
953 lines
15 KiB

[logics for room 45 -- rmBedroom
[ "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards"
[ by Al Lowe
%include "rm45.msg"
%include "gamedefs.h"
%include "iv_views.h"
%include "contrlrs.h"
%define doorDone lf0
%define nearCloset lf1
%define closetOpen lf2
%define inCloset lf3
%define burst1Done lf4
%define burst2Done lf5
%define burst3Done lf6
%define burst4Done lf7
%define eveHere lf8
%define lookingAtCloseup lf9
%define dollDone lf10
%define burst1InPlace lf11
%define burst2InPlace lf12
%define burst3InPlace lf13
%define burst4InPlace lf14
%define readPreventionMessage lf15
%define nearBed lf16
%define dollInflated lf17
%define cutToLongShot lf18
%define dollOnScreen lf19
%define dollSoundDone lf20
%define closeupLineTimer lv0
%define burst1Cycles lv1
%define burst2Cycles lv2
%define burst3Cycles lv3
%define burst4Cycles lv4
%define dollPicture lv5
%define fireworksPicture lv6
%define action lv7
%object aBurst1 1
%object aBurst2 2
%object aBurst3 3
%object aBurst4 4
%object aDoor 5
%object aEve 6
%object aDoll 7
%object aKen 8
if (initLog)
LoadPic( currentRoom);
DrawPic( currentRoom);
[ DON'T DiscardPic( currentRoom);, we'll need it either way.
if (currentStatus == FOLLOWING_EVE)
Set( eveHere);
fireworksPicture = picBlack;
LoadPic( fireworksPicture);
LoadView( vEve);
LoadView( vEgoWearingTowel);
LoadView( vEgo);
LoadView( vFireworks);
LoadView( vKen);
LoadSound( mWinner);
AnimateObj( aEve);
IgnoreBlocks( aEve);
SetView( aEve, vEve);
SetLoop( aEve, L_SITTING_ON_BED);
Position( aEve, 55, 116);
Draw( aEve);
CycleTime( aEve, three);
SetView( ego, vEgoWearingTowel);
MoveObj( ego, 48, 121, 1, scriptDone);
if (ObjInRoom( iDoll, currentRoom))
dollPicture = picDollCloseup;
LoadPic( dollPicture);
LoadView( vDollDeflating);
LoadSound( sDollDeflating);
LoadView( vBedroomDoors);
LoadView( vEgoSittingOnBed);
AnimateObj( aDoor);
IgnoreBlocks( aDoor);
IgnoreObjs( aDoor);
SetView( aDoor, vBedroomDoors);
SetCel( aDoor, 0);
SetPriority( aDoor, 10);
Position( aDoor, 117, 130);
Draw( aDoor);
CycleTime( aDoor, work);
StopUpdate( aDoor);
Position( ego, 20, 135);
Draw( ego);
ShowPic( );
Return( );
} [ end initLOG
Reset( nearCloset);
if (Posn( ego, 105, 121, 117, 136))
Set( nearCloset);
Reset( inCloset);
if (Posn( ego, 117, 121, 129, 131))
Set( inCloset);
Reset( nearBed);
if (Posn( ego, 56, 123, 86, 138)) [ 123 because he's above bed when
{ [ sitting on the bed
Set( nearBed);
if (closetOpen && nearCloset)
IgnoreBlocks( ego);
if (inCloset)
IgnoreBlocks( ego);
ObserveBlocks( ego);
if (!haveInput) {goto noInput;}
if (Said( look, painting))
Print( 22);
if (Said( look, behind, painting))
Print( 43);
if (Said( look, bed))
Print( 23);
if (Said( look, under, bed))
Print( 41);
Print( 42);
if ((Said( sit, on, bed) ||
Said( sit) ||
Said( sit, bed)))
Print( 38);
if ((Said( look) ||
Said( look, room) ||
Said( look, closet) ||
Said( look, bedroom)))
if (!inCloset)
Print( 1);
else [ He's in the closet.
