,
lifetimer = 500,
walk_velocity = 3,
run_velocity = 4,
fall_speed = 0,
stepheight = 3,
sounds = {
random = "night_master",
distance = 45,
damage = 8,
jump = false,
armor = 70,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
fly = true,
attack_type = "dogfight",
reach = 3,
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 35,
stand_start = 60,
stand_end = 120,
walk_start = 20,
walk_end = 50,
run_start = 20,
run_end = 50,
punch_start = 130,
punch_end = 160,
on_die = function(self, pos)
200, --amount
0.1, --time
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z-1}, --minpos
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z+1}, --maxpos
{x=-0, y=-0, z=-0}, --minvel
{x=1, y=1, z=1}, --maxvel
{x=-0.5,y=5,z=-0.5}, --minacc
{x=0.5,y=5,z=0.5}, --maxacc
0.1, --minexptime
1, --maxexptime
3, --minsize
4, --maxsize
false, --collisiondetection
"tnt_smoke.png" --texture
minetest.add_entity(pos, "nssm:night_master_2")
nssm:register_mob("nssm:night_master_2", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 30,
hp_min = 30,
collisionbox = {-0.65, -0.4, -0.65, 0.65, 0.4, 0.65},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "night_master_2.x",
textures = {{"moonherontrio.png"}},
visual_size = {x=18, y=18},
view_range = 40,
rotate = 270,
lifetimer = 500,
walk_velocity = 3,
run_velocity = 4,
fall_speed = 0,
stepheight = 3,
sounds = {
random = "night_master",
distance = 45,
damage = 8,
jump = false,
armor = 70,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
fly = true,
attack_type = "dogfight",
reach = 3,
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 35,
stand_start = 60,
stand_end = 120,
walk_start = 20,
walk_end = 50,
run_start = 20,
run_end = 50,
punch_start = 130,
punch_end = 160,
on_die = function(self, pos)
200, --amount
0.1, --time
{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z-1}, --minpos
{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z+1}, --maxpos
{x=-0, y=-0, z=-0}, --minvel
{x=1, y=1, z=1}, --maxvel
{x=-0.5,y=5,z=-0.5}, --minacc
{x=0.5,y=5,z=0.5}, --maxacc
0.1, --minexptime
1, --maxexptime
3, --minsize
4, --maxsize
false, --collisiondetection
"tnt_smoke.png" --texture
minetest.add_entity(pos, "nssm:night_master_1")
nssm:register_mob("nssm:night_master_1", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 30,
hp_min = 30,
collisionbox = {-0.65, -0.4, -0.65, 0.65, 0.4, 0.65},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "night_master_1.x",
textures = {{"moonherontrio.png"}},
visual_size = {x=18, y=18},
view_range = 40,
rotate = 270,
lifetimer = 500,
walk_velocity = 3,
run_velocity = 4,
fall_speed = 0,
stepheight = 3,
sounds = {
random = "night_master",
distance = 45,
damage = 8,
jump = false,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 6,
max = 7,},
{name = "nssm:heron_leg",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
{name = "nssm:moon_feather",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
armor = 70,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
fly = true,
attack_type = "dogfight",
reach = 3,
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 35,
stand_start = 60,
stand_end = 120,
walk_start = 20,
walk_end = 50,
run_start = 20,
run_end = 50,
punch_start = 130,
punch_end = 160,

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
function spears_shot (itemstack, player)
local spear = itemstack:get_name() .. '_entity'
local playerpos = player:getpos()
local obj = minetest.add_entity({x=playerpos.x,y=playerpos.y+1.5,z=playerpos.z}, spear)
local dir = player:get_look_dir()
local sp = 16
local dr = .3
local gravity = 9.8
obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x*sp, y=dir.y*sp, z=dir.z*sp})
obj:setacceleration({x=-dir.x*dr, y=-gravity, z=-dir.z*dr})
minetest.sound_play("spears_sound", {pos=playerpos})
obj:get_luaentity().wear = itemstack:get_wear()
return true
function spears_set_entity(kind, eq, toughness)
physical = false,
visual = "wielditem",
visual_size = {x=0.15, y=0.1},
textures = {"nssm:spear_" .. kind},
collisionbox = {0,0,0,0,0,0},
on_punch = function(self, puncher)
if puncher then
if puncher:is_player() then
local stack = {name='nssm:spear_' .. kind, wear=self.wear+65535/toughness}
local inv = puncher:get_inventory()
if inv:room_for_item("main", stack) then
inv:add_item("main", stack)
SPEAR_ENTITY.on_step = function(self, dtime)
local pos = self.object:getpos()
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
if not self.wear then
if self.lastpos.x~=nil then
if ~= "air" and not (string.find(, 'grass') and not string.find(, 'dirt')) and not string.find(, 'flowers:') and not string.find(, 'farming:') then
if self.wear+65535/toughness < 65535 then
minetest.add_item(self.lastpos, {name='nssm:spear_' .. kind, wear=self.wear+65535/toughness})
elseif self.timer>0.2 then
local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}, 1)
