
555 lines
9.5 KiB

[messages for room 0
[ "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards"
[ by Al Lowe
[ The following messages are null:
[ ][ 12 22 58
%message 1 "%m10%w1?"
%message 2 "%m10%w2?"
%message 3 "%m10%w3?"
%message 4 "%m10%w4?"
%message 5 "%m10%w5?"
%message 6 "%m10%w6?"
%message 7 "%m10%w7?"
%message 8 "%m10%w8?"
%message 9
You toss back the shot of cheap booze,
then dramatically break the glass on the floor!"
%message 10
"What's a "
%message 11 "\n
Leisure Suit Larry\n
in the\n
Land of the Lounge Lizards\n\n
by Al Lowe\n\n
Ver 1.05 6/26/87\n"
%message 12
%message 13
"Thanks for playing
\"Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards.\"\n\n
You screwed up this game, but you can probably do better.\n\n
Come on, let's do it just one more time!"
%message 14
"Since you're dead...\n\n
all you can do is restore a saved game or start over."
%message 15
"You have $%v90.00."
%message 16
"You don't have it."
%message 17
"Sorry, this is a real-time game!"
%message 18
"%m11%m100%v117 hours, %v116 minutes and %v115 seconds.\n"
%message 19
"%m11%m100%v116 minutes and %v115 seconds.\n"
%message 20
"You find your leisure suit very stylish, but empty."
%message 21 [ logfile message
"" [ No local."
%message 22
%message 23
"You have no need to take it."
%message 24
%message 25
"You might need it."
%message 26
%message 27
"Following your conviction for bestiality,
you spend the rest of your life in prison,
turning big rocks into little ones!"
%message 28
"\"You're welcome.\""
%message 29
"\"Same to you!\""
%message 30
"%v119:%v116|2:%v115|2 "
%message 31
%message 32
%message 33
%message 34
%message 35
%message 36
" speed."
%message 37
"Once you tasted it, you wouldn't want it!"
%message 38
"Without thinking, you down the entire bottle.
Hey, this stuff is ok!
Your breathing becomes heavy, and you're suddenly extremely horny!
You've just got to do something, and right NOW!\n\n
Hey, where's that cute, black dog?"
%message 39
"Wouldn't you rather just remain friends?"
%message 40
"Don't whine!"
%message 41
"Funny, no response."
%message 42
"It doesn't look interesting."
%message 43
"You see nothing special."
%message 44
"It's just as it appears."
%message 45
"How can you do that?"
%message 46
"It's of no use."
%message 47
"You don't need it."
%message 48
"There's no reason to take it."
%message 49
"Just walk there."
%message 50
"Oh, %w1, %w1, %w1! Doesn't anybody _____ anymore?"
%message 51
%message 52
"%m53 %w3?"
%message 53
"What would you do with the %w2"
%message 54
"How can you use that which you do not have?"
%message 55
"You're not close enough."
%message 56
"You already have it."
%message 57
%message 58
%message 59
"That comes later."
[ Menu functions are assigned to messages #60 - 99.
%message 60 "Sierra " [
%message 61 "About Larry" [
%message 62 "Help <F1>" [
%message 63 "-----------" [
%message 64 "Calculator " [
%message 65 "Puzzle " [
%message 66 "File " [
%message 67 "Save <F5>" [
%message 68 "Restore <F7>" [
%message 69 "-------------" [
%message 70 "Restart <F9>" [
[%message 69 "-------------" [
%message 71 "Quit <Alt-Z>" [
%message 72 "Action " [
%message 73 "Inventory <Tab>" [
%message 74 "See Object " [
%message 75 "Bodily Function " [
%message 76 "Special " [
%message 96 "Boss Key <Ctrl-B>" [
%message 77 "Sound On/Off <F2>" [
%message 78 "Graphics Mode <Ctrl-R>" [
%message 79 "Joystick <Ctrl-J>" [
%message 97 "Joystick/Mouse <Ctrl-J>" [
%message 80 "Clock On/Off " [
%message 81 "Pause Game " [
%message 82 "Speed " [
%message 83 "Normal " [
%message 84 "Slow " [
%message 85 "Fast " [
%message 86 "Fastest " [
[%message 69 "-------------" [
%message 87 "Change <F10>" [
[ %message 88 "Debug" [
[ %message 89 "Ego Info <Alt-E>" [
[ %message 90 "P-Screen <Alt-P>" [
[ %message 91 "Memory <Alt-M>" [
[ %message 92 "Obj Info <Alt-I>" [
[ %message 93 "X/Y Display " [
[ %message 94 "Get All Inventory" [
[ %message 95 "Inventory Numbers" [
%message 98 "" [
%message 99 "" [
%message 100
"\n\nYou've been playing for\n"
%message 101
"Psssft. Psssft."
