
767 lines
15 KiB

B>type powerup.asm
.title "Powerup tests"
.sbttl "FRENZY"
.ident POWERUP
; power up tests
.insert EQUS
; locations NMIflg are scratch flags. they are cleared by the game
; when it starts up. NMIflg is used to select which nmi routine to run.
%Zero == .
nop ;this must be here for the sound processor
di ;this is a good idea.
xra a
; test vfb signature analysis dip
in DIP1 ;bottom dip bank
bit 0,A
jnz VFBSA ;do vfb signature analysis if switch one closed
bit 2,A
bit 3,A
lxi x,ROMTST
jmpr D2
.define PCALL[ADR]=[
lxi x,.+4+3
jmp ADR
ROMNUM: .byte 4 ;number of roms (not including utility)
RAMST: .word BatteryRAM ;start of battery backup ram
RAMS12: .word Credits-BatteryRAM-2 ;length of battery backup ram
; flash LED ring bell
D0: lxi b,00 ;delay
DEL1: dcr c
jrnz DEL1
djnz DEL1
D1: in 66H ;led on
D2: mvi A,1 ;tone on
lxi b,0141H
lxi d,8247H
D3: OUTP B ; 01 to 41 or 51
dcr c
OUTP D ; 82 to 40 or 50
inr c
inr c
OUTP B ; 01 to 42 or 52
inr c
OUTP B ; 01 to 43 or 53
inr c
inr c
inr c
OUTP E ; 47 to 46 or 56
mvi C,51H
dcr a
jrz D3
lxi b,00 ;delay
DEL2: dcr c
jrnz DEL2
djnz DEL2
in 67H ;led off
xra a
out 40H ;tone off
out 50H ;tone off
; place nmi in here
.blkb 66h-(.-%Zero)
.ifn (.-%Zero)-66h,[.error /NMI Address/]
push psw ;don't change this without fixing nmi in file main
lda NMIflg
ora a
jnz NMIADD ; do test nmi
; pop psw ;done in nmi
jmp NMI
; ROM test
;this routine reads romnum from the first game rom.
;it tests the checksum in the first romnum game roms and flags an error
;if there is one. It checks the remaining game roms to see if they contain
;any zeros. if a rom does, it tests its checksum and flags an error if
;there is one. it tests the checksum of the utility rom and flags an error
;if necessary. If I=1 it goes to scrram if no error and to exclp if an error.
;e will equal
;1 error in game rom 6 [C000-Cfff]
;2 5 [3000-3Fff]
;3 3 [2000-2Fff]
;4 1 [1000-1Fff]
;80 error in utility rom [0-Fff]
;if i = 0 and there is an error it will halt if no error it will go to romrtn.
ROMTST:: mvi E,4
lxi x,1000H
ROM1: lxi b,1000H ;bc = 4096
mvi H,0 ;h = 0
mvi L,0FFH ;l = ff
ROM2: mov a,0(x) ;a = [ix]
mov d,a
ana l
mov l,a ;l = l and a
mov a,d
add H
mov h,a ;h = h + a
inx x ;ix = ix + 1
dcr c
jrnz ROM2
djnz ROM2 ;loop 2048 times
cpi 0FFH ;bad system rom
jrz ROM5
mov a,E
JNZ ..
LXI X,0C000H
..: ora a
jp ROM3 ;jmp if testing system rom
mov a,l ;test for empty socket
inr a
jrz ROM4 ;jmp to rom4 if l = ff
; mvi A,0FFH
mov a,e ;get rom number
cmp h ;xsum = romnum?