for k, obj in pairs(objs) do
if obj:get_luaentity() ~= nil then
if obj:get_luaentity().name ~= "nssm:spear_" .. kind .. "_entity" and obj:get_luaentity().name ~= "__builtin:item" then
local speed = vector.length(self.object:getvelocity())
local damage = (speed + eq)^1.12-20
obj:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
}, nil)
if self.wear+65535/toughness < 65535 then
minetest.add_item(self.lastpos, {name='nssm:spear_' .. kind, wear=self.wear+65535/toughness})
self.lastpos={x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}
function spears_register_spear(kind, desc, eq, toughness, material)
minetest.register_tool("nssm:spear_" .. kind, {
description = desc .. " spear",
wield_image = "spear_" .. kind .. ".png",
inventory_image = "spear_" .. kind .. ".png^[transform4",
wield_scale= {x=2,y=1,z=1},
on_drop = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
spears_shot(itemstack, user)
if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then
return itemstack
on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
minetest.add_item(pointed_thing.above, itemstack)
if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then
return itemstack
tool_capabilities = {
full_punch_interval = 1.3,
snappy = {times={[3]=0.2, [2]=0.2, [1]=0.2}, uses=toughness, maxlevel=1},
damage_groups = {fleshy=eq},
SPEAR_ENTITY=spears_set_entity(kind, eq, toughness)
minetest.register_entity("nssm:spear_" .. kind .. "_entity", SPEAR_ENTITY)
output = 'nssm:spear_' .. kind,
recipe = {
{'group:wood', 'group:wood', material},
output = 'nssm:spear_' .. kind,
recipe = {
{material, 'group:wood', 'group:wood'},
spears_register_spear('ant', 'Ant', 6, 25, 'nssm:ant_mandible')
spears_register_spear('mantis', 'Mantis', 6, 10, 'nssm:mantis_claw')
spears_register_spear('manticore', 'Manticore', 8, 8, 'nssm:manticore_spine')
spears_register_spear('ice_tooth', 'Ice Tooth', 16, 200, 'nssm:ice_tooth')
spears_register_spear('little_ice_tooth', 'Little Ice Tooth', 7, 10, 'nssm:little_ice_tooth')
spears_register_spear('duck_beak', 'Duck Beak', 5, 6, 'nssm:duck_beak')

mod_jail/nssm/octopus.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:octopus", {"default:water_source"}, {"default:water_source"}, 0, 20, 60, 40000, 1, -31000, 0)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:octopus", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 22,
hp_min = 15,
collisionbox = {-0.9, -0.5, -0.9, 0.9, 0.92, 0.9},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "octopus.x",
textures = {{"octopus.png"}},
visual_size = {x=4, y=4},
view_range = 25,
fly = true,
fly_in = "default:water_source",
fall_speed = -20,
walk_velocity = 1.5,
run_velocity = 3,
damage = 3,
rotate = 270,
jump = false,
jump_chance = 0,
jump_height = 0,
sounds = {
random = "octopus",
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 2,
max = 3,},
{name = "nssm:tentacle",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 8,},
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 10,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 35,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 50,
walk_start = 60,
walk_end = 100,
run_start = 60,
run_end = 100,
punch_start = 120,
punch_end = 160,

mod_jail/nssm/phoenix.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:phoenix", {"air"}, {"air"}, 10, 20, 120, 5200000, 1, 10, 40)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:phoenix", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 60,
hp_min = 60,
collisionbox = {-0.65, -0.4, -0.65, 0.65, 0.4, 0.65},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "phoenix.x",
textures = {{"phoenix.png"}},
visual_size = {x=18, y=18},
view_range = 40,
lifetimer = 500,
rotate = 270,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 2.5,
fall_speed = 0,
stepheight = 3,
sounds = {
random = "phoenix",
distance = 45,
damage = 2,
jump = false,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 7,
max = 8,},
{name = "nssm:sun_feather",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
{name = "nssm:phoenix_tear",
chance = 1,
min = 5,
max = 6,},
{name = "nssm:phoenix_nuggets",
chance = 6,
min = 10,
max = 20,},
armor = 60,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 5,
lava_damage = 0,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
fly = true,
attack_type = "shoot",
arrow = "nssm:phoenix_arrow",
reach = 1,
shoot_interval = 4,
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 220,
stand_end = 280,
walk_start = 140,
walk_end = 180,
run_start = 190,
run_end = 210,
punch_start = 80,
punch_end = 110,
dattack_start = 80,
dattack_end = 110,

