
1202 lines
21 KiB

* Software: Warren Davis
* Initiated: 9/3/91
* Modified: Shawn Liptak, 8/13/92 -Basketball
*.Last mod - 3/24/93 11:23
.file "unzip.asm"
.title "pkzip unzipper"
.width 132
.option b,d,l,t
.include "mproc.equ" ;Mproc equates
.include "disp.equ" ;Display proc equates
.include "gsp.equ" ;Gsp asm equates
.include "sys.equ"
.include "imgtbl.glo"
.include "macros.hdr" ;Macros
; .include "shawn.hdr" ;Macros
; .include "frame.tbl"
; .include "bbvda.tbl"
.ref pal_getf
; .ref pal_clean
; .ref last_score,scores,tvpanelon
.ref get_all_buttons_cur
.asg 0,CARYTEST ;1 for Cary's board testing
.asg 0,ERRORTEST ;1 for random pixel test
.asg >1d01010,DEBUGPORT
.asg 8,IMGBPP ;Zipped img bpp count
.asg 8,SCRBPP ;Screen bpp count
RamBuffer .equ (MEGBIT0+(RAMBUFSIZ*2))&(~(RAMBUFSIZ-1))
RamBufMask .equ RamBuffer+RAMBUFSIZ-1
lengthtree .equ RamBufMask+1
disttree .equ lengthtree+256*32
minptrtbl .equ disttree+256*32
frmpalnum .equ minptrtbl+256*32 ;16b
frmpalptr .equ frmpalnum+16 ;32b
PIXPERFRM .equ frmpalptr+32 ;32b
;SCRN_ST .set (170*SCRN_PTCH)+(150*8)
;PXLS_PR_TIK .set 10000
; WORD HOLDFADE ;Time to hold first frame
; WORD DEBUGCNT ;For TUNIT debugging
;RamBuffer .usect "unzip",RAMBUFSIZ
.ref display_blank,WIPEOUT,dpageflip,IRQSKYE
.ref dtype,display_unblank,get_all_buttons_cur2
.ref SOUNDSUP,bounce_snd
; SUBR show_trophy
; calla display_blank
; calla WIPEOUT
; movk 1,a0
; move a0,@DISPLAYON
; move a0,@dpageflip
; calla display_unblank
; clr a0
; move a0,@dpageflip
; movi TROPHY,a8
; movi [0,0],a9
; JSRP movie_run
; movk 1,a0
; move a0,@dpageflip
; clr a0
; move a0,@dpageflip
; movi 6*TSEC,a10
;#lp SLEEPK 1
; calla get_all_buttons_cur2
; jrz #nob
; clr a0
; move a0,@SOUNDSUP ;turn all sounds on
; SOUND1 bounce_snd
; movk 1,a0
; move a0,@SOUNDSUP ;turn all sounds off
; jruc #xb
; dsj a10,#lp
; calla WIPEOUT
* Run movie footage (JSRP)
* A8=* compressed picture data
* A9=Screen X,Y for top left of picture
* Trashes scratch, A2-A11,B2-B10
SUBR movie_run
; jauc 0
; movi SCRNST,a7
; addxy a7,a9
movi SCRNXP,a7 ;+XPad offset
addxy a7,a9
movx a9,a7
sext a7
srl 16,a9
move @dpage,a14
jrnz #p2
addi PAGE1YO,a9 ;Start in page 1 if page 0 is being displayed
sll 9,a9
add a7,a9
sll 3,a9
callr movie_waitdma
movk 1,a14
move a14,@DEBUGPORT
callr movie_parsehdr
jrnz #error
move b4,a14 ;Height
subk 1,a14
movi SCRN_PTCH,a1
mpys a14,a1
add a1,a9 ;* to bottom left
callr movie_getpal
jrz #error
;(A0=img pal #)
;(A7=# of colors)
;A8=* compressed picture data
;A9=* screen BL
;B2=X size
;B4=Y size
; movi blowline,b10
; move a9,a9
; jrz #mode0
; movi blowlinex2,b10
JSRP movie_unzip
#x setf 16,1,0
setf 32,0,1
clr a14
move a14,@DEBUGPORT
jruc #x
* Wait for DMA activity to stop
* Trashes A14
SUBRP movie_waitdma
move b13,b13 ;Wait for DMAQ empty
jrge #wtlp
move @DMACTRL,a14
jrn #wtlp
movk 1,a14
move a14,@DEBUGPORT
#dly movi 200,a14 ;Wait 400 cycles
dsj a14,$
move @DMACTRL,a14
jrnn #x
jruc #dly
#x rets
* Get movie info
* A8=* to compressed data
