more progress on readme

flux 2019-08-12 05:22:55 +00:00
parent b18804d283
commit 8629b6cdcf
1 changed files with 204 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ Name
A portmanteau of "verification", "ban", and the herb verbena.
The terms `network` and `ASN` are used interchangeably in this document.
@ -80,27 +85,220 @@ in order for verbana to detect their presence. By default, verbana will run in
"debug mode" if these mods are detected. If you wish to use verbana as intended, you do
*not* want these mods installed.
If you don't know the basics of installing a minetest mod, please see
Trust the mod
Verbana must be marked as a trusted mod, with a line like the following added to
```secure.trusted_mods = verbana```
secure.trusted_mods = verbana
The only "trusted" thing verbana does is load lsqlite so that it can interact with
its database. To our knowledge, verbana cannot leak the insecure environment, but
it can leak the lsqlite interface in minetest 5.0.1 and development versions
it can leak the lsqlite interface in minetest 5.0.1 and development versions before
commit ecd20de.
Download ASN tables
Once you have put the verbana mod in the correct place, you will need to download the
ASN tables that verbana uses to correlate IP numbers with networks. On Linux
systems, you should just be able to run the script ``. On other systems,
you will need to find another way to download those files, and convert the
data-used-autnums file from ths ISO-8859-1 encoding to utf8.
The ASN tables update regularly, though for the most part nothing major changes.
You should put a process in place that updates these automatically (or manually)
some period between daily and monthly.
list of commands for documentation:
The following configuration options are available, and can be set in your `minetest.conf`
* `verbana.db_path`
The location verbana will store its database. Defaults to `${WORLD_ROOT}/verbana.sqlite`.
* `verbana.asn_description_path`
The location of the ASN description file. Defaults to `${MOD_ROOT}/data-used-autnums`
* `verbana.asn_data_path`
The location of the ASN data file. Defaults to `${MOD_ROOT}/data-raw-table`
* `verbana.admin_priv`
The privilege needed to administer verbana. Defaults to `ban_admin`. This privilege will
be created if it does not currently exist.
* `verbana.moderator_priv`
The privilege needed to administer verbana. Defaults to `basic_privs`. This privilege will
be created if it does not currently exist.
* `verbana.unverified_privs`
The privileges granted to users with the "unverified" status. Defaults to `shout`.
If there are multiple privileges, they should be comma-delimited.
* `default_privs`
This is a core setting, not a verbana-specific one. Verbana uses it to determine what
privileges to give to players once they are verified. Defaults to `shout,interact`.
If there are multiple privileges, they should be comma-delimited.
* `verbana.whitelisted_privs`
A list of privileges that are equivalent to the `whitelisted` status. If a player has
all of the listed privileges, they skip the suspicious network checks on login. By
default, it is blank i.e. disabled.
* `static_spawnpoint`
This is a core setting, not a verbana-specific one. Verbana uses this to determine
where a normal (verified) player will spawn, and where to move players that are
newly verified. It is a list of coordinates `(x,y,z)`, and defaults to `(0,0,0)`.
* `verbana.unverified_spawn_pos`
Coordinates where unverified players will spawn. It is a list of coordinates
`(x,y,z)` and defaults to the value of `static_spawnpoint`.
* `verbana.jail_bounds`
Boundaries for the verification "jail" area, if one exists. It needs to be specified
as a pair of coordinates, (x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2), that specify the 3d bounding box
of the jail. If a jail is defined, `verbana.unverified_spawn_pos` should be
*inside* of the jail, or unexpected behavior may result.
* `verbana.jail_check_period`
A period, specified in seconds, between checks of whether an unverified player has
escaped the verification jail. It defaults to 0, which disables the jail.
Both `verbana.jail_bounds` and `verbana.jail_check_period` must be defined in
order for the verification jail to be enabled.
* `verbana.universal_verification`
If set to `true`, all new users must be verified. Otherwise, only players from suspicious
networks need be verified. Defaults to `false`
* `verbana.debug_mode`
Whether to run verbana in debug mode. By default, verbana will run in debug mode if
the sban or verification mod are installed and enabled. Setting this will override
that behavior, if that is desired.
In debug mode, verbana will (1) reload the schema on every server startup
(2) automatically import data from sban, if its DB is found (3) not make any changes
to player privileges (4) not block any users from connecting to the server (5) not
kick any users from the server.
Verbana assigns a "status" to all players, IPs, and networks that determines in what
cases players can connect to the server.
Player Status
* `default`
Most players will have the `default` status.
* `banned`
A player who has been banned will not be able to connect to the server. Note
that banning one account does not generally prevent other accounts from
connecting from IPs or Networks that the user has been associated with. However,
it will temporarily mark the last-known IP of the user as suspicious.
* `unverified`
A new player that connects from a suspicious IP or network is automatically
marked as `unverified`. Unverified users have reduced privileges (by default,
they lack `interact`), and must be verified by a verbana admin or moderator
before they can play the game or communicate with ordinary players.
* `suspicious`
A player that has been marked as `suspicious` has no real restrictions,
but verbana moderators and admins will be alerted when the player logs in or
performs certain other actions.
* `whitelisted`
A player that has been whitelisted will be allowed to bypass the suspicious
network checks when they join the server.
IP status
* `default`
Most IPs will have the `default` status.
* `blocked`
All connections from blocked IPs will be denied, except for whitelisted players.
* `suspicious`
A new player connecting from a `suspicious` IP will be forced to go through
verification, unless the player is whitelisted. An attempt to connect from a
suspicious IP as an existing player will be denied, if that player has never
connected from that network before.
* `trusted`
An IP in a suspicious network may be marked as `trusted`, which indicates that
connections from that IP will bypass suspicious network checks.
ASN status
* `default`
Most networks will have the `default` status.
* `blocked`
All connections from this network will be denied, unless the player is whitelisted
or the IP is trusted.
* `suspicious`
A new player connecting from a `suspicious` network will be forced to go through
verification, unless the player is whitelisted. An attempt to connect from a
suspicious network as an existing player will be denied, if that player has never
connected from that network before.
Master accounts and alts
It is possible to link accounts together in a master/alt account relationship. In
such a relationship, changes in the status to one account will be reflected by them
all. This can be used to associate new accounts w/ existing accounts that are
banned, to quickly ban those accounts.
An account can have only one master. A master account cannot have another account as its master;
you can't chain the master/alt relationship.
# Administration
sban_import [<filename>]