Adding an example bot and docing the API

Farooq Karimi Zadeh 2020-09-21 10:58:25 +03:30
parent 60c24bf1b1
commit ae42f25112
2 changed files with 292 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
In this article, I suppose you are using C++. For other languages see other languages
section in
See `examples/` in project's root for some example bots.
You need to include `mtbotter.h` in your project and create
a subclass of `MtBotter` class whose definition goes as below:
@ -78,3 +80,218 @@ You should override all virtual methods(even if you don't need
to use them) and you can use public methods of `MtBotter`
class. `run()` is called upon starting the bot. You should
put a loop there and do whatever the bot should do.
Don't forget to call `step()` regularly in your loop so
that your bot can receive events and its commands will
be sent to server.
## Public methods which you can use in your bot
### MtBotter(...)
MtBotter(const char* botname,
const std::string &password,
const std::string &address_name,
const std::string hostname,
const unsigned short port,
bool ipv6)
- `botname`, `password` and `port` explain themselves.
- `ipv6` indicates if you are going to connect to an IPv6
- `hostname` is the (IP) address of the server you want to
connect to.
- `address_name` can be whatever you like but you'd better
make it the same as hostname.
### ~MtBotter()
Disconnects from server and deletes the created instances.
### bool connect()
Connects to server.
### void start()
Runs the bot. Should be called after `connect()`.
### void turnRight(float deg = 15)
Turns bot's body to right.
### void turnLeft(float deg = 15)
Turns bot's body to left.
### void turnHeadUp(float deg = 5)
Turns bot's head up.
### void turnHeadDown(float deg = 5)
Turns bot's head down.
### float getHeadingV(), float getHeadingH()
In order, they return current vertical heading(pitch)
and current horizontal heading(yaw) of bot.
### void move(unsigned flags)
Move the bot or jump and sneak with this. You should use one or more of these flags:
move(FORWARD); // moves forward
move(FORWARD | JUMP); // move forward and jump at the same time
### short getPosX(), short getPosY(), short getPosZ()
They return the current position of the bot in the world.
### bool punch()
Punchs the pointed node or object. Returns `false` if failed.
### bool place(bool noplace = false)
Place the node which is wielded in bot's inventory.
If `noplace` is true, right clicks on the pointed node instead
of placing a new node.
Returns `false` if failed.
### bool dig()
Digs the pointed node and returns `true` if successful.
### bool activate()
Activates(rightclick in air) and returns true if successful.
### void sendChat(std::wstring message)
Sends the message to chat.
### step(float dtime)
Steps the client and receives the event. `dtime` can be from 0 to 2.
This should be called in order to have a working bot so that
commands(move, dig, place, ...) will be sent to server and
events will be recieved.
### std::list\<SomeObject\> getNearestObjects(float max\_d)
Returns a list of objects in `max_d` radius.
`SomeObject` is defined as below:
struct SomeObject {
unsigned short id;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> groups;
bool immortal, localplayer;
### bool getNearestObject(float max\_d, SomeObject &obj)
Assigns `obj` to the nearest object which is not bot itself
and returns `true` if successful.
### unsigned short getHP()
Returns current HP of the bot.
### unsigned short getBreath()
Returns the current Oxygen level of the bot.
### bool isDead()
Returns `true` if the bot is dead.
Because MtBotter respawns the bot when it dies, you may rarely
(or never?) get `true` from this method.
### std::list<std::string> getPlayerNames()
Returns a list of players who are online in the server.
### void setWieldIndex(unsigned short index)
Sets the current selected item's index to `index`.
### unsigned short getWieldIndex()
Returns the current selected/wielded item index.
### SomeItemStack getWieldedItem()
Returns the current selected/wielded item in bot's inventory.
SomeItemStack is defined like this:
struct SomeItemStack {
std::string name;
unsigned short count, wear;
### PThing getPThing()
Gets the current pointed thing. PThing is defined as below:
struct PThing {
PThingType type;
short node_undersurface[3]; // X, Y, Z
short node_abovesurface[3];
### SomeNode getNode(short x, short y, short z)
Returns the node at given position.
SomeNode is defined like this:
struct SomeNode {
std::string name; // empty if unknown
bool is_ground_content, walkable, pointable, diggable;
bool climbable, buildable_to, rightclickable;
unsigned long dmg_p_sec; // damage per second
## Protected virtual methods which you should override
You should override all of these even if you don't need to.
You can keep the one you don't need empty
### void onRemoveNode(short pos[])
pos -> X, Y, Z
### void onAddNode(short pos[])
### void onChatMessage(unsigned char type, std::wstring sender, std::wstring message)
### void onConnect()
### void onDisconnect(std::string reason)
Currently unused(won't be called at all)
### void onTime(unsigned short t)
### void onInventoryUpdate()
### void onPlayerMove(float pos[])
pos -> X, Y, Z
### void run()
The main code of bot is here. Don't forget to use `step()`
regularly here. When the end of this method is reached, bot stops and with `delete`
you can disconnect it.

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <list>
#include "mtbotter.h"
using namespace std;
bool got_sigint = false;
class MonsterKiller : public MtBotter {
void onRemoveNode(short pos[]) {}
void onAddNode(short pos[]) {}
void onChatMessage(unsigned char type, wstring sender, wstring message) {}
void onConnect() {
cout << "[] Connected!" << endl;
void onDisconnect(string reason) {}
void onInventoryUpdate() {}
void onPlayerMove(float pos[]) {}
void onTime(unsigned short t){}
void run() {
unsigned i = 0;
list<SomeObject> objs;
SomeObject obj;
bool got_wanted;
while (!got_sigint) {
got_wanted = false;
if (!(i++ % 135)) {
objs = getNearestObjects(100);
for (auto someobj : objs) {
if (someobj.localplayer) {
auto fleshy=someobj.groups.find("fleshy");
auto immortal=someobj.immortal;
if (fleshy == someobj.groups.end())
if (fleshy->second > 0 && immortal) {
obj = someobj;
got_wanted = true;
if (!got_wanted) {
float diff_x = obj.posX - getPosX()/10;
float diff_z = obj.posZ - getPosZ()/10;
float radian, degree;
radian = atan2(diff_x, diff_z);
degree = 360 - radian * 180 / M_PI;
turnLeft(degree - getHeadingH());
int main() {
MonsterKiller *mk = new MonsterKiller();
return 0;