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2021-04-06 14:43:14 -07:00
; Mark,
; Look for the string: "TURMELL"
* *
* mkdisp - mortal kombat gsp dma object handler *
* *
* copyright (c) 1995 Midway Manufacturing *
* *
.file "mkdisp.asm"
.title "gsp display processor"
.width 132
.option b,d,l,t
* files required for assembly
.include "sysequ.asm"
.include "macros.hdr"
.include "dispequ.asm"
.include "mainequ.asm"
.include "imgtbl.glo"
.include ram.glo
.include mkdisp.glo
slowdma .set 1
lm_fliph .set m_fliph*>10000
* *
* dma queue ram *
* *
cell_size .set 32*6 ; # bits in 1 dma queue cell entry
q_size .set cell_size*500
.bss dma_q,q_size,1
objq_1 .set dma_q+q_size ; object queue entry #1
.bss dmaqcur,32 ; current dmaq
.bss qdmaflg,16 ; special dmaq being updated=1
qsize .set nobj*bqcell ; size of queues
.bss dmaq,qsize ; misc. non-sync dma queue
.bss objstr,nobj*obsiz ; object structure list start
.bss objlstnd,0 ; object list end
* *
* keep chache aligned *
* *
move a0,a3
addi oxvel,a3 ; a3 ---> vel/pos info we want
mmfm a3,a12,a11,a9,a8
move b0,b0 ; add velocities ?
jrne skip_velocities ; sans
add a12,a9 ; add in x velocity
add a11,a8 ; add in y velocity
mmtm a3,a9,a8 ; stuff in new coordinates
move a8,a10
srl 16,a9
movx a9,a10 ; a10 = y:x coordinates
move a0,a3
addi oflags-16,a3 ; get parameter location
mmfm a3,a12,a11,a9,a8,a7,a6 ; a12 = oflags / a7 = oflags2
btst b_noscroll,a7 ; do we scroll ?
jrne clip4 ; no, then don't
subxy a4,a10
clip4 clr a3 ; assume "single part" image
btst b_multipart,a7
jreq no_multi
btst b_inviso,a7 ; invisible ?
jrne dispnext ; yes, dont display this guy
move *a0(oimg),a3,l ; a3 = multipart ram
move a10,b3 ; save original coordinates
clip41 move b3,a10 ; restore original coordinates
move *a3+,a11,l ; ram entry #1 = sag
jreq dispnext
move *a3+,a9,l ; ram entry #2 = y:x size
; if the becomes lw - see: "ejby"
move *a3+,a2,w ; ram entry #3 = control word
sll 16,a2
andi >803fffff,a12 ; clear compress/clip bits
or a2,a12 ; set "bits per pixel"
move *a3+,a2,l ; ram #4 --> a2 = y:x animation points
subxy a2,a10 ; adjust coordinates
* on screen check
move a10,a2
addxy a9,a2 ; a2 = bottom right (y,x) coordinate
subxy a14,a2
jrylt boxc3 ; y greater than zero = offscreen
jrxlt boxc3 ; x greater than zero = offscreen
move a2,b1 ; b1 = # of pixels on screen
move a10,a2 ; a2 = top left (y,x) coordinate
subxy a13,a2
jrygt boxc3 ; y greater than zero = offscreen
jrxgt boxc3 ; x greater than zero = offscreen
clip5 clr a2 ; a2 = coorindate adjustment for flips
btst b_fliph+16,a12 ; flip horizontal ?
jreq clip6 ; no
movx a9,a2 ; yes, add x size to coordinate
dec a2
clip6 btst b_flipv+16,a12 ; flip vertical ?
jreq clip7 ; no
movy a9,a2 ; yes, add y size to coordinate
subi >10000,a2 ; and nudge it back up
addxy a2,a10 ; add flip adjustments
* put on dma queue
* a6 = oscale
* a7 = oflags2 a10 = destination y:x
* a8 = const:palette xlate a11 = image sag
* a9 = vsize:hsize a12 = control:offset
addxy a5,a10 ; page offset
mmtm a1,a6,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12 ; put entry on dma queue !
inc b13
; cmpi 2,b13
; jrhs dispnext
.if slowdma
setf 1,0,0 ; field 0 is 1 bit
movk 1,a2
move a2,@(intenb+b_x1e),0 ; enable dma interupt
setf 16,1,0
; TURMELL: Ignore is not assemlbed because SLOWDMA=1
move b9,*b12,w ; enable dma interupt
move @dmactrl,a2,w
jrn dma_is_busy ; dma busy = queue up this object
; move b13,b13
; jrne dma_is_busy
* dma is not busy
trap 1 ; call dma interupt
; (1)
btst b_multipart,a7 ; is this a multipart image ?
jrne clip41 ; yes
clipb move @pageaddr,a5,l
jruc dispnext
boxc3 addxy a5,a10 ; undo the "unpad"
move a3,a3 ; we in middle of "multiparter"
jrne clip41 ; yes, grab the next piece
move *a0,a0,l ; get next link
jrne dclipl ; done?
move b11,b10
move -*b14,-*b10,l
move -*b14,-*b10,l
move -*b14,-*b10,l
move -*b14,-*b10,l
;TURMELL: Here is where the >80000 bit is set!!!! (Note: B12 is always >80000)
or b12,b10
move -*b14,-*b10,l
move -*b14,-*b10,l
dsjs b13,dmaq9
setf 1,0,0 ; field 0 is 1 bit
clr b10
move b10,@(intenb+b_x1e),0 ; disable dma interupt (ejbpatch?)