mod_jail/nssm/pumpboom.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:pumpboom_small", {"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt_with_snow","default:snowblock"}, {"default:pine_tree"}, 0, 20, 30, 300, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:pumpboom_medium", {"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt_with_snow","default:snowblock"}, {"default:pine_tree"}, 0, 20, 30, 400, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:pumpboom_large", {"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt_with_snow","default:snowblock"}, {"default:pine_tree"}, 0, 20, 30, 500, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:pumpboom_small", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 15,
hp_min = 14,
collisionbox = {-0.80, -0.3, -0.80, 0.80, 0.80, 0.80},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "pumpboom.x",
rotate = 270,
textures = {{"pumpboom.png"}},
visual_size = {x=3, y=3},
explosion_radius = 4,
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 20,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 2.5,
sounds = {
explode = "tnt_explode"
damage = 1.5,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2,}
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 2,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "explode",
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 30,
walk_start = 81,
walk_end = 97,
run_start = 81,
run_end = 97,
punch_start = 70,
punch_end = 80,
nssm:register_mob("nssm:pumpboom_medium", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 18,
hp_min = 17,
collisionbox = {-0.80, -0.3, -0.80, 0.80, 0.80, 0.80},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "pumpboom.x",
rotate = 270,
textures = {{"pumpboom.png"}},
visual_size = {x=5, y=5},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 25,
walk_velocity = 2,
explosion_radius = 6,
run_velocity = 2.5,
sounds = {
explode = "tnt_explode"
damage = 1.5,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 2,
max = 3,}
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 2,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "explode",
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 30,
walk_start = 81,
walk_end = 97,
run_start = 81,
run_end = 97,
punch_start = 70,
punch_end = 80,
nssm:register_mob("nssm:pumpboom_large", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 20,
hp_min = 19,
collisionbox = {-0.80, -0.3, -0.80, 0.80, 0.80, 0.80},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "pumpboom.x",
rotate = 270,
explosion_radius = 8,
textures = {{"pumpboom.png"}},
visual_size = {x=8, y=8},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 30,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 3,
sounds = {
explode = "tnt_explode"
damage = 1.5,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 3,
max = 4,}
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 2,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "explode",
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 30,
walk_start = 81,
walk_end = 97,
run_start = 81,
run_end = 97,
punch_start = 70,
punch_end = 80,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:pumpking", {"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt_with_snow","default:snowblock"}, {"default:pine_needles", "default:pine_tree"}, 0, 12, 120, 10000, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:pumpking", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 100,
hp_min = 100,
collisionbox = {-0.4, 0.00, -0.4, 0.4, 3.2, 0.4},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "pumpking.x",
textures = {{"pumpking.png"}},
visual_size = {x=2.5, y=2.5},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 35,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 4,
sounds = {
random = "king",
explode = "tnt_explode",
damage = 9,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 7,
max = 9,},
armor =50,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 2,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
pump_putter = true,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
stand_start = 165, stand_end = 210,
walk_start = 220, walk_end = 260,
run_start = 220, run_end = 260,
punch_start = 1, punch_end = 30,
punch1_start = 270, punch1_end = 295,
speed_normal = 15, speed_run = 15,
nssm:explosion(pos, 3, 0, 1, self.sounds.explode)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
minetest.register_entity("nssm:rainbow", {
textures = {"transparent.png"},
velocity = 10,
on_step = function (self, pos, node, dtime)
local pos = self.object:getpos()
local n = minetest.env:get_node(pos).name
if n ~= "default:nyancat_rainbow" then
if n=="air" then
minetest.env:set_node(pos, {name="default:nyancat_rainbow"})
minetest.env:set_node(pos, {name="default:nyancat"})
minetest.register_tool("nssm:rainbow_staff", {
description = "Rainbow Staff",
inventory_image = "rainbow_staff.png",
on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
local dir = placer:get_look_dir();
local playerpos = placer:getpos();
local obj = minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x+0+dir.x,y=playerpos.y+2+dir.y,z=playerpos.z+0+dir.z}, "nssm:rainbow")
