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2021-04-06 14:43:14 -07:00
W i l l i a m s
I m a g e
M a n a g e m e n t
P r o g r a m
A User's Manual
Copyright (c) 1987 Williams Electronics Games, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Warren B. Davis
George N. Petro
I. Before starting WIMP
Is your mouse connected and working? Has the mouse driver been
installed? (If not, type "mouse" followed by ENTER while in your
root directory (C:\))
WIMP requires a mouse.
If you start WIMP and your mouse is not installed, you can use keys
to exit so you can install your mouse. First press ESC to get into
the menu bar at the top of the screen. Next press the left and right
arrow/cursor keys to get to the menu labelled GENERAL. Finally press
the down arrow key to get to "Exit from WIMP" and press ENTER.
These variables are optional.
IMGDIR represents a directory where all WIMP image libraries are
stored and can be found.
VDADIR represents a directory where all .vda images (that is, images
generated by the AT&T Image Capture Board, then translated to .vda
format) can be found and will be stored.
If not defined, both of these are assumed to be the current directory.
(i.e. the directory you were in when you invoked WIMP).
To define either/both of these, include a line/lines as follows
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
SET IMGDIR=c:\some directory
SET VDADIR=c:\the same or another directory
It is recommended that you set up separate directories for both
of these.
WIMP runs on the PC. It communicates with the target system
through a program called ART which must be running on the target
system. You don't have to do anything to get this program running.
WIMP will automatically invoke it.
HOWEVER, you DO have to make sure this program exists in the
directory where WIMP expects to find it. That directory is one
of two places...
IF you have NOT defined the environment variable IMGDIR, WIMP expects
the ART program to be in the current directory.
IF you HAVE defined the environment variable IMGDIR, WIMP expects
the ART program to be in that directory.
ALSO, you have to make sure that the program sdbl2.exe is somewhere
in your PATH. (Seek help if you are unsure what this means).
II. Starting WIMP
A> Invoking wimp
Type "wimp" followed by ENTER. You must be in the directory that
contains the WIMP program unless that directory is part of your PATH.
The screen will clear, there will be a menu bar across the top, and
some status information on bottom.
WIMP Command Line Options
<filename> = The art program that is to be downloaded to the
GSP. This can be either a full path name or just
the filename if it exists in the current
Note: This option overrides the variable IMGDIR.
/r=<resolution option>
<resolution option> = A number denoting the desired resolution
0 = 400x512 25Khz non-interlaced
1 = 256x395 16Khz non-interlaced
2 = 400x512 16Khz interlaced
example: wimp /r=1
this would invoke wimp with 256x395 16Khz res.
B> Using the mouse
The mouse cursor appears as a solid block and should move smoothly
around the PC screen. If you move the mouse cursor to the left,
right or bottom edges and beyond, the cursor scrolls onto the target
system screen. If you move the cursor to the top, it sticks to the
menu bar. You will remain stuck to the menu bar until you CLICK the
left mouse button.
While stuck at the top, moving left or right will select different
menus. You can move down and up through the selected menu or left
and right to and from any submenus.
To select an item from the menu, click the left mouse button.
1) Using the Keyboard
Whenever the cursor is on the target system's screen certain keyboard
keys will duplicate mouse functions. These keys help with finite
cursor movements such as moving 1 pixel while in Zoom 4X mode.
<enter> = Mouse left button
<Backspace> = Mouse right button
Arrow Keys = Move the Cursor in the respective direction.
F1 - F8 = Select draw colors 0-7 respectively.
Shift F1 - Shift F8 = Select draw colors 8-15 respectively.
Move the DRAW color select highlite with the following keys:
Grey Home = up (current color - 16)
Grey End = down (current color + 16)
Grey Delete = left (current color - 1)
Grey Page Down = right (current color + 1)
C> Status information
At the bottom left of the PC screen, the following information
is displayed...
- Current image library (i.e. last one loaded), Number of images
currently defined, amount of available memory.
- At bottom right, the following is displayed...
DR: n1 (r1, g1, b1) ER: n2 (r2, g2, b2)
DR: stands for DRAW COLOR, n1 is the color number, and r1,g1,b1
represents the color value. ER: stands for ERASE COLOR.
- WIMP verion is the version number of the PC side program.
ART version is the version number of the GSP side program.
- When the cursor is scrolled onto the target system screen, another
display appears above the draw and erase color information. This is
the cursor position (X, Y) followed by the color number of the pixel
pointed to by the cursor and the R, G, and B values of that color.
III. Some Basic WIMP Concepts
An Image Library (.IMG) file is a workfile containing up to 256
Each image has a palette associated with it. Many images can share a
single palette, or each can have a separate palette. A palette
contains only the colors used in the images which are associated
with it. The target system has a 256 color capacity. A palette may
contain UP TO 256 colors. It should be clear that two images using
separate 256 color palettes can not appear on the target system
screen simultaneously. However two images using the SAME 256
color palette can.
Images are created by importing them from another source (Amiga or
AT&T VDA format) or by saving an area of the target system screen.
An image consists of pixel numbers. These numbers are pointers to
colors in the associated palette. When an image is downloaded to
the target system, its palette is loaded as well. WIMP determines
where in color ram to put the palette. It will pack as many
palettes as it can contiguously and adjust the pixel data as it
loads the image.
K E E P T H I S I N M I N D ! ! !
There are two ways images exist...
1) on the PC (either on disk or in the PC memory)
3) in target system Image Ram (these are called frames)
Images which have been previously saved are taken from the hard disk
until they are modified. Then they remain in PC memory until
the image library is saved. Modifying happens by...
- changing an image with a directory range command
(i.e. flip),
- saving an area of the screen as an image, or
- uploading an edited frame upon exiting animation mode
Once an image is put on the screen, it is no longer an "image" but is
just a part of the screen.
Images which are part of animation sequences used in an animation
buffer are downloaded to the target system Image Ram when animation
mode is entered.
They are now considered "frames" and can be edited independently of
the way they are stored on the PC.
Changes to frames occur in the target system only. They must be
uploaded to the PC upon leaving animation mode or they will
be lost.
Changes to images occur on the PC only. They must be saved to disk
with the Image Library before leaving WIMP or they will be lost.
IV. Menu 1 - GENERAL
A> Clear Screen
This clears the target system screen to color 0.
B> Load Image File
A window appears listing all valid Image Library files (.IMG) in the
default directory (IMGDIR).
To change directory, left click on the directory name and retype.
To select an image library, left click on the name. The selected
image library is loaded.
To cancel, left click on CANCEL.
An asterisk next to a name means that library has already been loaded.
The last one to be loaded has two asterisks next to the name.
Up to 8 libraries can be loaded at one time. HOWEVER, once more than
one library is loaded, WIMP sees the combination of the two as ONE
library. If you save an image file (.IMG) before you leave wimp,
ALL images are saved into a single file regardless of the library
they came from originally.
C> Save Image File
A window appears listing all LOADED image library files in the
default directory (IMGDIR).
To change directory, left click on the directory name and retype.
To select an image library, left click on the name. The fully defined
image library filename appears beneath the window. Click on this name
to save the current state of WIMP (images, palettes and animation
To give the saved library a new name, left click on "Name:" and type
one in. The fully defined library filename appears beneath the window.
Click on this name to save.
To cancel, left click on CANCEL.
D> Make mouse SLOW (or FAST)
Click on this to change mouse sensitivity. There are two possible
states, SLOW and FAST. The menu will show the one which is NOT
in effect. The sensitivity affects mouse motion on the target
screen only!
E> Do Some DOS
Create a DOS shell. Allows you to do DOS commands without altering
the state of WIMP. Beware of memory contraints! Don't do this unless
you have at least 100K of memory left. (Available memory appears on
the bottom of the PC screen during WIMP operation.)
When you complete your DOS stuff, type EXIT and you will miraculously
return to the land of WIMP.
Exits from WIMP. All changes are lost, so if you want to save
something, use SAVE IMAGE FILE before you exit!
V. Menu 2 - IMAGES
A> Import Image
Gets an image from a place outside of wimp (i.e amiga or vda), and adds
it to the images currently defined.
AMIGA - The parallel connector coming out of the target system
interface card should be connected to the AMIGA's
parallel port. The appropriate AMIGA program should
be used to initiate the transfer.
Initially, you will get the message...
"Waiting for Sync"
To CANCEL at this point, press capital C. You will
then get the option of Retrying or Forgetting it.
Use the mouse and click on your choice.
Otherwise, when the transfer is done, give the image
a name. The palette name will be amigaxxx where
xxx is the number of colors transferred.
vda - Enter a name for the vda image. This name must correspond to
an existing vda image file residing in the VDADIR
directory. An extension of ".vda" is assumed so
you only need to enter the filename part. The name
given the image will be "ffffffff.vda" and the
palette will be named "ffffffff" where ffffffff
is the filename.
B> Directory
This command will put you in directory mode, which has many facets.
The screen is taken up by a list of images on the right, a list of
palettes on the left, and some function boxes in the middle.
Upon entering directory mode, one image is always highlighted. It
is the highlighted (or selected) image which is affected by a
To execute a function, left click inside the function box.
To scroll within the image list, left click on HOME, PGUP, PGDN or END
To scroll within the palette list, left click on the U (for up) or
D (for down) which appears on either side of the word PALETTE at the
top of the palette list.
To select an image, left click on its name.
To select a palette, left click on its name.
| (unless otherwise specified, click means left click)
| (any images or palettes required by the command
| should be selected FIRST)
| Click on this, then bring the cursor to the target system
| screen, and left click. The image is placed on the screen.
| The cursor must be positioned so that the entire image
| fits on the screen.
| To cancel, bring the cursor to the target system screen and
| right click.
| When an image is loaded, its palette is also loaded
| This can be done with transparency on or off. See Menu 3,
| Turn Transparency ON or OFF.
| The selected images name becomes blank. Type in a new one.
| The selected image is duplicated. The new image is added to
| the bottom of the image list. It will have the same name
| as the original and will be associated with the same
| palette.
| The selected palette becomes associated with the selected
| image.
| The selected image is deleted from the image list.
| The selected image is converted to .vda format and
| a file written to VDADIR. The name of the file is the
| name of the image (up to 8 chars and ignoring a period
| or anything following a period) followed by .vda
| Enter Range Mode
| Enter Range Mode with a different set of functions
| Enter Palette Mode
| (These functions operate on more than one image at a
| time. Specifically, those which are MARKED)
| (The image list now highlights all MARKED images)
| (To MARK an image, click on its name, or use one of
| the first 3 Range functions)
| All images are MARKED
| NO images are MARKED
| images which use the selected palette are MARKED
| All MARKED images are duplicated. The duplicated are added
| to the end of the image list.
| All MARKED images become associated with the selected
| palette.
| All MARKED images are alphabetized and placed at the top
| of the image list. This is a purely visual change and does
| not affect image or palette data in any way. However it
| can be used to keep images together visually.
| All MARKED images are flipped horizontally
| All MARKED images are flipped vertically
| All MARKED images are rotated 90 degrees clockwise
| All MARKED images are rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise
| You are prompted for a source and destination color.
| To choose a source color, move onto the target screen and
| left click on the pixel you wish to replace.
| Right click to the pixel you wish to replace it with.
| Click on OK to perform the replacement or CANCEL to cancel.
| NOTE: The marked images should all use the same palette.
| If the source or destination color are not part of
| the palette of a marked image, no change will be
| made to that image.
| All marked images are written to a file called IMAGES.ASM
| in the current directory. They are in source file format
| ready to be assembled by the GSP assembler.
| These functions operate on palettes.
| All images in the image list using the selected palette
| are highlighted.
| The selected palette will be merged into a master palette.
| This means that the master palette and images using it will
| not change. Colors in the original palette will be mapped
| into the CLOSEST color of the master palette.
| You are prompted to click on the name of the master
| palette. The original palette is deleted, and all images
| using it are made to use the master. NOTE: The data
| on all images using the original palette is changed to
| fit the master palette! Duplicate those images and the
| original palette first if you are experimenting.
| The selected palette is merged with another palette.
| You are prompted to click on the name of a second
| palette. The original is deleted, and all images using it
| are made to use the second.
| The second palette is modified to include colors from the
| first.
| NOTE: The data on all images using the first palette
| is changed to fit the second.
| Duplicate those images and the first palette
| if you are experimenting.
| Colors are deleted from the selected palette based
| on a threshhold which you set. The threshhold represents
| the number of pixels which must exist of any color in order
| for that color to remain in the palette. If the number of
| pixels of a color is less than the threshhold, those pixels
| are mapped into a similar color. If no similar color can
| be found, then the color is allowed to remain.
| To change the threshhold, click on U to increase a digit
| or D to decrease a digit. OK accepts the displayed number.
| The selected palette is deleted IF AND ONLY IF there
| are no images currently defined which use it.
| The selected palette is duplicated and placed at the end
| of the palette list. You must give it a name.
| The selected palette's name is removed. Type in a new one.
C> Save Work Area as Image
This item is valid only when a "Work Area" is defined on the screen.
(see Menu 2 - GRAPHICS). The Work Area appears as a box on the
screen, and with this item, you can save what's inside as an image.
First you must decide how you wish to save the contents of the
Work Area.
The choices are... 1) Create a new image
2) Replace an existing image
3) Replace the last image loaded.
Choice 3 is actually a subset of choice 2 and is included for
To make a choice, click on the choice, then click OK.
If you choose (1), you must give the image a name.
If you choose (2), the image list appears and you must click on an
image then click on OK. That image will be replaced by the
contents of the Work Area.
Next, you must decide how you wish to save the color information.
The choices are... 1) Create a new palette
2) Merge into an existing palette
3) Use the palette which was
originally downloaded.
(...if one exists for the
contents of the Work Area)
Choice 3 exists only if you downloaded an existing image, modified
it, and now want to save the changes. It will not be
available if the new image uses more colors than the original.
Choice 2 is the same as a SUB-MERGE palette command. The contents
of the Work Area are modified to fit as closely as possible
into an existing palette.
To make a choice, click on the choice, then click OK.
If you choose (1), you must give the palette a name.
If you choose (2), the palette list appears and you must click on a
palette then click on OK. The threshhold box appears.
You can change the threshhold if you like or not.
Saving the Work Area can be done with Transparency ON or OFF.
(see Menu 3 - Turn Transparency ON/OFF)
When transparency is ON, the Least Square around the Work Area
is computed and saved. That is, the size of the area saved is
modified so that any padding of color 0 around the edges is not
A> Define/Undefine Work Area
To define a Work Area, scroll onto the target system screen.
A left click fixes a corner of a box. You can now scroll around
changing the size and shape of the box.
A right click removes the box, letting you start again.
Another left click sets the diagonal corner.
When you select the Undefine Work Area item, the box disappears and
all Work Area items become unavailable.
To change the Work Area once it has been used, you don't need to
undefine it. Select Define Work Area again. The first left click
will start the box again.
B> Fill Work Area
These items are pretty self-explanatory. You fill either the
inside or the outside of the box with either the Draw color, the
Erase color or Zeros. (see Menu 4 - COLORS for an explanation of the
Draw and Erase Colors)
C> Edit Work Area
Pixel Replace - You are prompted for a source and destination color
which are selected as follows...
Scroll onto the target system screen.
A LEFT click on a pixel sets the color under
that pixel as the source color. A RIGHT click
on a pixel sets the destination color.
You can choose one of 4 types of replacements.
Left click on the one you want, then on OK.
Flip Vertically - The inside of the box is flipped around the
horizontal axis.
Flip Horizontally - The inside of the box is flipped around the
vertical axis.
D> Copy Work Area
For all of these commands, you must scroll onto the target system
screen and left click at the place where you want to place the
copy. If you hold down the left button, you can effectively use
the Work Area as a brush and paint with it. The copying can be
done with Transparency ON or OFF.
NOTE: If you overwrite the original Work Area, funky results will
occur! (Try it. You might like it)
E> Turn Transparency ON or OFF
Color 0 is considered a transparent color when Transparency is ON.
If you Load an Image with transparency, 0 pixels will not be written.
The same is true for Copying the Work Area. When Saving the Work Area
as an Image, Transparency ON causes a least square function to happen
to the contents of the Work Area.
When Transparency is ON, the item will read... Turn Transparency OFF
and vice versa.
F> Draw Mode
See Section II.B.1 -- Using the Keyboard.
This is a general purpose mode to allow you to modify what is on the
screen. From here you can go into Zoom mode and back, or you can
draw circles and lines, or you can do some of the previously
mentioned work area commands.
Also available are such commands as Display/Remove Color Block, Turn
Transparency On/Off, and Make Mouse Fast/Slow
Some DRAW MODE commands are...
Freehand Dots - Draw dots with the mouse by holding down the left
(for the Draw Color) or right (for the Erase
Color) mouse button.
Freehand Lines - Same as above, only you draw a line as you move
the mouse.
Define/Undefine Work Area - As described under A> above.
Display Color Block - Move mouse onto target system and click where
you want the color block to be. The color block shows you
color ram as it is currently defined. The current draw and
erase colors are shown underneath the color block.
The HIGHLITED color also denotes the current draw color.
You may select a DRAW color by moving this highlite around
the color block using the following keys:
Grey Home = up (current color - 16)
Grey End = down (current color + 16)
Grey Delete = left (current color - 1)
Grey Page Down = right (current color + 1)
Filled Circ/Unfilled Circ/Rubber Line - Move onto the target screen
and left click to set the first point. Then move the mouse
and left click again to complete the line/circle. This
also resets the first point. A right click will cancel the
first point. You should make sure the first point is
cancelled before you leave the target screen to do
something else. The line/circle is always drawn in
the DRAW Color.
ZOOM - When you click on this, the Filled Circ/Unfilled Circ/Rubber
Line commands are disabled. You must move the zoomer
(a box) onto the target screen and left click over the
area you wish to zoom. Once this happens, you can zoom
in or out, or scroll the zoomer. You will probably want
to change the mouse sensitivity to SLOW. One note of
caution. If you define a work area, then zoom such that
the work area is off screen, the work area will undefine