changed IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::animateJoints() to animateJoints(bool CalculateAbsolutePositions=true) removed ISkinnedMesh::recoverJointsFromMesh, transferJointsToMesh, and createJoints from interface. git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/irrlicht/code/trunk@1027 dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
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// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CAnimatedMeshSceneNode.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "ISceneManager.h"
#include "S3DVertex.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "CShadowVolumeSceneNode.h"
#include "IAnimatedMeshMD3.h"
#include "CSkinnedMesh.h"
#include "IDummyTransformationSceneNode.h"
#include "IBoneSceneNode.h"
#include "IMaterialRenderer.h"
#include "IMesh.h"
#include "IMeshCache.h"
#include "IAnimatedMesh.h"
#include "quaternion.h"
namespace irr
namespace scene
//! constructor
CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::CAnimatedMeshSceneNode(IAnimatedMesh* mesh, ISceneNode* parent, ISceneManager* mgr, s32 id,
const core::vector3df& position, const core::vector3df& rotation, const core::vector3df& scale)
: IAnimatedMeshSceneNode(parent, mgr, id, position, rotation, scale), Mesh(0),
BeginFrameTime(0), StartFrame(0), EndFrame(0), FramesPerSecond(25.f / 1000.f ),
CurrentFrameNr(0.f), JointMode(EJUOR_NONE), JointsUsed(false),
TransitionTime(0), Transiting(0.f), TransitingBlend(0.f),
Looping(true), ReadOnlyMaterials(false),
LoopCallBack(0), PassCount(0), Shadow(0), RenderFromIdentity(0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
BeginFrameTime = os::Timer::getTime();
//! destructor
if (Mesh)
if (Shadow)
//for (u32 i=0; i<JointChildSceneNodes.size(); ++i)
// if (JointChildSceneNodes[i])
// JointChildSceneNodes[i]->drop();
if (LoopCallBack)
//! Sets the current frame. From now on the animation is played from this frame.
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setCurrentFrame(f32 frame)
// if you pass an out of range value, we just clamp it
CurrentFrameNr = core::clamp ( frame, (f32)StartFrame, (f32)EndFrame );
BeginFrameTime = os::Timer::getTime() - (s32)((CurrentFrameNr - StartFrame) / FramesPerSecond);
beginTransition(); //transit to this frame if enabled
//! Returns the current displayed frame number.
f32 CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getFrameNr() const
return CurrentFrameNr;
f32 CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::buildFrameNr(u32 timeMs)
if (Transiting!=0.f)
TransitingBlend = (f32)(timeMs-BeginFrameTime) * Transiting;
if (TransitingBlend > 1.f)
if (StartFrame==EndFrame)
return (f32)StartFrame; //Support for non animated meshes
if (FramesPerSecond==0.f)
return (f32)StartFrame;
if (Looping)
// play animation looped
if (FramesPerSecond > 0.f) //forwards...
const s32 lenInTime = s32( f32(EndFrame - StartFrame) / FramesPerSecond);
return StartFrame + ( (timeMs - BeginFrameTime) % lenInTime) *FramesPerSecond;
else //backwards...
const s32 lenInTime = s32( f32(EndFrame - StartFrame) / -FramesPerSecond);
return EndFrame - ( (timeMs - BeginFrameTime) % lenInTime)*-FramesPerSecond;
// play animation non looped
f32 frame;
if (FramesPerSecond > 0.f) //forwards...
const f32 deltaFrame = floorf( f32 ( timeMs - BeginFrameTime ) * FramesPerSecond );
frame = StartFrame + deltaFrame;
if (frame > (f32)EndFrame)
frame = (f32)EndFrame;
if (LoopCallBack)
else //backwards... (untested)
const f32 deltaFrame = floorf( f32 ( timeMs - BeginFrameTime ) * -FramesPerSecond );
frame = EndFrame - deltaFrame;
if (frame < (f32)StartFrame)
frame = (f32)StartFrame;
if (LoopCallBack)
return frame;
//! frame
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode()
if (IsVisible)
// because this node supports rendering of mixed mode meshes consisting of
// transparent and solid material at the same time, we need to go through all
// materials, check of what type they are and register this node for the right
// render pass according to that.
