
1626 lines
27 KiB

[logics for room 38 -- rmBlackjack
[ "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards"
[ by Al Lowe
%include "rm38.msg"
%include "gamedefs.h"
%include "bj.h"
%include "contrlrs.h"
[ %view vWinner 150 [ First, a little information.
[ %view vCardsShuffling 151
[ %view vClubs 152
[ %view vSpades 153
[ %view vHearts 154
[ %view vDiamonds 155
[ %view vBlackjack 156
[ %define cBACK 0 [ Cell numbers of the card views.
[ %define c2 0
[ %define c3 1
[ %define c4 2
[ %define c5 3
[ %define c6 4
[ %define c7 5
[ %define c8 6
[ %define c9 7
[ %define c10 8
[ %define cJACK 9
[ %define cQUEEN 10
[ %define cKING 11
[ %define cACE 12
%define CARD_DELAY 9 [ Cycles between card draws.
%define DEALER_BUST 22 [ Cycles WINNER! sign is drawn.
%define WINNER 33
%define AUTO_WIN 44
%define BLACKJACK 55
%define cDeal cF4
%define cHit cF6
%define cStand cF8
if (initLog)
SetHorizon( 1);
Reset( xyOn);
LoadLogics( lgcBlackjack);
LoadView( vWinner);
LoadView( vClubs);
LoadView( vSpades);
LoadView( vHearts);
LoadView( vDiamonds);
LoadView( vBlankCard);
LoadView( vCardBack);
LoadSound( sCard);
LoadSound( sBJWinner);
LoadSound( sCardsShuffling);
if (monitorType != MONO)
LoadView( vCardsShuffling);
LoadView( vMONOCardsShuffling);
LoadPic( currentRoom);
DrawPic( currentRoom);
[ Don't DiscardPic( currentRoom);
AnimateObj( aCards);
IgnoreObjs( aCards);
Position( aCards, 61, 55);
if (monitorType != MONO)
SetView( aCards, vCardsShuffling);
SetView( aCards, vMONOCardsShuffling);
AnimateObj( aWinner);
IgnoreObjs( aWinner);
SetView( aWinner, vWinner);
Position( aWinner, 54, 82);
oldBet = 2;
insurance = 1;
ShowPic( );
function = UPDATE_STATUS;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
Print( 47);
Set( handsOff);
Set( noScript);
} [ end initLOG
Set( nearPerson);
if ((Controller( cHelp) ||
Said( help)))
Set( showHelpMessage);
if ((Said( tip, dealer) ||
Said( give, dealer, money) ||
Said( give, money, dealer)))
Print( 23);
if ((Controller( cDeal) ||
Said( deal, hand) ||
Said( deal, cards) ||
Said( deal)))
if (handInPlay)
Print( 28);
if (!oldBet)
Print( 7); [ "Bet some money, dummy!
Print( 8);
if (oldBet > dollars) [ "You don't have that much, dummy!
script = 0;
Print( 30);
Set( scriptDone);
script = 0;
if ((Controller( cStand) ||
Said( stand)))
if (!waitingForInput)
Print( 44);
if (handInPlay == PLAYER)
script = 100; [ Let's move on.
Set( scriptDone);
if (handInPlay == SPLIT)
script = 200;
Set( scriptDone);
Print( 44);
if ((Controller( cHit) ||
Said( hit) ||
Said( hit, me) ||
Said( card) ||
Said( give, me, card)))
if (!waitingForInput)
Print( 44);
if (handInPlay == PLAYER)
currentCard = pFirstCard;
currentCard += cardCount;
function = DRAW_CARD;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
pTotal += value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( pSoftAce);
if (handInPlay == SPLIT)
currentCard = sFirstCard;
currentCard += cardCount;
function = DRAW_CARD;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
sTotal += value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( sSoftAce);
Print( 44);
if (!haveInput) {goto noInput;}
if ((Said( double) ||
Said( double, up) ||
Said( double, down)))
if (!waitingForInput)
Print( 44);
if (handInPlay == PLAYER)
if ((pTotal < 10 ||
pTotal > 11))
Print( 24);
if (dollars < pBet)
Print( 27);
Set( scriptDone);
script = 20;
if (handInPlay != SPLIT)
Print( 44); [ "You fuckup!"
else [ It's not a player or split hand!
if ((sTotal < 10 ||
sTotal > 11))
Print( 24);
if (dollars < sBet)
Print( 27);
Set( scriptDone);
script = 120;
if ((Said( split) ||
Said( split, cards) ||
Said( split, hand)))
if (!waitingForInput)
Print( 44);
if (handInPlay != PLAYER)
Print( 44);
if (cardCount != 2)
Print( 25);
currentCard = pFirstCard;
card =@ currentCard;
function = GET_SUIT_VALUE;
Call( lgcBlackjack); [ Check to see if he has a pair.
work = cell;
card =@ currentCard;
function = GET_SUIT_VALUE;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (cell != work)
Print( 22); [ Nope.
if (pBet > dollars)
Print( 27);
Set( scriptDone);
script = 10;
if ((Said( surrender) ||
Said( surrender, cards) ||
Said( surrender, hand)))
if (!waitingForInput)
Print( 44);
if (handInPlay != PLAYER)
Print( 44);
if (cardCount != 2)
Print( 26);
Print( 6);
winnings = insurance;
function = PAY_WINNER;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
handInPlay = HAND_DONE;
if ((Said( change, bet, rol) ||
Said( new, bet, rol) ||
Said( raise, bet, rol) ||
Said( lower, bet, rol) ||
Said( bet, rol)))
if (handInPlay)
Print( 29);
GetNum( 3, oldBet);
work = oldBet;
insurance = 0;
if (work > 20)
Print( 31);
goto mrLooper2;
if (work > 1)
work -= 2;
goto mrLooper4;
if (work == 1)
Print( 4);
goto mrLooper2;
if (oldBet > dollars)
Print( 27);
goto mrLooper2;
function = UPDATE_STATUS;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (debugging &&
Said( show, all))
currentCard = dFirstCard;
function = DRAW_CARD;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (!currentCard > lastCard)
goto mrLooper;
if ((Said( leave, rol) ||
Said( quit, rol) ||
Said( go, casino) ||
Said( look, room) ||
Said( look, casino) ||
Said( stand, up)))
Print( 15);
Set( readyToLeave);
if ((Said( rules) ||
Said( read, table) ||
Said( read, sign) ||
Said( read, rules)))
Set( showHelpMessage);
if ((Said( look) ||
Said( look, table)))
Print( 1);
if ((Said( look, girl) ||
Said( look, dealer)))
Print( 13);
if ((Said( talk, girl) ||
Said( talk, dealer)))
Print( 21);
if (aSecondPassed)
if (clueTimer == 1)
Set( showHelpMessage);
if (showHelpMessage)
Reset( showHelpMessage);
Print( 45);
Print( 46);
Print( 47);
if (scriptDone)
Reset( scriptDone);
if (script == 1)
Reset( pBlackjack);
Reset( dBlackjack);
Reset( pDoubledDown);
Reset( sDoubledDown);
Reset( pSixCardWinner);
Reset( sSixCardWinner);
Reset( softAce);
Reset( pSoftAce);
Reset( dSoftAce);
Reset( sSoftAce);
Reset( insured);
dTotal = 0;
pTotal = 0;
sTotal = 0;
sBet = 0;
pBet = 0;
cardCount = 0;
pBet = oldBet;
dollars -= pBet;
handInPlay = PLAYER;
Set( preventSaveGame);
[ Here's where we deal all 18 cards.
currentCard = firstCard;
Random( 0, 51, work);
[ This forces an ace into dealer's up card.
if (forceAtest &&
currentCard == firstCard)
work = 51;
if (currentCard != firstCard) [ Don't need to check card1.
cardToTest = firstCard;
card =@ cardToTest;
if (card == work) [ It's a match; pick another.
goto dealLoop;
if (cardToTest < currentCard) [ Don't test against itself.
goto testLoop;
if (currentCard == sFirstCard) [ This prevents splitting splits.
card = work;
function = GET_SUIT_VALUE;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
work2 = value;
work3 = pFirstCard;
card =@ work3;
function = GET_SUIT_VALUE;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (work2 == value)
goto dealLoop;
currentCard @= work; [ It's ok. Save it.
if (!currentCard > lastCard)
goto dealLoop; [ Do another.
[ All cards are dealt. Clean off the table.
DrawPic( currentRoom);
ShowPic( );
function = UPDATE_STATUS;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
SetCel( aCards, 0);
Draw( aCards);
scriptCycles = SHUFFLE_CYCLES;
Sound( sCardsShuffling, soundDone);
if (script == 2)
Erase( aCards);
scriptCycles = CARD_DELAY;
if (script == 3)
currentCard = pFirstCard;
function = DRAW_CARD;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = CARD_DELAY;
pTotal = value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( pSoftAce);
if (script == 4)
currentCard = dFirstCard;
function = DRAW_CARD;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = CARD_DELAY;
dTotal = value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( dSoftAce);
if (script == 5)
currentCard = pFirstCard;
function = DRAW_CARD;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = CARD_DELAY;
pTotal += value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( pSoftAce);
if (script == 6)
currentCard = dFirstCard;
function = DRAW_FACE_DOWN;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
dTotal += value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( dSoftAce);
[ First, check player's hand for BJ.
cardCount = 2; [ player's card count
currentCard = pFirstCard;
card =@ currentCard;
function = GET_SUIT_VALUE;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if ((value == 1 || value == 10))
work = value;
card =@ currentCard;
function = GET_SUIT_VALUE;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (work == 1 && value == 10) [ Either, an ace and a 10...
Set( pBlackjack);
if (work == 10 && value == 1) [ ...or, a 10 and an ace...
Set( pBlackjack);
[ Whether player had BJ or not, see if insurance is necessary.
currentCard = dFirstCard;
card =@ currentCard;
function = GET_SUIT_VALUE;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (value == 1)
[ Dealer has an ace showing. Handle insurance dialogue.
if (monitorType == MONO)
ClearLines( 24, 24, BG_COLOR);
Display( 24, 0, 2);
ClearLines( 23, 23, BG_COLOR);
Display( 23, 0, 2);
lastChar = 0;
if (!lastChar)
if ((lastChar == 89 || [ Y
lastChar == 121)) [ y
if (insurance > dollars)
Print( 27);
Set( insured);
dollars -= insurance;
function = UPDATE_STATUS;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (lastChar != 78 && [ N
lastChar != 110) [ n
Print( 10);
lastChar = 0;
ResetScanStart(); [ We have a legal answer.
lastChar = 0;
if (monitorType == MONO)
ClearLines( 24, 24, BG_COLOR);
ClearLines( 23, 23, BG_COLOR);
[ Finally, check dealer's hand for BJ.
currentCard = dFirstCard;
card =@ currentCard;
function = GET_SUIT_VALUE;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if ((value == 1 || value == 10))
work = value;
card =@ currentCard;
function = GET_SUIT_VALUE;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (work == 1 && value == 10) [ Either, an ace and a 10...
Set( dBlackjack);
if (work == 10 && value == 1) [ ...or, a 10 and an ace...
Set( dBlackjack);
[ Now the flags are set, figure out what happens.
if (pBlackjack)
Print( 17); [ You got BJ!
if (dBlackjack) [ Him too? It's a push!
handInPlay = HAND_DONE;
currentCard = dFirstCard;
++currentCard; [ Turn over dealer's hole card.
function = DRAW_CARD;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
Print( 5); [ Dealer got BJ!
Print( 14); [ It's a push.
winnings = pBet;
function = PAY_WINNER;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (insured)
Print( 9); [ Your insurance pays off.
winnings = insurance;
winnings += insurance;
function = PAY_WINNER;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
winnings = pBet; [ It's all yours. Pay him...
winnings += pBet;
winnings += insurance; [ ...1 & 1/2 his original bet.
function = PAY_WINNER;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = BLACKJACK;
Draw( aWinner);
Set( soundDone);
[ No player BJ. How about dealer?
if (!dBlackjack)
[ Continue on. Nothing exciting this hand!
Set( waitingForInput);
script = 8; [ Skip the Erase( aWinner); below.
[ Dealer got BJ!
handInPlay = HAND_DONE;
currentCard = dFirstCard;
function = DRAW_CARD; [ Turn over hole card.
Call( lgcBlackjack);
function = UPDATE_STATUS;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
Print( 5); [ Dealer got BJ!
if (insured)
Print( 9); [ Your insurance pays off.
winnings = insurance;
winnings += insurance;
function = PAY_WINNER;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (script == 7) [ Get here if only player has BJ.
Erase( aWinner);
handInPlay = HAND_DONE;
[ This is what happens if he decides to legally split a pair.
if (script == 11)
Reset( waitingForInput);
sBet = oldBet;
dollars -= sBet;
function = UPDATE_STATUS;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
currentCard = sFirstCard; [ Swap current pCard2...
work =@ currentCard;
work2 = pFirstCard;
work3 =@ work2;
currentCard @= work3;
work2 @= work; [ ...with sCard1.
currentCard = pFirstCard; [ Erase existing pCard2.
function = ERASE_CARD;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = CARD_DELAY;
if (script == 12)
currentCard = sFirstCard; [ now draw sCard1 (old pCard2).
function = DRAW_CARD;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = CARD_DELAY;
pTotal -= value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( sSoftAce);
if (script == 13)
Set( waitingForInput);
currentCard = pFirstCard;
function = DRAW_CARD; [ Now draw NEW pCard2.
Call( lgcBlackjack);
pTotal += value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( pSoftAce);
[ Here we handle if the player legally doubled down.
if (script == 21)
Reset( waitingForInput);
dollars -= pBet;
pBet += pBet; [ Double his bet.
function = UPDATE_STATUS;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = CARD_DELAY;
if (script == 22)
Set( waitingForInput);
Set( pDoubledDown);
currentCard = pFirstCard;
currentCard += cardCount;
function = DRAW_CARD;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
pTotal += value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( pSoftAce);
script = 101;
[ Handle a player's six card winning hand.
if (script == 31)
Print( 18); [ Six cards win!
script = 101;
Set( pSixCardWinner);
[ This wraps up the player's hand, and determines which hand comes
[next: either the split or the dealer.
if (script == 101) [ pHand is over. Now what?
handInPlay = SPLIT;
Reset( waitingForInput);
if (pSoftAce && pTotal < 12)
Reset( pSoftAce);
pTotal += 10;
if (pTotal > 21) [ If busted, tell him about it.
if (!sBet)
Print( 11); [ You're busted.
Print( 38); [ *First* hand busted.
if (!sBet) [ We have no further business here.
script = 201; [ So let's do the dealer.
Set( waitingForInput);
Reset( softAce);
cardCount = 2;
currentCard = sFirstCard; [ sCard1 is already drawn.
card =@ currentCard;
function = GET_SUIT_VALUE;
Call( lgcBlackjack); [ Fix up sTotal.
sTotal = value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( sSoftAce);
currentCard = sFirstCard;
function = DRAW_CARD; [ Draw sCard2.
Call( lgcBlackjack);
sTotal += value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( sSoftAce);
if (script == 121) [ Split hand doubled down.
Reset( waitingForInput);
dollars -= sBet;
sBet += sBet; [ Double bet.
function = UPDATE_STATUS;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = CARD_DELAY;
if (script == 122)
Set( waitingForInput);
Set( sDoubledDown);
currentCard = sFirstCard;
currentCard += cardCount;
function = DRAW_FACE_DOWN;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
sTotal += value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( sSoftAce);
script = 201;
[ Handle the split hand's six card winner.
if (script == 131)
Print( 18); [ Six cards win!
script = 201;
Set( sSixCardWinner);
if (script == 201)
Reset( waitingForInput);
handInPlay = DEALER;
scriptCycles = CARD_DELAY;
[ First, wrap up the split hand.
if (sBet && sSoftAce && sTotal < 12)
Reset( sSoftAce);
sTotal += 10;
if (sTotal > 21)
Print( 42); [ *Split* hand busted.
[ Now, it's the dealer's turn. Decide where to go from here.
[There are three branches we COULD take:
[ a. He's now a loser; script jumps to 220;
[ b. He's an auto-winner; script jumps to 230;
[ c. He's still in contention; script continues.
[ All are the real script -= 1, since we want a little
[delay first.
if (pTotal < 22) [ He's still good.
if (pSixCardWinner)
script = 230; [ It's an auto-win.
if (!sBet)
script = 220; [ He's a loser!
if (sTotal > 21)
script = 220; [ He's a loser!
if (sSixCardWinner)
script = 230; [ It's an auto-win.
[ Now the dealer will try for his best hand. We only get
[here if at least one hand is < 22, and it wasn't a sixCardHand.
if (script == 202)
Reset( softAce);
scriptCycles = CARD_DELAY;
cardCount = 2;
currentCard = dFirstCard; [ Get value of dealer's hand.
card =@ currentCard;
function = GET_SUIT_VALUE;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
dTotal = value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( dSoftAce);
function = DRAW_CARD; [ Turn over his hole card.
Call( lgcBlackjack);
dTotal += value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( dSoftAce);
if (script == 203)
scriptCycles = CARD_DELAY;
if (dSoftAce &&
dTotal > 6 &&
dTotal < 12)
Reset( dSoftAce);
dTotal += 10;
if (dTotal < 17)
++cardCount; [ Dealer needs another card.
currentCard = dFirstCard;
currentCard += cardCount;
--currentCard; [ currentCard is var# of next card.
function = DRAW_CARD;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
dTotal += value;
if (softAce)
Reset( softAce);
Set( dSoftAce);
if (cardCount < 6)
script -= 1;
[ Dealer is all done, whether he got to play any additional cards
[or not. So, clean things up, and make handInPlay = HAND_DONE.
if (script == 204)
if (pDoubledDown)
currentCard = pFirstCard;
function = DRAW_CARD; [ Draw pCard3 (formerly face down).
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (dTotal > 21) [ Dealer went bust.
