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david 2017-07-31 00:24:12 -04:00
commit 20a5ec06e4
2 changed files with 230 additions and 0 deletions

230 Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Stand-alone Redis-based mapshrink for MineTest.
LGPL v2.1
Orignal Author : Lag <need his git repo name>
Heavily modified by 843jdc
Some of the Python Modules Required:
Get the module from:
Read the docs at:
Uses an existing runing Redis server
or creates one itself using a specified database file
import sys #to get parameters
import operator
import sqlite3
import redislite
import re
from time import ctime
from copy import copy
import mt_map_redis_parser
sourceHash = "IGNORED"
destinationHash = "IGNORED"
worldDir = r'/path/to/Minetest/Map'
sourceName = worldDir + '/cashs-world.rdb'
destinationName = worldDir + '/cashs-world-new.rdb'
errorFileName = worldDir + r'/errors.txt'
searchMode = "Mapshrink"
radius = 7
verbose = 1
#use compiled regular expression to filter blocks by block content. it is faster that checking "in array".
quickCombinedSearch = re.compile('(custom|default):chest_locked|(custom|protector):protect2|(custom|protector):protect|custom:protected_chest|protector:chest')
#quickCombinedSearch = re.compile('(custom|default):stone_with_gold')
#quickCombinedSearch = re.compile('protector:chest')
item = {}
item[1] = "custom:chest_locked"
item[2] = "default:chest_locked"
item[3] = "custom:protect2"
item[4] = "protector:protect2"
item[5] = "custom:protect"
item[6] = "protector:protect"
item[7] = "custom:protected_chest"
item[8] = "protector:chest"
numItems = 8
# Change this timeout value if you have a really large map file.
class Conn(redislite.StrictRedis):
start_timeout = 180
print("Mapshrink Start Time: " + ctime())
# Convert an X, Y, Z tuple into an integer
def getXYZAsInteger(p):
"""Takes a xyz tuple and returns an int
p[0] = X
p[1] = Y / 4096 map blocks
p[2] = Z / 4096 map blocks
return int64(p[2]*16777216 + p[1]*4096 + p[0])
def int64(u):
while u >= 2**63:
u -= 2**64
while u <= -2**63:
u += 2**64
return u
# Convert an integer into a X, Y, Z tuple
def getIntegerAsXYZ(i):
"""Takes an int and returns a xyz tuple
[0] = X
[1] = Y
[2] = Z
x = unsignedToSigned(i % 4096, 2048)
i = int((i - x) / 4096)
y = unsignedToSigned(i % 4096, 2048)
i = int((i - y) / 4096)
z = unsignedToSigned(i % 4096, 2048)
return x,y,z
def unsignedToSigned(i, max_positive):
if i < max_positive:
return i
return i - 2*max_positive
def redisMapshrink():
print("Determining how many map blocks this database has ... "),
keys = sourceConn.hkeys(sourceHash)
numberOfMapblocks = sourceConn.hlen(sourceHash)
# Just in case:
if numberOfMapblocks != len(keys):
print("ERROR: The number of map blocks does not equal the number of keys!")
# Is it even possible for a database file to have no records? Just in case:
if numberOfMapblocks == 0:
print("Map has no mapblocks!")
print("numberOfMapblocks: " + str(numberOfMapblocks))
# Find map blocks that contain search items. Save their key to the array saveThese1. Save count to save1Count
print("Pass #1: Search for map blocks that contain the desired items")
saveThese1 = []
save1Count = 0
for n in range(0, numberOfMapblocks):
# Convert keys from a list of text strings representing integers to a list of integers
keys[n] = int(keys[n])
block = sourceConn.hget(sourceHash, keys[n])
if block != None or block != '':
BlockData = mt_map_redis_parser.MtRedisParser(block)
if BlockData.error != 0:
print("***************Error while reading map block # " + str(keys[n]))
with open(errorFileName, "a") as text_file:
text_file.write("Error while reading map block # " + str(keys[n]))
if != None:
save1Count+= 1
print("Number of map blocks searched: " + str(numberOfMapblocks))
print("Number of map blocks that contain search items: " + str(save1Count))
print("Location of search items: " + str(saveThese1[save1Count-1]) + " " + str(getIntegerAsXYZ(saveThese1[save1Count-1])))
if save1Count == 0:
print("No map blocks contain any of the search items!")
# Get each map block number that is being saved in the first pass. Add to them in all directions.
# Map boundary check. Then save the result to saveThese2
print("Pass #2: Collect map blocks in radius")
save2Count = (radius * 2 + 1) * (radius * 2 + 1) * (radius * 2 + 1)
saveThese2 = [[0 for x in range(save2Count)] for y in range(save1Count)]
outOfBounds = 0
print("Mapshrink save radius: " + str(radius))
for n in range(0, save1Count):
s = list(getIntegerAsXYZ(saveThese1[n]))
q = copy(s)
save2Count = 0
print("Checking item #: " + str(n + 1) + " of " + str(save1Count) + "\x0D"),
for x in range(-radius, radius + 1):
for y in range(-radius, radius + 1):
for z in range(-radius, radius + 1):
# Boundary checks
q[0] = s[0] + x
if q[0] > 2047:
q[0] = 2047
outOfBounds+= 1
if q[0] < -2048:
q[0] = -2048
outOfBounds+= 1
q[1] = s[1] + y
if q[1] > 2047:
q[1] = 2047
outOfBounds+= 1
if q[1] < -2048:
q[1] = -2048
outOfBounds+= 1
q[2] = s[2] + z
if q[2] > 2047:
q[2] = 2047
outOfBounds+= 1
if q[2] < -2048:
q[2] = -2048
outOfBounds+= 1
r = getXYZAsInteger(q)
saveThese2[n][save2Count] = r
save2Count+= 1
# Map block numbers in saveThese2 may not actually exist in the database file
print("Starting a Redis server to save the selected map blocks to")
class Conn(redislite.StrictRedis):
start_timeout = 180
destinationConn = Conn(destinationName)
print("Redis server started")
for n in range(0, save1Count):
print("Saving item block #: " + str(n) + " of " + str(save1Count))
# Number of map blocks that surround each n. radius 1 = 27, radius 2 = 125
for p in range(0,save2Count):
# Get the map block data from the source
if sourceConn.hexists(sourceHash, saveThese2[n][p]) == 1:
mapBlockData = sourceConn.hget(sourceHash, saveThese2[n][p])
# Put the map block data into the destination
destinationConn.hset(destinationHash, saveThese2[n][p], mapBlockData)
# Insure that the key never expires
print("\x0A" + "Save complete."),
saved = destinationConn.hlen(destinationHash)
print(" " + str(saved) + " Map blocks saved to new database")
print("Shutting down destination server")
print("Starting a Redis server")
sourceConn = Conn(sourceName)
print("Redis server started")
print("Stopping Redis server")
print("Redis server stopped")
print("Search Stop Time: " + ctime() + "\x0A")

mt_map_redis_parser.pyc Normal file

Binary file not shown.