if (ObjInRoom( iDoll, currentRoom))
Print( 12);
Print( 13);
[ Ibsen was never like this:
if (readPreventionMessage &&
Said( yes))
goto patch1;
if ((Said( use, doll) ||
Said( abuse, doll) ||
Said( put, dong, doll) ||
Said( put, dong, doll, mouth) ||
Said( put, dong, mouth) ||
Said( sixtynine, doll) ||
Said( make, doll, suck$me) ||
Said( make, doll, give, suck$me) ||
Said( butt, hump, rol) ||
Said( anyword, butt, hump, rol) ||
Said( anyword, butt, rol) ||
Said( butt, rol) ||
Said( anyword, blow$job, rol) ||
Said( anyword, pussy, rol) ||
Said( anyword, anyword, pussy, rol) ||
Said( blow$job, rol) ||
Said( anyword, hump, rol) ||
Said( hump, doll)))
if (!Has( iDoll))
Set( dontHaveIt);
if (!dollInflated)
Print( 29);
if (!readPreventionMessage)
Print( 3);
Set( readPreventionMessage);
Print( 8);
Print( 10);
action = 3;
currentScore += 8;
Set( cutToLongShot);
if (Said( show, doll))
if (!Has( iDoll))
Set( dontHaveIt);
if (!dollInflated)
ShowObj( ivDoll);
if (lookingAtCloseup)
Print( 18);
action = 6;
if (Said( inflate, doll))
if (!Has( iDoll))
Set( dontHaveIt);
action = 6;
[ Handle the closet, and taking the doll.
if ((Said( open, door) ||
Said( open, closet)))
if (closetOpen)
Print( 5);
if (!nearCloset)
Print( 19);
action = 4;
if ((Said( close, door) ||
Said( close, closet)))
if (inCloset)
Print( 2);
if (!closetOpen)
Print( 6);
if (!nearCloset)
Set( notCloseEnough);
if (egoX > 111)
Print( 20);
action = 5;
if ((Said( look, closet) ||
Said( look$in, closet)))
if (!closetOpen)
Print( 15);
if (!inCloset)
Print( 31);
if (ObjInRoom( iDoll, currentRoom))
Print( 12);
Print( 13);
if (Said( get, doll))
if (Has( iDoll))
Print( 37);
if (!inCloset)
Print( 7);
if (!ObjInRoom( iDoll, currentRoom))
Print( 11);
Get( iDoll);
currentScore += 5;
Print( 9);
if (lookingAtCloseup)
if ((Said( stop, looking, doll) ||
Said( look, room, rol) ||
Said( look, closet, rol)))
Print( 35);
Set( cutToLongShot);
if ((Said( masturbate, rol) ||
Said( anyword, masturbate, rol)))
Print( 44);
if ((Said( deflate, doll, rol) ||
Said( anyword, deflate, doll, rol) ||
Said( put, doll, away) ||
Said( damn)))
Print( 28);
Set( cutToLongShot);
if ((Said( look, doll) ||
Said( talk, doll) ||
Said( smile) ||
Said( smile, doll) ||
Said( hold, hand) ||
Said( take, her, hand) ||
Said( touch, doll) ||
Said( touch, her) ||
Said( ask, date) ||
Said( look, eyes) ||
Said( look$in, eyes) ||
Said( flirt, with, her) ||
Said( wink, doll) ||
Said( give, doll, kiss) ||
Said( kiss, doll) ||
Said( look, her, hair) ||
Said( look, hair) ||
Said( stroke, hair) ||
Said( rub, hair) ||
Said( rub, her, hair) ||
Said( ask, name) ||
Said( ask, her, name) ||
Said( ask, name, doll) ||
Said( larry) ||
Said( leisure$suit, larry) ||
Said( look, mouth) ||
Said( look, her, mouth) ||
Said( doll, marry, me) ||
Said( marry, me) ||
Said( marry, doll) ||
Said( ask, doll, get, married) ||