Print( 12);
if (pTotal > 21)
++script; [ Go check the split hand!
winnings = pBet;
winnings += pBet;
function = PAY_WINNER;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = DEALER_BUST;
Draw( aWinner);
Set( soundDone);
else [ Dealer NOT bust.
if (pTotal > 21) [ Handle the player's hand first.
++script; [ Go check the split hand!
if (pTotal > dTotal) [ Player wins.
if (sBet)
Print( 36);
winnings = pBet;
winnings += pBet;
function = PAY_WINNER;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = WINNER;
Draw( aWinner);
Set( soundDone);
if (pTotal == dTotal) [ Player's hand's a push.
if (sBet)
Print( 35);
Print( 14);
winnings = pBet;
function = PAY_WINNER;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (pTotal < dTotal) [ Player loses.
if (sBet)
Print( 37);
Print( 16);
[ After dealing with the player's hand, we now check the split hand.
if (script == 205)
if (!sBet) [ No split hand?
++script; [ ...Leave.
if (sDoubledDown)
currentCard = sFirstCard;
function = DRAW_CARD; [ Draw sCard3 face up.
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (dTotal > 21) [ Dealer went bust.
if (pTotal > 21) [ He didn't see this before,
Print( 12); [ so show him now.
if (sTotal > 21)
++script; [ Go erase the winner?
winnings = sBet;
winnings += sBet;
function = PAY_WINNER;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = DEALER_BUST;
if (pTotal > 21) [ It wasn't drawn,
Draw( aWinner); [ so draw it.
Set( soundDone);
else [ Dealer NOT bust.
if (sTotal > 21)
++script; [ Go erase the winner?
if (sTotal > dTotal) [ Split wins.
Print( 40);
winnings = sBet;
winnings += sBet;
function = PAY_WINNER;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = WINNER;
if (pTotal > 21) [ It wasn't drawn,
Draw( aWinner); [ so draw it.
Set( soundDone);
if (sTotal == dTotal) [ Split hand's a push.
Print( 39);
winnings = sBet;
function = PAY_WINNER;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (sTotal < dTotal) [ Player loses.
Print( 41);
[ We only get here if the WINNER sign is drawn. Erase it.
if (script == 206)
Erase( aWinner);
handInPlay = HAND_DONE;
[ He lost. Turn over dealer's hole card and tell him the bad news.
if (script == 221)
currentCard = dFirstCard;
function = DRAW_CARD;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
handInPlay = HAND_DONE;
[ He's a six-card automatic winner. Pay off without showing
[dealer's hole card. Tell him the good news.
if (script == 231)
if (!pSixCardWinner)
winnings = pBet;
winnings += pBet;
function = PAY_WINNER;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = AUTO_WIN;
Draw( aWinner);
Set( soundDone);
if (script == 232)
if (!sSixCardWinner)
winnings = sBet;
winnings += sBet;
function = PAY_WINNER;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
scriptCycles = AUTO_WIN;
Draw( aWinner);
Set( soundDone);
if (script == 233)
Erase( aWinner);
handInPlay = HAND_DONE;
if (handInPlay == HAND_DONE)
handInPlay = NONE;
Reset( waitingForInput);
Reset( preventSaveGame);
script = 0;
scriptCycles = 0;
if (!dollars) [ "You eat discarded fast food
script = 0;
function = UPDATE_STATUS;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
if (handInPlay == PLAYER)
if (pTotal > 21)
Set( scriptDone);
script = 100; [ Busted
if (cardCount > 5)
Set( scriptDone);
script = 30; [ a Six Card Winner.
if (handInPlay == SPLIT) [ Auto detection of busts & winners
if (sTotal > 21)
Set( scriptDone);
script = 200; [ Busted
if (cardCount > 5)
Set( scriptDone);
script = 130; [ A six card winner!
if (soundDone)
Reset( soundDone);
if (script == 1) [ It's the card shuffling sound.
Sound( sCardsShuffling, soundDone);
if ((script == 6 || [ It's the BJ sound!
script == 204 ||
script == 205 ||
script == 231 ||
script == 232))
Sound( sBJWinner, soundDone);
if (restoreInProgress)
function = UPDATE_STATUS;
Call( lgcBlackjack);
:exit [ test for leaving the room
if (readyToLeave)
Reset( handsOff);
Reset( noScript);
Reset( preventSaveGame);
newRoom = rmInsideCasino;
if (debugging && forceAtest)
if ((pTotal != oldPTotal ||
sTotal != oldSTotal ||
dTotal != oldDTotal))
function = SHOW_TOTALS;
Call( lgcBlackjack);