my_mobs 0.2

R.M. HildigerR V 2014-01-11 23:45:38 -08:00
parent 8b74a6d695
commit adb4efc370
10 changed files with 204 additions and 557 deletions

View File

@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
FILE: hildigerr/my_mobs/Read Me.txt
[wulfsdad -- December 2012 -- WTFPL -- Version 0.1]
[wulfsdad -- December 2012 -- WTFPL -- Version 0.2]
This MOD provides additional mobs to extend upon PilzAdam's Simple Mobs.
It is required for this MOD to work.
You will need to rename one of the init-*.lua files to init.lua.
The "full" version is for people who use VanessaE's Home Decor Mod,
and "basic" is for those who don't.
Likewise with the default-*.txt files.
It Includes:
Cow (and milk),
@ -18,8 +13,8 @@ It Includes:
Overcooking and using the result to make dye
Meat spoilage if it remains uncooked
Raw meet can be preserved through "cheating" or using a refridgerator provided by VanessaE's Home Decor Mod
Raw meet can be preserved through "cheating" or using a refridgerator provided
by VanessaE's Home Decor Mod <>.
If you drink milk from a stack of vessels, you will not recieve the empty vessel.
@ -43,19 +38,25 @@ It's README.txt reports:
Commercial usage: Allowed
Readme file: textures/terms-of-use.txt -->[ I include it, but renamed to rabbit_terms-of-use.txt ]
The rest of the sounds were found at various locations that I don't recall.
If you own one of them, I will remove it and delete all copies of it at you're request.
The rest of the sounds were found at various locations that I don't recall,
unless otherwise acknowledged in changes.txt. If you own one of them, I will
remove it and delete all copies of it, at you're request.
Aditional TODO:
-- refactor redundant code
-- add sound effect variety
-- cheese craft
----Aditional TODO:
-- cages for pet rodents
-- feeding,breeding
-- add more animals,
-- add monsters,
-- prevent "cheating" by hiding raw meat in the furnace or oven,
-- this should also make it seam as though you sometimes burn the meat you're cooking
-- Rot partial stacks possibility
-- cages for pet rodents
-- make chances and timer durations easily configurable
-- add fresh meat and remove rotten meat litter periodically
-- cheese [additional mod: proidge, seaweed stew]
-- fork mobs
-- add AI tweaks and knockback
-- for animals:breeding & extinction possibility
-- cows lift head in water and sometimes when walking
-- cows eat grass
-- add sound effect variety

my_mobs/changes.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
-Adjusted cow image and box dimensions
-Added milk_splash sound effect for when milking a cow
-moved cow's dry moo to play when attempting to milk dry cow
rather than when milking it dries it up
-provided constants as config options for timers and chances
-refactored redundant code into a function spoil_meat()
-added abm for meat in furnace/oven to rot too
-stacks of meat may now be divided if there is room for only part of it to rot

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-- hildigerr/my_mobs/init.lua
-- Additional mobs to extend upon
-- PilzAdam's Simple Mobs <>
-- Includes:
-- Animals -- Cow (and milk), Rabbit
-- Overcooking and using the result to make dye
-- Meat spoilage if it remains uncooked
-- Raw meet can be preserved through "cheating" or using a refridgerator
-- provided by VanessaE's Home Decor Mod
-- <>
-- Known bugs:
-- drinking from a stack of vessels does not return an empty vessel
-- Written by wulfsdad -- December 2012 -- WTFPL -- Version 0.1
--Aditional TODO:
-- refactor redundant code
-- add sound effect variety
-- cheese [additional mod: proidge, seaweed stew]
-- add more animals,
-- add monsters,
-- prevent "cheating" by hiding raw meat in the furnace or oven,
-- this should also make it seam as though you sometimes burn the meat you're cooking
-- Rot partial stacks possibility
-- cages for pet rodents
-- make chances and timer durations easily configurable
