
51 lines
1.2 KiB
Executable File

@echo off
set ~~cmp=s:
set ~~cpy=g:
set ~~ext=.asm
if not "%1"=="" goto setup
echo F-- File compare & merge v10.03.95 --by Dan Thompson
echo Copyright (C) 1995 Williams Electronics
echo Environment variables to set for the compare:
echo FCMP = (d:) to compare current (d:) to ("%~~cmp%" if not specified)
echo FCPY = (d:) to copy merged files to ("%~~cpy%" if not specified)
echo FEXT = current file extension ("%~~ext%" if not specified)
goto end
if not "%FCMP%"=="" set ~~cmp=%FCMP%
if not "%FCPY%"=="" set ~~cpy=%FCPY%
if not "%FEXT%"=="" set ~~ext=%FEXT%
if not exist %1%~~ext% goto error
if not exist %~~cmp%%1%~~ext% goto error
fc %1%~~ext% %~~cmp%%1%~~ext% >diffy
type diffy
choice /c:cdbx Copy c: or Dupe %~~cmp% to %~~cpy%, enter Brief, or eXit
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 goto brief
if errorlevel 2 goto next
copy /b %1%~~ext% %~~cpy% /v
goto end
copy /b %~~cmp%%1%~~ext% %~~cpy% /v
goto end
b diffy %1%~~ext% %~~cmp%%1%~~ext%
goto end
echo Bite me! Go find your stupid files to compare.
set ~~cmp=
set ~~cpy=
set ~~ext=