local vec = {x=dir.x*6,y=dir.y*6,z=dir.z*6}
return itemstack
groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1,}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:sandworm", {"default:desert_sand", "default:desert_stone"}, {"default:sand"}, 0, 20, 20, 5000, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:sandworm", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 30,
hp_min = 25,
collisionbox = {-0.6, -0.2, -0.6, 0.6, 1.90, 0.6},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "sandworm.x",
textures = {{"sandworm.png"}},
visual_size = {x=10, y=10},
makes_footstep_sound = false,
view_range = 17,
rotate = 270,
worm = true,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 2,
damage = 4,
jump = false,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:worm_flesh",
chance = 2,
min = 1,
max = 3,},
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 2,
max = 3,},
armor = 90,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 5,
lava_damage = 10,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 40,
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 30,
walk_start = 30,
walk_end = 70,
run_start = 30,
run_end = 70,
punch_start = 70,
punch_end = 90,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:scrausics", {"air"}, {"air"}, 10, 20, 100, 750000, 1, 10, 40)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:scrausics", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 23,
hp_min = 22,
collisionbox = {-0.4, -0.3, -0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.4},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "scrausics.x",
textures = {{"scrausics.png"}},
visual_size = {x=10, y=10},
view_range = 35,
rotate = 270,
walk_velocity = 2,
run_velocity = 3,
fall_speed = 0,
stepheight = 3,
sounds = {
random = "scrausic",
distance = 40,
damage = 3,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 3,
max = 4,},
{name = "nssm:raw_scrausics_wing",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 5,
lava_damage = 5,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
fly = true,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 25,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 220,
stand_end = 280,
walk_start = 140,
walk_end = 180,
run_start = 190,
run_end = 210,
punch_start = 20,
punch_end = 50,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:signosigno", {"default:stone"}, {"default:stone"}, 0, 10, 20, 400, 2, -31000, -20)
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:signosigno", {"bones:bones"}, {"air"}, 0, 15, 3, 1, 5, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:signosigno", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 10,
hp_min = 8,
collisionbox = {-0.2, 0.00, -0.2, 0.2, 1.6, 0.2},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "signosigno.x",
textures = {{"signosigno.png"}, {"signosigno2.png"}},
visual_size = {x=6, y=6},
makes_footstep_sound = false,
view_range = 15,
walk_velocity = 1.5,
run_velocity = 2.5,
rotate = 270,
damage = 3,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 2,},
armor = 70,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 1,
lava_damage = 2,
light_damage = 1,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 20,
speed_run = 20,
stand_start = 20,
stand_end = 80,
walk_start = 100,
walk_end = 140,
run_start = 200,
run_end = 220,
punch_start = 160,
punch_end = 190,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
nssm:spawn_specific("nssm:snow_biter", {"default:snowblock", "default:ice", "default:dirt_with_snow"}, {"default:snowblock", "default:ice", "default:dirt_with_snow"}, 0, 20, 30, 5000, 1, -31000, 31000)
nssm:register_mob("nssm:snow_biter", {
type = "monster",
hp_max = 20,
hp_min = 15,
collisionbox = {-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.60, 0.5},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "snow_biter.x",
textures = {{"snow_biter.png"}},
visual_size = {x=6, y=6},
makes_footstep_sound = true,
view_range = 18,
rotate = 270,
froster = true,
mele_number = 2,
reach = 1.5,
walk_velocity = 0.8,
run_velocity = 3,
sounds = {
random = "snow_biter",
damage = 5,
jump = true,
drops = {
{name = "nssm:life_energy",
chance = 1,
min = 2,
max = 3},
{name = "nssm:frosted_amphibian_heart",
chance = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1},
{name = "nssm:little_ice_tooth",
chance = 2,
min = 0,
max = 4},
armor = 100,
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 30,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = nil,
attack_type = "dogfight",
animation = {
speed_normal = 20,
speed_run = 25,
stand_start = 0,
stand_end = 80,
walk_start = 110,
walk_end = 150,
run_start = 80,
run_end = 100,
punch_start = 175,
punch_end = 190,
punch1_start = 200,
punch1_end = 215

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More