Makefile: Simply install rules.

We don’t need to use install to create directories separately.
The command can create them and install files at the same time.
Mike Swanson 2017-02-20 20:59:28 -08:00
parent 5a888fe875
commit 6996fd5c70
1 changed files with 6 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -132,18 +132,12 @@ target=$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)
$(MAKE) -C dist icon-$*
install-%: $(WADS)/%.wad %.6 %.png
install -d "$(target)$(bindir)"
install -m 755 dist/freedoom "$(target)$(bindir)/$*"
install -d "$(target)$(mandir)/man6"
install -m 644 dist/$*.6 "$(target)$(mandir)/man6"
install -d "$(target)$(waddir)"
install -m 644 $(WADS)/$*.wad "$(target)$(waddir)"
install -d "$(target)/share/applications"
install -m 644 dist/$*.desktop "$(target)/share/applications"
install -d "$(target)/share/appdata"
install -m 644 dist/$*.appdata.xml "$(target)/share/appdata"
install -d "$(target)/share/icons"
install -m 644 dist/$*.png "$(target)/share/icons/$*.png"
install -Dm 755 dist/freedoom "$(target)$(bindir)/$*"
install -Dm 644 dist/$*.6 -t "$(target)$(mandir)/man6"
install -Dm 644 $(WADS)/$*.wad -t "$(target)$(waddir)"
install -Dm 644 dist/$*.desktop -t "$(target)/share/applications"
install -Dm 644 dist/$*.appdata.xml -t "$(target)/share/appdata"
install -Dm 644 dist/$*.png -t "$(target)/share/icons"
rm "$(target)$(bindir)/$*"