* >A0=!0 if error (CC)
* >A6=# frames
* >A7=# colors in palette
* >A10=X
* >A11=Y
* Trashes scratch
SUBRP movie_parsehdr
move *a8+,a6 ;X size of frames
move a6,b2
move *a8+,a6 ;Y size of frames
move a6,b4
move *a8+,a6 ;# of frames
move *a8+,a7 ;# of colors
clr a0
* Get a movie palette
* A7=# of colors
* A8=* to color data
* >A0=Color map allocated (0000-cfcf)
* Z set if no palette free
* Trashes scratch
SUBRP movie_getpal
move a8,a0
subk 16,a0 ;Point to # colors
move a0,@frmpalptr,1
calla pal_getf
jrz #x
move a0,@frmpalnum,0
move a7,a1 ;Set * after pal data
sll 4,a1
add a1,a8
addk 1,a1 ;Clr Z
#x rets
* GSP Decompression routine
* ASSUMPTIONS: 1) There is no literal table
* 2) the size of the sliding window is 4K
* Needs the following Data Tables:
* CompressedDataTable will contain the following once
* it is uncompressed:
* # frames (1 byte)
* # colors in palette (1 byte)
* X size of frame (1 byte)
* Y Size of frame (1 byte)
* variable length palette data
* data for each frame
* Needs the following RAM variables:
* LengthTree 256 long words
* DistanceTree 256 long words
* MinPtrTable 256 long words (used for sort)
* RamBuffer circular buffer
* Tree layout is as follows...
* low 16 bits = Code
* next 8 bits = Bit length
* B reg usage...
* B0 = Ptr to Length tree
* B1 = Ptr to Distance tree
* B3 = start of line
* B4 = start palette duped to fill 16 bits
* B5 = used for outputting pal bits to DMAPAL
* B6 = temp storage in ReadTree and UncompressTree
* B7 = constant mask for pxl palette split
* B9 = Master X storage
* Uncompress a tree
* A8=* to compressed data
* B0=* to tree table
* >A0=!0 if error (CC)
move b0,a7 ;>Determine how many codes of each bit length
move a8,a5
setf 8,0,0
move *a8+,a0 ;# compressed bytes to describe tree - 1
addk 1,a0
movk >f,a3 ;Bit-mask constant
clr a4 ;Clr chksum
clr a6 ;Total # of codes in tree
move *a8+,a1 ;(# codes - 1 << 4) | bit lngth - 1
add a1,a4 ;+=Chksum
move a1,a2
srl 4,a2
addk 1,a2 ;# of codes of this bit length
add a2,a6 ;+=Total # of codes in tree
and a3,a1
addk 1,a1 ;bit length
move a1,a14
sll 16,a14
movy a14,a1 ;duplicate bit length for sort
move a1,*a7+,L
dsj a2,utr1 ;fill table
dsj a0,utr0 ;a6 now contains size of tree
move a5,a8 ;>Recalc chksum
clr a2
move *a8+,a0 ;# compressed bytes to describe tree - 1
addk 1,a0
#chklp move *a8+,a1
add a1,a2
dsj a0,#chklp
setf 16,1,0
cmp a2,a4 ;Do chksums match?
jreq utr ; br=yes
move a5,a8 ;No. Restore original A8 & error out
movk 1001b,a14
move a14,@DEBUGPORT
movk 1,a0 ;Error!
jruc #x
* Sort Tree by increasing Bit Length.
* The translation index is placed in the upper byte
* of the long word.
movi minptrtbl,a0 ; for placing translation ptrs
move a6,a5 ; outer loop count (# entries in tree table)
* Outer loop, after each pass, we have found the next minimum
move b0,a7 ;Restore start of tree *
movi 06543h,a14 ; current minimum
move a6,a4 ; inner loop count
movi 07654h,a1 ; constant
* Inner loop, go through all values in table and find min.
