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2019-04-18 14:13:14 -07:00
[messages for room 10 -- rmTaxi
[ "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards"
[ by Al Lowe
%message 1
"The cabbie snarls a \"Where to, buddy?\" as he swings the meter flag down."
%message 2
"\"Lookin' for action, eh? Dis town is full of it.
We gotta disco that's usually full of foxes this time of night.
Den dere's the casino, next to the all-night weddin' chapel.
And we gotta lovely bar, but you've been dere.
Me, I like da convenience store next to da disco,
but of course, that's just personal preference.\""
%message 3
"\"It won't take us long to get back dere,
but I'll have to circle 'round da block.\""
%message 4
"\"Well, here we are, buddy. That'll be $%v200.00.\""
%message 5
"\"So, wadda we gonna do, buddy?
Ya just gonna sit here all night?
I gotta earn a livin' too, ya know!\""
%message 6
"\"Why don'cha wait'll we git there, buddy?\""
%message 7
"\"Sorry, but the meter's runnin'. Where ja wanna go?\""
%message 8
"\"Thanks, buddy. Maybe I'll see ya again sometime!\""
%message 9
"\"Waddaya tryin' to do, peahead!
You're not gonna stiff me, and get away with it!\""
%message 10
"You wish you hadn't.
Mr. America, he ain't.
His strongest feature seems to be his odor!"
%message 11
"He wonders why you keep looking at him,
and flashes a coy little smile back at you in the mirror.
Your stomach turns, and not from the ride!"
%message 12
"The driver looks at you and says,
\"Hey! What's that you got? Wine?\"
He grabs your bottle of wine, and guzzles it down!"
%message 13
"\"Ok, but it'll cost ja extra!\""
%message 14
"\"Waddaya mean, 'no money!!'\" snarls the driver.
\"Step outside my office, chump!\""
%message 15
"\"Ok. You got it, Mac!\""
%message 16
"Hang on, Larry. He's swerving all over the road!"
%message 17
"Whew! You're glad to get out of here."
%message 18
"It seems a bridge abutment has brought your game to a sudden stop!
Remember, Larry: \"Friends don't let cabbies drive drunk!\""
%message 19
"\"I'm sorry, but it's against my personal philosophy to accept a gratuity!\""
%message 20
"Sheepishly, you apologize to the cabbie for not carrying enough money
to pay for the ride."
%message 21
"\"So? Are ya gonna get outta my cab, or not??
Thanks for da business, but I didn't want ta make no career outta this!\""
%message 22
"\"So? Are ya gonna pay up, or do I have ta get rough with cha??\""
%message 23
"It seems to be running a little fast, but then, this is an expensive town!"
%message 24
"You wonder if cab companies have full-time employees to make these floors
%message 25
"Even the ceiling's grungy."
%message 26
"\"Ok, buddy,\" says the cabbie. \"But why would cha wanna go there?\""
%message 27
"He sure drives fast, doesn't he?"
%message 28
"\"Nope. Next time, make up your mind before ya gets in da cab!\""