
451 lines
8.6 KiB

B>type init.asm
.sbttl "FRENZY"
.ident INT
; interrupt routine
.insert equs
.intern INT,PLOT
.extern RtoA
; this routine does writing, erasing,
; moving, and pattern animation based
; on the following structure
; ---- v.stat vector status <- IY points here
; ---- setup last magic value
; -------- o.a.l/h old screen address
; -------- o.p.l/h last pattern addr.
; ---- tprime value to stuff into time
; ---- time time til move
; ---- v.x x velocity
; ---- v.y y velocity
; ---- p.x x position
; ---- p.y y position
; -------- d.p.l/h pattern pointer
INT: out NMIOFF ;turn off nmi's
di ;believe it [cuz of calls]
push psw
in WHATI ;bottom of screen?
rar ;test bit 0
jrc BS ;skip if middle of screen
; Middle of Screen Interrupt
; use only AF,BC,HL
out NMION ;prob get nmi immed'ly
push h ;save em
push b
lxi h,SWD ; check coins
mov a,m ;oldset switch
inx h
mov b,m ;old sw.
xra b ;difference in a
mov c,a ; in c
in I.O2 ;new sw.s
mov m,a ;store new switch
dcx h
mov m,b ;make old->oldest
ana c ;check new=1 old=1 oldest=0
ani 0c0H
..lp: dcx h ;->cackle
bit 7,a ; check bit
inr m ;inc coin counter add a ;shift bits
jrnz ..lp
; update man alternator
lxi h,Man.Alt
srlr m
;take care of seconds counter
lxi h,T60cnt
dcr m
jp ..ous
mvi m,60 ;reset seconds timer
mvi c,8 ;inc total seconds in backgnd
call ItemInc# ;pushes all reg used
lda DEMO
ora a
mvi c,7 ;total game time
cz ItemInc
lxi h,KWait ;adjust kill off
mov a,m
ora a
jrz ..ous
dcr a
mov m,a
..ous: call GetC# ;if no credits
mvi L,0
ora a ;skip to waiter
jrz I.but
cpi 1 ;if only one credit
mvi L,1 ;then check only button1
jrz I.but
mvi L,3
I.but: in I.O2 ;check start button[s]
ana l
mov l,a ;save buttons
lda StartB ;previous buttons
ora l
sta StartB ;save for main
jz ..exit
bit 7,a ;in play flag
jz GO# ;go play NOW
..exit: pop b
pop h
jmp BYE
; Bottom of Screen Interrupt
BS: push y ;save old jobs
push x
push h
push d
push b
push psw
;< do color man every 4 int?>
lxi h,0 ;null vector pointer
shld OLD1
shld OLD2
shld OLD3
lxi h,Inttyp ;test alternator
rlcr m ;by rotating the bits
mvi b,3 ;do 2 others if no man
lhld L.PTR ;robot list pointer
jc ..ilp
lxi h,Vectors
shld Old3 ;save for updates
call SECT1 ;rewrite man
call UNCMAN# ;uncolor man
lxi h,Vectors
bit COLOR,m ;do color
lhld L.PTR ;robot list pointer
mvi b,2 ;# of robots to do
..ilp: push b
call SECT1 ;rewrite robot
pop b
lhld V.PTR ;Get vector pointer
; save pointer for later update
mov a,b ;get index
add a ;double
lxi h,Old1-2 ;save array start
add l ;add b*2 to hl
mov l,a
mov a,h
aci 0
mov h,a
mov m,e ;store vector address
inx h ;for later update
mov m,d
xchg lxi d,VLEN ;delta to next vector
dad d ;point to next
lxi d,Vectors+(MaxVec*VLEN) ;end of list
mov a,l ;see if at end
cmp e
jnz ..tst
mov a,h
cmp d
jz ..end
..tst: mov a,m ;see if vector is on
ani (1<INUSE)
jrz ;if not look at another
djnz ..ilp
jmp ..done
..end: lxi h,Vectors+VLEN ;first non-man vector
..done: shld L.PTR ;next one to look at
call BUL.V# ;rewrite & vector bolts
; now that bolts have done hitting things
; update Vectors (coordinates)
lhld OLD3 ;first vector written
call SECT3
lhld OLD2
call SECT3
lhld OLD1 ;last vector written
call SECT3 ;update animation and vector
call TIMERS ;do job timers
pop psw ;restore all registers
pop b
pop d
pop h
pop x
pop y
BYE: mvi A,1 ;turn on interrupts
out I.ENAB
out NMION ;prob get nmi immed'ly
mvi A,ITAB/256
pop psw
; all below assume iy -> vector
; and [v.ptr]=iy
; erase pattern
SECT1: shld V.PTR
liyd V.PTR
bit ERASE,M ;hl->v.stat
jz SECT2
res ERASE,M ;never erase more than once
inx h ;->setup
mov a,m ;get old magic value
inx h ;->old address
mov e,m
inx h ;->o.a.h
mov d,m
inx h ;->old pattern
mov a,m ;hl:=[hl]
inx h ;->o.a.h
mov h,m
mov l,a
call PLOT ;xor write
lhld V.PTR
; write pattern
SECT2: bit WRITE,M ;check if should write
res WRITE,M ;never write twice either
lxi d,P.X
dad d ;->p.x
mov e,m ;x position
inx h ;->v.y
inx h ;->p.y
mov d,m ;y position
inx h
mvi B,90H ;xor write
call RtoA
mov SETUP(y),A ;save magic
; get pattern address := @pattern.pointer
mov a,m ;->d.p.l
inx h
mov h,m ;->d.p.h
mov l,a
mov a,m ;get word in table
inx h ;which ->pattern
mov h,m
mov l,a
; check for offset pattern
inx h ;->y
mov a,m
dcx h
bit 7,A
jrz ..noo ;normal non offset
ani 7FH
mov b,a
mov c,m
inx h
inx h
lda FLIP
ora a
jz ..down
dsbc b
.byte (3eh) ;mvi a,(dad b)
..down: dad b
; store pattern away
..noo: mov O.P.L(y),L
mov O.P.H(y),H
mov O.A.L(y),E ;save screen address
mov O.A.H(y),D
call PLOT
lhld V.PTR
; check intercept
bit 7,A ;nz means 1 writtn over 1
set INEPT,M ;set intercept bit
ret ;no point in moving object
; move position, animate
SECT3: shld V.PTR
; bit Color,m
; cnz COLMAN#
bit MOVE,M ;should be moved?
push h
pop y ;iy->vector
; MOVE bit reset by routine that set it
lxi d,TPRIME
dad d ;->tprime
mov a,m
inx h ;->time
dcr m ;dec time,if0 then
mov m,a ;time:=tprime
; vector in x
inx h ;->V.X
mov a,m
inx h ;->p.x
add M
mov m,a
;vector y
inx h ;->v.y
mov a,m
inx h ;->p.y
add M
mov m,a
; update pattern [animate]
inx h ;->d.p.l
mov e,m
inx h ;->d.p.h
mov d,m ;get table address
inx d
inx d ;point to next entry
mov a,m ;if0 then
inx h
ora m ;jump
inx h ;get pointer
mov a,m ; to value of next word
inx h
mov h,m
mov l,a ;->head of table
.byte (3eh) ;mvi a,dcx h (7 T not 12) dcx h
xchg ;de=table address
mov m,d ;hl->d.p.h
dcx h
mov m,e ;->d.p.l
mvi A,(1<Write)!(1<Erase)
lhld V.Ptr
ora M ;or with V.STAT
mov M,A
; decrement job timers
TIMERS: lxi h,Timer0
mvi b,24
..loop: mov a,m
ora a
jrz ..dl
dcr m
..dl: inx h
djnz ..loop
; write pattern with intercept
; 2 byte wide routine
;hl->pattern de->screen data
PLOT: mvi B,0 ; bc=pattern x size
mov a,m
inx h
dcr a
jz X1PLOT ;if not 1 then 2 bytes only!
lda FLIP
ora a ;check flip state
mov a,m ; y size
inx h
jnz XF2PLT
lxi b,Hsize-2
xchg ;de->pattern byte
Y.LOOP: exaf ;save y size
ldax d ;get pattern byte
inx d ;->next pattern byte
mov m,a ;write to screen
inx h
ldax d ;repeat for next byte
inx d
mov m,a
inx h
mov m,b ;flush shifter(b=0)
dad b ;hl->next line of screen
dcr a ;--y.size
jnz Y.LOOP
; two byte wide upside-down plot routine
XF2PLT: lxi b,2-Hsize
xchg ;de->pattern byte
Y.Lp: exaf ;save y size
ldax d ;get pattern byte
inx d ;->next pattern byte
mov m,a ;write to screen
dcx h
ldax d ;repeat for next byte
inx d
mov m,a
dcx h
mvi M,0 ;flush shifter(b=0)
dad b ;hl->next line of screen
dcr a ;--y.size
jnz Y.Lp
; one byte wide plot routine
;hl->pattern de->screen data
X1PLOT: lda FLIP ;hl->y size
ora a ;check flip state
mov a,m ;load y size
inx h ;->first data byte
jnz XF1PLT
lxi b,Hsize-1
xchg ;de->pattern byte
..loop: exaf ;save y size
ldax d ;get pattern byte
inx d ;->next pattern byte
mov m,a ;write to screen
inx h
mov m,b ;flush shifter(b=0)
dad b ;hl->next line of screen
dcr a ;--y.size
jnz ..loop
; flipped 1 byte wide plot routine
XF1PLT: lxi b,1-Hsize
xchg ;de->pattern byte
..loop: exaf ;save y size
ldax d ;get pattern byte
inx d ;->next pattern byte
mov m,a ;write to screen
dcx h ;backwards writing
mvi M,0 ;flush shifter(b=0)
dad b ;hl->next line of screen
dcr a ;--y.size
jnz ..loop
BYTE2:: .byte 0
; interrupt table
.loc 3FFCH
ITAB: .word INT ;video
BYTE4:: .word 0 ;xsum
.loc 4000h
.word BYTE1#
.word BYTE2
.word BYTE3#
.word BYTE4
.word BYTE5#