* When we find it, we set it to a high value so we don't detect
* it again.
move *a7,a2 ; look at next bit length
cmp a14,a2 ; is it less than the last minimum
jrge nonewmin
move a2,a14 ; if yes, save new minimum
move a7,a3 ; save pointer to minimum
addk 32,a7 ; point to next entry
dsj a4,utr3
* End of inner loop: min is in a14, ptr to min is in a7
move a1,*a3 ; set this minimum constant
move a3,*a0+,L ; place translation ptr in MinPtrTbl.
dsjs a5,utr2
;>Compute the codes
clr a4 ;Code
clr a1 ;CodeInc
clr a2 ;LastBitLength
move *-a0,a7,L ;translated pointer
add a1,a4
movb *a7(16),a3 ;bit length
cmp a3,a2
jreq samebitlng
move a3,a2 ;set new LastBitLength
movk 16,a3
sub a2,a3 ;16-LastBitLength
movk 1,a1
sll a3,a1 ;CodeInc = 1 << (16-LastBitLength)
move a4,a5 ;copy of Code in a5
movk 16,a14 ;reverse bit loop count
sll 1,a5 ;Reverse bits of word
movy a5,a3
srl 1,a3
zext a5
dsjs a14,rvrsbts
move a3,*a7 ;store code with bits reversed
dsjs a6,utr4
clr a0
move a0,a0
* Initialize and run unzip loop (JSRP)
* A4=# of frames
* A8=* compressed data table
* A10=Screen * for top left of picture
* B3=Y size
* B4=strt pal
* B9=X size
SUBRP movie_unzip
; jruc #debugstrt
; .endif
movk 10,b3
movi lengthtree,b0
#ltlp callr UncompressTree
jrz #ltok ; br=OK
dsj b3,#ltlp
move b0,b1
movk 10,b3
movi disttree,b0
#dtlp callr UncompressTree
jrz #dtok ; br=OK
dsj b3,#dtlp
clr a14
move a14,@DEBUGPORT
;Clear top 4K of buffer to take care of initial wraparound
movi RamBuffer+RAMBUFSIZ,a1 ;End of buffer
clr a3
move a3,*-a1,L
dsj a2,#clrbuf
movi blowline,b7 ;B4=* data-to-screen call
;Fall thru
* Uncompress a single frame
* A0=Address mask for circular buffer
* A8=* to compressed data
* A9=* to buffer for uncompressed bytes
* A11=How many to place before returning
* B0=*Length tree
* B1=*Distance tree
* a1 = Distance
* a2 = ptr to leftover data if there is any
* a4 = Length
* ReadTree uses A2-A5,A7,A14,B6
* Need to Preserve: B9-B10
move b4,b3
mpyu b2,b3 ;B3=total # pix in frame
movi RamBuffer,a10 ;Where to uncompress to
movi RamBufMask,a0 ;Mask for rambuf ptr
move a10,a11 ;Used for negative wraparound
move a10,a6 ;Init buffer xfer ptr
clr b5 ;Pix count for Stills only
setf 16,0,1 ;Field 1 = 16 bits no sign-ext
move @frmpalnum,@DMACMAP,1 ;Set pallette
setf 1,0,0
move *a8+,a14 ;If bit = 1, read 8 bits and copy
move @HCOUNT,a14
jrz decode_still
setf 8,0,0
move *a8+,*a10+
and a0,a10
addk 1,b5 ; pixel count
subk 1,b3
cmp b5,b2 ; have we filled a line yet?
