
375 lines
15 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
VERSION=$(shell git describe --abbrev=8 --dirty 2>/dev/null || echo v0.12.0)
ADOCOPTS=--backend=html5 --conf-file=.adoc-layout.conf
ASCIIDOC_MAN=a2x -f manpage
DEUTEX_BASIC_ARGS=-v0 -rate accept
DEUTEX_ARGS=$(DEUTEX_BASIC_ARGS) -doom2 bootstrap/
.PHONY: clean dist
all: $(OBJS)
$(MAKE) -C lumps/dehacked # graphics/text depends on generated dehacked files
$(MAKE) VERSION=$(VERSION) -C graphics/text
$(MAKE) -C lumps/playpal
$(MAKE) -C lumps/colormap
$(MAKE) -C lumps/genmidi
$(MAKE) -C lumps/dmxgus
$(MAKE) -C lumps/textures
$(MAKE) -C bootstrap
# this is a useless dependency to force builds
lumps/freedoom.lmp lumps/freedm.lmp: force
echo $(VERSION) > $@
# deutex doesnt allow redirects for the filenames in the texture
# entries, so we have to change the texture1 symlink to point
# to whichever wad we are working on
# freedm iwad
wadinfo_freedm.txt : buildcfg.txt subdirs lumps/freedoom.lmp lumps/freedm.lmp
$(CPP) -P -DFREEDM < $< > $@
$(FREEDM): wadinfo_freedm.txt subdirs
@mkdir -p $(WADS)
$(RM) $@
$(DEUTEX) $(DEUTEX_ARGS) -iwad -build wadinfo_freedm.txt $@
# phase 1 (udoom) iwad
wadinfo_phase1.txt: buildcfg.txt subdirs lumps/freedoom.lmp
$(CPP) -P -DPHASE1 < $< > $@
$(FREEDOOM1): wadinfo_phase1.txt subdirs
@mkdir -p $(WADS)
$(RM) $@
$(DEUTEX) $(DEUTEX_ARGS) -iwad -build wadinfo_phase1.txt $@
# phase 2 (doom2) iwad
wadinfo_phase2.txt: buildcfg.txt subdirs lumps/freedoom.lmp
$(CPP) -P -DPHASE2 < $< > $@
$(FREEDOOM2): wadinfo_phase2.txt subdirs
@mkdir -p $(WADS)
$(RM) $@
$(DEUTEX) $(DEUTEX_ARGS) -iwad -build wadinfo_phase2.txt $@
%.html: %.adoc
manual/freedoom-manual.pdf: manual/manual.adoc
$(MAKE) -C manual
unix2dos --add-bom --newfile $< $@
unix2dos --add-bom --newfile $< $@
DISTDOCS=$(HTMLDOCS) $(TEXTDOCS) manual/freedoom-manual.pdf
dist: $(OBJS) $(DISTDOCS)
LC_ALL=C VERSION=$(VERSION) scripts/makepkgs freedm $(FREEDM) $(DISTDOCS)
LC_ALL=C VERSION=$(VERSION) scripts/makepkgs freedoom $(FREEDOOM1) $(FREEDOOM2) $(DISTDOCS)
json: $(OBJS)
ifndef JSON
@echo "Define JSON as the file to output." >&2
@exit 1
JSON=$(JSON) VERSION=$(VERSION) scripts/makejson
doom.gpl: lumps/playpal/playpal-base.lmp
$(MAKE) -C lumps/playpal $@
mv lumps/playpal/$@ .
gimp-palette: doom.gpl
clean: wad-image-clean
$(RM) *.html doom.gpl $(OBJS) \
./COPYING.txt ./CREDITS.txt \
./wadinfo_phase1.txt \
./wadinfo_phase2.txt \
./wadinfo_freedm.txt \
./lumps/freedoom.lmp \
-rmdir $(WADS)
$(MAKE) -C bootstrap clean
$(MAKE) -C dist clean
$(MAKE) -C graphics/text clean
$(MAKE) -C lumps/dehacked clean
$(MAKE) -C lumps/playpal clean
$(MAKE) -C lumps/colormap clean
$(MAKE) -C lumps/genmidi clean
$(MAKE) -C lumps/dmxgus clean
$(MAKE) -C lumps/textures clean
$(MAKE) -C manual clean
# Variables that are common to wad-image* targets.
WI_LEVELS := levels
WI_SCRIPTS := scripts
WI_PATH := $(shell command -v
WI_HOME := $(if $(WAD2IMAGE_HOME),$(WAD2IMAGE_HOME),$(if $(WI_PATH),$(shell $(WI_PATH) \
WI_IMAGES := wad-images
WI_WAD_SPATH := wads,{top-dir}/wads,.,/usr/share/doom,/usr/local/doom
WI_ALL_OPTIONS := $(WI_OPTIONS) $(if $(WI_BW), --colors-images bw,) \
$(if $(WI_CMD), --show-cmd $(WI_CMD),) $(if $(WI_GIF), -d gif,) \
$(if $(WI_IMAGES), --out-dir $(WI_IMAGES),) $(if $(WI_SHOW), -s,) \
$(if $(WI_VERBOSE), -v,) $(if $(WI_WAD_SPATH), --wad-spath $(WI_WAD_SPATH),)
ifndef WI_IMAGES
$(error WI_IMAGES must be defined)
ifndef WI_LEVELS
$(error WI_LEVELS must be defined)
$(error WI_SCRIPTS must be defined)
ifndef WI_HOME
$(error WI_HOME must be defined)
# Generating images for WADs in "levels" directory and show the result.
WI_LATEST := $(shell ls -1t $(WI_LEVELS)/*.wad | head -n 1)
WI_FILES := $(if $(WI_PATT), $(WI_LEVELS)/$(WI_PATT).wad, $(WI_LATEST))
wad-image: wad-image-common
@echo "Generating images for WADs in \"$(WI_LEVELS)\"."
# Cleanup generated images. Structured this way for safety.
wad-image-clean: wad-image-common
$(RM) $(WI_IMAGES)/*
-rmdir $(WI_IMAGES)
# Diffing WADs in "levels" using git and show the diff."
wad-image-diff: wad-image-common
@echo "Diffing WADs in \"$(WI_LEVELS)\" using git."
$(WI_HOME)/integration/ "$(WI_COMMIT)" "$(WI_LEVELS)" $(WI_ALL_OPTIONS)
# Help for wad2image.
wad-image-help: wad-image-common
@echo "Help for wad-image* targets and WI_* variable which can be used to see"
@echo "differences between WAD revisions, or to simply view WADs. The following targets"
@echo "depend on wad2image being installed with bin/ in it being in the"
@echo "path, or alteratively wad2image being copied or symlinked to the \"$(WI_SCRIPTS)\""
@echo "directory. Images are created in \"$(WI_IMAGES)\". Each variable's description"
@echo "ends with \"Value:\" followed by that variable's current value. If no variables"
@echo "have been specified on the make command line then the value shown is the"
@echo "default value. Some variables are unset by default. wad2image can be downloaded"
@echo "from"
@echo ""
@echo " Targets:"
@echo ""
@echo " wad-image Generate generate images for WAD files that are in the"
@echo " workspace."
@echo " wad-image-clean Remove \"$(WI_IMAGES)\" as well as all files in it."
@echo " wad-image-diff Use git to generate diff image showing the differences"
@echo " between two revisions of WAD files. By default the"
@echo " difference is between latest HEAD and the workspace, but the"
@echo " WI_COMMIT variable can be used to generate other diffs."
@echo " wad-image-help This help message."
@echo ""
@echo " Variables:"
@echo ""
@echo " WI_BW Make diff images black or white (high contrast) instead of"
@echo " full color. This applies to wad-image-diff-only."
@echo " Value: $(WI_BW)"
@echo " WI_CMD Command used to display images. \"display\" is used if no"
@echo " value is specified. \"animate\" works well for animated"
@echo " GIFs. Value: $(WI_CMD)"
@echo " WI_COMMIT When the wad-image-diff target is invoked this variable"
@echo " specifies which revisions are compared. It's similar to"
@echo " git's \"commit\" argument. Value: $(WI_COMMIT)"
@echo " WI_GIF Create animated GIFs instead of color coded files for the"
@echo " diff. Value: $(WI_GIF)"
@echo " WI_HOME The location where wad2image is installed. By default PATH"
@echo " is searched for \"\". If it's found the"
@echo " enclosing installation directory is used. If it's not found"
@echo " $(WI_SCRIPTS)/wad2image is used. Value: $(WI_HOME)"
@echo " WI_IMAGES The output directory that will contain the images created."
@echo " Value: $(WI_IMAGES)"
@echo " WI_LEVELS Subdirectory with the level WADs. Value: $(WI_IMAGES)"
@echo " WI_OPTIONS Additional command line options for wad2image."
@echo " Value: $(WI_OPTIONS)"
@echo " WI_SHOW If set then show the images after creating them."
@echo " Value: $(WI_SHOW)"
@echo " WI_PATT Files patterns that are applied to files in the"
@echo " \"$(WI_LEVELS)\" directory without the \".wad\" suffix. For"
@echo " example, \"map0*\" to get MAP01 - MAP09. This applies to"
@echo " wad-image only. Value: $(WI_PATT)"
@echo " WI_VERBOSE If set then make wad2image more verbose."
@echo " Value: $(WI_VERBOSE)"
@echo " WI_WAD_SPATH The search path for WADs where a fully qualified path was"
@echo " not given. This is typically used for the IWAD. By default"
@echo " \"wads\" is searched first, so it helps to complete a build"
@echo " before generating images. Value: $(WI_WAD_SPATH)"
@echo ""
@echo " Examples:"
@echo ""
@echo " Verbosely create and display an image for the most recently modified WAD"
@echo " file in \"levels\":"
@echo " make wad-image WI_VERBOSE=t"
@echo ""
@echo " Create and display the image for MAP05:"
@echo " make wad-image WI_PATT=map05"
@echo ""
@echo " Verbosely create color coded diffs for changed files in the workspace:"
@echo " make wad-image-diff WI_VERBOSE=t"
@echo ""
@echo " Same as above but Yadex style (example of WI_OPTIONS):"
@echo " make wad-image-diff WI_VERBOSE=t WI_OPTIONS=\"-c yadex\""
@echo ""
@echo " Same as the above, but with high contrast black or white images, but"
@echo " without Yadex style:"
@echo " make wad-image-diff WI_VERBOSE=t WI_BW=t"
@echo ""
@echo " Same as above, but use animated GIFs to illustrate the diff instead of"
@echo " colors. Also, once the animated GIFs are created they'll be shown with"
@echo " the \"animate\" command:"
@echo " make wad-image-diff WI_VERBOSE=t WI_GIF=t WI_SHOW=t WI_CMD=animate"
@echo ""
@echo " Same as above, but illustrate the diff between two git revisions instead of"
@echo " the workspace:"
@echo " make wad-image-diff WI_VERBOSE=t WI_GIF=t WI_SHOW=t WI_CMD=animate \
# Test targets all of which are a dependency of "test".
# Test that WAD files have the expected map names.
scripts/fix-map-names -t levels
# Run all tests. Add test-* targets above, and then as a dependency here.
test: test-map-names
@echo "All tests passed."
# Non-test targets that run scripts in the "scripts" directory.
# Fix the map names.
scripts/fix-map-names levels
$(MAKE) -C dist $@
install-freedm: $(FREEDM) $(HTMLDOCS) manual/freedoom-manual.pdf \
freedm.6 freedm.png
install -Dm 644 dist/io.github.freedoom.FreeDM.desktop \
-t "$(target)/share/applications"
install -Dm 644 dist/io.github.freedoom.FreeDM.metainfo.xml \
-t "$(target)/share/metainfo"
install -Dm 755 dist/freedoom "$(target)$(bindir)/freedm"
install -Dm 644 dist/freedm.6 -t "$(target)$(mandir)/man6"
install -Dm 644 $(FREEDM) -t "$(target)$(waddir)"
install -Dm 644 dist/freedm.png -t "$(target)/share/icons"
install -Dm 644 CREDITS NEWS.html README.html -t "$(target)$(docdir)/freedm"
install -Dm 644 COPYING.adoc "$(target)$(docdir)/freedm/COPYING"
-install -Dm 644 manual/freedoom-manual.pdf -t "$(target)$(docdir)/freedm"
install-freedoom: $(FREEDOOM1) $(FREEDOOM2) $(HTMLDOCS) \
manual/freedoom-manual.pdf freedoom1.6 freedoom2.6 \
freedoom1.png freedoom2.png
install -Dm 644 dist/io.github.freedoom.Phase1.desktop \
-t "$(target)/share/applications"
install -Dm 644 dist/io.github.freedoom.Phase2.desktop \
-t "$(target)/share/applications"
install -Dm 644 dist/io.github.freedoom.Phase1.metainfo.xml \
-t "$(target)/share/metainfo"
install -Dm 644 dist/io.github.freedoom.Phase2.metainfo.xml \
-t "$(target)/share/metainfo"
install -Dm 755 dist/freedoom "$(target)$(bindir)/freedoom1"
install -Dm 755 dist/freedoom "$(target)$(bindir)/freedoom2"
install -Dm 644 dist/freedoom1.6 -t "$(target)$(mandir)/man6"
install -Dm 644 dist/freedoom2.6 -t "$(target)$(mandir)/man6"
install -Dm 644 $(FREEDOOM1) $(FREEDOOM2) -t "$(target)$(waddir)"
install -Dm 644 dist/freedoom1.png -t "$(target)/share/icons"
install -Dm 644 dist/freedoom2.png -t "$(target)/share/icons"
install -Dm 644 CREDITS NEWS.html README.html \
-t "$(target)$(docdir)/freedoom"
install -Dm 644 COPYING.adoc "$(target)$(docdir)/freedoom/COPYING"
-install -Dm 644 manual/freedoom-manual.pdf -t "$(target)$(docdir)/freedoom"
$(RM) \
"$(target)/share/applications/io.github.freedoom.FreeDM.desktop" \
"$(target)/share/metainfo/io.github.freedoom.FreeDM.metainfo.xml" \
"$(target)/share/icons/freedm.png" \
"$(target)$(bindir)/freedm" \
"$(target)$(mandir)/man6/freedm.6" \
"$(target)$(waddir)/freedm.wad" \
"$(target)$(docdir)/freedm/CREDITS" \
"$(target)$(docdir)/freedm/COPYING" \
"$(target)$(docdir)/freedm/NEWS.html" \
"$(target)$(docdir)/freedm/README.html" \
-rmdir -p "$(target)/share/applications" \
"$(target)/share/metainfo" "$(target)/share/icons" \
"$(target)$(bindir)" "$(target)$(mandir)/man6" \
"$(target)$(waddir)" "$(target)$(docdir)/freedm"
$(RM) \
"$(target)/share/applications/io.github.freedoom.Phase1.desktop" \
"$(target)/share/applications/io.github.freedoom.Phase2.desktop" \
"$(target)/share/metainfo/io.github.freedoom.Phase1.metainfo.xml" \
"$(target)/share/metainfo/io.github.freedoom.Phase2.metainfo.xml" \
"$(target)/share/icons/freedoom1.png" \
"$(target)/share/icons/freedoom2.png" \
"$(target)$(bindir)/freedoom1" \
"$(target)$(bindir)/freedoom2" \
"$(target)$(mandir)/man6/freedoom1.6" \
"$(target)$(mandir)/man6/freedoom2.6" \
"$(target)$(waddir)/freedoom1.wad" \
"$(target)$(waddir)/freedoom2.wad" \
"$(target)$(docdir)/freedoom/CREDITS" \
"$(target)$(docdir)/freedoom/COPYING" \
"$(target)$(docdir)/freedoom/NEWS.html" \
"$(target)$(docdir)/freedoom/README.html" \
-rmdir -p "$(target)/share/applications" \
"$(target)/share/metainfo" "$(target)/share/icons" \
"$(target)$(bindir)" "$(target)$(mandir)/man6" \
"$(target)$(waddir)" "$(target)$(docdir)/freedoom"
install: install-freedm install-freedoom
uninstall: uninstall-freedm uninstall-freedoom