Added support for unicode, fixed downloading

The program should no longer throw an error when trying to parse an album with unicode, instead of doing arguments you simply need to paste the url now. The program is still a bit slow downloading, will fix later.
Andrew Sampson 2014-03-08 03:07:34 -05:00
parent a18755ab63
commit cd360880df
1 changed files with 60 additions and 152 deletions

View File

@ -7,194 +7,102 @@ Feel free to use this in any way you wish. I made this just for fun.
Shout out to darkf for writing a helper function for parsing the JavaScript! """
import unicodedata
import os
import urllib
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
from mutagen.id3 import ID3, TIT2
from mutagen.id3 import TIT2
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
from shutil import make_archive
import re
import json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import os
import sys
import urllib
import jsobj
def parse_file(url):
print "Starting the parsing for: " + url
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
print "Starting the parsing for: " + url
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
if "album" in url:
songType = "album"
songType = "track"
albumTitle = soup.head.title.text
embedBlock = r.text.split("var EmbedData = ")
embedBlock = r.text.split("var EmbedData = ")
embedStringBlock = embedBlock[1]
embedStringBlock = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', embedStringBlock).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
embedStringBlock = embedStringBlock.split("};")[0] + "};"
embedStringBlock = jsobj.read_js_object("var EmbedData = %s" % str(embedStringBlock))
embedStringBlock = embedBlock[1]
embedStringBlock = embedStringBlock.split("};")[0] + "};"
embedStringBlock = jsobj.read_js_object("var EmbedData = %s" % str(embedStringBlock))
#print embedStringBlock
embedData = embedStringBlock
#embedStringBlock = re.sub(r'{\s*(\w)', r'{"\1', embedStringBlock)
#embedStringBlock = re.sub(r',\s*(\w)', r',"\1', embedStringBlock)
#embedStringBlock = re.sub(r'(\w):', r'\1":', embedStringBlock)
#embedStringBlock = embedStringBlock.replace(r'http\":', 'http:')
albumTitle = embedData['EmbedData']['album_title']
block = r.text.split("var TralbumData = ")
#print block[0]
#print embedStringBlock
#currData = json.loads(embedStringBlock)
#print currData
stringBlock = block[1]
stringBlock = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', stringBlock).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
stringBlock = stringBlock.split("};")[0] + "};"
stringBlock = jsobj.read_js_object("var TralbumData = %s" % str(stringBlock))
#print embedStringBlock
data = stringBlock
artistName = data['TralbumData']['artist']
embedData = embedStringBlock
firstLetter = artistName[0]
artistName = embedData['EmbedData']['artist']
if not firstLetter.isalpha:
firstLetter = "0"
firstLetter = firstLetter.capitalize()
if "name" in embedData:
fileType = "track"
trackName = embedData['EmbedData']['name']
fileType = "album"
if not os.path.exists("files"):
albumTitle = embedData['EmbedData']['album_title']
block = r.text.split("var TralbumData = ")
#print block[0]
if not os.path.exists("files/" + firstLetter):
if (firstLetter.isalpha):
os.makedirs("files/" + firstLetter)
stringBlock = block[1]
if not os.path.exists("files/" + firstLetter + "/" + artistName):
os.makedirs("files/" + firstLetter + "/" + artistName)
stringBlock = stringBlock.split("};")[0] + "};"
stringBlock = jsobj.read_js_object("var TralbumData = %s" % str(stringBlock))
#print stringBlock
tracks = data['TralbumData']['trackinfo']
albumPath = albumTitle.replace(" ", "").replace("/", "").replace(".", "")
#stringArray = stringBlock.split("\n")
#del stringArray[1:4]
#print stringArray
albumPath = "files/" + firstLetter + "/" + artistName + "/" + albumPath
if not os.path.exists("files/zips"):
#stringBlock = "".join(stringArray).strip().replace(" ", "")
if not os.path.exists(albumPath):
for each in tracks:
songTitle = each['title'].replace(" ", "").replace(".", "")
songURL = each['file']['mp3-128']
print "Now Downloading: " + each['title'], each['file']['mp3-128']
urllib.urlretrieve(songURL, albumPath + "/" + songTitle + ".mp3")
data = stringBlock
print "Encoding . . . "
audio = MP3(albumPath + "/" + songTitle + ".mp3")
audio["TIT2"] = TIT2(encoding=3, text=["title"])
audio = EasyID3(albumPath + "/" + songTitle + ".mp3")
audio["title"] = each['title']
audio["artist"] = artistName
audio["album"] = albumTitle
artistName = data['TralbumData']['artist']
print "Done downloading " + songTitle
firstLetter = artistName[0]
if not firstLetter.isalpha:
firstLetter = "0"
firstLetter = firstLetter.capitalize()
if not os.path.exists("files"):
letterDirectory = "files/" + firstLetter
if not os.path.exists("files/" + firstLetter):
os.makedirs("files/" + firstLetter)
if not os.path.exists("files/" + firstLetter + "/" + artistName):
os.makedirs("files/" + firstLetter + "/" + artistName)
tracks = data['TralbumData']['trackinfo']
albumPath = albumTitle.replace(" ", "").replace("/","").replace(".", "")
albumPath = "files/" + firstLetter + "/" + artistName + "/" + albumPath
if not os.path.exists("files/zips"):
if not os.path.exists(albumPath):
for each in tracks:
songTitle = each['title'].replace(" ", "").replace(".", "")
songURL = each['file']['mp3-128']
track_num = each['track_num']
print "Now Downloading: " + each['title'], each['file']['mp3-128']
urllib.urlretrieve(songURL, albumPath + "/" + songTitle + ".mp3")
print "Encoding . . . "
audio = MP3(albumPath + "/" + songTitle + ".mp3")
audio["TIT2"]=TIT2(encoding=3, text=["title"])
audio = EasyID3(albumPath + "/" + songTitle + ".mp3")
audio["title"] = each['title']
audio["artist"] = artistName
audio["album"] = albumTitle
#audio["tracknumber"] = track_num
print "Done downloading " + songTitle
# if(len(tracks) > 1):
# if not os.path.isfile("files/zips/" + albumTitle.replace(" ", "") + ".zip"):
# make_archive("files/zips/" + albumTitle.replace(" ", ""), 'zip', albumPath)
# else:
# print "Already have a zipfile of this junts, serve that up!"
#zip = zipfile.ZipFile("files/zips/" + albumTitle.replace(" ", "") + ".zip", 'w')
#zipdir(albumPath + "/", zip)
def parse_results(text):
soup = BeautifulSoup(text)
items = soup.findAll("li", "searchresult")
for item in items:
typeText = item.find(class_="itemtype").text.strip()
albumTitle = item.find(class_="heading").text.strip()
artistName = item.find(class_="subhead").text.strip()
artistName = artistName.replace("by ", "")
itemURL = item.find(class_="itemurl").text.strip()
if "track" in itemURL:
itemType = "track"
itemType = "album"
result = Result(itemURL, artistName, albumTitle, itemType)
url = sys.argv[1]
if(len(sys.argv) != 2):
print "usage: <url to download>"
url = raw_input("Please enter the url of the album or song you wish to download: ")