jrnz ROM5 ;jmp to rom5 if checksum <> ff
ROM4: mov a,e ;here if chksm = ff or empty socket
rlcr A ;contains all zeros
jc ROMRTN ;to romrtn if e = 80
dcr e ;e = e - 1
jrnz ROM1 ;to rom1 if e <> 0
ana a
jnz SCRRAM ;jump to scrram if in sa
lxi x,0 ;ix = 0
mvi E,080H ;e = 80h
jmpr ROM1 ;to rom1 to start new rom
ROM5: ldai ;here if checksum error
ana a
jnz EXCLP ;to exclp if in sa
CKTRAP:: ;halt if in powerup (cksum error)
jmpr . ;hang in the real system
ROMRTN: PCALL D0 ;in power up, ring bell & led
BYTE1:: .byte 0
; zpu sa loop
ZPUSA: mvi A,1
stai ;i = 1
; you get here by restarting with the sae connector in the test position
; .loc 100H
.blkb 100h-(.-%Zero)
.ifn (.-%Zero)-100h,[.error /100 Address/]
jmpr ZPUSA
; sa error execution loop
; e = one of the following numbers upon entering this routine
;e = 20 no ram or rom errors - - sa = 0
;e = 1 rom error 3800-3fff
;e = 2 rom error 3000-37ff
;e = 3 " " 2800-2fff
;e = 4 " " 2000-27ff
;e = 5 " " 1800-1fff - - sa = 5220 VCC = 8A02
;e = 6 " " 1000-17ff
;e = 10 ram error both nibbles - - sa = 6u6f
;e = 11 ram error low nibble - - sa = fa6p
;e = 12 ram error high nibble - - sa = ufp4
;the routine will loop forever and a signature corresponding
;to the value of e can be read on a13 with the rising edge of
; 0 as the clock and a15 as the start/stop signal
EXCLP: lxi b,08C0H
lxi h,0H
mvi D,8
RDLP: mov a,m ;read once from each rom and
dad b ;ram chip, write to ram chips
xra a
sta 1000H
dcr d
jrnz RDLP
mvi C,7FH ;c = 7f
mvi D,20H
INPLP: mov a,e
ani 20H
mov b,a ;b = e and 20h
inp A ;input w.bit 5 of e on a13
rrcr E ;rotate e right
dcr c ;c = c - 1
dcr d
jrnz INPLP ;do it for c=7f to 60(ports on zpu board)
mvi A,80H
lxi b,8057H
dcr b
dcr c
rrcr A
jrnc OUTLP
mvi C,47H
dcr c
rrcr A
jrnc OUTLP1
jmpr EXCLP
; scratch ram test
;this routine tests the scratchpad ram, starting at location ramst,
;and going to location ramst+rams12-1. ramst and rams12 are read from
;the first game rom. If I=1 then you are in sa and the routine goes
;to exclp with e = 20h if no errors, e = 12 if only errors in bits 4-7,
;e = 11 if only errors in bits 0 - 3, or e=10 if errors in both.
;if i = 0 then you are in game power up routine and it will halt if
;there are errors or go to ramt if no errors.
lbcd RAMS12
SCR1: mvi M,55H ;fill ram with 55 s
dcx h
cci ;bc = bc - 1
jpo SCR2 ;jump if bc=0
inx h ;hl = hl + 1
jmpr SCR1 ;loop
SCR2: mvi D,0AAH
lxi sp,0FFFFH
SCR3: lbcd RAMS12 ;bc = rams12
SCR4: mov a,d
cma ;a = invert d
xra m
jrnz SCRERR ;jump if error
mov m,d ;[hl] = d
dcx h
cci ;bc = bc - 1
jpe SCR6 ;jump if bc <> 0
mov a,d
cpi 55H
jrz SCR5 ;to scr5 if d = 55h
lxi sp,1H ;sp = 1
mvi D,55H ;d = 55
jmpr SCR3
SCR6: dad sp ;hl = hl + sp
jmpr SCR4
SCRERR: mov d,a
rrcr A
jrc SCR7 ;jump if in sa
hlt ;halt if in power up
SCR7: mvi E,12H
mov a,d
ani 0FH ;test for error in low nibble
jz EXCLP ;jmp w. e = 12 if no error
dcr e
mov a,d
ani 0F0H ;test for error in high nibble
jz EXCLP ;jump w. e = 11 if no error
dcr e
jmp EXCLP ;jump w. e=10 if error in both
SCR5: ldai
rrcr A
mvi E,20H
jnc RAMT ;to ramt if in game powerup
; report ram errors Part of RAMTST
; bc=error bits
ERROR: lxi h,TABLE ;of screen addresses
lxi d,1 ; test bit
CHECK: mov a,b ; bad ram bit?