mobs:register_mob("my_mobs:cow", {
type = "animal",
hp_max = 8,
collisionbox = {-0.5, -1, -1.2, 0.33, 0.5, 1.1},
visual = "upright_sprite",
visual_size = {x=3.5, y=3.25},
textures = { "animal_cow_cow_item.png", "animal_cow_cow_item.png"},
makes_foostep_sound = true,
walk_velocity = 1,
armor = 3,
drops = {
{name = "mobs:meat_raw",
chance = 1,
min = 4,
max = 6,},
drawtype = "side",
water_damage = 1,
lava_damage = 8,
light_damage = 0,
sounds = {
random = "cow",
on_rightclick = function(self, clicker)
if self.milked then
tool = clicker:get_wielded_item():get_name()
if tool == "bucket:bucket_empty" then
clicker:get_inventory():remove_item("main", "bucket:bucket_empty")
clicker:get_inventory():add_item("main", "my_mobs:milk_bucket")
if math.random(1,2) > 1 then
self.milked = true
minetest.sound_play("Mudchute_cow_1", {
object = self.object,
gain = 1.0, -- default
max_hear_distance = 32, -- default
loop = false, -- only sounds connected to objects can be looped
elseif tool == "vessels:glass_bottle" then
clicker:get_inventory():remove_item("main", "vessels:glass_bottle")
clicker:get_inventory():add_item("main", "my_mobs:milk_bottle_glass")
if math.random(1,3) > 2 then
self.milked = true
minetest.sound_play("Mudchute_cow_1", {
object = self.object,
gain = 1.0, -- default
max_hear_distance = 32, -- default
loop = false, -- only sounds connected to objects can be looped
elseif tool == "vessels:drinking_glass" then
clicker:get_inventory():remove_item("main", "vessles:drinking_glass")
clicker:get_inventory():add_item("main", "my_mobs:milk_glass_cup")
if math.random(1,4) > 3 then
self.milked = true
minetest.sound_play("Mudchute_cow_1", {
object = self.object,
gain = 1.0, -- default
max_hear_distance = 32, -- default
loop = false, -- only sounds connected to objects can be looped
elseif tool == "vessels:steel_bottle" then
clicker:get_inventory():remove_item("main", "vessels:steel_bottle")
clicker:get_inventory():add_item("main", "my_mobs:milk_bottle_steel")
if math.random(1,3) > 2 then
self.milked = true
minetest.sound_play("Mudchute_cow_1", {
object = self.object,
gain = 1.0, -- default
max_hear_distance = 32, -- default
loop = false, -- only sounds connected to objects can be looped
end -- tool ifs
mobs:register_spawn("my_mobs:cow", {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 20, 8, 6000, 2, 31000)
minetest.register_craftitem("my_mobs:milk_bucket", {
description = "Bucket of Milk",
image = "bucket_milk.png",
on_use = minetest.item_eat(8,"bucket:bucket_empty"),
groups = { eatable=1 },
stack_max = 1,
minetest.register_craftitem("my_mobs:milk_bottle_glass", {
description = "Bottle of Milk",
image = "glass_bottle_milk.png",
on_use = minetest.item_eat(4, "vessels:glass_bottle"),
groups = { eatable=1 },
minetest.register_craftitem("my_mobs:milk_glass_cup", {
description = "Bottle of Milk",
image = "drinking_glass_milk.png",
on_use = minetest.item_eat(2, "vessels:drinking_glass"),
groups = { eatable=1 },
minetest.register_craftitem("my_mobs:milk_bottle_steel", {
description = "Flask of Milk",
image = "steel_bottle_milk.png",
on_use = minetest.item_eat(4, "vessels:steel_bottle"),
groups = { eatable=1 },
mobs:register_mob("my_mobs:rabbit", {
type = "animal",
hp_max = 1,
collisionbox = {-0.25, -0.33, -0.25, 0.25, 0.33, 0.25},
visual = "upright_sprite",
visual_size = {x=0.7, y=0.7},
textures = {"critters_animals_rabbit.png", "critters_animals_rabbit.png"},
makes_footstep_sound = false,
walk_velocity = 4,
armor = 3,
drops = {
{name = "default:apple",
chance = 4,
min = 1,
max = 1,},
drawtype = "front",
water_damage = 1,
lava_damage = 1,
light_damage = 0,
on_rightclick = function(self, clicker)
if clicker:is_player() and clicker:get_inventory() then
clicker:get_inventory():add_item("main", "my_mobs:rabbit")
mobs:register_spawn("my_mobs:rabbit", {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 20, 8, 8000, 1, 31000)
