hybrid 397280305c Removed WIP code.
git-svn-id: dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2008-07-30 16:14:03 +00:00

888 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Luke Hoschke
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
// B3D Mesh loader
// File format designed by Mark Sibly for the Blitz3D engine and has been
// declared public domain
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "CB3DMeshFileLoader.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "os.h"
namespace irr
namespace scene
//! Constructor
CB3DMeshFileLoader::CB3DMeshFileLoader(scene::ISceneManager* smgr)
: SceneManager(smgr), AnimatedMesh(0), B3DFile(0), NormalsInFile(false),
#ifdef _DEBUG
//! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class
//! based on the file extension (e.g. ".bsp")
bool CB3DMeshFileLoader::isALoadableFileExtension(const c8* fileName) const
return strstr(fileName, ".b3d") != 0;
//! creates/loads an animated mesh from the file.
//! \return Pointer to the created mesh. Returns 0 if loading failed.
//! If you no longer need the mesh, you should call IAnimatedMesh::drop().
//! See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information.
IAnimatedMesh* CB3DMeshFileLoader::createMesh(io::IReadFile* f)
if (!f)
return 0;
B3DFile = f;
AnimatedMesh = new scene::CSkinnedMesh();
ShowWarning = true; // If true a warning is issued if too many textures are used
Buffers = &AnimatedMesh->getMeshBuffers();
AllJoints = &AnimatedMesh->getAllJoints();
if ( load() )
AnimatedMesh = 0;
return AnimatedMesh;
bool CB3DMeshFileLoader::load()
//------ Get header ------
SB3dChunkHeader header;
B3DFile->read(&header, sizeof(header));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
header.size = os::Byteswap::byteswap(header.size);
if ( strncmp(, "BB3D", 4 ) != 0 )
os::Printer::log("File is not a b3d file. Loading failed (No header found)", B3DFile->getFileName(), ELL_ERROR);
return false;
// Add main chunk...
B3dStack.push_back(SB3dChunk(header, B3DFile->getPos()-8));
// Get file version, but ignore it, as it's not important with b3d files...
s32 fileVersion;
B3DFile->read(&fileVersion, sizeof(fileVersion));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
fileVersion = os::Byteswap::byteswap(fileVersion);
//------ Read main chunk ------
while ( (B3dStack.getLast().startposition + B3dStack.getLast().length) > B3DFile->getPos() )
B3DFile->read(&header, sizeof(header));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
header.size = os::Byteswap::byteswap(header.size);
B3dStack.push_back(SB3dChunk(header, B3DFile->getPos()-8));
if ( strncmp( B3dStack.getLast().name, "TEXS", 4 ) == 0 )
if (!readChunkTEXS())
return false;
else if ( strncmp( B3dStack.getLast().name, "BRUS", 4 ) == 0 )
if (!readChunkBRUS())
return false;
else if ( strncmp( B3dStack.getLast().name, "NODE", 4 ) == 0 )
if (!readChunkNODE((CSkinnedMesh::SJoint*)0) )
return false;
os::Printer::log("Unknown chunk found in mesh base - skipping");
B3DFile->seek(B3dStack.getLast().startposition + B3dStack.getLast().length);
return true;
bool CB3DMeshFileLoader::readChunkNODE(CSkinnedMesh::SJoint *InJoint)
const core::stringc JointName = readString();
f32 position[3], scale[3], rotation[4];
readFloats(position, 3);
readFloats(scale, 3);
readFloats(rotation, 4);
CSkinnedMesh::SJoint *Joint = AnimatedMesh->createJoint(InJoint);
Joint->Name = JointName;
Joint->Animatedposition = core::vector3df(position[0],position[1],position[2]) ;
Joint->Animatedscale = core::vector3df(scale[0],scale[1],scale[2]);
Joint->Animatedrotation = core::quaternion(rotation[1], rotation[2], rotation[3], rotation[0]);
//Build LocalMatrix:
core::matrix4 positionMatrix;
positionMatrix.setTranslation( Joint->Animatedposition );
core::matrix4 scaleMatrix;
scaleMatrix.setScale( Joint->Animatedscale );
core::matrix4 rotationMatrix = Joint->Animatedrotation.getMatrix();