ana d
jnz PLOT
mov a,c ; bad ram2 bit
ana e
jmp PLOT
RET1: xchg
dad h ; shift test bit
lxi d,4000H ; wait value
..wt: dcr e
mov a,0(y) ; waste time
jnz ..wt
dcr d
jnz ..wt
jmp RAMT2
; plot bad dips
PLOT: exaf ; save whether good or bad
mov a,m ; get screen address word
inx h
mov l,a
mov a,m
inx h
mov h,a
lxi d,32-1 ; offset to next line
mvi B,3 ; number of notch lines
exaf ; bad/good flag
ZORK: ora a
jrz GOOD1
mvi M,0FCH ; half of ic
inx h
mvi M,03FH ; second half
jmpr ON1
GOOD1: mvi M,84H ; first 1/2
inx h
mvi M,21H ; second 1/2
ON1: dad d ; goto next line
djnz ZORK
mvi B,36 ; lines of body of ic
ZAP: ora a
jrz GOOD2
mvi M,0FFH
inx h
mvi M,0FFH
jmpr ON2
GOOD2: mvi M,80H
inx h
mvi M,01H
ON2: dad d
djnz ZAP
jmp ret1
;vfb signature analysis routine
;you get here by resetting with switch one of dip switch chip #26 closed
; .loc 01fcH
.blkb 1fch-(.-%Zero)
.ifn (.-%Zero)-1fch,[.error /1FC TITAB Address/]
TITAB: .word INTADD ;general interupts
.word BADINT ;general interupts with a bit stuck
VFBSA: lxi b,1048H
inp A ;in from 48
inr c
inp A ;in from 49
inr c
inp A ;in from 4a
inr c
inr c
inp A ;in from 4c
inr c
inp A ;in from 4d
inr c
inp A ;in from 4e
inr c
mvi A,1
OUTP A ;out 01 to 4f
lxi b,0048H
inp A ;in from 48
inr c
inp A ;in from 49
inr c
inp A ;in from 4a
;this routine fully exercises the shifter,flopper, and intercept logic
;1.75 msec
lxi h,5000H
lxi d,7000H
mvi B,10H
VSA2: mov a,b
dcr a ;a = b - 1
out 4BH ;output a to magic reg
mvi A,80H
VSA3: mov m,a ;write a to 5000h
stax d ;write a to 7000h
mov c,m
rrcr A
jrnc VSA3 ;loop 8 times
xra a
in 4EH ;input from intercept
mvi A,08H
sta 5000H
sta 7000H
xra a
in 4EH
inx h
inx d
djnz VSA2 ;loop 16 times
;this routine exercises all address bits to the ram and writes a pattern
;which can sa'ed at the serial video output
;228 usec
mvi B,0DH ;b = 13
lxi d,0A000H
lxi h,05FFEH
mvi A,80H ;a = 80
VSA1: dcr h
mov m,a ;[hl] = a write to ram
mov c,m ;c = [hl] read it back
inr h
ralr L
ralr H
dad d
rrcr A ;rotate a right
djnz VSA1 ;loop 13 times
; fill bs color ram
lxi h,1111H
lxi d,1111H
lxi sp,8800H
mvi C,16
BS1: mvi B,16
BS2: push h
push h
push h
push h
djnz BS2
dad d
pop psw
dcx sp
dcx sp
dcr c
jrnz BS1
in 4CH ;turn on nmi
xra a
in 4EH ;input interrupt feedback
xra a
in DIP1
VSA6: jrz VSA6 ;loop if not to do full test
;here to do full alu test
;you get here by closing switches 1,2 of dip switch pack 1
lxi h,5000H
lxi d,7000H
mvi A,0F0H
stai ;i = f0h
VSA10: lxi b,004BH
OUTP A ;output to magic reg
mvi C,0
VSA11: mov a,c
mov m,b ;write b to 5000h