setf 16,0,0
.if bog_line
move @vcount,@br_yellow,w
dmaq9 cmp b14,b8 ; are we at the shadows ?
jreq dmaq10 ; ya !
dmaq10 move @f_shadows,b10,w
jreq dmaq12
setf 1,0,0
clr b10 ; this section needed ?
move b10,@(intenb+b_x1e),0 ; disable dma interupt (ejbpatch?)
setf 16,1,0
mmtm sp,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14
mmtm sp,b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5
move @pageaddr,a5,l ; a5 = page
move @worldtly,a4,l
dmaqw move @dmactrl,a0,w
jrn dmaqw ; dma busy = wait
.if bog_line
move @vcount,@br_blue,w
callr shadow_p1p2
move b13,b13 ; remaining queue entries ?
jreq dmaq11 ; na !
.if slowdma
setf 1,0,0 ; field 0 is 1 bit
movk 1,a2
move a2,@(intenb+b_x1e),0 ; enable dma interupt
setf 16,1,0
; TURMELL: Ignore is not assemlbed because SLOWDMA=1
move b9,*b12,w ; enable dma interupt (1)
move @dmactrl,b3,w
jrn dmaq11 ; dma running ?
trap 1 ; na, start it up
dmaq11 mmfm sp,b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5
mmfm sp,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14
dmaq12 reti
* *
* end of cache alligned code *
* end of cache alligned code *
* end of cache alligned code *
* *
* *
* display object lists *
* *
move @call_every_tick,a0,l ; routine to run every tick ?
jreq disp0 ; no
call a0 ; yes, call it
* gravity & keep in bounds
disp0 move @left_edge,a0,w
addi left_padding,a0
move @right_edge,a1,w
addi scrrgt-right_padding,a1
clr a4
move @p1_obj,a2,l ; player 1 defined ?
jreq grav1 ; no
callr gravity_n_bounds
grav1 move @p2_obj,a2,l ; player 2 defined ?
jreq grav2 ; no
callr gravity_n_bounds
* update scrolling
grav2 movi scrollx8,a10
movi worldtlx8,a11
mmfm a10,a0,a2,a3,a4 ; grab 1st 4 scroll values
mmfm a11,a5,a6,a7,a8 ; grab 1st 4 world x values
add a0,a5
add a2,a6
add a3,a7
add a4,a8 ; add 'em up
mmtm a11,a5,a6,a7,a8
movi scrollx4,a10
movi worldtlx4,a11
mmfm a10,a0,a2,a3,a4,a5 ; scroll values
mmfm a11,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10 ; world x values
add a0,a6
add a2,a7
add a3,a8
add a4,a9
add a5,a10 ; add 'em up
mmtm a11,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10
move @scrollx,a0,l
move @worldtlx,a1,l
add a0,a1
move a0,@scrollx,l ; player objlst scroll
move @scrolly,a7,l
move @worldtly,a4,l
add a7,a4
move a4,@worldtly,l ; do y scrolling for all planes
* *
* display object lists *
* *
* a0 = object pointer a14 = scrntl *
* a1 = queue pointer b0 = velocity flag *
* a4 = world top left y:x b4 = dlist table pointer *
* a5 = pageaddr *
* *
callr init_dma_regs
move @pageaddr,a5,l
move @dlists,b4,l ; any lists to display ?
jreq disp5 ; no
move @scrntl,a14,l ; a14 = top left
move @f_novel,b0,w ; b0 = velocity flag !!
disp1 move b4,a3
disp2 move *a3+,a0,l ; a0 = object list
jreq disp5 ; zero = we are done
jrn disp4 ; negative = next longword is a routine
disp3 move *a3+,a13,l ; a13 = world
move *a13,a13,w
movx a13,a4 ; a4 = combine to form top left y:x
move @scrnlr,a13,l ; a13 = lower right
move a3,b4
callr dispnext
jruc disp1
disp4 move *a3+,a2,l ; a2 = routine to call
call a2
jruc disp2
* do manual dma queue entries
disp5 push a1
move @qdmaflg,a0,w ; q being modified blow it off
jrne dma_score_area
move @dmaqcur,a2,l ; a2 = current queue position
movi dmaq+qsize,a1
move a1,@dmaqcur,l ; reset misc dma queue
addi bqcell,a1
jruc dqlp
dql0 mmfm a1,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12 ; get q stuff
addxy a5,a10 ; page offset
movi dmaregs,a7
rl 16,a12 ; shift flags to upper word
q_wait move @dmactrl,a6,w
jrn q_wait ; wait for dma while it is busy
movi >01000100,a6 ; a6 = scale
; mmtm a7,a6,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12 ; stuff the dma regs
move a6,-*a7,l
move a8,-*a7,l
move a9,-*a7,l
move a10,-*a7,l
; TURMELL: Here I do the same thing for the manual DMA queue !
move b12,a6
or a6,a7
move a11,-*a7,l
move a12,-*a7,l
dqlp subi 2*bqcell,a1
cmp a2,a1
jrhs dql0
pull a1
move @f_doscore,a0,w
jreq dsa9 ; flag sez no !
clr a9 ; used for zero x compare
move @score_1st,a0,l ; a0 = entry #1
dsa1 mmfm a0,a2,a3,a4,a6,a7,a8 ; grab dma inputs
cmpxy a4,a9
jrxeq dsa3 ; x size = zero ---> skip dma
add a5,a6
mmtm a1,a2,a3,a4,a6,a7,a8 ; put entry on dma queue !
inc b13 ; increment queue counter
.if slowdma
setf 1,0,0 ; field 0 is 1 bit
movk 1,a2
move a2,@(intenb+b_x1e),0 ; enable dma interupt
setf 16,1,0
; TURMELL: Ignore is not assemlbed because SLOWDMA=1
move b9,*b12,w ; enable dma interupt (1)
move @dmactrl,a2,w
jrn dsa2 ; dma busy = skip trap
trap 1 ; call dma interupt
dsa2 eint
dsa3 cmpi score_ram_end,a0 ; are we done ?
jrlo dsa1 ; no
.if bog_line
move a1,@last_dma,l ; mark the last dma queue entry
;tttt move b13,b13
; jrne tttt
; move b13,b13
drop_1 .word 3,>3000-8
.word 3,>1000-8
.word 6,8,6,>1000-8
.word 6,>1000
.word 3,>1000-8
.word 6,8,6,>1000-8
.word 6,>1000
.word 3,>1000-8
.word 4,8,4,>1000-8
.word 3,>1000
.word 3,>1000-8
.word 3,8,3,>1000-8
.word 3,>1000
.word 3,>1000
.long -1
move *a2(oxpos),a3,w
cmp a0,a3 ; within left edge ?
jrgt kib4 ; yes
move *a2(oflags2),a5,w
btst b_noedge,a5 ; no edge limits ?
jrne kib4 ; ok, let em go free
move a0,a3 ; x coordinate = exactly on edge
move *a2(oxvel),a5,l
jrp kib6 ; moving right velocity = ok
move a4,*a2(oxvel),l ; moving left velocity = stop it
jruc kib6
kib4 cmp a1,a3 ; within right edge ?
jrlt kib7 ; yes
move *a2(oflags2),a5,w
btst b_noedge,a5 ; no edge limits ?
jrne kib7 ; ok, let em go free
move a1,a3 ; x coordinate = exactly on edge
move *a2(oxvel),a5,l
jrn kib6 ; moving left velocity = ok
move a4,*a2(oxvel),l ; moving right velocity = stop it
kib6 move a3,*a2(oxpos),w
kib7 move *a2(ograv),a5,l ; player 2 have gravity ?
jreq kib9 ; no
move *a2(oyvel),a3,l
add a5,a3
move a3,*a2(oyvel),l ; yes add gravity to yvel
kib9 rets
* *
* edge_limits - keep both players within limits of our defined universe *
* *
* input: a8 = player object in question *
* *
; jreq elim3 ; no object there ---> skip
; move *a8(oflags2),a3,w
; btst b_noedge,a3 ; no edge limits ?
; jrne elim3 ; ok, let em go free
; move *a8(oxpos),a3,w
; sra 16,a3 ; a3 = ani x
; move *a8(oxvel),a9,l
; jreq elim9 ; zero velocity ----> skip
; jrp elim6
;* negative velocity / moving left
; cmp a10,a3 ; compare with left edge
; jrhi elim3 ; higher = cool
; jreq elim4 ; equal = no moving left allowed
;elim0 move a10,a5
; sub a3,a5 ; a5 = how far off we iz
;elim1 move a8,a7
;elim2 move *a7(oxpos),a0,w
; add a5,a0
; move a0,*a7(oxpos),w ; too far left = adjust back to edge
; move *a7(oslink),a7,l
; jrne elim2
;elim4 clr a0
; move a0,*a8(oxvel),l ; too far left = zero x vel
;elim3 rets
;* positive velocity / moving right
;elim6 cmp a11,a3 ; compare with right edge
; jrlo elim3 ; lower = cool
; jreq elim4 ; equal = no moving left allowed
;elim7 sub a11,a3
; move a3,a5 ; a5 = amount to adjust x left
; neg a5
; jruc elim1
;* zero velocity
;elim9 cmp a10,a3 ; compare with left edge
; jrlt elim0 ; too far left ---> adjust (neg=left)
; cmp a11,a3 ; compare with right edge
; jrhi elim7 ; too far right ---> adjust
; rets
* *
* yzsort - sort object list in z:y priority *
* *
* sorts both object lists independently now (ejb) *
* *
mmtm sp,a0,a1,a2,a4,a5,a7,a8
movi objlst,a0
callr sort_list ; sort object list #1
movi objlst2,a0
callr sort_list ; sort object list #2
movi objlst3,a0
callr sort_list ; sort object list #3
mmfm sp,a0,a1,a2,a4,a5,a7,a8
* sort subroutine:
* input: a0 = object list to sort
movi 080000000h,a1 ; lowest possible z
movi 080000000h,a5 ; lowest possible y
move *a0,a2,l
jrne yzlp0 ; list not empty = sort away
rets ; list is empty = return
yzlp0 move *a2(ozval),a8,l ;test z
move *a2(oyval),a7,l ;test y
cmp a1,a8
jrgt priok
jrlt priswap
cmp a5,a7
jrge priok
priswap pushst
move a2,*a4,l
move *a2,*a0,l
move a0,*a2,l
move a2,a4
jruc yzlp
priok move a0,a4
move a2,a0
move a8,a1
move a7,a5
yzlp move *a0,a2,l ; current link in a2, prev in a4
jrne yzlp0
* *
* scrtst - test if an object is on screen *
* *
* input: a8 = object to test returns: eq if on screen *
* *
* enter here and provide your own screen boundries
scrtstg mmtm sp,a0,a1,a2,a3
jruc scrtst1
* normal screen boundaries
scrtst mmtm sp,a0,a1,a2,a3
move @scrntl,a2,l ;get screen top left
move @scrnlr,a3,l ;get screen lower rt.
scrtst1 move *a8(oypos),a0,w
move *a8(oxpos),a1,w
sll 16,a0
movx a1,a0 ; a0 = top left [y,x] of object
move @worldtly,a1,l
move @worldtlx+16,a4
movx a4,a1 ; a1 = packed worldtl [y,x]
subxy a1,a0 ; subtract out world base
move *a8(osize),a1,l
addxy a0,a1 ;get lower rt of object
cmpxy a3,a0 ;is it lower than lower rt?
jryge scrtf ;lower
jrxge scrtf ;to the right
cmpxy a2,a1
jryle scrtf ;above...
jrxle scrtf ;to the left..
clr a0
jruc scrtx ;return eq (on screen)
movk 1,a0
move a0,a0 ;return ne (not on screen)
mmfm sp,a0,a1,a2,a3
* *
* oinit - Initialize object system *
* *
oinit mmtm sp,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5
move @intenb,a0,w
andni x1e,a0 ;no more dma interrupts
move a0,@intenb,w
movi zero_words_oinit,a1
calla zero_table_o_words
movi zero_longs_oinit,a1
calla zero_table_o_longs
calla dmawait ;wait on dma
move a0,@dmacmap,w
movi -1,a0
move a0,@swtemp1,l
move a0,@swtemp2,l
;MJL 03/31/95
move @switch2,a0,l
move a0,@swtemp3,l
move a0,@swtemp4,l ; all previous switch states = open
* *
* setup last 2 lines of bitmap for autoerase color *
* *
movi 510*512*8,a1 ;store to last 2 lines of bitmap
movi erasecol,a14 ;color pair
movi 512*8*2/16,b0
lp move a14,*a1+
dsj b0,lp
calla clrpal ; clear palette ram
movk 1,a0
move a0,@f_auto_erase,w
movi boonpal,a0
calla getfpal ; palette #1
mmfm sp,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5
calla bakclr ; clear background !!
mmtm sp,a0,a1,a2,a3 ; save reg
movi nobj,a3 ; # of object blocks to init
movi scrnst,a0,l ; init screen top left [y,x]
move a0,@scrntl,l
move a0,@scrntl2,l
movi scrnend,a0,l ; init screen lower right [y,x]
move a0,@scrnlr,l
move a0,@scrnlr2,l
movi dmaq+qsize,a1
move a1,@dmaqcur,l ; init misc dma queue
; removed 7/6/93
; pushst
; dint
; move @intenb,a0,w
; andni x1e,a0 ; no more dma interrupts
; move a0,@intenb,w
; popst
movi objstr,a1,l
move a1,@ofree,l ;setup free list
oinitl move a1,a2
addi obsiz,a1,w
move a1,*a2,l ; link em up
dsjs a3,oinitl ; continue for nproc
move a0,*a2,l ; zero last link
mmfm sp,a0,a1,a2,a3 ; restore regs
* *
* init_dma_regs - Initialize dma registers where: *
* *
* a1 = dirq queue pointer *
* *
* b11 = dmaregs (dedicated) *
* b12 = intenb (dedicated) *
* b13 = counter *
* b14 = dma int queue pointer *
* *
clr b8 ; 1st shadow queue spot pointer
movi x1e,b9 ; dedicated for speed
movi dmaregs,b11 ; dedicated for speed
; movi intenb,b12 ; dedicated for speed
; TURMELL: Here is where I set the B12 reg to always be >80000
movi >80000,b12
movi objq_1,a1 ; a1 = object queue entry #1 (dirq)
move a1,b14
clr b13 ; b13 = queue count
.long f_novel
.long f_auto_erase
.long f_shadows
.long noflip
.long f_skew
.long skew_y
.long skew_height
.long skew_stack
.long f_only_t
.long 0
.long call_every_tick
.long dlists
.long skew_oc
.long skew_sag
.long skew_constpal
.long skew_dx
.long p1_shape
.long p2_shape
.long p1_obj
.long p2_obj
.long worldtly
.long worldtlx
.long objlst
.long objlst2
.long objlst3
.long baklst1
.long baklst2
.long baklst3
.long baklst4
.long baklst5
.long baklst6
.long baklst7
.long baklst8
.long baklst9
.long scrolly
.long scrollx
.long scrollx1
.long scrollx2
.long scrollx3
.long scrollx4
.long scrollx5
.long scrollx6
.long scrollx7
.long scrollx8
.long p1_xvel
.long p2_xvel
.long 0
* *
* getobj - get a free object block for use *
* *
* returns: a0 = ptr to object block *
* if no blocks were available then the z flag is set *
* *
getobj mmtm sp,a1,a2
move @ofree,a0,l ; pointer to next available obj block
jreq getox
move *a0,a2,l
move a2,@ofree,l ; adjust pointer to free list
clr a2 ; used for zero-ing object data
movi (obsiz/16)-2,a1
addk 32,a0
srl 1,a1
jrnc getobj1
move a2,*a0+,w
getobj1 move a2,*a0+,l
dsjs a1,getobj1
subi obsiz,a0 ; restore a0, set non zero flag
movi >01000100,a2
move a2,*a0(oscale),l ; default scale = 100 / 100
getox mmfm sp,a1,a2 ; dont screw up z-flag
* *
* insert an object block into an object list *
* *
* list is sorted by increasing z and increasing y within constant z *
* *
* input: a0 = object block to be inserted *
* *
* insert an object onto object list #3 (sorted)
insobj3 mmtm sp,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5
