Enable serving gzipped content

On all getmdl.io, code.getmdl and staging.
alex 2015-07-06 14:24:25 +01:00
parent 1e48a4f050
commit 19779d8742
1 changed files with 13 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -528,20 +528,20 @@ gulp.task('genCodeFiles', function() {
// This task requires gsutil to be installed and configured.
// For info on gsutil: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil.
gulp.task('pushCodeFiles', function() {
// Build dest path, info message, cache control and gsutil cmd to copy
var dest = bucketCode;
process.stdout.write('Publishing ' + pkg.version + ' to CDN (' + dest + ')\n');
// Build cache control and gsutil cmd to copy
// each object into a GCS bucket. The dest is a version specific path.
// The gsutil -m option requests parallel copies.
// The gsutil -h option is used to set metadata headers
// (cache control, in this case).
// For cache control, start with 0s (disable caching during dev),
// but consider more helpful interval (e.g. 3600s) after launch.
var dest = bucketCode;
var infoMsg = 'Publishing ' + pkg.version + ' to CDN (' + dest + ')';
var cacheControl = '-h "Cache-Control:public,max-age=60"';
var gsutilCpCmd = 'gsutil -m cp ';
var gsutilCpCmd = 'gsutil -m cp -z js,css,map ';
var gsutilCacheCmd = 'gsutil -m setmeta -R ' + cacheControl;
process.stdout.write(infoMsg + '\n');
// Upload the goodies to a separate GCS bucket with versioning.
// Using a sep bucket avoids the risk of accidentally blowing away
// old versions in the microsite bucket.
@ -569,10 +569,12 @@ function mdlPublish(pubScope) {
if (pubScope === 'staging') {
// Set staging specific vars here.
cacheTtl = 0;
src = 'dist/*';
dest = bucketStaging;
} else if (pubScope === 'prod') {
// Set prod specific vars here.
cacheTtl = 60;
src = 'dist/*';
dest = bucketProd;
} else if (pubScope === 'promote') {
// Set promote (essentially prod) specific vars here.
@ -581,32 +583,21 @@ function mdlPublish(pubScope) {
dest = bucketProd;
// Build cache control and info message.
var cacheControl = '-h "Cache-Control:public,max-age=' + cacheTtl + '"';
var infoMsg = 'Publishing ' + pubScope + '/' + pkg.version + ' to GCS (' + dest + ')';
if (src) {
infoMsg += ' from ' + src;
process.stdout.write(infoMsg + '\n');
// Build gsutil commands to recursively sync local distribution tree
// to the dest bucket and to recursively set permissions to public-read.
// Build gsutil commands:
// The gsutil -h option is used to set metadata headers.
// The gsutil -m option requests parallel copies.
// The gsutil -R option is used for recursive file copy.
// The gsutil -h option is used to set metadata headers (cache control, in this case).
var gsutilSyncCmd = 'gsutil -m rsync -d -R dist ' + dest;
var cacheControl = '-h "Cache-Control:public,max-age=' + cacheTtl + '"';
var gsutilCacheCmd = 'gsutil -m setmeta ' + cacheControl + ' ' + dest + '/**';
var gsutilCpCmd = 'gsutil -m cp -R ' + src + ' ' + dest;
var gsutilCpCmd = 'gsutil -m cp -r -z html,css,js,svg ' + src + ' ' + dest;
process.stdout.write(infoMsg + '\n');
if (pubScope === 'promote') {
// If promoting, copy staging bucket contents to prod bucket,
// and set ACLs and cache control on dest contents.
gulp.src('').pipe($.shell([gsutilCpCmd, gsutilCacheCmd]));
} else {
// If publishing to prod directly, rsync local contents to prod bucket,
// and set ACLs and cache control on dest contents.
gulp.src('').pipe($.shell([gsutilSyncCmd, gsutilCacheCmd]));
// Push the local build of the MDL microsite and release artifacts to the