video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
PassCount = 0;
int transparentCount = 0;
int solidCount = 0;
// count transparent and solid materials in this scene node
for (u32 i=0; i<Materials.size(); ++i)
video::IMaterialRenderer* rnd =
if (rnd && rnd->isTransparent())
if (solidCount && transparentCount)
// register according to material types counted
if (solidCount)
SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this, scene::ESNRP_SOLID);
if (transparentCount)
SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this, scene::ESNRP_TRANSPARENT);
for (u32 j=0; j<JointChildSceneNodes.size(); ++j)
if (JointChildSceneNodes[j])
//! OnAnimate() is called just before rendering the whole scene.
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::OnAnimate(u32 timeMs)
CurrentFrameNr = buildFrameNr ( timeMs );
if ( Mesh )
scene::IMesh *m = Mesh->getMesh(CurrentFrameNr, 255, StartFrame, EndFrame);
if ( m )
Box = m->getBoundingBox();
IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::OnAnimate ( timeMs );
angle = dotproduct ( v(0,1,0), up )
axis = crossproduct ( v(0,1,0), up )
inline void AlignToUpVector(core::matrix4 &m, const core::vector3df &up )
core::quaternion quatRot( up.Z, 0.f, -up.X, 1 + up.Y );
quatRot.getMatrix ( m );
//! renders the node.
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::render()
video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
if (!Mesh || !driver)
bool isTransparentPass =
SceneManager->getSceneNodeRenderPass() == scene::ESNRP_TRANSPARENT;
f32 frame = getFrameNr();
scene::IMesh* m;
if (Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_SKINNED)
m = Mesh->getMesh((s32)frame, 255, StartFrame, EndFrame);
CSkinnedMesh* skinnedMesh = reinterpret_cast<CSkinnedMesh*>(Mesh);
if (JointMode == EJUOR_CONTROL)//write to mesh
skinnedMesh->animateMesh(frame, 1.0f);
if (JointMode == EJUOR_READ)//read from mesh
for (u32 n=0;n<JointChildSceneNodes.size();++n)
if (JointChildSceneNodes[n]->getParent()==this)
JointChildSceneNodes[n]->updateAbsolutePositionOfAllChildren(); //temp, should be an option
if ( 0 == m )
#ifdef _DEBUG
os::Printer::log("Animated Mesh returned no mesh to render.", Mesh->getDebugName(), ELL_WARNING);
driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, AbsoluteTransformation);
if (Shadow && PassCount==1)
// for debug purposes only:
u32 renderMeshes = 1;
video::SMaterial mat;
if (DebugDataVisible && PassCount==1)
// overwrite half transparency
if ( DebugDataVisible & scene::EDS_HALF_TRANSPARENCY )
for (u32 g=0; g<m->getMeshBufferCount(); ++g)
mat = Materials[g];
mat.MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR;
driver->drawMeshBuffer ( m->getMeshBuffer(g) );
renderMeshes = 0;
// render original meshes
if ( renderMeshes )
for (u32 i=0; i<m->getMeshBufferCount(); ++i)
video::IMaterialRenderer* rnd = driver->getMaterialRenderer(Materials[i].MaterialType);
bool transparent = (rnd && rnd->isTransparent());
// only render transparent buffer if this is the transparent render pass
// and solid only in solid pass
if (transparent == isTransparentPass)
scene::IMeshBuffer* mb = m->getMeshBuffer(i);
if (RenderFromIdentity)
driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, core::matrix4() );
else if (Mesh->getMeshType() == EAMT_SKINNED)
driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, AbsoluteTransformation * ((SSkinMeshBuffer*)mb)->Transformation);
driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, AbsoluteTransformation);
// for debug purposes only:
if (DebugDataVisible && PassCount==1)
mat.Lighting = false;
// show bounding box
if ( DebugDataVisible & scene::EDS_BBOX_BUFFERS )
for (u32 g=0; g< m->getMeshBufferCount(); ++g)
driver->draw3DBox( m->getMeshBuffer(g)->getBoundingBox(),
video::SColor(0,190,128,128) );
if ( DebugDataVisible & scene::EDS_BBOX )
driver->draw3DBox(Box, video::SColor(0,255,255,255));
// show skeleton
if ( DebugDataVisible & scene::EDS_SKELETON )
if (Mesh->getMeshType() == EAMT_SKINNED)
// draw skeleton
for (u32 g=0; g < ((ISkinnedMesh*)Mesh)->getAllJoints().size(); ++g)
ISkinnedMesh::SJoint *joint=((ISkinnedMesh*)Mesh)->getAllJoints()[g];
for (u32 n=0;n<joint->Children.size();++n)
driver->draw3DLine(joint->GlobalAnimatedMatrix.getTranslation(), joint->Children[n]->GlobalAnimatedMatrix.getTranslation(), video::SColor(0,51,66,255));
// show tag for quake3 models
if (Mesh->getMeshType() == EAMT_MD3 )
IAnimatedMesh * arrow =
SceneManager->addArrowMesh (
0xFF0000FF, 0xFF000088,
4, 8, 5.f, 4.f, 0.5f,
if ( 0 == arrow )
arrow = SceneManager->getMesh ( "__tag_show" );
IMesh *arrowMesh = arrow->getMesh ( 0 );
video::SMaterial material;
material.Lighting = false;
core::matrix4 matr;
SMD3QuaterionTagList *taglist = ((IAnimatedMeshMD3*)Mesh)->getTagList ( (s32)getFrameNr(),
getStartFrame (),
getEndFrame ()
if ( taglist )
for ( u32 ts = 0; ts != taglist->size(); ++ts )
(*taglist)[ts].setto ( matr );
driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, matr );
for ( u32 a = 0; a != arrowMesh->getMeshBufferCount(); ++a )
driver->drawMeshBuffer ( arrowMesh->getMeshBuffer ( a ) );
// show normals
if ( DebugDataVisible & scene::EDS_NORMALS )
IAnimatedMesh * arrow = SceneManager->addArrowMesh (
"__debugnormal", 0xFFECEC00,
0xFF999900, 4, 8, 1.f, 0.6f, 0.05f,
if ( 0 == arrow )
arrow = SceneManager->getMesh ( "__debugnormal" );
IMesh *mesh = arrow->getMesh ( 0 );
// find a good scaling factor
core::matrix4 m2;
// draw normals
for (u32 g=0; g<m->getMeshBufferCount(); ++g)
const scene::IMeshBuffer* mb = m->getMeshBuffer(g);
const u32 vSize = video::getVertexPitchFromType(mb->getVertexType());
const video::S3DVertex* v = ( const video::S3DVertex*)mb->getVertices();
for ( u32 i=0; i != mb->getVertexCount(); ++i )
AlignToUpVector ( m2, v->Normal );
driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, m2 );
for ( u32 a = 0; a != mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); ++a )
driver->drawMeshBuffer ( mesh->getMeshBuffer ( a ) );
v = (const video::S3DVertex*) ( (u8*) v + vSize );
driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, AbsoluteTransformation);
// show mesh
if ( DebugDataVisible & scene::EDS_MESH_WIRE_OVERLAY )
mat.Lighting = false;
mat.Wireframe = true;
for (u32 g=0; g<m->getMeshBufferCount(); ++g)
driver->drawMeshBuffer( m->getMeshBuffer(g) );
//! Returns the current start frame number.
s32 CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getStartFrame() const
return StartFrame;
//! Returns the current start frame number.
s32 CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getEndFrame() const
return EndFrame;
//! sets the frames between the animation is looped.
//! the default is 0 - MaximalFrameCount of the mesh.
bool CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setFrameLoop(s32 begin, s32 end)
const s32 maxFrameCount = Mesh->getFrameCount() - 1;
if ( end < begin )
StartFrame = core::s32_clamp(end, 0, maxFrameCount);
EndFrame = core::s32_clamp(begin, StartFrame, maxFrameCount);
StartFrame = core::s32_clamp(begin, 0, maxFrameCount);
EndFrame = core::s32_clamp(end, StartFrame, maxFrameCount);
setCurrentFrame ( (f32)StartFrame );
return true;
//! sets the speed with witch the animation is played
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setAnimationSpeed(f32 framesPerSecond)
FramesPerSecond = framesPerSecond * 0.001f;
//! returns the axis aligned bounding box of this node
const core::aabbox3d<f32>& CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getBoundingBox() const
return Box;
//! returns the material based on the zero based index i. To get the amount
//! of materials used by this scene node, use getMaterialCount().
//! This function is needed for inserting the node into the scene hirachy on a
//! optimal position for minimizing renderstate changes, but can also be used
//! to directly modify the material of a scene node.
video::SMaterial& CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getMaterial(u32 i)
if ( i >= Materials.size() )
return ISceneNode::getMaterial(i);
return Materials[i];
//! returns amount of materials used by this scene node.
u32 CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getMaterialCount() const
return Materials.size();
//! Creates shadow volume scene node as child of this node
//! and returns a pointer to it.
IShadowVolumeSceneNode* CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::addShadowVolumeSceneNode(s32 id,
bool zfailmethod, f32 infinity)
if (!SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->queryFeature(video::EVDF_STENCIL_BUFFER))
return 0;
if (Shadow)
os::Printer::log("This node already has a shadow.", ELL_WARNING);
return 0;
Shadow = new CShadowVolumeSceneNode(this, SceneManager, id, zfailmethod, infinity);
return Shadow;
IBoneSceneNode* CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getJointNode(const c8* jointName)
if (!Mesh || Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_SKINNED)
return 0;
ISkinnedMesh *skinnedMesh=(ISkinnedMesh*)Mesh;
s32 number = skinnedMesh->getJointNumber(jointName);
if (number == -1)
os::Printer::log("Joint with specified name not found in skinned mesh.", jointName, ELL_WARNING);
return 0;
if ((s32)JointChildSceneNodes.size() <= number)
os::Printer::log("Joint was found in mesh, but is not loaded into node", jointName, ELL_WARNING);
return 0;
return getJointNode((u32)number);
IBoneSceneNode* CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getJointNode(u32 jointID)
if (JointChildSceneNodes.size() <= jointID)
os::Printer::log("Joint not loaded into node", ELL_WARNING);
return 0;
return JointChildSceneNodes[jointID];
//! Returns a pointer to a child node, which has the same transformation as
//! the corrsesponding joint, if the mesh in this scene node is a ms3d mesh.
ISceneNode* CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getMS3DJointNode(const c8* jointName)
return getJointNode(jointName);
//! Returns a pointer to a child node, which has the same transformation as
//! the corrsesponding joint, if the mesh in this scene node is a ms3d mesh.
ISceneNode* CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getXJointNode(const c8* jointName)
return getJointNode(jointName);
//! Removes a child from this scene node.
//! Implemented here, to be able to remove the shadow properly, if there is one,
//! or to remove attached childs.
bool CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::removeChild(ISceneNode* child)
if (child && Shadow == child)
Shadow = 0;
return true;
if (JointsUsed) //stop it doing weird things while the joints are being made
if (ISceneNode::removeChild(child))
for (u32 i=0; i<JointChildSceneNodes.size(); ++i)
if (JointChildSceneNodes[i] == child)
JointChildSceneNodes[i] = 0;
return true;
return true;
return false;
//! Starts a MD2 animation.
bool CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setMD2Animation(EMD2_ANIMATION_TYPE anim)
if (!Mesh || Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_MD2)
return false;
IAnimatedMeshMD2* m = (IAnimatedMeshMD2*)Mesh;
s32 begin, end, speed;
m->getFrameLoop(anim, begin, end, speed);
setAnimationSpeed( f32(speed) );
setFrameLoop(begin, end);
return true;
//! Starts a special MD2 animation.
bool CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setMD2Animation(const c8* animationName)
if (!Mesh || Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_MD2)
return false;
IAnimatedMeshMD2* m = (IAnimatedMeshMD2*)Mesh;
s32 begin, end, speed;
if (!m->getFrameLoop(animationName, begin, end, speed))
return false;
setAnimationSpeed( (f32)speed );
setFrameLoop(begin, end);
return true;
//! Sets looping mode which is on by default. If set to false,
//! animations will not be looped.
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setLoopMode(bool playAnimationLooped)
Looping = playAnimationLooped;
//! Sets a callback interface which will be called if an animation
//! playback has ended. Set this to 0 to disable the callback again.
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setAnimationEndCallback(IAnimationEndCallBack* callback)
if (LoopCallBack)
LoopCallBack = callback;
if (LoopCallBack)
//! Sets if the scene node should not copy the materials of the mesh but use them in a read only style.
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setReadOnlyMaterials(bool readonly)
ReadOnlyMaterials = readonly;
//! Returns if the scene node should not copy the materials of the mesh but use them in a read only style
bool CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::isReadOnlyMaterials() const
return ReadOnlyMaterials;
//! Writes attributes of the scene node.
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options) const
IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::serializeAttributes(out, options);
out->addString("Mesh", SceneManager->getMeshCache()->getMeshFilename(Mesh));
out->addBool("Looping", Looping);
out->addBool("ReadOnlyMaterials", ReadOnlyMaterials);
out->addFloat("FramesPerSecond", FramesPerSecond);
// TODO: write animation names instead of frame begin and ends
//! Reads attributes of the scene node.
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options)
IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::deserializeAttributes(in, options);
core::stringc oldMeshStr = SceneManager->getMeshCache()->getMeshFilename(Mesh);
core::stringc newMeshStr = in->getAttributeAsString("Mesh");
Looping = in->getAttributeAsBool("Looping");
ReadOnlyMaterials = in->getAttributeAsBool("ReadOnlyMaterials");
FramesPerSecond = in->getAttributeAsFloat("FramesPerSecond");
if (newMeshStr != "" && oldMeshStr != newMeshStr)
IAnimatedMesh* newAnimatedMesh = SceneManager->getMesh(newMeshStr.c_str());
if (newAnimatedMesh)
// TODO: read animation names instead of frame begin and ends
//! Sets a new mesh
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setMesh(IAnimatedMesh* mesh)
if (!mesh)
return; // won't set null mesh
if (Mesh)
Mesh = mesh;
// get materials and bounding box
Box = Mesh->getBoundingBox();
IMesh* m = Mesh->getMesh(0,0);
if (m)
video::SMaterial mat;
for (u32 i=0; i<m->getMeshBufferCount(); ++i)
IMeshBuffer* mb = m->getMeshBuffer(i);
if (mb)
mat = mb->getMaterial();
// get start and begin time
setFrameLoop ( 0, Mesh->getFrameCount() );
// grab the mesh
if (Mesh)
// returns the absolute transformation for a special MD3 Tag if the mesh is a md3 mesh,
// or the absolutetransformation if it's a normal scenenode
const SMD3QuaterionTag& CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getMD3TagTransformation( const core::stringc & tagname)
SMD3QuaterionTag * tag = MD3Special.AbsoluteTagList.get ( tagname );
if ( tag )
return *tag;
MD3Special.AbsoluteTagList.Container.push_back ( SMD3QuaterionTag ( tagname, AbsoluteTransformation ) );
return *MD3Special.AbsoluteTagList.get ( tagname );
//! updates the absolute position based on the relative and the parents position
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition()
if ( 0 == Mesh || Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_MD3 )
SMD3QuaterionTag parent;
if ( Parent && Parent->getType () == ESNT_ANIMATED_MESH)
parent = ((IAnimatedMeshSceneNode*) Parent)->getMD3TagTransformation ( MD3Special.Tagname );
SMD3QuaterionTag relative( RelativeTranslation, RelativeRotation );
SMD3QuaterionTagList *taglist;
taglist = ( (IAnimatedMeshMD3*) Mesh )->getTagList ( (s32)getFrameNr(),255,getStartFrame (),getEndFrame () );
if ( taglist )
MD3Special.AbsoluteTagList.Container.set_used ( taglist->size () );
for ( u32 i=0; i!= taglist->size (); ++i )
MD3Special.AbsoluteTagList[i].position = parent.position + (*taglist)[i].position + relative.position;
MD3Special.AbsoluteTagList[i].rotation = parent.rotation * (*taglist)[i].rotation * relative.rotation;
//! Set the joint update mode (0-unused, 1-get joints only, 2-set joints only, 3-move and set)
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setJointMode(E_JOINT_UPDATE_ON_RENDER mode)
//if (mode<0) mode=0;
//if (mode>3) mode=3;
//! Sets the transition time in seconds (note: This needs to enable joints, and setJointmode maybe set to 2)
//! you must call animateJoints(), or the mesh will not animate
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setTransitionTime(f32 time)
if (time != 0.0f)
TransitionTime = (u32)core::floor32(time*1000.0f);
//! render mesh ignoring it's transformation. Used with ragdolls. (culling is unaffected)
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setRenderFromIdentity( bool On )
//! updates the joint positions of this mesh
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::animateJoints(bool CalculateAbsolutePositions)
if (Mesh && Mesh->getMeshType() == EAMT_SKINNED )
if (JointsUsed)
f32 frame = getFrameNr(); //old?
CSkinnedMesh* skinnedMesh=reinterpret_cast<CSkinnedMesh*>(Mesh);
skinnedMesh->animateMesh(frame, 1.0f);
skinnedMesh->recoverJointsFromMesh( JointChildSceneNodes);
if (CalculateAbsolutePositions)
for (u32 n=0;n<JointChildSceneNodes.size();++n)
if (JointChildSceneNodes[n]->getParent()==this)
JointChildSceneNodes[n]->updateAbsolutePositionOfAllChildren(); //temp, should be an option
// Transition
if (Transiting != 0.f)
//Check the array is big enough (not really needed)
if (PretransitingSave.size()<JointChildSceneNodes.size())
for(u32 n=PretransitingSave.size(); n<JointChildSceneNodes.size(); ++n)
for (u32 n=0; n<JointChildSceneNodes.size(); ++n)
//Code is slow, needs to be fixed up
const core::quaternion RotationStart(PretransitingSave[n].getRotationDegrees()*core::DEGTORAD);
const core::quaternion RotationEnd(JointChildSceneNodes[n]->getRotation()*core::DEGTORAD);
core::quaternion QRotation;
QRotation.slerp(RotationStart, RotationEnd, TransitingBlend);
core::vector3df tmpVector;
tmpVector*=core::RADTODEG; //convert from radians back to degrees
JointChildSceneNodes[n]->setRotation( tmpVector );
// core::lerp(
// PretransitingSave[n].getScale(),
// JointChildSceneNodes[n]->getScale(),
// TransitingBlend));
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::checkJoints()
if (!Mesh || Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_SKINNED)
if (!JointsUsed)
//Create joints for SkinnedMesh
((CSkinnedMesh*)Mesh)->createJoints(JointChildSceneNodes, this, SceneManager);
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::beginTransition()
if (!JointsUsed)
if (TransitionTime != 0)
//Check the array is big enough
if (PretransitingSave.size()<JointChildSceneNodes.size())
for(u32 n=PretransitingSave.size(); n<JointChildSceneNodes.size(); ++n)
//Copy the position of joints
for (u32 n=0;n<JointChildSceneNodes.size();++n)
Transiting = core::reciprocal((f32)TransitionTime);
} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr