removed doc links to demo pages because they are redundant and are badly formatted, only value is testing so pages are retained for that purpose but links removed from all comp pages (Closes #667)

Marc Cohen 2015-07-03 14:36:27 +01:00 committed by Addy Osmani
parent 887bfacb4c
commit 48d0ed5c69
19 changed files with 0 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -65,6 +65,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual enhancements to the badge. T
| `mdl-badge` | Defines badge as an MDL component | Required on span or link |
| `mdl-badge--no-background` | Applies open-circle effect to badge | Optional |
| `data-badge="value"` | Assigns string value to badge | Not a class, but a separate attribute; required on span or link |
##More information
For working examples of the **badge** component, see the MDL [badge demo page](

View File

@ -56,6 +56,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements
>**Note:** Disabled versions of all the available button types are provided, and are invoked with the standard HTML boolean attribute `disabled`. `<button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-js-ripple-effect" disabled>Raised Ripples Disabled</button>`
>This attribute may be added or removed programmatically via scripting.
##More information
For working examples of the **button** component, see the MDL [button demo page](

View File

@ -126,6 +126,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements
| `mdl-card__media` | Defines div as a card media container | Required on "inner" media div |
| `mdl-card__supporting-text` | Defines div as a card body text container and assigns appropriate text characteristics to body text | Required on "inner" body text div; text goes directly inside the div with no intervening containers |
| `mdl-card__actions` | Defines div as a card actions container and assigns appropriate text characteristics to actions text | Required on "inner" actions div; content goes directly inside the div with no intervening containers |
##More information
For working examples of the **card** component, see the MDL [card demo page](

View File

@ -63,6 +63,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements
>**Note:** Disabled versions of all the available checkbox types are provided, and are invoked with the standard HTML boolean attribute `disabled`. `<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox-5" class="mdl-checkbox__input" disabled />`
>This attribute may be added or removed programmatically via scripting.
##More information
For working examples of the **checkbox** component, see the MDL [checkbox demo page](

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@ -158,6 +158,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements
| `mdl-data-table--selectable` | Applies all/individual selectable behavior (checkboxes) | Optional; goes on table element |
| `mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric` | Applies text formatting to data cell | Optional; goes on both table header and table data cells |
| (none) | Applies numeric formatting to header or data cell (default) | |
##More information
For working examples of the **data-table** component, see the MDL [data-table demo page](

View File

@ -404,6 +404,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual enhancements to the footer.
| `mdl-mini-footer--link-list` | Defines an unordered list as an inline (horizontal) list | Required on ul element sibling to "mdl-logo" div element |
| `mdl-mini-footer--right-section` | Defines container as a right section | Required on right section "inner" div element |
| `mdl-mini-footer--social-btn` | Defines a decorative square within mini-footer | Required on button element (if used) |
##More information
For working examples of the **footer** component, see the MDL [footer demo page](

View File

@ -112,6 +112,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual enhancements and behavioral
| `mdl-cell--top` | Aligns the cell to the top of the parent | Optional on "inner" div elements |
| `mdl-cell--middle` | Aligns the cell to the middle of the parent | Optional on "inner" div elements |
|`mdl-cell--bottom` | Aligns the cell to the bottom of the parent | Optional on "inner" div elements |
##More information
For working examples of the **grid** component, see the MDL [grid demo page](

View File

@ -325,6 +325,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements
| `is-active` | Defines tab as default active tab | Optional; goes on tab bar anchor element and associated tab section element|
| `mdl-layout__tab-panel` | Defines container as tab content panel | Required on tab section elements |
| `mdl-layout--fixed-tabs` | Defines MDL tab bar as fixed | Optional; goes on outer div element (not div inside header) |
##More information
For working examples of the **layout** component, see the MDL [layout demo page](

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@ -100,6 +100,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements
>**Note:** Disabled versions of the menu options are provided, and are invoked with the standard HTML boolean attribute `disabled`. `<li class="mdl-menu__item" disabled>Medium</li>`
>This attribute may be added or removed programmatically via scripting.
##More information
For working examples of the **menu** component, see the MDL [menu demo page](

View File

@ -38,6 +38,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements
| `mdl-js-progress` | Assigns basic MDL behavior to progress indicator | Required |
| `mdl-progress__indeterminate` | Applies animation effect | Optional |
##More information
For working examples of the **progress** component, see the MDL [progress demo page](

View File

@ -74,6 +74,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements
>**Note:** Disabled versions of all the available radio button types are provided, and are invoked with the standard HTML boolean attribute `disabled`. `<input type="radio" id="radio5" name="flash" class="mdl-radio__button" disabled />`
>This attribute may be added or removed programmatically via scripting.
##More information
For working examples of the **radio** component, see the MDL [radio demo page](

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@ -50,6 +50,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual shadows to the element. The
| `mdl-shadow--6dp` | Assigns a medium-large shadow to the object | Optional; if omitted, no shadow is present |
| `mdl-shadow--8dp` | Assigns a large shadow to the object | Optional; if omitted, no shadow is present |
| `mdl-shadow--16dp` | Assigns an extra-large shadow to the object | Optional; if omitted, no shadow is present|
##More information
For working examples of the **shadow** effect, see the MDL [shadow demo page]( Also see the MDL [card demo page](

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@ -51,6 +51,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements
>**Note:** A disabled version of the slider is provided, and is invoked with the standard HTML boolean attribute `disabled`. `<input class="mdl-slider mdl-js-slider" type="range" id="s1" min="0" max="10" value="4" step="2" disabled />`
>This attribute may be added or removed programmatically via scripting.
##More information
For working examples of the **slider** component, see the MDL [slider demo page](

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@ -47,6 +47,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual enhancements to the spinner.
>**Note:** There is no specific *disabled* version of a spinner; the presence or absence of the `is-active` class determines whether the spinner is visible. For example, this spinner is inactive and invisible: `<div class="mdl-spinner mdl-js-spinner"></div>`
>This attribute may be added or removed programmatically via scripting.
##More information
For working examples of the **spinner** component, see the MDL [spinner demo page](

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@ -63,6 +63,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements
>**Note:** Disabled versions of all available switch types are provided, and are invoked with the standard HTML boolean attribute `disabled`. `<input type="checkbox" id="switch5" class="mdl-switch__input" disabled />`
>This attribute may be added or removed programmatically via scripting.
##More information
For working examples of the **switch** component, see the MDL [switch demo page](

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@ -148,6 +148,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements
| `mdl-tabs__tab` | Defines an anchor (link) as an MDL tab activator | Required on all links in first "inner" div element |
| `is-active` | Defines a tab as the default display tab | Required on one (and only one) of the "inner" div (tab) elements |
| `mdl-tabs__panel` | Defines a container as tab content | Required on each of the "inner" div (tab) elements |
##More information
For working examples of the **tab** component, see the MDL [tab demo page](

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@ -258,6 +258,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements
>**Note:** Disabled versions of each text field type are provided, and are invoked with the standard HTML boolean attribute `disabled`. `<input class="mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield" type="text" disabled />`
>This attribute may be added or removed programmatically via scripting.
##More information
For working examples of the **text field** component, see the MDL [text field demo page](

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@ -65,6 +65,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual enhancements to the tooltip.
| `mdl-tooltip` | Defines a container as an MDL tooltip | Required on tooltip container element |
| `mdl-tooltip--large` | Applies large-font effect | Optional; goes on tooltip container element |
##More information
For working examples of the **tooltip** component, see the MDL [tooltip demo page](

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@ -100,6 +100,3 @@ The MDL CSS classes specify the style to use. The table below lists the availabl
| `mdl-typography--text-uppercase` | Uppercased text | Optional |
| `mdl-typography--title` | Medium 20px | Optional |
| `mdl-typography--title-color-contrast` | Title with color contrast | Optional |
##More information
For working examples of the **typography** component, see the MDL [typography demo page](