movi objlst3,a4
jruc insobj0
* insert an object onto object list #2 (sorted)
insobj2 mmtm sp,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5
movi objlst2,a4
jruc insobj0
* insert background object (sorted)
insbobj mmtm sp,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5
movi baklst1,a4
jruc insobj0
* *
* insobj_v - insert background object on a variable list *
* *
* input: b4 = object list to add to ! *
* *
mmtm sp,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5
move b4,a4 ; he wants it in a4
jruc insobj0
* insert object into object list #1
mmtm sp,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5
movi objlst,a4
insobj0 move *a0(ozval),a1,l ; get z position
move *a0(oyval),a5,l ; get y position
ins_loop move a4,a2 ; ptr to prev in a2
move *a2,a4,l ; ptr to next in a4
jreq ins_at_end ; bra if at end of list
move *a4(ozval),a3,l ; zpos in a3
cmp a3,a1
jrgt ins_loop
jrlt ins_at_end
move *a4(oyval),a3,l ;test y position
cmp a3,a5
jrgt ins_loop
move a4,*a0,l ; put next link in new block
move a0,*a2,l ; put link to new in prev block
mmfm sp,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5
mmtm sp,a0,a2,a3,a4,a8
movi objlst3,a4
jruc del_loop
mmtm sp,a0,a2,a3,a4,a8
movi objlst2,a4
jruc del_loop
* a0 = object
* a4 = object list to delete from
mmtm sp,a0,a2,a3,a4,a8
jruc del_loop
* delete foreground object
mmtm sp,a0,a2,a3,a4,a8
movi objlst,a4
move a4,a2 ; ptr to prev in a2
move *a2,a4,l ; ptr to next in a4
jrnz del_chk
lockup 10
jruc delobjx
cmp a4,a0
jrne del_loop
move *a0,*a2,l ; put next link in prev block
move @ofree,a2,l
move a2,*a0,l
move a0,@ofree,l ; return deleted block to free stack
mmfm sp,a0,a2,a3,a4,a8
* *
* kill a class of objects *
* a0=oid (16 bits) ,a1=mask (16 bits) *
* mask bits of zero are dont cares *
* *
* *
* Kill an object from list #2 *
* *
mmtm sp,a0,a2,a3,a4,a5
movi objlst2,a2,l
jruc kilgen
* *
* Kill an object from list #1 *
* *
mmtm sp,a0,a2,a3,a4,a5
movi objlst,a2,l
and a1,a0 ;form match
move a2,a3 ;save previous
move *a2,a2,l ;get next
jreq kilobx ;all done
move *a2(oid),a4
and a1,a4 ;can dont care bits
cmp a0,a4 ;match?
jrne kilobp ;no
move *a2,*a3,l ;link around in active list
move @ofree,a5,l ;link into free list at start
move a5,*a2,l
move a2,@ofree,l ;point free to cell
move a3,a2
jruc kilobp ;kill the rest
mmfm sp,a0,a2,a3,a4,a5
* *
* existobj - does an object from a certain class exist? *
* a0 = oid *
* a1 = mask (0's don't care) *
* returns: *
* z bit set = no object, a0 = 0 *
* z bit clr = no object, a0 = ptr to object *
* *
mmtm sp,a2,a3
sext a0
and a1,a0 ; form match
movi objlst,a2,l
callr existobp ; try object list #1
movi objlst2,a2,l
callr existobp ; try object list #2
jruc existo3 ; object ain't out there....
existobp move *a2,a2,l ; get next
jreq existo4 ; end of list ---> return
move *a2(oid),a3,w
and a1,a3 ; can dont care bits
cmp a0,a3 ; match?
jrne existobp ; no
pull a0 ; pull return address off stack
move a2,a0 ; return a0 = found object (non-zero)
existo3 mmfm sp,a2,a3
existo4 rets
* *
* bkgsagof - special version of gsagof for backgrounds with no animatio *
* *
move *a1(isag->20),a3,l ; get top left sag (-20 -> no ani off)
zext a4,w ; zero offset in a4
move *a1(>40),a2,w ; grab backgrounds control offset info
or a2,a4 ; stuff into flags
jruc gsag3
* *
* gsagof - get sag for object - adjusts sag for flip *
* *
* input: a1 = ptr to image header (oimg) *
* a4 = object flags *
* *
* returns: a2 = returned with new osize *
* a3 = returned with new sag *
* a4 = returned with new offset:oflags *
* *
move *a1(isag),a3,l ; get top left sag
zext a4,w ; zero offset in a4
move *a1(icontrol),a2,w ; grab control info
or a2,a4 ; stuff into flags
gsag3 move *a1(isize),a2,l
.if debug
jruc $
jruc anigx ; ignore bad ani calls
move *a8(oflags),a4,w
* *
* ani - animation subroutine *
* a1=new image pointer *
* a4=new oflags *
* a8=object structure pointer to be updated *
* *
ani mmtm sp,a0,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a9
cmpi rom,a1
jrlo badani
andi dmago|dmaclp|m_fliph|m_flipv|>0f,a4 ; keep flip info and dma info
move *a1(icontrol),a2,w
or a2,a4
move *a8(oflags),a5,w
move *a8(oimg),a3,l
cmp a1,a3
jrne anig1 ; br = not the same image as last time
zext a4
zext a5
cmp a4,a5
jreq anigx ;br = every thing is the same
anig1 swap a4,a5
swap a1,a3
move *a8(osize),a2,l
callr ganiof ;get old animation offset
mmtm sp,a6,a7
move a5,a4 ;new oflags
move a3,a1 ;new oimg
callr gsagof ;get sag, offset, hw
callr ganiof ;get new animation offset
mmfm sp,a0,a5 ;bring back old animation delta
sub a6,a0 ;subtract new from old
sub a7,a5
move a2,*a8(osize),l
move a3,*a8(osag),l
move a4,*a8(oflags),w
; move a8,a9 ;get push address of oflags,osag,osize
; addi oflags+>60,a9
; mmtm a9,a2,a3,a4 ;blow this stuff out
move a1,*a8(oimg),l
move *a8(oyval),a6,l
add a5,a6 ;adjust oyval, oxval for delta x
move a6,*a8(oyval),l
move *a8(oxval),a7,l
add a0,a7
move a7,*a8(oxval),l
anigx mmfm sp,a0,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a9
* *
* ani0 *
* *
* same as ani except this does not check for repeating images *
* *
ani0 mmtm sp,a0,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a9
move *a8(oflags),a5,w
; move *a8(oimg),a2,l
move *a8(oimg),a3,l
jruc anig1
* *
* get animation offset *
* a1=oimg, a2=h:w, a4=oflags *
* *
* output: *
* a6=x animation offset x 64k *
* a7=y animation offset x 64k *
* *
mmtm sp,a2,a3
move *a1(ianioff),a6,l
clr a7 ;make sure a7 is 0
movy a6,a7
sll 16,a6 ;move to upper word
subi >00010001,a2 ;adjust for -1
clr a3
movy a2,a3
sll 16,a2 ;move to upper word
btst b_fliph,a4
jrz gani1
neg a6
add a2,a6 ;sub ths-1 for h-flip
btst b_flipv,a4
jrz gani2
neg a7
add a3,a7 ;sub tvs-1 for v-flip
mmfm sp,a2,a3
* *
* dma queue support routines *
* *
* qdma puts image on dma q
* inputs:
* a1: constant color:palette
* a3: destination y:x
* a5: offset:control
* a14: address of image header
* gets: a2=h/w; a4=sag
mmtm sp,a2,a4,a13
move *a14,a2,l ;get vsize:hsize
move *a14(isag),a4,l ;get sag
qdma1 movk 1,a13
move a13,@qdmaflg,w ;q being modified
move @dmaqcur,a13,l
cmpi dmaq,a13
jrls qdmax ;q overload, can it
mmtm a13,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5
move a13,@dmaqcur,l
clr a13
move a13,@qdmaflg,w
qdmax mmfm sp,a2,a4,a13
*manual dma (setup your own regs)
*a1: constant color:palette
*a2: vsize:hsize
*a3: destination y:x
*a4: sag
*a5: offset:control
mmtm sp,a2,a4,a13
jruc qdma1
* *
* dman - manual dma, all regs must be setup upon calling *
* a1 = [constant color,palette] *
* a2 = size [h,w] *
* a3 = destination [y,x] *
* a4 = starting address *
* a5 = [offset,control] *
* *
jruc qdman
* *
* Cache aligned code #2 - Shadow code *
* *
* *
* shadow_a8 - Does multipart shadows THE HARD WAY. Using *
* *
* a5 = page offset to add to coordinates *
* a8 = y:x coordinates *
* a9 = multipart ram pointer *
* a10 = sag pointer *
* a11 = x size of piece *
* a13 = scratch *
* a14 = control:offset *
* *
* b1 = lead multiplier *
* b2 = ground y *
* b3 = counter *
* b4 = ani y:x *
* b5 = line counter *
* *
.sect "SHADORG"
move @syscopy,a2,w ; ram copy !!
andi 1111110011111111b,a2 ; clear image bank bits
ori 0000000100000000b,a2 ; set bank 1 bit
move a2,@sysctrl,w
move a2,@syscopy,w ; keep a copy in ram
movi >01000100,a2
move a2,@dmaxscl,l ; dma input #1 = scale
movi bpal_black*>10000,a2
move a2,@dmacmap,l ; dma input #2 = const:palette
* setup dedicated registers
* b0 = dmactrl
* b1 = worldtly
* a2 = dma y:x size pointer
* a3 = dma control:offset
* a6 = dma y coordinate pointer
* a12 = dma sag pointer
movk 1,a8
move a8,@dmahsize+16,w
clr a8
movi dmaoffst,a3
move a8,*a3+,w ; offset is always "0"
movi dmavert,a6
movi dmahoriz,a7
movi dmasagl,a12
movi dmactrl,b0
move @worldtly,b1,l
move @ceiling_y,b6,w ; ceiling y
move @p2_shadadj,b7,w ; player 2 shadow adjust y
push b7
move @p1_obj,a8,l
move @p1_shadadj,b7,w ; player 1 shadow adjust y
jruc shadorg
;******* end of commented stuff
.sect "SHADORG"
shadorg callr shad0
move @p2_obj,a8,l
pull b7
shad0 move *a8(oflags2),a0,w
btst b_shadow,a0 ; shadow ?
jreq shad9 ; no
move *a8(oimg),a9,l ; a9 ---> multipart ram
movi >2000000,a2 ; a2 = quick handy 2 mil
clr a13 ; bank 0 = bit clear
move *a9(mp_sag),a0,l ; a0 = sag of this piece
cmpi >4000000,a0 ; lower bank ?
jrlt bank0 ; yes
neg a2 ; no, upper ---> flip dis !!!
movi >100,a13 ; bank 1 = bit set
bank0 move @syscopy,a0,w
andni >100,a0 ; 1st clear the bit
or a13,a0 ; set 8th bit = use band 1
move a0,@sysctrl,w
move a0,@syscopy,w ; keep a copy in ram
move *a8(oypos),a13,w
move *a8(oxpos),a0,w
zext a0,w
sll 16,a13
or a13,a0 ; a0 = ani y:x for all pieces (world)
move b1,a14 ; a14 = worldtly
move @worldtlx+16,a13,w
;************ fix elevated shadows
zext a13,w ; clear out the Y in case x = neg
;************ fix elevated shadows
or a14,a13 ; a13 = world y:x
subxy a13,a0
move a0,b4 ; b4 = ani y:x (screen coordinates)
move @ground_y,a14,w
sll 16,a14
subxy a13,a14 ; a14 = [screen ground y,??]
move a14,b2
srl 16,b2
add b7,b2 ; personal adjust for each ochar
sll 16,b2 ; b2 = [screen ground y,0]
* *
* piece by piece loop *
* *
shad2 move *a9(mp_sag),a10,l ; a10 = sag of this piece
jreq shad9 ; sag = 0 ---> we are done
cmpi >a17ce6a,a10
jreq shadsk ; sag = 0 ---> we are done
; move a10,a10
; jrne not_shang_patch
; movi 0400c20aH,a10
; movi 0400c20aH,a10
add a2,a10 ; cpu read = add 2 mil
move b4,a0 ; get ani y:x
move *a9(mp_anixy),a13,l
subxy a13,a0 ; a0 = y:x of this piece
move b2,a13 ; a13 = [ground y,0]
subxy a0,a13 ; a13 = [distance from ground,??]
srl 16,a13
sll 16-2,a13 ; a13 = [1/4 distance,0]
move b2,a14 ; a14 = [ground y,0]
subxy a13,a14 ; a14 = [shadow y,0]
movy a14,a0 ; a0 = shadow [1/4 y:x]
move *a9(mp_sizey),a13,w ; a13 = # of lines
srl 2,a13 ; shadows are 1/4 the normal height
move a13,b5
move *a9(mp_sizex),a11,w
move a11,@dmahsize,w ; set a11 = x size for this piece
move *a9(mp_control),a14,w
btst b_fliph,a14 ; flip horizontal ?
jreq shad1
addxy a11,a0 ; yes, adjust coordinates for flip
dec a0 ; and nudge..
shad1 move a14,a1
move a14,a4
sll 16+4,a1
srl 32-2,a1 ; a1 = trail multiplier
sll 16+4+2,a4
srl 32-2,a4 ; a4 = lead multiplier
ori dmacnz,a14
addxy a5,a0
move a0,*a7,w ; set x coordinate here !!
srl 16,a0
* *
* line by line loop *
* *
shad3 move *b0,b3,w
jrn shad3 ; wait for dma while busy
sub a2,a10
move a10,*a12,l ; stuff sag
add a2,a10
move a0,*a6,w ; set y coordinate
move a14,*a3,w ; set the GO! bit
dsjs b5,shad5
* *
* do the last line again to fill in "holes" *
* *
shad6 move *b0,b3,w
jrn shad6 ; wait for dma while busy
inc a0
move a0,*a6,w ; set y 1 line down
dec a0
;shad6 move *b0,b3,w
; jrn shad6 ; wait for dma while busy
move a14,*a3,w ; set the GO
shadsk addi mp_length,a9 ; a9 ---> next multipart piece
jruc shad2
* skip 4 lines
shad5 move *b0,b3,w
jrn shad5 ; wait for dma while busy
inc a0
movk 4,b3
setf 8,0,0 ; field 0 is 8 bits (zero extend)
shad7 move *a10+,a8,w ; grab a BYTE !!
move a8,a13
sll 32-4,a13
srl 32-4,a13 ; mask off upper b.s.
sll a4,a13 ; a13 = lead zeros
srl 4,a8
sll a1,a8 ; a8 = trailing zeros
add a8,a13 ; a13 = lead + trailing = all compressed zeros
move a11,a8 ; a8 = x size
sub a13,a8 ; a8 = uncompressed pixels to skip
sll 1,a8 ; 2x
add a8,a10
sll 1,a8 ; + 4x = 6 bits per pixel
add a8,a10 ; a10 ---> sag for next line
dsjs b3,shad7
setf 16,1,0 ; field 0 is back to 16 bits
jruc shad4
shad9 rets
;************** (2)
; move @intenb,a0,w
; andni x1e,a0
; move a0,@intenb,w ; disable dma interrupts
;************** (2)
;*************** (1)
; setf 1,0,0 ; field 0 is 1 bit
; movk 1,a2
; move a2,@(intenb+b_x1e),0 ; enable dma interupt
; setf 16,1,0
;*************** (1)
* *
* Cache aligned code #2 - floor code *
* *
.sect "FLOORORG"
* *
* floor code *
* *
* a0 = floor_x b0 = DON'T TOUCH ! *
* a1 = dma queue pointer b1 = DON'T TOUCH ! *
* a2 = scale b2 = DON'T TOUCH ! *
* a3 = const:pal b3 = loop counter *
* a4 = piece #2 y:x size b4 = loop counter *
* a5 = DONT TOUCH b5 = sag holder (for a8) *
* a6 = piece #1 y:x size b6 = [1,x] size holder (for a6) *
* a7 = piece #1 y:x coordinates b7 = unused *
* a8 = sag *
* a9 = control:offset *
* a10 = skew x (running x) *
* a11 = skew dx *
* a13 = scratch *
* a14 = piece #2 y:x coordinates *
* *
* a12 = running y *
* *
floor_x .set 1200
move @f_skew,a2,w ; skew the ground ?
jreq kib9 ; no
mmtm sp,a3,a14
* scroll the floor
move @skew_scroll,a9,l
move *a9,a9,l
move @skew_oc,a10,l
sub a9,a10
move a10,@skew_oc,l ; scroll "OFF CENTER" indicator !!
move @skew_calla,a0,l
jump a0
skew_rets ; a11 = dx per line
move a11,@skew_dx,l
move @skew_height,b4,w ; b4 = # of lines to DMA out
move @skew_y,b6,w
move @worldtly+16,b3,w
sub b3,b6 ; b6 = starting y screen coordinates
cmpi 254,b6
jrgt floor_exit ; off screen ---> exit
sll 16,b6
move @skew_sag,a8,l
movi >01000100,a2 ; scale
move @skew_constpal,a3,l ; const:pal
movi >00010190,a6 ; y:x size
movi >e0020000,a9 ; conrtol:offset
movi floor_x*6,a12 ; beginning of next line offset
movi >00010000,b2 ; setup for fast "down 1 line"
* a10 = how far off center we are !
* a11 = skew value to add for EACH LINE
floor6 move b6,a13
clr a7
movy a13,a7 ; move current y into a7
addxy a5,a7 ; a7 = our line's y:x coordinates
move a8,b1 ; save sag
move a10,a13
sra 16,a13 ; a13 = pixels off center (integer)
sll 1,a13
move a13,a0
sll 1,a13
add a13,a0 ; a0 = 6 bits/pixel
sub a0,a8 ; adjust sag
mmtm a1,a2,a3,a6,a7,a8,a9 ; floor piece ---> on the queue
inc b13
move b1,a8 ; restore sag
add a12,a8 ; sag ---> beginning of next line
add a11,a10 ; start skew on line two
add b2,b6 ; down 1 line
dsjs b4,floor6
mmfm sp,a3,a14
.if bog_line
* a2 = vcount to use
* a3 = constant color to use
mmtm sp,a0,a1,a2,a3
dbog2 move @dmactrl,a0,w
jrn dbog2 ; dma busy = wait
; move @br_red,a2,w
; movi bog_red,a3
; callr draw_1_line
; move @br_white,a2,w
; movi bog_white,a3
; callr draw_1_line
; move @br_blue,a2,w
; movi bog_blue,a3
; callr draw_1_line
move @br_yellow,a2,w
movi bog_yellow,a3
callr draw_1_line
mmfm sp,a0,a1,a2,a3
move a2,a2
jreq draw9
cmpi >fe,a2
jreq draw9 ; dont write onto erase lines
cmpi >ff,a2
jreq draw9 ; dont write onto erase lines
clr a0
move a0,@dmacmap,w ; setup dma palette register
move @pageaddr,a1,l
srl 8,a1
sll 4,a1
addi >38*8,a1 ; padding bs
sll 12,a2
add a2,a1
; movi 30,a2
movk 10,a2
draw7 move a3,*a1+,l
dsjs a2,draw7
draw9 rets
; setf 3,0,0 ; field 0 is 3 bits (zero extend)
; setf 8,0,1 ; field 0 is 8 bits (zero extend)
; move a12,a5
;rain1 move a11,a3
;rain2 move *a0+,a2,w ; grab 3 bits
; jreq rain3 ; zero ---> don't write
; move a2,*a1,l ; stuff 8 bits
;rain3 addk 8,a1
; dsjs a3,rain2
; addi >1000-(6*8),a1 ; down 1 line on the screen
; dsjs a5,rain1
; setf 16,1,0
; setf 32,1,1
* rain !!
; move @gstate,a0,w
; cmpi 99,a0
; jrne norain
;; movi >0e0e0e0e,a3
;; calla draw_bogline ; white = start of rain loop
; movi >0101,a0
; move a0,@dmacmap,w ; setup dma palette register
; movi rain_ram,a4
; move @pageaddr,a11,l ; take this outside the loop
; srl 8,a11
; sll 4,a11
; addi >38*8,a11 ; a11 = top of page we are on
;rain5 move *a4,a6,l ; x coordinate
; jreq rain9
; move *a4(32*2),a9,l ; x vel
; add a9,a6
; move *a4(32*1),a7,l ; y coordinate
; move *a4(32*3),a9,l ; y vel
; add a9,a7
; cmpi 0,a6
; jrgt rain4
; movi (scrrgt-17)*>10000,a6
;rain4 cmpi 234*>10000,a7 ; hit ground ?
; jrlt rain6
; clr a7
;rain6 move a6,*a4,l ; stuff new x coordinate
; move a7,*a4(32*1),l ; stuff new y coordinate
; move a11,a1 ; grab the correct page
; srl 16,a7
; sll 12,a7
; add a7,a1 ; add in y coordinate
; srl 16,a6
; sll 3,a6 ; x coordinate * 8 bits/pix (screen)
; add a6,a1
;* draw drop
; movi drop_1,a0
; movk 14,a3 ; rain drop = 14 lines tall
;rain2 move *a0+,a2,l ; grab [offset,pixel data]
; movb a2,*a1 ; stuff 1 pixel
; srl 16,a2
; add a2,a1 ; add in offset
; dsjs a3,rain2
;rain3 addi 32*4,a4
; jruc rain5
;; movi >04040404,a3
;; calla draw_bogline