Said( ask, doll, marry, me) ||
Said( talk, about, marriage) ||
Said( put, ring, on, her, finger) ||
Said( propose, her) ||
Said( talk, her, love) ||
Said( love, you) ||
Said( take, her, hand) ||
Said( grab, doll) ||
Said( feel, doll) ||
Said( lick, doll) ||
Said( touch, doll, under, table) ||
Said( grab, leg) ||
Said( touch, leg) ||
Said( feel, her, leg) ||
Said( grab, her, leg) ||
Said( look, doll, boobs) ||
Said( look, boobs, rol) ||
Said( look, body) ||
Said( stare) ||
Said( stare, boobs) ||
Said( undress, her) ||
Said( ask, doll, for, sex) ||
Said( have, sex, with, me) ||
Said( hump, rol) ||
Said( make, doll) ||
Said( anyword, pussy, rol) ||
Said( lick, her, she, screams) ||
Said( anyword, boobs, rol) ||
Said( play, with, her, boobs) ||
Said( grab, boobs) ||
Said( fondle, breasts) ||
Said( come, with, me)))
Print( 34);
if (Controller( cShowObj) &&
selectedObject == 113)
if (dollInflated)
Print( 45);
action = 6;
if (!lookingAtCloseup &&
egoX < 122 &&
Has( iDoll))
Print( 14);
action = 3;
if (aSecondPassed)
if (closeupLineTimer == 1 &&
Print( 17);
if (scriptDone)
Reset( scriptDone);
if (script == 1)
scriptTimer = 3;
if (script == 2)
DrawPic( fireworksPicture);
Set( musicDone);
AnimateObj( aBurst1);
IgnoreObjs( aBurst1);
SetView( aBurst1, vFireworks);
FixLoop( aBurst1);
AnimateObj( aBurst2);
IgnoreObjs( aBurst2);
SetView( aBurst2, vFireworks);
FixLoop( aBurst2);
AnimateObj( aBurst3);
IgnoreObjs( aBurst3);
SetView( aBurst3, vFireworks);
FixLoop( aBurst3);
AnimateObj( aBurst4);
IgnoreObjs( aBurst4);
SetView( aBurst4, vFireworks);
FixLoop( aBurst4);
step = 12;
Random( 5, 9, burst1Cycles);
Random( 2, 5, burst2Cycles);
Random( 3, 6, burst3Cycles);
Random( 4, 11, burst4Cycles);
scriptTimer = 7;
currentScore += 25;
if (script == 3)
Print( 24);
scriptTimer = 4;
if (script == 4)
Print( 25);
scriptCycles = 11;
if (script == 5)
Print( 46);
AnimateObj( aKen);
IgnoreObjs( aKen);
SetView( aKen, vKen);
SetLoop( aKen, FACING_RIGHT);
Position( aKen, 0, 166);
Draw( aKen);
MoveObj( aKen, 66, 166, 1, scriptDone);
if (script == 6)
SetLoop( aKen, FACING_FRONT);
scriptTimer = 4;
if (script == 7)
Print( 26);
MoveObj( aKen, 151, 166, 1, scriptDone);
if (script == 8)
Erase( aKen);
Print( 27);
scriptTimer = 4;
if (script == 9)
Print( 32);
scriptTimer = 4;
if (script == 10)
Print( 33);
Print( 30);
Print( 36);
Quit( 1);
if (script == 101)
SetView( ego, vEgo);
StartCycling( ego);
MoveObj( ego, 110, 131, 1, scriptDone);
if (script == 102)
MoveObj( ego, 107, 134, 1, scriptDone);
if (script == 103)
MoveObj( ego, 17, 134, 1, scriptDone);
if (script == 104)
Reset( handsOff);
newRoom = rmLivingRoom;
if (doorDone)
Reset( doorDone);
StopUpdate( aDoor);
if (burst1Cycles == 1)
Random( 0, 3, loop);
SetLoopV( aBurst1, loop);
SetCel( aBurst1, 0);
StopCycling( aBurst1);
Random( 0, 150, x);
Random( 120, 167, y);
PositionV( aBurst1, x, y);
Draw( aBurst1);
Random( 40, 110, y);
MoveObjV( aBurst1, x, y, step, burst1InPlace);
if (burst1InPlace)
EndOfLoop( aBurst1, burst1Done);
if (burst1Done)
Reset( burst1Done);
Erase( aBurst1);
Random( 2, 7, burst1Cycles);
if (burst2Cycles == 1)
Random( 0, 3, loop);
SetLoopV( aBurst2, loop);
SetCel( aBurst2, 0);
StopCycling( aBurst2);
Random( 0, 150, x);
Random( 120, 167, y);
PositionV( aBurst2, x, y);
Draw( aBurst2);
Random( 40, 110, y);
MoveObjV( aBurst2, x, y, step, burst2InPlace);
if (burst2InPlace)
EndOfLoop( aBurst2, burst2Done);
if (burst2Done)
Reset( burst2Done);
Erase( aBurst2);
Random( 2, 7, burst2Cycles);
if (burst3Cycles == 1)
Random( 0, 3, loop);
SetLoopV( aBurst3, loop);
SetCel( aBurst3, 0);
StopCycling( aBurst3);
Random( 0, 150, x);
Random( 120, 167, y);
PositionV( aBurst3, x, y);
Draw( aBurst3);
Random( 40, 110, y);
MoveObjV( aBurst3, x, y, step, burst3InPlace);
if (burst3InPlace)
EndOfLoop( aBurst3, burst3Done);
if (burst3Done)
Reset( burst3Done);
Erase( aBurst3);
Random( 2, 7, burst3Cycles);
if (burst4Cycles == 1)
Random( 0, 3, loop);
SetLoopV( aBurst4, loop);
SetCel( aBurst4, 0);
StopCycling( aBurst4);
Random( 0, 150, x);
Random( 120, 167, y);
PositionV( aBurst4, x, y);
Draw( aBurst4);
Random( 40, 110, y);
MoveObjV( aBurst4, x, y, step, burst4InPlace);
if (burst4InPlace)
EndOfLoop( aBurst4, burst4Done);
if (burst4Done)
Reset( burst4Done);
Erase( aBurst4);
Random( 2, 7, burst4Cycles);
if (dollDone)
Reset( dollDone);
Erase( aDoll);
Reset( dollOnScreen);
Print( 21);
if (cutToLongShot)
Reset( cutToLongShot);
Reset( lookingAtCloseup);
DrawPic( currentRoom);
AnimateObj( ego);
Draw( ego);
AnimateObj( aDoor);
IgnoreBlocks( aDoor);
IgnoreObjs( aDoor);
SetPriority( aDoor, 10);
CycleTime( aDoor, work);
Draw( aDoor);
StopUpdate( aDoor);
if (action)
if (action == 3)
Drop( iDoll);
Set( programControl);
StopMotion( ego);
Set( handsOff);
currentStatus = CHASING_DOLL;
Reset( keepCycling);
Reset( noCycling);
script = 100;
scriptCycles = 13;
AnimateObj( aDoll);
IgnoreHorizon( aDoll);
IgnoreBlocks( aDoll);
IgnoreObjs( aDoll);
SetView( aDoll, vDollDeflating);
SetPriority( aDoll, 11);
Position( aDoll, 116, 100);
Draw( aDoll);
Set( dollOnScreen);
MoveObj( aDoll, 0, 100, 2, dollDone);
Set( dollSoundDone);
if (action == 4)
Set( OK);
Set( closetOpen);
StartUpdate( aDoor);
EndOfLoop( aDoor, doorDone);
if (action == 5)
Set( OK);
Reset( closetOpen);
StartUpdate( aDoor);
BeginningOfLoop( aDoor, doorDone);
if (action == 6)
if (!dollInflated)
Set( dollInflated);
Print( 16);
closeupLineTimer = 6;
if (!inflatedDoll)
Set( inflatedDoll);
currentScore += 5;
DrawPic( dollPicture);
Set( lookingAtCloseup);
action = 0;
if (dollSoundDone && dollOnScreen)
Sound( sDollDeflating, dollSoundDone);
if (musicDone)
Sound( mWinner, musicDone);
:exit [ test for leaving the room
if (edgeEgoHit == LEFT)
newRoom = rmLivingRoom;