stax d ;write c,a to 7000h
mov c,b
mov b,m ;read back from 5000h
mov b,a
ora c
jrnz VSA11
sui 10H
stai ;i = i - 16
jrnz VSA10 ;loop if i >= 0
VSA12: jmpr VSA12
; official vfb ram test
RAMT: PCALL D0 ;ring bell & led
RAMT2: lxi h,5FFFH
lxi d,0
lxi b,0 ;clear error bits
lxi h,4000H ;start of ram
PCALL CELL.T ;test data lines
;do up down testing for address line problems
lxi h,4000H
lxi d,0055H
lxi h,5FFFH
lxi d,55AAH
lxi h,4000H
lxi d,0AAFFH
lxi h,5FFFH
lxi d,0FF00H
mov a,c
ora b
PCALL D0 ;ring bell & led
;do color ram testing
lxi h,87FFH
lxi d,0
lxi b,0 ;clear error bits
lxi h,8000H ;start of 1kx4 ram
PCALL CELL.T ;test data lines
lxi h,8400H ;start of 1kx4 ram
PCALL CELL.T ;test data lines
;do up down testing for address line problems
lxi h,8000H
lxi d,0055H
lxi h,87FFH
lxi d,55AAH
lxi h,8000H
lxi d,0AAFFH
lxi h,87FFH
lxi d,0FF00H
mov a,c
ora b
..err: jnz ..err
lxi x,SHFTST ;ring bell & led
jmp D0
; cell test for data line problems
CELL.T: mvi D,0 ; test value
C.LOOP: mov m,d ; write test value
mov a,m ; read back
xra d ; check for bad bits
ora b ; add old bad bits
mov b,a ; save error bits
inx h ; test bank2
mov m,d
mov a,m
xra d
ora c
mov c,a
dcx h
dcr d ; new test value
jnz C.LOOP
mvi M,0
inx h
mvi M,0
; up down test for addressing problems
UPDN2: exx
lxi b,800H
jmpr UPDN3
UPDN: exx
lxi b,2000H ; length of screen
UPDN3: exx
D.LOOP: mov a,m ; read old value
xra d ; set error bits
ora b ; add old errors
mov b,a ; save errors
mov m,e ; store new value
mov a,m ; test now
xra e ; check
ora b ; save errors
mov b,a
bit 0,E ; test direction
jnz UP
dcx h
; ld a,<dec hl> for timing considerations
.byte 3Eh ; mvi a,next byte
UP: inx h
mov a,b ; swap b:c
mov b,c
mov c,a
dcr c
jnz D.E
dcr b
D.E: exx
jmp D.LOOP
DONE: exx
mov a,b ; swap b:c
mov b,c
mov c,a
; table of ic locations
; arranged by bit number
; odd bank first
.define XY[PAR1,PAR2]=[
.word PAR1+PAR2+4400H
C1 == 9 ;column xs
C2 == C1+4
C3 == C2+4
C4 == C3+4
R1 == 0 ;row ys
R2 == 50*32
R3 == 100*32
R4 == 150*32
TABLE: XY C2,R3 ;o0
XY C2,R2 ;o1
XY C2,R1 ;o2
XY C2,R4 ;o3
XY C4,R1 ;o4
XY C4,R2 ;o5
XY C4,R3 ;o6
XY C4,R4 ;o7
XY C1,R3 ;e0
XY C1,R2 ;e1
XY C1,R1 ;e2
XY C1,R4 ;e3
XY C3,R1 ;e4
XY C3,R2 ;e5
XY C3,R3 ;e6
XY C3,R4 ;e7
;this routine loops forever if there is an
;error in the shifter or flopper
;if no error it turns on the led and
;tone for 1/4 second then turns them off
;and goes to alutst
SHFTST: lxi h,6000H ;magic ram address
mvi D,01H ;shift bit pattern
SHFT6: mov b,d ;b=shift bit pattern
xra a
mov c,a ;c=
mov e,a ;e=expected value
stai ;i= magic value
SHFT5: ldai
out 4BH ;magic register = i
mvi M,0FFH ;prime HI
mov m,d ;6000h = d
mvi M,0 ;6000h = 0
mov a,m ;get result
cmp e ;compare to expected
jrnz . ;error-loop forever
ldai ;get magic value
inr a ;inc the shift
stai ;store magic
cpi 10H ;compare to legal range
jrnz SHFT1 ;jump if .ne. 16
ralr D ;rotate left the bit pattern
jrnc SHFT6 ; so try all patterns of one bit
lxi x,ALUTST ;go to next test
jmp D0 ;delay, then to alutst
SHFT1: mov a,c ;rotate bc right
rarr A
rarr B ;bit pattern
rarr C
mov e,c ;e = c
ldai ;check if floping
cpi 8 ;8=flop
jrc SHFT5 ;if i<8 to shft5
mvi A,8 ;this routine sets
SHFT4: rrcr B ;e = b flop
ralr E ;does not affect b
dcr a
jrnz SHFT4
jmpr SHFT5
;this routine loops forever if there is an
;error in the alu or interrcept logic
;if no error it turns on the led and
;tone for 1/4 second then turns them off
;and goes to inttst
ALUTST: mvi E,0
lxi x,ALUSIM ;ix = alusim
lxi h,6000H ;hl = 6000
lxi b,0101H ;bc = 0101
ALU2: mov a,e
out 4BH ;e to magic reg
mov a,b
sta 4000H ;4000h = b
mov m,c ;6000h = c
mov a,c
pcix ;simulate the alu
ALURET: xra m ;xor simulation with [hl]
jrnz . ;loop if not equal
mov m,a ;(6000h) = 0
mov a,b
ana c
jrz ALU1
mvi A,80H
ALU1: mov d,a ;simulated intercept in bit 7 of d
in 4EH
xra d
jrc . ;loop if intercept error
rlcr B ;rotate b and try again
jrnc ALU2
rlcr C ;rotate c and try again
jrnc ALU2
inx x
inx x
inx x
mvi A,10H ;update alu function
add E
mov e,a
jrnc ALU2
lxi x,INTTST
jmp D0 ;delay then to inttst
ALUOR: ora b ;1,a or b
cma ;2, (a + not(b)) , not(not(a) and +b)
xra a ;3, 1
ALUAN: ana b ;4, a and b
mov a,b ;5, b
xra b ;6,not(a eor b)
cma ;7, not(a) or b
jmpr ALUOR
cma ;8, (a and not(b)), not(not(a) or b)
xra b ;9, a eor b
mov a,b ;10, not(b)
ALUANC: ana b ;11, not(a and b)
xra a ;12, 0
cma ;13, not(a) and b
jmpr ALUAN
ALUORC: ora b ;14, not(a or b)
ALUCMP: cma ;15, not(a)
;this routine loops forever if interupts or
;nmi does not work properly. if they are
;ok it turns the led and tone on for 1/4 second
;then turns them off and goes to gamst
IM2 ;mode 2
mvi A,01 ;table start
stai ;point to 7fch
lxi x,MAIN
mvi A,0FFH
out 4FH ;enable interupt
mov b,a
INTADD: lxi sp,SCREEN-1 ;give a stack pointer position
in 4EH ;clear int
ralr B
mov a,b
xri 55H
BADINT: jmpr .
NMITST: out 4FH ;disable interupts
mvi B,0FFH
NMIADD: lxi sp,SCREEN-1 ;give a stack pointer position
in 4DH ;disable nmi
in 4EH ;read center/bottom screen
ralr B
mov a,b
xri 020H
jz D0 ;to delay if done
in 4CH ;enable nmi
jmpr .