
93 lines
2.2 KiB

\" zstd.1: This is a manual page for 'zstd' program. This file is part of the
\" zstd <http://www.zstd.net/> project.
\" Author: Yann Collet
\" No hyphenation
.hy 0
.nr HY 0
.TH zstd "1" "2015-08-22" "zstd" "User Commands"
\fBzstd, unzstd, zstdcat\fR - Compress or decompress .zst files
.TP 5
.B unzstd
is equivalent to
.BR "zstd \-d"
.B zstdcat
is equivalent to
.BR "zstd \-dc"
\fBzstd\fR is a fast lossless compression algorithm.
It is based on the \fBLZ77\fR family, with FSE & huff0 entropy stage.
zstd offers compression speed > 200 MB/s per core.
It also features a fast decoder, with speed > 500 MB/s per core.
\fBzstd\fR command line is generally similar to gzip, but features the following differences :
- Original files are preserved
- By default, \fBzstd file1 file2\fR means : compress file1 \fBinto\fR file2.
Use \fB-m\fR command if you want : compress file1 into file1.zstd and file2 into file2.zst
- By default, when compressing files, \fBzstd\fR displays advancement notification and result summary.
Use \fB-q\fR to turn them off
\fBzstd\fR supports the following options :
.B \-#
# compression level [1-19](default:1)
.B \-d
.B \-f
overwrite output without prompting
.BR \-m ", " --multiple
multiple files mode
In this mode, multiple files on the command line means compression or decompression of each named file
Notifications are also turned off by default
.B \-D
Use next file as dictionary content for compress / decompression
.BR \-h/\-H ", " --help
display help/long help and exit
.BR \-V ", " --version
display Version number and exit
.BR \-v ", " --verbose
verbose mode
.BR \-q ", " --quiet
suppress warnings and notifications; specify twice to suppress errors too
.B \-c
force write to standard output, even if it is the console
.B \-z
force compression
.B \-b#
benchmark file(s) using compression level #
.B \-i#
iteration loops [1-9](default : 3), benchmark mode only
Report bugs at:- https://github.com/Cyan4973/zstd/issues
Yann Collet