minetest.register_craftitem("my_mobs:rabbit", {
description = "Rabbit",
inventory_image = "critters_animals_rabbit.png",
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
if pointed_thing.above then
minetest.env:add_entity(pointed_thing.above, "my_mobs:rabbit")
return itemstack
minetest.register_craftitem("my_mobs:rabbit_cooked", {
description = "Cooked Rabbit",
inventory_image = "my_mobs_cooked_rabbit.png",
on_use = minetest.item_eat(5),
type = "cooking",
output = "my_mobs:rabbit_cooked",
recipe = "my_mobs:rabbit",
cooktime = 5,
---------------------------OVERCOOKING RECIPES----------------------------------
type = "cooking",
output = "scorched_stuff",
recipe = "my_mobs:rabbit_cooked",
cooktime = 5,
type = "cooking",
output = "scorched_stuff",
recipe = "mobs:meat",
cooktime = 5,
type = "cooking",
output = "scorched_stuff",
recipe = "mobs:rat_cooked",
cooktime = 5,
type = "shapeless",
output = 'dye:grey 1',
recipe = {
type = "shapeless",
output = 'dye:black 1',
recipe = {
---------------------------------SPOILING MEAT----------------------------------
minetest.register_craftitem("my_mobs:meat_rotten", {
description = "Rotten Meat",
image = "meat_rotten.png",
on_use = minetest.item_eat(-6),
groups = { meat=1, eatable=1 },
type = "cooking",
output = "scorched_stuff",
recipe = "my_mobs:meat_rotten",
cooktime = 5,
--Refactorization: (in progress)
-- function spoil_meat( inv, warn, owner )
-- for i=1,inv.get_size("main") do
-- local item = inv:get_stack("main", i)
-- if item:get_name() == "mobs:meat_raw" then
-- item:replace({name = "my_mobs:meat_rotten", count = item:get_count(), wear=0, metadata=""})
-- inv:set_stack("main", i, item)
-- if warn then
-- minetest.sound_play("ugh_rot_warn", { to_player = owner, gain = 1.0,})
-- -- Change or have multiple strings to choose from randomly
-- minetest.chat_send_player( owner, "Something in your inventory is starting to smell bad!")
-- end -- if warn
-- end -- if found raw meat
-- end -- for each inv slot [i]
-- end -- spoil_meat func
--Rot Stored Meat
nodenames = { "default:chest", "default:chest_locked",
-- "homedecor:kitchen_cabinet", "homedecor:kitchen_cabinet_half",
-- "homedecor:kitchen_cabinet_with_sink", "homedecor:nightstand_oak_one_drawer",
-- "homedecor:nightstand_oak_two_drawers", "homedecor:nightstand_mahogany_one_drawer",
-- "homedecor:nightstand_mahogany_two_drawers",
}, -- add homedecor to depends.txt if you want to use these
interval = 720, -- (operation interval)
chance = 3, -- (chance of trigger is 1.0/this)
action = function(pos, node)
local contents = minetest.env:get_meta(pos):get_inventory()
-- spoil_meat( contents, false, nil )
for i=1,contents:get_size("main") do
local item = contents:get_stack("main", i)
if item:get_name() == "mobs:meat_raw" then
item:replace({name = "my_mobs:meat_rotten", count = item:get_count(), wear=0, metadata=""})
contents:set_stack("main", i, item)
end -- if found raw meat
end -- for each item within chest [i]
end -- action func
--TODO: Make so you cant hide meat in:
--Rot Held Meat
local rotting_timer = 0
minetest.register_globalstep( function(dtime)
rotting_timer = rotting_timer + dtime
if rotting_timer >= 720 then --TEST WiTH: 2 then --
for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
local who = player:get_player_name()
local stuff = player:get_inventory()
for i=1,stuff:get_size("main") do
local item = stuff:get_stack("main", i)
if item:get_name() == "mobs:meat_raw" then
-- for j=1,item:get_count() do --TODO: Rot partial stacks
if math.random(1,100) > 66 then -- about 1/3 chance
item:replace({name = "my_mobs:meat_rotten", count = item:get_count(), wear=0, metadata=""})
stuff:set_stack("main", i, item)
--TODO: Change or have multiple strings to choose from randomly:
minetest.sound_play("ugh_rot_warn", { to_player = who, gain = 1.0,})
minetest.chat_send_player(who, "Something in your inventory is starting to smell bad!")
end -- if by random chance
-- end -- for each item in stack [j]
end -- if is meat
end -- for each (32) inventory slot [i]
for i=1,stuff:get_size("craft") do
item = stuff:get_stack("craft", i)
if item:get_name() == "mobs:meat_raw" then
if math.random(1,100) > 66 then -- about 1/3 chance
item:replace({name = "my_mobs:meat_rotten", count = item:get_count(), wear=0, metadata=""})
stuff:set_stack("craft", i, item)
--TODO: Change or have multiple strings to choose from randomly:
minetest.sound_play("ugh_rot_warn", { to_player = who, gain = 1.0,})
minetest.chat_send_player(who, "Something in your inventory is starting to smell bad!")
end -- if by random chance
end -- if is meat
end -- for each (9) craft slot [i]
end -- for each player
rotting_timer = 0 --reset the timer
end -- timer
--Rot Droped Meat
nodenames = {"air"},
neighbors = { "group:stone", "group:sand",
--"group:soil" :
"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt_with_grass_footsteps", "default:dirt",
"default:gravel", "default:sandstone", "default:clay",
"default:brick", "default:wood",
interval = 360, -- (operation interval)
chance = 1, -- (chance of trigger is 1.0/this)
action = function(pos, node)
local objs = minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)
if objs then
for i,j in ipairs(objs) do
local k = j:get_luaentity()
if k then
local str = k.itemstring
if str ~= nil then
if str == "mobs:meat_raw" then
if math.random(1,100) > 66 then -- about 1/3 chance --TESTING
minetest.env:add_item(pos, "my_mobs:meat_rotten")
end -- if by chance
end -- if is meat
end -- itemstring exists
end -- luaidentity exists
end -- for objs
end -- objects exist
end -- func
nodenames = {"default:water_source", "default:water_flowing"},
neighbors = { "group:stone", "group:sand",
--"group:soil" :
"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt_with_grass_footsteps", "default:dirt",
"default:gravel", "default:sandstone", "default:clay",
"default:brick", "default:wood",
interval = 240, -- (operation interval)
chance = 1, -- (chance of trigger is 1.0/this)
action = function(pos, node)
local objs = minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)
if objs then
for i,j in ipairs(objs) do
local k = j:get_luaentity()
if k then
local str = k.itemstring
if str ~= nil then
if str == "mobs:meat_raw" then
if math.random(1,100) > 50 then -- about 1/3 chance --TESTING
minetest.env:add_item(pos, "my_mobs:meat_rotten")
end -- if by chance
end -- if is meat
end -- itemstring exists
end -- luaidentity exists
end -- for objs
end -- objects exist
end -- func

View File

@ -17,28 +17,48 @@
-- Known bugs:
-- drinking from a stack of vessels does not return an empty vessel
-- Written by wulfsdad -- December 2012 -- WTFPL -- Version 0.1
-- Written by wulfsdad -- December 2012 -- WTFPL -- Version 0.2
--Aditional TODO:
-- refactor redundant code
-- add sound effect variety
-- cheese [additional mod: proidge, seaweed stew]
----Aditional TODO:
-- cages for pet rodents
-- feeding,breeding
-- add more animals,
-- add monsters,
-- prevent "cheating" by hiding raw meat in the furnace or oven,
-- this should also make it seam as though you sometimes burn the meat you're cooking
-- Rot partial stacks possibility
-- cages for pet rodents
-- make chances and timer durations easily configurable
-- add fresh meat and remove rotten meat litter periodically
-- cheese [additional mod: proidge, seaweed stew]
-- fork mobs and add ai tweaks, and for animals:
-- breeding & extinction possibility
-- cows lift head in water and when walking sometimes
-- cows eat grass
-- add sound effect variety
--Chances of meat rotting [1-100] Lower number = Greater chance
--if math.random(1,100) > CHANCE then it will rot
--Time to Rot intervals
--Aproximetley equivalent to seconds
local WATER_TIMER = 240 --DEFAULT:240 [4 min]
local GROUND_TIMER = 360 --DEFAULT:360 [6 min]
local POCKET_TIMER = 720 --DEFAULT:720 [12 min]
local STORAGE_TIMER = 720 --DEFAULT:720 [12 min]
mobs:register_mob("my_mobs:cow", {
type = "animal",
hp_max = 8,
collisionbox = {-0.5, -1, -1.2, 0.33, 0.5, 1.1},
collisionbox = {-0.8, -1, -0.8, 0.9, 0.55, 0.9},
visual = "upright_sprite",
visual_size = {x=3.5, y=3.25},
visual_size = {x=2.375, y=3.125},
textures = { "animal_cow_cow_item.png", "animal_cow_cow_item.png"},
makes_foostep_sound = true,
walk_velocity = 1,
@ -59,59 +79,40 @@ mobs:register_mob("my_mobs:cow", {
on_rightclick = function(self, clicker)
if self.milked then
minetest.sound_play("Mudchute_cow_1", {
object = self.object,
gain = 1.0, -- default
max_hear_distance = 32, -- default
loop = false,
do return end
minetest.sound_play("milk_splash", {
object = self.object,
gain = 1.0, -- default
max_hear_distance = 32, -- default
loop = false,
tool = clicker:get_wielded_item():get_name()
if tool == "bucket:bucket_empty" then
clicker:get_inventory():remove_item("main", "bucket:bucket_empty")
clicker:get_inventory():add_item("main", "my_mobs:milk_bucket")
if math.random(1,2) > 1 then
self.milked = true
minetest.sound_play("Mudchute_cow_1", {
object = self.object,
gain = 1.0, -- default
max_hear_distance = 32, -- default
loop = false, -- only sounds connected to objects can be looped
if math.random(1,2) > 1 then self.milked = true end
elseif tool == "vessels:glass_bottle" then
clicker:get_inventory():remove_item("main", "vessels:glass_bottle")
clicker:get_inventory():add_item("main", "my_mobs:milk_bottle_glass")
if math.random(1,3) > 2 then
self.milked = true
minetest.sound_play("Mudchute_cow_1", {
object = self.object,
gain = 1.0, -- default
max_hear_distance = 32, -- default
loop = false, -- only sounds connected to objects can be looped
if math.random(1,3) > 2 then self.milked = true end
elseif tool == "vessels:drinking_glass" then
clicker:get_inventory():remove_item("main", "vessles:drinking_glass")
clicker:get_inventory():add_item("main", "my_mobs:milk_glass_cup")
if math.random(1,4) > 3 then
self.milked = true
minetest.sound_play("Mudchute_cow_1", {
object = self.object,
gain = 1.0, -- default
max_hear_distance = 32, -- default
loop = false, -- only sounds connected to objects can be looped
if math.random(1,4) > 3 then self.milked = true end
elseif tool == "vessels:steel_bottle" then
clicker:get_inventory():remove_item("main", "vessels:steel_bottle")
clicker:get_inventory():add_item("main", "my_mobs:milk_bottle_steel")
if math.random(1,3) > 2 then
self.milked = true
minetest.sound_play("Mudchute_cow_1", {
object = self.object,
gain = 1.0, -- default
max_hear_distance = 32, -- default
loop = false, -- only sounds connected to objects can be looped
if math.random(1,3) > 2 then self.milked = true end
end -- tool ifs
end, -- on_rightclick func
mobs:register_spawn("my_mobs:cow", {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 20, 8, 6000, 2, 31000)
@ -262,83 +263,129 @@ minetest.register_craft({
cooktime = 5,
--Refactorization: (in progress)
-- function spoil_meat( inv, warn, owner )
-- for i=1,inv.get_size("main") do
-- local item = inv:get_stack("main", i)
-- if item:get_name() == "mobs:meat_raw" then
-- item:replace({name = "my_mobs:meat_rotten", count = item:get_count(), wear=0, metadata=""})
-- inv:set_stack("main", i, item)
-- if warn then
-- minetest.sound_play("ugh_rot_warn", { to_player = owner, gain = 1.0,})
-- -- Change or have multiple strings to choose from randomly
-- minetest.chat_send_player( owner, "Something in your inventory is starting to smell bad!")
-- end -- if warn
-- end -- if found raw meat
-- end -- for each inv slot [i]
-- end -- spoil_meat func
function spoil_meat( inv, title, chance, warn, owner )
--inv = InvRef
--title = listname (string)-- TODO: make handle lists
--chance = [1-100]
--warn = boolean
--owner = player name (string)
for i=1,inv:get_size(title) do
local item = inv:get_stack(title, i)
if item:get_name() == "mobs:meat_raw" then
local qt = item:get_count()
local rotted = 0
for j=1,qt do
if math.random(1,100) > chance then
rotted = rotted +1
minetest.chat_send_player( "singleplayer", ""..rotted)
end -- if by chance
end -- end count rotten portion of stack
if rotted ~= 0 then
if rotted < qt then
if inv:room_for_item(title, ItemStack{name = "my_mobs:meat_rotten", count = rotted, wear=0, metadata=""}) then
inv:add_item(title, ItemStack({name = "my_mobs:meat_rotten", count = rotted, wear=0, metadata=""}))
else -- not enough room
--so rot it all:
item:replace({name = "my_mobs:meat_rotten", count = qt, wear=0, metadata=""})
end -- room for nu_stack if
else -- rotted == qt
item:replace({name = "my_mobs:meat_rotten", count = qt, wear=0, metadata=""})
end -- if rotted < qt
inv:set_stack(title, i, item)
if warn then
minetest.sound_play("ugh_rot_warn", { to_player = owner, gain = 1.0,})
-- Change or have multiple strings to choose from randomly:
minetest.chat_send_player( owner, "Something in your inventory is starting to smell bad!")
end -- if warn
end -- if some meat spoiled
end -- if found raw meat
end -- for each inv slot [i]
end -- spoil_meat func
--Rot Stored Meat
nodenames = { "default:chest", "default:chest_locked",
"homedecor:kitchen_cabinet", "homedecor:kitchen_cabinet_half",
"homedecor:kitchen_cabinet_with_sink", "homedecor:nightstand_oak_one_drawer",
"homedecor:nightstand_oak_two_drawers", "homedecor:nightstand_mahogany_one_drawer",
}, -- add homedecor to depends.txt if you want to use this
interval = 720, -- (operation interval)
chance = 3, -- (chance of trigger is 1.0/this)
action = function(pos, node)
local contents = minetest.env:get_meta(pos):get_inventory()
-- spoil_meat( contents, false, nil )
for i=1,contents:get_size("main") do
local item = contents:get_stack("main", i)
if item:get_name() == "mobs:meat_raw" then
item:replace({name = "my_mobs:meat_rotten", count = item:get_count(), wear=0, metadata=""})
contents:set_stack("main", i, item)
end -- if found raw meat
end -- for each item within chest [i]
end -- action func
--TODO: Make so you cant hide meat in:
if not minetest.get_modpath("homedecor") then
nodenames = { "default:chest", "default:chest_locked", },
interval = STORAGE_TIMER, -- (operation interval)
chance = 1, -- (chance of trigger is 1.0/this)
action = function(pos, node)
spoil_meat( minetest.env:get_meta(pos):get_inventory(),
false, nil )
end -- action func
nodenames = { "default:furnace" },
interval = STORAGE_TIMER, -- (operation interval)
chance = 1, -- (chance of trigger is 1.0/this)
action = function(pos, node)
spoil_meat( minetest.env:get_meta(pos):get_inventory(),
false, nil )
spoil_meat( minetest.env:get_meta(pos):get_inventory(),
false, nil )
spoil_meat( minetest.env:get_meta(pos):get_inventory(),
false, nil )
end -- action func
nodenames = { "default:chest", "default:chest_locked",
"homedecor:kitchen_cabinet", "homedecor:kitchen_cabinet_half",
"homedecor:kitchen_cabinet_with_sink", "homedecor:nightstand_oak_one_drawer",
"homedecor:nightstand_oak_two_drawers", "homedecor:nightstand_mahogany_one_drawer",
interval = STORAGE_TIMER, -- (operation interval)
chance = 1, -- (chance of trigger is 1.0/this)
action = function(pos, node)
spoil_meat( minetest.env:get_meta(pos):get_inventory(),
false, nil )
end -- action func
nodenames = { "default:furnace","homedecor:oven" },
interval = STORAGE_TIMER, -- (operation interval)
chance = 1, -- (chance of trigger is 1.0/this)
action = function(pos, node)
spoil_meat( minetest.env:get_meta(pos):get_inventory(),
false, nil )
spoil_meat( minetest.env:get_meta(pos):get_inventory(),
false, nil )
spoil_meat( minetest.env:get_meta(pos):get_inventory(),
false, nil )
end -- action func
--Rot Held Meat
local rotting_timer = 0
minetest.register_globalstep( function(dtime)
rotting_timer = rotting_timer + dtime
if rotting_timer >= 720 then --TEST WiTH: 2 then --
if rotting_timer >= POCKET_TIMER then --TEST WiTH: 2 then --
for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
local who = player:get_player_name()
local stuff = player:get_inventory()
for i=1,stuff:get_size("main") do
local item = stuff:get_stack("main", i)
if item:get_name() == "mobs:meat_raw" then
-- for j=1,item:get_count() do --TODO: Rot partial stacks
if math.random(1,100) > 66 then -- about 1/3 chance
item:replace({name = "my_mobs:meat_rotten", count = item:get_count(), wear=0, metadata=""})
stuff:set_stack("main", i, item)
--TODO: Change or have multiple strings to choose from randomly:
minetest.sound_play("ugh_rot_warn", { to_player = who, gain = 1.0,})
minetest.chat_send_player(who, "Something in your inventory is starting to smell bad!")
end -- if by random chance
-- end -- for each item in stack [j]
end -- if is meat
end -- for each (32) inventory slot [i]
for i=1,stuff:get_size("craft") do
item = stuff:get_stack("craft", i)
if item:get_name() == "mobs:meat_raw" then
if math.random(1,100) > 66 then -- about 1/3 chance
item:replace({name = "my_mobs:meat_rotten", count = item:get_count(), wear=0, metadata=""})
stuff:set_stack("craft", i, item)
--TODO: Change or have multiple strings to choose from randomly:
minetest.sound_play("ugh_rot_warn", { to_player = who, gain = 1.0,})
minetest.chat_send_player(who, "Something in your inventory is starting to smell bad!")
end -- if by random chance
end -- if is meat
end -- for each (9) craft slot [i]
spoil_meat(stuff, "main", ROT_IN_POCKET_CHANCE, true, who)
spoil_meat(stuff, "craft", ROT_IN_POCKET_CHANCE, true, who)
end -- for each player
rotting_timer = 0 --reset the timer
end -- timer
@ -355,7 +402,7 @@ minetest.register_abm({
"default:gravel", "default:sandstone", "default:clay",
"default:brick", "default:wood",
interval = 360, -- (operation interval)
interval = GROUND_TIMER, -- (operation interval)
chance = 1, -- (chance of trigger is 1.0/this)
action = function(pos, node)
local objs = minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)
@ -365,8 +412,11 @@ minetest.register_abm({
if k then
local str = k.itemstring
if str ~= nil then
-- if str == "my_mobs:meat_rotten" then -- add fresh meat and reimplement
-- objs[i]:remove()
-- else
if str == "mobs:meat_raw" then
if math.random(1,100) > 66 then -- about 1/3 chance --TESTING
if math.random(1,100) > ROT_ON_GROUND_CHANCE then -- about 1/3 chance --TESTING
minetest.env:add_item(pos, "my_mobs:meat_rotten")
end -- if by chance
@ -387,7 +437,7 @@ minetest.register_abm({
"default:gravel", "default:sandstone", "default:clay",
"default:brick", "default:wood",
interval = 240, -- (operation interval)
interval = WATER_TIMER, -- (operation interval)
chance = 1, -- (chance of trigger is 1.0/this)
action = function(pos, node)
local objs = minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)
@ -397,8 +447,11 @@ minetest.register_abm({
if k then
local str = k.itemstring
if str ~= nil then
-- if str == "my_mobs:meat_rotten" then
-- objs[i]:remove()
-- else
if str == "mobs:meat_raw" then
if math.random(1,100) > 50 then -- about 1/3 chance --TESTING
if math.random(1,100) > ROT_IN_WATER_CHANCE then
minetest.env:add_item(pos, "my_mobs:meat_rotten")
end -- if by chance

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