jrgt us0
call b7 ; Blow Line Routine
move b3,b3
jrgt UncFr0
setf 16,1,0
setf 32,0,1
decode_still: ; if bit = 0, decode from trees
setf 6,0,0
move *a8+,a1 ; lower 6 bits of distance
move @HCOUNT,a1
move b0,a5 ; Distance Tree in a5
callr ReadTree ; Result in a7
sll 6,a7
or a7,a1
inc a1 ; DISTANCE in a1
sll 3,a1 ; turn it into a pointer
move b1,a5 ; Length Tree in a5
callr ReadTree ; Result in a7
setf 8,0,0
cmpi 63,a7
jrne notmaxs
move *a8+,a3 ; If length is 63, get next byte, and
move @HCOUNT,a3
add a3,a7 ; add it to the length
addk 2,a7 ; add MML, LENGTH in a7
; We now have Length and Distance, now determine where to copy from
move a10,a2 ; copy of current position in a2
sub a1,a2 ; initial attempt
and a0,a2 ; handle wraparound
or a11,a2 ;copy pointer is now in a2
move a7,b6
sub b6,b3 ;Adjust total pixel count
add b6,b5 ;Adjust pixel counter for this line
move *a2+,*a10+ ;>Copy
and a0,a2
and a0,a10
dsj a7,copys
jruc us1
* Read compression tree
* A5=*Tree table
* A8=*Compressed data
* Field 1 = 16 bits
* >A7=Data
* Trashes: A2-A5,A14,B6
* Must preserve: A0,A1,A6,A8-A11
movk 1,a2 ; bits_read
setf 1,0,0
move *a8+,a7 ; read a bit
rl 31,a7 ; rotate right one more bit
clr b6 ; result
jruc #strt
addk 1,b6
#strt move *a5+,a3,1 ; Code in a3
move *a5+,a4,1 ; Blngth in a4
movk 32,a14
sub a2,a14
rl a14,a3 ; rotate right as many bits have been read
cmpxy a3,a7
jrynz #lp
cmp a2,a4
jreq #x
move *a8+,a14 ; read a bit
or a14,a7 ; accumulate with other bits
inc a2 ; inc bits_read
rl 31,a7 ; rotate right one more bit
rl 31,a3 ; shift code for check of next bit
jruc #lp2
move b6,a7
rets ;Result returned in a7
* BlowLine is used during decompression of a Still Picture to blow out
* a single line of data. Since only a single line needs to be stored at
* once, the RamBuffer can be as small as 4K.
* A0=Address mask for circular buffer
* Field 1 = 16 bits
* Trashes A1-A2,A5
SUBRP blowline
move a9,a2 ;* screen
move b2,a5 ;X size
srl 2,a5 ;X/4 = loop counter
jrnc #lp
move *a6+,*a2+,1 ;Copy 2 pixels
and a0,a6
move *a6+,*a2+,1 ;Copy 2 pixels
and a0,a6
move *a6+,*a2+,1 ;Copy 2 pixels
and a0,a6
dsj a5,#lp
subi SCRN_PTCH,a9
sub b2,b5 ;readjust pixels for next line
cmp b2,b5 ;added 6/92. if there are enough pixels
jrge blowline ;left to do another line, do it.
* BlowLine is used during decompression of a Still Picture to blow out
* a single line of data. Since only a single line needs to be stored at
* once, the RamBuffer can be as small as 4K.
* A0=Address mask for circular buffer
* Field 1 = 16 bits
; SUBRP blowlinex2
; move a10,a2 ;* screen
; move a10,a3
; addi SCRN_PTCH,a3
; move b3,a1 ;start of line
; move b9,a5 ;X size
; setf 8,0,0
; move *a1+,a14 ;Get 8 bits
; move a14,a4
; sll 8,a4
; or a4,a14
; move a14,*a2+,1 ;16 bits
; move a14,*a3+,1
; and a0,a1
; dsjs a5,#lp
; subi SCRN_PTCH*2,a10
; move a1,b3 ; save for next frame
; sub b9,b5 ; readjust pixels for next line
; cmp b9,b5 ; added 6/92. if there are enough pixels
; jrge #nuther ; left to do another line, do it.
