
158 lines
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-- Gemstones!
-- This mod adds gems such as rubies, sapphires, emeralds, etc. Tools and
-- "solid" blocks can be crafted from the gems.
-- (c) 2011 Fernando Zapata
-- Code licensed under GNU GPLv3
-- Content licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
-- 2011-12-04 13:26:40
-- List containing the names and quantity of the ores --
minerallist = {}
---- Big, bad function to declare gems -----------------------------------------
register_gem = function( gemtype, max_clusters, min_depth, basetime, durability, toolrules )
-- Ores --
mineralname = "gemstones:mineral_" .. gemtype
mineraltex = "default_stone.png^gemstones_mineral_" .. gemtype .. ".png"
-- Gems/lumps --
gemname = "gemstones:gem_" .. gemtype
gemtex = "gemstones_gem_" .. gemtype .. ".png"
craftname = gemname
-- Solid block --
blockname = "gemstones:block_" .. gemtype
blocktex = "gemstones_block_" .. gemtype .. ".png"
-- maximal number of clusters at depth d will be
-- a*(1-exp(-(b * depth) ^ 2)), where a = max_clusters,
-- we want at least one cluster at depth == min_depth
-- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=solve+n*%281-exp%28-%28b+*+d%29+**+2%29%29+%3D+1+for+b%2C+n%3E0%2C+d%3E0%2C+b%3E0
-- example for max_clusters == 10, min_depth=32
-- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=solve+n*%281-exp%28-%28b+*+d%29+**+2%29%29+%3D+1+for+b%2C+n%3D10%2C+d%3D32%2C+b%3E0
-- b = 0.0101435264367031644904753805829301386268546982656322629837...
-- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot+n*%281-exp%28-%28b+*+d%29+**+2%29%29+where+b+%3D+0.010143526%2C+n+%3D+10%2C+d+%3D+0+to+200
-- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot+n*%281-exp%28-%28b+*+d%29+**+2%29%29+where+b+%3D+0.010143526%2C+n+%3D+10%2C+d+%3D+0+to+40
local depth_scale = math.sqrt( math.log( max_clusters/(max_clusters-1) ))/min_depth
table.insert( minerallist, { name=mineralname, a = max_clusters, b = depth_scale } )
minetest.register_craftitem( gemname, {
image = gemtex,
on_place_on_ground = minetest.craftitem_place_item,
} )
-- Mineral block --
minetest.register_node( mineralname, {
tile_images = { mineraltex },
inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube( mineraltex ),
is_ground_content = true,
material = minetest.digprop_stonelike(1.0),
drop = craftname .. ' 1',
} )
-- Solid block --
minetest.register_node( blockname, {
--drawtype = "glasslike",
tile_images = { blocktex },
inventory_image = blocktex,
--alpha = 200,
is_ground_content = true,
material = minetest.digprop_glasslike(3.0),
} )
-- Tools, with "add_tool" by MarkTraceur
register_tool_type("gemstones", gemtype, craftname, basetime, durability, toolrules)
-- Crafting blocks --
minetest.register_craft( {
output = blockname .. ' 1',
recipe = {
{ craftname,craftname,craftname },
{ craftname,craftname,craftname },
{ craftname,craftname,craftname },
} )
minetest.register_craft( {
output = craftname .. ' 9',
recipe = {
{ blockname .. '"' },
} )
---- Create gems on chunk generation -------------------------------------------
-- celeron55 said:
-- "It is somewhat doable, but not very fancily. Off the top of my head
-- without any testing:"
-- + My fixes
local generate_gem = function( minp, maxp )
for c, oreinfo in ipairs( minerallist ) do
local average_pos = {
x =minp.x + (maxp.x - minp.x)/2,
y =minp.y + (maxp.y - minp.y)/2,
z =minp.z + (maxp.z - minp.z)/2
local depth = minetest.env:get_ground_level(average_pos) - average_pos.y
local max_amount = math.floor(oreinfo.a * (1-math.exp(-(oreinfo.b * depth) ^ 2)))
local max_amount = math.floor(max_amount)
local amount = math.random( 0, max_amount )
for a = 0, amount do
local pos = {
x = math.random( minp.x, maxp.x ),
y = math.random( minp.y, maxp.y ),
z = math.random( minp.z, maxp.z ),
for i = -1, 1 do
for j = -1, 1 do
for k = -1, 1 do
if math.random() > 0.2 then
local p = { x=pos.x+i, y=pos.y+j, z=pos.z+k }
local n = minetest.env:get_node( p )
if n.name == "default:stone" then
minetest.env:add_node( p, { name = oreinfo.name } )
minetest.register_on_generated( generate_gem )
---- Register new gemstones ----------------------------------------------------
---- Amethyst ----
-- Less durable but slightly faster than steel.
register_gem( "amethyst", 50, 8 , 0.9, 250, { sword_time = 1 } )
---- Cubic Zirconia ----
-- Almost wood slow, but almost mese-like durability
register_gem( "czirconia",50, 8, 1.6, 1000, { sword_time = 1 } )
---- Emerald ----
-- Just a bit less durable than steel
register_gem( "emerald", 50, 8, 1.0, 300, { sword_time = 1 } )
---- Ruby ----
-- Faster, but much less durable than steel
register_gem( "ruby", 50, 8, 0.7, 180, { sword_time = 1 } )
---- Sapphire ----
-- Slow, but more durable than steel
register_gem( "sapphire", 50, 5, 1.2, 500, { sword_time = 1 } )
---- Was loaded? ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- Just to be sure, may remove if you like.
print( " ++ loaded : Gemstones, by ZLovesPancakes" )