%message 102
%message 103
"Yep, it's a door!"
%message 104
"Watch it, Larry. You're going to get your face slapped!"
%message 105
%message 106
Your thirst is gone, the bottle is empty, and your breath is revolting."
%message 107
"\"Hey, dork! You've got toilet paper stuck to your shoe!\""
%message 108
"\"Phew! You smell like a used fire hydrant!\""
%message 109
"Just a moment, please..."
%message 110
%message 111
"+ 2"
%message 112
%message 113
" 4"
%message 114
" This is about the extent of\n
your mathematical abilities."
%message 115
%message 116
"| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |"
%message 117
"| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |"
%message 118
"| 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |"
%message 119
"| 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |"
%message 120
%message 121
"How's this thing work, anyway?"
%message 122
"Enter function: "
%message 123
"You quickly turn around, %s11, and feel much better.
A hint of a smile crosses your lips."
%message 124
"Larry, the whole idea was to stop doing that!"
%message 125
"do nothing"
%message 126
"You talk to yourself, and find you already know what you're going to say."
%message 127
"Good idea. You carefully remove and dispose of it properly."
%message 128
"You nonchalantly scrape it off."
%message 129
"Oh, no! You are now penniless.
You hock your leisure suit,
and spend the rest of your life on skid row eating discarded fast food."
%message 130
"The rest of your story is too sad to tell.
Time for a little \"R & R,\" Larry -- Restart or Restore!"
%message 131
"It smells as bad as you imagined."
%message 132
"It's not for using; IT'S A JOKE!!"
%message 133
"Same to you, buddy!"
%message 134
"And %w1 %w2 you, too!"
%message 135
"Yeah, you probably would, too!"
%message 136
"Tsk, tsk."
%message 137
"Ok, but I don't usually do that!"
%message 138
"You press the button on the remote control and..."
%message 139
"...nothing happens."
%message 140
"Wearing the magic ring gives you powers far beyond those of..."
%message 141
"...Oops. Wrong game."
%message 142
"Pretty dramatic, eh?"
%message 143
"It smells good."
%message 144
"You can't. There's no key in this game!"
%message 145
"\"Eeeyow! Do something about that breath of yours!\""
%message 146
"" [ No lastLog."
%message 147
"\"Remember to buy more Sierra three-dimensional, graphic, adventure games!\""
%message 148
"You might want to read them."
%message 149
"Staring at the walls?"
%message 150
"Climbing the walls already?"
%message 151
"It just lies there, under your feet."
%message 152
Sierra On-Line, Inc.
(209) 683-6858"
%message 153
"It tastes delicious. But nothing happens."
%message 154
"Exactly how would you help?"
%message 155
"You'd better not. You might get your face slapped!"
%message 156
"You don't have one."
%message 157
"Your mouth tastes like the inside of a motorman's glove!"
%message 158
"Your breath smells like floor sweepings from a rendering plant."
%message 159
"Your breath is enough to take your breath away."
%message 160
"Your mouth tastes like the drippings from a marathon runner's sock."
%message 161
"It's still up there!"
%message 162
"It tastes delicious, but what about your acne?"
%message 163
%message 164
"There's no answer. Try opening it."
%message 165
"Ha, ha."
%message 166
"You find nothing."
%message 167
%message 168
"\"It's about time!!\""
%message 169
"Well, well. It looks like this month's issue is filled with intelligent,
literary articles with redeeming social value."
%message 170
"Since your breath sprayer is empty, you toss it away."
%message 171
"You used it all, remember."
%message 172
"No place in Lost Wages accepts credit cards from the
First National Bank of Libya."
%message 173
"Obviously, restraint is no problem for you, Larry."
%message 174
"\"Ha, ha!\""
%message 175
"There's no time!"
%message 176
"That's an idea; it's just not a good idea!"
%message 177
"OK, but now it's gone forever!"
%message 178
"\"Hey, thanks a lot!\""
%message 179
"But, now you'll NEVER get it back!"
%message 180
%message 181
%message 182
"You have no "
%message 183
%message 184
"No one wants that!"
%message 185
%message 186
"Pretty good company, eh?"
[ %message 187
[ ""
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[ ""
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[ ""
[ %message 190
[ ""
[ %message 191
[ ""
[ %message 192
[ ""
[ %message 193
[ ""
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[ ""
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[ ""
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[ ""
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[ ""
[ %message 198
[ ""
[ %message 199
[ ""