; rets
; jruc blowlinex2
* Show movies (test) (Process)
; SUBR movie_test
; calla pal_clean
; movi 5*60,a1 ;Delay tv score panel
; move @tvpanelon,a0,L
; move a1,*a0(PTIME)
; movi [9,0],a9
; movi [>8c,0],a10
; movi (24+83*512)*8,a11 ;XY
; move @last_score,a0,L
; cmpi scores,a0
; jrz #tm1
; movi [9+216,0],a9
; movi [>8c,0],a10
; movi >53780,a11 ;XY
;#tm1 callr show_edging ;Turn on clip borders
; movi GRANT_F,a8
; clr a9
; move a11,a10
; JSRP movie_run
; movi >2001,a0
; calla obj_del1c
; movk 10,a1 ;Delay tv score panel
; move @tvpanelon,a0,L
; move a1,*a0(PTIME)
; SUBRP show_edging
; move a9,a0
; move a10,a1
; movi livet,a2
; movi 19989,a3 ;z pos - Below buyin box
; movi >2001,a5
; clr a6
; clr a7
; calla BEGINOBJ2
; move a9,a0
; move a10,a1
; movi liveb,a2
; calla BEGINOBJ2
; move a9,a0
; move a10,a1
; movi livel,a2
; calla BEGINOBJ2
; move a9,a0
; move a10,a1
; movi liver,a2
; calla BEGINOBJ2
; rets
* Show movies in attract mode
; SUBR movie_demo
; calla pal_clean
; movi GRANT_F,a8
; clr a9
; movi (100+50*512)*8,a10 ;XY
; JSRP movie_run
; movi PIPPEN_F,a8
; clr a9
;; movi (140+70*512)*8,a10 ;XY
; movi (100+70*512)*8,a10 ;XY
; JSRP movie_run
;; movi GRANT_F,a8
;; movk 1,a9
;; movi (100+50*512)*8,a10 ;XY
;; JSRP movie_run
;; movi PIPPEN_F,a8
;; movk 1,a9
;; movi (140+70*512)*8,a10 ;XY
;; JSRP movie_run
;#x RETP
* Same as BlowLine, but blows to both screens
* Trashes A1,A3-A5
; move a10,a3 ; where on screen to put
; move a3,a4
; xori PAGE1ADR,a4
; move b3,a1 ; start of line
; move b9,a5 ; X size
; srl 1,a5 ; X/2 = loop counter
; move *a1+,a14,1 ; write into both screens
; move a14,*a3+,1
; move a14,*a4+,1 ; write into both screens
; and a0,a1
; dsjs a5,spbl1
; jruc endblowline
;* Stop for error (DEBUG)
; SUBRP movie_error
; PUSH a0,a1
; pushst
; dint
; move @SYSCOPY,a0
; ori 4,a0
; move a0,@SYSCOPY
; move a0,@SYSCTRL
;#lp2 movi 20000,a1
;#lp move a0,@ERASELOC
; addk 1,a0
; dsj a1,#lp
; move @SWITCH+16,a1
; not a1
; andi >624,a1
; jrz #lp2
; move @SYSCOPY,a0
; xori 4,a0
; move a0,@SYSCOPY
; move a0,@SYSCTRL
; popst
; PULL a0,a1
; rets
; .endif
;* Initialize and run unzip loop (JSRP)
;* A4=# of frames
;* A8=* compressed data table
;* A10=Screen * for top left of picture
;* B3=Y size
;* B4=strt pal
;* B9=X size
; SUBRP movie_unzip
;; .if TUNITDB
;; jruc #debugstrt
;; .endif
; movi lengthtree,b0
; movi disttree,b1
; movk 10,a5
;#ltlp move b0,a7 ;Length Tree
; move a8,b2
; callr UncompressTree
; jrz #ltok ;OK?
; move b2,a8
; dsj a5,#ltlp
; jruc #error
; movk 10,a5
;#dtlp move b1,a7 ;Distance Tree
; move a8,b2
; callr UncompressTree
; jrz #dtok ;OK?
; move b2,a8
; dsj a5,#dtlp
; jruc #error
; clr a14
; move a14,@DEBUGPORT
; .endif
; ;Clear top 4K of buffer to take care of initial wraparound
; movi RamBuffer+RAMBUFSIZ,a1 ;End of buffer
; movi 1024,a2 ;4K
; clr a3
; move a3,*-a1,L
; dsj a2,clrbuf
; ;Do some initializing
; mpyu b9,b3
; move b3,a11 ;total # bytes in frame in a11
; move a11,*a13(PIXPERFRM),L
; callr SetConstX
; move a6,a9 ;Where to uncompress to
; move a9,b3 ;first frame start
; clr b5 ;pixel count for Stills only
; cmpi 1,a4
; jreq UncompressFrame ;1 frame?
; mmtm a12,a4,a10
; callr movie_waitdma
; movk 10b,a14
; move a14,@DEBUGPORT
; .endif
; movi 50,a0
; movi 80,a2
; move a8,a9
; addi GRANT_F2-GRANT_F,a9
; movb *a8,a14
; movb *a9,a1
; move a14,@SCRATCH+13
; move a1,@SCRATCH+16+15
; cmp a1,a14
; jreq #cmpok
;#dberr callr movie_error
; mmfm a12,a4,a10
; move @DMACTRL,a1
; move @DMACTRL,a1
; move @DMACTRL,a1
; move @SWITCH,a1,L
; move @SWITCH,a1,L
; move @SWITCH,a1,L
; movb *a9,a1
; cmp a1,a14
; jrne #dberr
; move @SCRATCH+13,a1
; cmp a1,a14
; jrne #dberr
; movb *a8,a14
; move @SCRATCH+16+15,a1
; cmp a1,a14
; jrne #dberr
; movb a14,*a10
; addk 8,a8
; addk 8,a9
; addk 8,a10
; dsj a2,#dblp2
; addi (512-80)*8,a10
; dsj a0,#dblp
; jruc #skipuncomp
; .endif
; JSRP UncompressFrame
; clr a0
; move a0,@DEBUGPORT
; movk 1,a0 ;1 tick sleep
;; move *a13(FRAMENUM),a14 ;if 1st frame, check for hold
;; jrz chk4hold
;; subk 1,a14
;; jrne nonono
;; move *a13(HOLDFADE),a14 ;on second frame, wait for hold time
;; add a14,a0
;; jruc nonono
;; move *a13(HOLDFADE),a14
;; jrz nonono ; if need to hold, create fade process
;; PUSH a8
;; move b4,a8
;; PULL a8
;; movk 6,a0 ; sleep longer if we are fading pal
; movi swappg,a14
; jruc GoToSleep
; mmfm a12,a4,a10
; xori PAGE1YO*512*8,a10 ;Flip * to other page
;; PUSH a0
; setf 16,1,0
;; move *a13(FRAMENUM),a14 ;sound only on first frame
;; jrnz no
;; move *a13(CLIPSND),a0,L ;sound from sound table
;; jrz no
;; PUSH a14
;; calla snd_play1
;; PULL a14
;; PULL a0
;; addk 1,a14
;; move a14,*a13(FRAMENUM) ;save next frame number
; move *a13(PIXPERFRM),a14,L ;number of pixels in a frame
; add a14,a11 ;adjust by extra pixels done last time
;; cmpi 2,a4
;; jrne #nxtf
;; movi blowlinelastfrm,b10
; PUSH a0,a1,a2
; calla get_all_buttons_cur
; PULL a0,a1,a2
; jrnz #abort
; dsj a4,#lp ;Loop once for each frame
; callr movie_waitdma
; ;>Copy visable frame to other page
; move *a13(PIXPERFRM),a14,L ;# of pixels in a frame
; move b4,*b8 ;Set pallette
; move a10,a2 ;* screen
; xori PAGE1YO*512*8,a2 ;Flip * to other page
; move a2,a0
; move a10,a1
; move b9,a5 ;X size
; srl 1,a5 ;X/2 = loop counter
;#cllp move *a0+,*a1+
; dsj a5,#cllp
; subi SCRN_PTCH,a2
; subi SCRN_PTCH,a10
; move b9,a0
; sub a0,a14
; jrgt #cpylp ;More pixels?
;#error LOCKUP
; jruc #x
; getst b2
; move a12,b6
; mmtm b6,b2,b3,b4,b5,b9,b10
; move b6,a12
; setf 16,1,0
; setf 32,0,1
; move a14,*a13(PTEMP1),L
; calla PRCSLP
; move a12,b6
; mmfm b6,b2,b3,b4,b5,b9,b10
; move b6,a12
; callr SetConstants
; move *a13(PTEMP1),a14,L
; putst b2
; exgpc a14 ;Return
* Get movie info
* A8=* to compressed data
* >A0=!0 if error (CC)
* >A6=# frames
* >A7=# colors in palette
* >A10=X
* >A11=Y
* Trashes scratch
;; move a8,a14
;; movk 30,a0 ;# retries
;#rd move *a8+,a10 ;X size of frames
; move *a8+,a11 ;Y size of frames
; move *a8+,a6 ;# of frames
; move *a8+,a7 ;# of colors
;; move a1,b3
;; move a6,b9
;; cmpi 100,a6 ;X
;; jrne #error
;; cmpi 68,b3 ;Y
;; jrne #error
;; cmpi 5,a4 ;#frms
;; jrlt #error
;; cmpi 35,a4
;; jrgt #error
;; cmpi 200,a7 ;#colors
;; jrlt #error
;; cmpi 255,a7
;; jrhi #error
; clr a0
; rets
;; movk 101b,a8
;; move a8,@DEBUGPORT
;; move a14,a8
;; dsj a0,#rd
;; addk 1,a0
;; rets