Joint->LocalMatrix = positionMatrix * rotationMatrix * scaleMatrix;
if (InJoint)
Joint->GlobalMatrix = InJoint->GlobalMatrix * Joint->LocalMatrix;
Joint->GlobalMatrix = Joint->LocalMatrix;
while(B3dStack.getLast().startposition + B3dStack.getLast().length > B3DFile->getPos()) // this chunk repeats
SB3dChunkHeader header;
B3DFile->read(&header, sizeof(header));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
header.size = os::Byteswap::byteswap(header.size);
B3dStack.push_back(SB3dChunk(header, B3DFile->getPos()-8));
if ( strncmp( B3dStack.getLast().name, "NODE", 4 ) == 0 )
if (!readChunkNODE(Joint))
return false;
else if ( strncmp( B3dStack.getLast().name, "MESH", 4 ) == 0 )
if (!readChunkMESH(Joint))
return false;
else if ( strncmp( B3dStack.getLast().name, "BONE", 4 ) == 0 )
if (!readChunkBONE(Joint))
return false;
else if ( strncmp( B3dStack.getLast().name, "KEYS", 4 ) == 0 )
return false;
else if ( strncmp( B3dStack.getLast().name, "ANIM", 4 ) == 0 )
if (!readChunkANIM())
return false;
os::Printer::log("Unknown chunk found in node chunk - skipping");
B3DFile->seek(B3dStack.getLast().startposition + B3dStack.getLast().length);
return true;
bool CB3DMeshFileLoader::readChunkMESH(CSkinnedMesh::SJoint *InJoint)
const s32 vertices_Start=BaseVertices.size(); //B3Ds have Vertex ID's local within the mesh I don't want this
s32 brush_id;
B3DFile->read(&brush_id, sizeof(brush_id));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
brush_id = os::Byteswap::byteswap(brush_id);
while((B3dStack.getLast().startposition + B3dStack.getLast().length) > B3DFile->getPos()) //this chunk repeats
SB3dChunkHeader header;
B3DFile->read(&header, sizeof(header));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
header.size = os::Byteswap::byteswap(header.size);
B3dStack.push_back(SB3dChunk(header, B3DFile->getPos()-8));
if ( strncmp( B3dStack.getLast().name, "VRTS", 4 ) == 0 )
if (!readChunkVRTS(InJoint))
return false;
else if ( strncmp( B3dStack.getLast().name, "TRIS", 4 ) == 0 )
scene::SSkinMeshBuffer *MeshBuffer = AnimatedMesh->createBuffer();
if (brush_id!=-1)
if(readChunkTRIS(MeshBuffer,AnimatedMesh->getMeshBuffers().size()-1, vertices_Start)==false)
return false;
if (!NormalsInFile)
s32 i;
for ( i=0; i<(s32)MeshBuffer->Indices.size(); i+=3)
core::plane3df p(MeshBuffer->getVertex(MeshBuffer->Indices[i+0])->Pos,
MeshBuffer->getVertex(MeshBuffer->Indices[i+0])->Normal += p.Normal;
MeshBuffer->getVertex(MeshBuffer->Indices[i+1])->Normal += p.Normal;
MeshBuffer->getVertex(MeshBuffer->Indices[i+2])->Normal += p.Normal;
for ( i = 0; i<(s32)MeshBuffer->getVertexCount(); ++i )
os::Printer::log("Unknown chunk found in mesh - skipping");
B3DFile->seek(B3dStack.getLast().startposition + B3dStack.getLast().length);
return true;
int flags ;1=normal values present, 2=rgba values present
int tex_coord_sets ;texture coords per vertex (eg: 1 for simple U/V) max=8
but we only support 3
int tex_coord_set_size ;components per set (eg: 2 for simple U/V) max=4
float x,y,z ;always present
float nx,ny,nz ;vertex normal: present if (flags&1)
float red,green,blue,alpha ;vertex color: present if (flags&2)
float tex_coords[tex_coord_sets][tex_coord_set_size] ;tex coords
bool CB3DMeshFileLoader::readChunkVRTS(CSkinnedMesh::SJoint *InJoint)
const s32 max_tex_coords = 3;
s32 flags, tex_coord_sets, tex_coord_set_size;
B3DFile->read(&flags, sizeof(flags));
B3DFile->read(&tex_coord_sets, sizeof(tex_coord_sets));
B3DFile->read(&tex_coord_set_size, sizeof(tex_coord_set_size));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags);
tex_coord_sets = os::Byteswap::byteswap(tex_coord_sets);
tex_coord_set_size = os::Byteswap::byteswap(tex_coord_set_size);
if (tex_coord_sets >= max_tex_coords || tex_coord_set_size >= 4) // Something is wrong
os::Printer::log("tex_coord_sets or tex_coord_set_size too big", B3DFile->getFileName(), ELL_ERROR);
return false;
//------ Allocate Memory, for speed -----------//
s32 NumberOfReads = 3;
if (flags & 1)
NumberOfReads += 3;
if (flags & 2)
NumberOfReads += 4;
NumberOfReads += tex_coord_sets*tex_coord_set_size;
const s32 memoryNeeded = (B3dStack.getLast().length / sizeof(f32)) / NumberOfReads;
BaseVertices.reallocate(memoryNeeded + BaseVertices.size() + 1);
AnimatedVertices_VertexID.reallocate(memoryNeeded + AnimatedVertices_VertexID.size() + 1);
while( (B3dStack.getLast().startposition + B3dStack.getLast().length) > B3DFile->getPos()) // this chunk repeats
f32 position[3];
f32 normal[3]={0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
f32 color[4]={1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
f32 tex_coords[max_tex_coords][4];
readFloats(position, 3);
if (flags & 1)
NormalsInFile = true;
readFloats(normal, 3);
if (flags & 2)
readFloats(color, 4);
for (s32 i=0; i<tex_coord_sets; ++i)
readFloats(tex_coords[i], tex_coord_set_size);
f32 tu=0.0f, tv=0.0f;
if (tex_coord_sets >= 1 && tex_coord_set_size >= 2)
f32 tu2=0.0f, tv2=0.0f;
if (tex_coord_sets>1 && tex_coord_set_size>1)
// Create Vertex...
video::S3DVertex2TCoords Vertex(position[0], position[1], position[2],
normal[0], normal[1], normal[2],
video::SColorf(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]).toSColor(),
tu, tv, tu2, tv2);
// Transform the Vertex position by nested node...
//Add it...
return true;
bool CB3DMeshFileLoader::readChunkTRIS(scene::SSkinMeshBuffer *MeshBuffer, u32 MeshBufferID, s32 vertices_Start)
bool showVertexWarning=false;
s32 triangle_brush_id; // Note: Irrlicht can't have different brushes for each triangle (using a workaround)
B3DFile->read(&triangle_brush_id, sizeof(triangle_brush_id));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
triangle_brush_id = os::Byteswap::byteswap(triangle_brush_id);
SB3dMaterial *B3dMaterial;
if (triangle_brush_id != -1)
B3dMaterial = &Materials[triangle_brush_id];
B3dMaterial = 0;
if (B3dMaterial)
MeshBuffer->Material = B3dMaterial->Material;
const s32 memoryNeeded = B3dStack.getLast().length / sizeof(s32);
MeshBuffer->Indices.reallocate(memoryNeeded + MeshBuffer->Indices.size() + 1);
while((B3dStack.getLast().startposition + B3dStack.getLast().length) > B3DFile->getPos()) // this chunk repeats
s32 vertex_id[3];
B3DFile->read(vertex_id, 3*sizeof(s32));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
vertex_id[0] = os::Byteswap::byteswap(vertex_id[0]);
vertex_id[1] = os::Byteswap::byteswap(vertex_id[1]);
vertex_id[2] = os::Byteswap::byteswap(vertex_id[2]);
//Make Ids global:
vertex_id[0] += vertices_Start;
vertex_id[1] += vertices_Start;
vertex_id[2] += vertices_Start;
for(s32 i=0; i<3; ++i)
if ((u32)vertex_id[i] >= AnimatedVertices_VertexID.size())
os::Printer::log("Illegal vertex index found", B3DFile->getFileName(), ELL_ERROR);
return false;
if (AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[i] ] != -1)
if ( AnimatedVertices_BufferID[ vertex_id[i] ] != (s32)MeshBufferID ) //If this vertex is linked in a different meshbuffer
AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[i] ] = -1;
AnimatedVertices_BufferID[ vertex_id[i] ] = -1;
if (AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[i] ] == -1) //If this vertex is not in the meshbuffer
//Check for lightmapping:
if (BaseVertices[ vertex_id[i] ].TCoords2 != core::vector2df(0.f,0.f))
MeshBuffer->MoveTo_2TCoords(); //Will only affect the meshbuffer the first time this is called
//Add the vertex to the meshbuffer:
if (MeshBuffer->VertexType == video::EVT_STANDARD)
MeshBuffer->Vertices_Standard.push_back( BaseVertices[ vertex_id[i] ] );
MeshBuffer->Vertices_2TCoords.push_back(BaseVertices[ vertex_id[i] ] );
//create vertex id to meshbuffer index link:
AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[i] ] = MeshBuffer->getVertexCount()-1;
AnimatedVertices_BufferID[ vertex_id[i] ] = MeshBufferID;
if (B3dMaterial)
// Apply Material/Colour/etc...
video::S3DVertex *Vertex=MeshBuffer->getVertex(MeshBuffer->getVertexCount()-1);
if (Vertex->Color.getAlpha() == 255)
Vertex->Color.setAlpha( (s32)(B3dMaterial->alpha * 255.0f) );
// Use texture's scale
if (B3dMaterial->Textures[0])
Vertex->TCoords.X *= B3dMaterial->Textures[0]->Xscale;
Vertex->TCoords.Y *= B3dMaterial->Textures[0]->Yscale;
if (B3dMaterial->Textures[1])
Vertex->TCoords2.X *=B3dMaterial->Textures[1]->Xscale;
Vertex->TCoords2.Y *=B3dMaterial->Textures[1]->Yscale;
MeshBuffer->Indices.push_back( AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[0] ] );
MeshBuffer->Indices.push_back( AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[1] ] );
MeshBuffer->Indices.push_back( AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[2] ] );
if (showVertexWarning)
os::Printer::log("B3dMeshLoader: Warning, different meshbuffers linking to the same vertex, this will cause problems with animated meshes");
return true;
bool CB3DMeshFileLoader::readChunkBONE(CSkinnedMesh::SJoint *InJoint)
if (B3dStack.getLast().length > 8)
while((B3dStack.getLast().startposition + B3dStack.getLast().length) > B3DFile->getPos()) // this chunk repeats
CSkinnedMesh::SWeight *weight=AnimatedMesh->createWeight(InJoint);
u32 globalVertexID;
B3DFile->read(&globalVertexID, sizeof(globalVertexID));
B3DFile->read(&weight->strength, sizeof(weight->strength));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
globalVertexID = os::Byteswap::byteswap(globalVertexID);
weight->strength = os::Byteswap::byteswap(weight->strength);
if (AnimatedVertices_VertexID[globalVertexID]==-1)
os::Printer::log("B3dMeshLoader: Weight has bad vertex id (no link to meshbuffer index found)");
weight->vertex_id = weight->buffer_id = 0;
//Find the MeshBuffer and Vertex index from the Global Vertex ID:
weight->vertex_id = AnimatedVertices_VertexID[globalVertexID];
weight->buffer_id = AnimatedVertices_BufferID[globalVertexID];
return true;
bool CB3DMeshFileLoader::readChunkKEYS(CSkinnedMesh::SJoint *InJoint)
s32 flags;
B3DFile->read(&flags, sizeof(flags));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags);
while((B3dStack.getLast().startposition + B3dStack.getLast().length) > B3DFile->getPos()) //this chunk repeats
s32 frame;
B3DFile->read(&frame, sizeof(frame));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
frame = os::Byteswap::byteswap(frame);
// Add key frames
f32 data[4];
if (flags & 1)
readFloats(data, 3);
CSkinnedMesh::SPositionKey *Key=AnimatedMesh->createPositionKey(InJoint);
Key->frame = (f32)frame;
Key->position.set(data[0], data[1], data[2]);
if (flags & 2)
readFloats(data, 3);
CSkinnedMesh::SScaleKey *Key=AnimatedMesh->createScaleKey(InJoint);
Key->frame = (f32)frame;
Key->scale.set(data[0], data[1], data[2]);
if (flags & 4)
readFloats(data, 4);
CSkinnedMesh::SRotationKey *Key=AnimatedMesh->createRotationKey(InJoint);
Key->frame = (f32)frame;
// meant to be in this order since b3d stores W first
Key->rotation.set(data[1], data[2], data[3], data[0]);
return true;
bool CB3DMeshFileLoader::readChunkANIM()
s32 animFlags; //not stored\used
s32 animFrames;//not stored\used
f32 animFPS; //not stored\used
B3DFile->read(&animFlags, sizeof(s32));
B3DFile->read(&animFrames, sizeof(s32));
readFloats(&animFPS, 1);
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
animFlags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(animFlags);
animFrames = os::Byteswap::byteswap(animFrames);
return true;
bool CB3DMeshFileLoader::readChunkTEXS()
const bool previous32BitTextureFlag = SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->getTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_ALWAYS_32_BIT);
SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_ALWAYS_32_BIT, true);
while((B3dStack.getLast().startposition + B3dStack.getLast().length) > B3DFile->getPos()) //this chunk repeats
core::stringc textureName=readString();
textureName=stripPathFromString(B3DFile->getFileName(),true) + stripPathFromString(textureName,false);
SB3dTexture B3dTexture;
B3DFile->read(&B3dTexture.Flags, sizeof(s32));
B3DFile->read(&B3dTexture.Blend, sizeof(s32));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
B3dTexture.Flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(B3dTexture.Flags);
B3dTexture.Blend = os::Byteswap::byteswap(B3dTexture.Blend);
readFloats(&B3dTexture.Xpos, 1);
readFloats(&B3dTexture.Ypos, 1);
readFloats(&B3dTexture.Xscale, 1);
readFloats(&B3dTexture.Yscale, 1);
readFloats(&B3dTexture.Angle, 1);
// read texture from disk
// note that mipmaps might be disabled by Flags & 0x8
const bool doMipMaps = SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->getTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS);
SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS, (B3dTexture.Flags & 0x8) ? true:false);
B3dTexture.Texture=SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->getTexture ( textureName.c_str() );
SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS, doMipMaps);
SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_ALWAYS_32_BIT, previous32BitTextureFlag);
return true;
bool CB3DMeshFileLoader::readChunkBRUS()
u32 n_texs;
B3DFile->read(&n_texs, sizeof(u32));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
n_texs = os::Byteswap::byteswap(n_texs);
// number of texture ids read for Irrlicht
const u32 num_textures = core::min_(n_texs, video::MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES);
// number of bytes to skip (for ignored texture ids)
const u32 n_texs_offset = (num_textures<n_texs)?(n_texs-num_textures):0;
while((B3dStack.getLast().startposition + B3dStack.getLast().length) > B3DFile->getPos()) //this chunk repeats
// This is what blitz basic calls a brush, like a Irrlicht Material
readString(); //MaterialName not used, but still need to read it
SB3dMaterial& B3dMaterial=Materials.getLast();
readFloats(&, 1);
readFloats(&, 1);
readFloats(&, 1);
readFloats(&B3dMaterial.alpha, 1);
readFloats(&B3dMaterial.shininess, 1);
B3DFile->read(&B3dMaterial.blend, sizeof(B3dMaterial.blend));
B3DFile->read(&B3dMaterial.fx, sizeof(B3dMaterial.fx));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
B3dMaterial.blend = os::Byteswap::byteswap(B3dMaterial.blend);
B3dMaterial.fx = os::Byteswap::byteswap(B3dMaterial.fx);
u32 i;
for (i=0; i<num_textures; ++i)
s32 texture_id=-1;
B3DFile->read(&texture_id, sizeof(s32));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
texture_id = os::Byteswap::byteswap(texture_id);
//--- Get pointers to the texture, based on the IDs ---
if ((u32)texture_id < Textures.size())
// skip other texture ids
for (i=0; i<n_texs_offset; ++i)
s32 texture_id=-1;
B3DFile->read(&texture_id, sizeof(s32));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
texture_id = os::Byteswap::byteswap(texture_id);
if (ShowWarning && (texture_id != -1) && (n_texs>video::MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES))
os::Printer::log("Too many textures used in one material", B3DFile->getFileName(), ELL_WARNING);
ShowWarning = false;
//Fixes problems when the lightmap is on the first texture:
if (B3dMaterial.Textures[0] != 0)
if (B3dMaterial.Textures[0]->Flags & 65536) // 65536 = secondary UV
SB3dTexture *TmpTexture;
TmpTexture = B3dMaterial.Textures[1];
B3dMaterial.Textures[1] = B3dMaterial.Textures[0];
B3dMaterial.Textures[0] = TmpTexture;
//If the first texture is empty:
if (B3dMaterial.Textures[1] != 0 && B3dMaterial.Textures[0] == 0)
B3dMaterial.Textures[0] = B3dMaterial.Textures[1];
B3dMaterial.Textures[1] = 0;
for (i=0; i<2; ++i)
if (B3dMaterial.Textures[i] != 0)
B3dMaterial.Material.setTexture(i, B3dMaterial.Textures[i]->Texture);
if (B3dMaterial.Textures[i]->Flags & 0x10) // Clamp U
if (B3dMaterial.Textures[i]->Flags & 0x20) // Clamp V, TODO: Needs another attribute
//------ Convert blitz flags/blend to irrlicht -------
//Two textures:
if (B3dMaterial.Textures[1])
if (B3dMaterial.alpha==1.f)
if (B3dMaterial.Textures[1]->Blend == 5) //(Multiply 2)
B3dMaterial.Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_LIGHTMAP_M2;
B3dMaterial.Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_LIGHTMAP;
B3dMaterial.Material.Lighting = false;
B3dMaterial.Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA;
else if (B3dMaterial.Textures[0]) //One texture:
// Flags & 0x1 is usual SOLID, 0x8 is mipmap (handled before)
if (B3dMaterial.Textures[0]->Flags & 0x2) //(Alpha mapped)
B3dMaterial.Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL;
else if (B3dMaterial.Textures[0]->Flags & 0x4) //(Masked)
B3dMaterial.Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF; // TODO: create color key texture
else if (B3dMaterial.Textures[0]->Flags & 0x40)
B3dMaterial.Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_SPHERE_MAP;
else if (B3dMaterial.Textures[0]->Flags & 0x80)
B3dMaterial.Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_SPHERE_MAP; // TODO: Should be cube map
else if (B3dMaterial.alpha == 1.f)
B3dMaterial.Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_SOLID;
B3dMaterial.Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA;
else //No texture:
if (B3dMaterial.alpha == 1.f)
B3dMaterial.Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_SOLID;
B3dMaterial.Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA;
B3dMaterial.Material.DiffuseColor = video::SColorf(,,, B3dMaterial.alpha).toSColor();
//------ Material fx ------
if (B3dMaterial.fx & 1) //full-bright
B3dMaterial.Material.AmbientColor = video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
B3dMaterial.Material.Lighting = false;
B3dMaterial.Material.AmbientColor = B3dMaterial.Material.DiffuseColor;
//if (B3dMaterial.fx & 2) //use vertex colors instead of brush color
if (B3dMaterial.fx & 4) //flatshaded
B3dMaterial.Material.GouraudShading = false;
if (B3dMaterial.fx & 16) //disable backface culling
B3dMaterial.Material.BackfaceCulling = false;
// if (B3dMaterial.fx & 32) //force vertex alpha-blending
// B3dMaterial.Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA;
B3dMaterial.Material.Shininess = B3dMaterial.shininess;
return true;
core::stringc CB3DMeshFileLoader::readString()
core::stringc newstring;
while (B3DFile->getPos() <= B3DFile->getSize())
c8 character;
B3DFile->read(&character, sizeof(character));
if (character==0)
return newstring;
core::stringc CB3DMeshFileLoader::stripPathFromString(const core::stringc& string, bool returnPath) const
s32 slashIndex=string.findLast('/'); // forward slash
s32 backSlash=string.findLast('\\'); // back slash
if (backSlash>slashIndex) slashIndex=backSlash;
if (slashIndex==-1)//no slashes found
if (returnPath)
return core::stringc(); //no path to return
return string;
if (returnPath)
return string.subString(0, slashIndex + 1);
return string.subString(slashIndex+1, string.size() - (slashIndex+1));
void CB3DMeshFileLoader::readFloats(f32* vec, u32 count)
B3DFile->read(vec, count*sizeof(f32));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
for (u32 n=0; n<count; ++n)
vec[n] = os::Byteswap::byteswap(vec[n]);
} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr