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2019-04-18 14:13:14 -07:00
[logics for room 17 -- rmHooker
[ "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards"
[ by Al Lowe
%include "rm17.msg"
%include "gamedefs.h"
[ "remove rubber", or get arrested when you go outside.
[ "look window" "go window" If go back down stairs, does
[pimp do anything?
#define HUMP_X 31
#define HUMP_Y 146
#define HUMP_TIME 20 [ seconds
#define L_MOUTH 0
#define L_EYES 1
%define hookerCycling lf0
%define smokeDone lf1
%define nearBed lf2
%define nearWindow lf3
%define egoOutWindow lf4
%define nearTable lf5
%define onStairs lf6
%define lookingAtCloseup lf7
%define windowOpen lf8
%define eyesBlinking lf9
%define mouthChewing lf10
%define egoNaked lf11
%define humpOver lf12
%define cutToCloseup lf13
%define cutToLongShot lf14
%define inFrontOfBed lf15
%define egoDressed lf16
%define humpTimer lv0
%define humpCycles lv1
%define hookerCycles lv2
%define mouthCycles lv3
%define eyeCycles lv4
%define closeupLineTimer lv5
%define action lv6
%object aHooker 1
%object aEyes 2
%object aMouth 3
%object aWindow 4
%object aCandy 5
if (initLog)
SetHorizon( 44);
picture = picHookerCloseup;
LoadPic( picture);
LoadPic( currentRoom);
DrawPic( currentRoom);
LoadView( vHooker);
LoadView( vHookerFace);
LoadView( vHookerWindow);
LoadView( vEgoWithHooker);
LoadView( vEgoUndressing);
LoadView( vEgoLeavingWindow);
LoadView( vCandy);
if (ObjInRoom( iCandy, currentRoom))
AnimateObj( aCandy);
SetView( aCandy, vCandy);
Position( aCandy, 135, 137);
Draw( aCandy);
StopUpdate( aCandy);
AnimateObj( aMouth);
SetView( aMouth, vHookerFace);
SetLoop( aMouth, L_MOUTH);
SetCel( aMouth, 0);
Position( aMouth, 56, 86);
AnimateObj( aEyes);
IgnoreHorizon( aEyes);
SetView( aEyes, vHookerFace);
SetLoop( aEyes, L_EYES);
SetCel( aEyes, 0);
Position( aEyes, 50, 42);
CycleTime( aEyes, three);
StopCycling( aEyes);
AnimateObj( aHooker);
IgnoreHorizon( aHooker);
IgnoreBlocks( aHooker);
IgnoreObjs( aHooker);
SetView( aHooker, vHooker);
if (!scoredHooker)
Position( aHooker, 23, 131);
SetLoop( aHooker, L_BEFORE_HUMPING);
Position( aHooker, 14, 131);
SetLoop( aHooker, L_AFTER_HUMPING);
SetCel( aHooker, 0);
Draw( aHooker);
StopCycling( aHooker);
AnimateObj( aWindow);
IgnoreBlocks( aWindow);
IgnoreObjs( aWindow);
SetView( aWindow, vHookerWindow);
SetPriority( aWindow, 5);
if (hookerWindowOpen)
LastCel( aWindow, work);
SetCelV( aWindow, work);
SetCel( aWindow, 0);
Position( aWindow, 129, 100);
Draw( aWindow);
CycleTime( aWindow, three);
StopUpdate( aWindow);
if (previousRoom == rmAlley)
egoX = 123;
egoY = 126;
Set( onStairs);
SetPriority( ego, 9);
Set( ignoreSpecial);
ObserveBlocks( ego);
egoX = 54;
egoY = 116;
SetLoop( ego, FACING_LEFT);
PositionV( ego, egoX, egoY);
Draw( ego);
ShowPic( );
Random( 44, 111, hookerCycles);
Return( );
} [ end initLOG
if (onWater) [ P3 water is the divider between
{ [ stairs and room.
if ((egoDir == EGO_DOWN ||
egoDir == EGO_DOWN_LEFT ||
egoDir == EGO_DOWN_RIGHT))
Reset( onStairs);
Set( onStairs);
if (onStairs) [ He's in the hole (of stairwell).
SetPriority( ego, 9);
Set( ignoreSpecial);
ObserveBlocks( ego);
if (currentStatus == NORMAL) [ He's walkin' around the room.
ReleasePriority( ego);
IgnoreBlocks( ego);
Reset( ignoreSpecial);
if (hitSpecial) [ Bounce him back to where he was
{ [ last frame, if he tries to
Reset( hitSpecial); [ walk through the railing.
RepositionToV( ego, oldEgoX, oldEgoY);
StartMotion( ego);
Reset( inFrontOfBed);
if (Posn( ego, 11, 144, 48, 151))
Set( inFrontOfBed);
Set( nearPerson);
Reset( nearBed);
if (Posn( ego, 11, 127, 48, 151))
Set( nearBed);
Set( nearPerson);
Reset( nearWindow);
if (Posn( ego, 116, 118, 137, 139))
Set( nearWindow);
Reset( nearTable);
if (Posn( ego, 124, 138, 139, 155))
Set( nearTable);
if (!haveInput) {goto noInput;}
if ((Said( look) ||
Said( look, wall) ||
Said( look, room)))
Print( 1);
Print( 19);
Print( 38);
if ((Said( look, window) ||
Said( look, out, window)))
Print( 29);
if (Said( look, radiator, rol))
Print( 32);
if (Said( turn, on, radiator))
Print( 35);
if ((Said( use, hammer, on, radiator) ||
Said( hit, radiator, with, hammer) ||
Said( hit, radiator, hammer) ||
Said( hammer, radiator)))
if (!Has( iHammer))
Set( dontHaveIt);
Print( 43);
if ((Said( talk, girl) ||
Said( talk, pussy)))
if (!scoredHooker)
Print( 20);
Print( 21);
Print( 22);
if ((Said( kiss, girl) ||
Said( anyword, boob) ||
Said( anyword, ass) ||
Said( anyword, dirty$word) ||
Said( dirty$word, anyword) ||
Said( cunnilingus, rol)))
if (!nearBed)
Set( notCloseEnough);
Print( 31);
if (Said( look, light))
Print( 33);
if (Said( look, under, rol))
Print( 34);
if (Said( look, table))
if (ObjInRoom( iCandy, currentRoom))
Print( 4);
Print( 16);
if (Said( move, table))
if (!nearTable)
Set( notCloseEnough);
Print( 44);
if ((Said( look, candy) ||
Said( look, box, candy) ||
Said( look, box)))
if (!ObjInRoom( iCandy, currentRoom))
Reset( haveMatch);
if (!nearTable)
Set( notCloseEnough);
Print( 4);
if ((Said( take, candy) ||
Said( take, box, candy) ||
Said( take, box) ||
Said( take, piece, candy) ||
Said( take, piece, candy, from, box) ||
Said( take, piece, candy, box) ||
Said( take, box) ||
Said( take, candy, table)))
if (!nearTable)
Set( notCloseEnough);
if (!ObjInRoom( iCandy, currentRoom))
Set( alreadyGotIt);
action = 1;
if (!Has( iCandy) &&
(Said( use, candy, rol) ||
Said( open, box, rol) ||
Said( open, candy, rol) ||
Said( use, anyword, candy, rol) ||
Said( eat, anyword, candy, rol) ||
Said( eat, candy, rol)))
Set( dontHaveIt);
if ((Said( look, girl) ||
Said( look, pussy) ||
Said( look, bed)))
if (scoredHooker)
Print( 10);
if (currentStatus == NAKED)
Print( 46);
Set( cutToCloseup);
if ((Said( look, under, pillow) ||
Said( lift, pillow)))
Print( 39);
if (Said( take, pillow))
Print( 40);
if (Said( tie, rope, rol))
if (!Has( iRope))
Set( dontHaveIt);
Print( 45);
if (Said( smell, rol))
Print( 6);
if ((Said( lick, pussy) ||
Said( eat, girl)))
if (!nearBed)
Print( 7);
Print( 8);
Erase( ego);
Set( certainDeath);
if ((Said( blow, me) ||
Said( give, head)))
if (!nearBed)
Print( 7);
Print( 24);
Set( handsOff);
Erase( ego);
Set( certainDeath);
if ((Said( open, window) ||
Said( raise, window)))
if (!nearWindow)
Set( notCloseEnough);
if (hookerWindowOpen)
Print( 12);
action = 2;
if ((Said( close, window) ||
Said( lower, window)))
if (!nearWindow)
Set( notCloseEnough);
Print( 13);
if ((Said( enter, window) ||
Said( go, back) ||
Said( jump, out, window) ||
Said( jump, out) ||
Said( climb, out, window) ||
Said( leave, room) ||
Said( climb, window) ||
Said( climb, out) ||
Said( climb, out, on, railing) ||
Said( climb, out, railing) ||
Said( climb, on, railing) ||
Said( climb, railing) ||
Said( go, out, on, railing) ||
Said( go, out, railing) ||
Said( go, on, railing) ||
Said( go, railing) ||
Said( go, out, window) ||
Said( go, window)))
if (!nearWindow)
Set( notCloseEnough);
if (!hookerWindowOpen)
Print( 14);
action = 3;
if ((Said( get, naked) ||
Said( drop, pants) ||
Said( take, clothes, off) ||
Said( remove, clothes) ||
Said( strip) ||
Said( strip, naked) ||
Said( remove, clothes, climb, bed)))
if (!nearBed)
Set( notCloseEnough);
if (!inFrontOfBed)
Print( 28);
if (scoredHooker)
Print( 9);
if (currentStatus == NAKED)
Print( 41);
action = 4;
if ((Said( get, dressed) ||
Said( wear, pants) ||
Said( put$on, clothes) ||
Said( put, clothes, on) ||
Said( wear, clothes) ||
Said( dress) ||
Said( dress, clothes)))
if (currentStatus != NAKED)
Reset( haveMatch);
action = 6;
if ((Said( take, underwear) ||
Said( wear, underwear) ||
Said( wear, underwear, from, line) ||
Said( wear, underwear, off, line) ||
Said( take, underwear, from, line) ||
Said( take, underwear, off, line)))
Print( 23);
if ((Said( look, line) ||
Said( look, rope) ||
Said( look, underwear, rol)))
Print( 30);
if ((Said( take, line) ||
Said( cut, line, rol) ||
Said( pull, rope) ||
Said( untie, rope) ||
Said( pull, line) ||
Said( untie, line) ||
Said( cut, rope, rol) ||
Said( take, rope)))
Print( 37);
if ((Said( hump, girl) ||
Said( hump, pussy) ||
Said( sleep, girl) ||
Said( hump) ||
Said( go, bed) ||
Said( get, on, bed) ||
Said( get, bed) ||
Said( lie, on, bed) ||
Said( lie, bed) ||
Said( climb, on)))
if (currentStatus != NAKED)
Print( 42);
action = 7;
if ((Said( use, rubber) ||
Said( wear, rubber)))
if (!Has( iRubber))
Set( dontHaveIt);
if (wearingRubber)
Print( 3);
if (scoredHooker)
Print( 26);
if (currentStatus != NAKED)
Print( 42);
action = 5;
if (cutToCloseup)
Reset( cutToCloseup);
Set( lookingAtCloseup);
Set( handsOff);
UnanimateAll(); [ This command requires afterwards:
[ start.update();
[ start.motion();
[ start.cycling();
[ normal.cycle();
[ observe.blocks();
[ observe.horizon();
[ obj.on.anything();
[ release.priority();
[ release.loop();
[ observe.objects();
DrawPic( picture);
AnimateObj( aMouth);
SetPriority( aMouth, 4);
if (mouthOK)
SetCel( aMouth, 1); [ smile
eyeCycles = 22;
mouthCycles = 11;
SetCel( aMouth, 2); [ frown
Draw( aMouth);
StopCycling( aMouth); [ timer may start it soon.
AnimateObj( aEyes);
IgnoreHorizon( aEyes);
SetCel( aEyes, NORMAL);
SetPriority( aEyes, 5);
Draw( aEyes);
CycleTime( aEyes, two);
StopCycling( aEyes);
closeupLineTimer = 9;
if (cutToLongShot)
Reset( cutToLongShot);
Reset( lookingAtCloseup);
Reset( handsOff);
eyeCycles = 0;
mouthCycles = 0;
closeupLineTimer = 0;
DrawPic( currentRoom);
AnimateObj( aHooker);
IgnoreHorizon( aHooker);
IgnoreBlocks( aHooker);
IgnoreObjs( aHooker);
Draw( aHooker);
StopCycling( aHooker);
AnimateObj( ego);
Draw( ego);
if (ObjInRoom( iCandy, currentRoom))
AnimateObj( aCandy);
Draw( aCandy);
StopUpdate( aCandy);
AnimateObj( aWindow);
IgnoreBlocks( aWindow);
IgnoreObjs( aWindow);
SetPriority( aWindow, 5);
Draw( aWindow);
CycleTime( aWindow, three);
StopUpdate( aWindow);
if (egoNaked)
Reset( egoNaked);
currentStatus = NAKED;
StopMotion( ego);
Reset( keepCycling);
Set( programControl);
if (egoDressed)
Reset( egoDressed);
currentStatus = NORMAL;
StartMotion( ego);
SetView( ego, vEgo);
CycleTime( ego, one);
Reset( keepCycling);
Reset( programControl);
if (humpCycles == 1 &&
currentStatus == HUMPING_HOOKER)
Random( 5, 15, humpCycles);
Random( 0, 4, work);
CycleTime( ego, work);
if (aSecondPassed)
if (closeupLineTimer == 1 &&
Set( cutToLongShot);
if (mouthOK)
Print( 18);
Print( 17);
if (humpTimer == 1)
SetView( ego, vEgoUndressing);
LastCel( ego, work);
SetCelV( ego, work);
RepositionTo( ego, HUMP_X, HUMP_Y);
ReleasePriority( ego);
Set( keepCycling);
CycleTime( ego, three);
BeginningOfLoop( ego, humpOver);
Position( aHooker, 14, 131);
SetLoop( aHooker, L_AFTER_HUMPING);
Draw( aHooker);
if (humpOver)
Reset( humpOver);
SetView( ego, vEgo);
Reset( keepCycling);
StartMotion( ego);
Reset( programControl);
CycleTime( ego, one);
Set( scoredHooker);
currentScore += 11;
currentStatus = NORMAL;
animationInterval = oldAnimationInterval;
Random( 11, 22, hookerCycles);
Print( 5);
if (wearingRubber)
Print( 11);
Set( diedOfTheClap);
if (eyeCycles == 1)
Toggle( eyesBlinking);
if (eyesBlinking)
StartCycling( aEyes);
Random( 6, 16, eyeCycles);
StopCycling( aEyes);
SetCel( aEyes, 0);
ForceUpdate( aEyes);
Random( 22, 33, eyeCycles);
if (mouthCycles == 1)
Toggle( mouthChewing);
if (mouthChewing)
StartCycling( aMouth);
Random( 26, 56, mouthCycles);
StopCycling( aMouth);
SetCel( aMouth, 0);
Random( 7, 17, mouthCycles);
if (hookerCycles == 1)
Toggle( hookerCycling);
if (hookerCycling)
StartCycling( aHooker);
StopCycling( aHooker);
if (scoredHooker)
Random( 44, 66, hookerCycles);
EndOfLoop( aHooker, smokeDone);
Random( 11, 22, hookerCycles);
if (smokeDone)
Reset( smokeDone);
Reset( hookerCycling);
StopCycling( aHooker);
SetCel( aHooker, 0);
if (windowOpen)
Reset( windowOpen);
StopCycling( aWindow);
StopUpdate( aWindow);
Set( hookerWindowOpen);
if (action)
if (action == 1)
Set( OK);
Get( iCandy);
currentScore += 2;
StartUpdate( aCandy);
Erase( aCandy);
if (action == 2)
Set( OK);
StartUpdate( aWindow);
EndOfLoop( aWindow, windowOpen);
if (action == 3)
currentStatus = LEAVING_WINDOW;
SetView( ego, vEgoLeavingWindow);
SetCel( ego, 0);
SetPriority( ego, 15);
RepositionTo( ego, 125, 125);
CycleTime( ego, three);
StopMotion( ego);
Set( programControl);
Set( keepCycling);
EndOfLoop( ego, egoOutWindow);
if (action == 4)
StopMotion( ego);
SetView( ego, vEgoUndressing);
SetCel( ego, 0);
CycleTime( ego, three);
Set( keepCycling);
EndOfLoop( ego, egoNaked);
if (action == 5)
Print( 2);
Set( wearingRubber);
Drop( iRubber);
Get( iUsedRubber);
if (!wornRubber)
Set( wornRubber);
currentScore += 10;
if (action == 6)
SetView( ego, vEgoUndressing);
LastCel( ego, work);
SetCelV( ego, work);
CycleTime( ego, three);
Set( keepCycling);
BeginningOfLoop( ego, egoDressed);
if (action == 7)
currentStatus = HUMPING_HOOKER;
humpTimer = HUMP_TIME;
Random( 25, 45, humpCycles);
oldAnimationInterval = animationInterval;
animationInterval = FASTEST_SPEED;
SetView( ego, vEgoWithHooker);
RepositionTo( ego, 15, 130);
SetPriority( ego, 15);
Set( keepCycling);
StopMotion( ego);
Set( programControl);
Erase( aHooker);
Set( smokeDone); [ setcel, stopcycling, etc.
action = 0;
:exit [ test for leaving the room
if (onStairs &&
posn( ego, 66, 132, 70, 133))
newRoom = rmBackroom;
if (egoOutWindow)
currentEgoView = NORMAL;
newRoom = rmAlley;