Inlined portions of specification for clarity

Sean Purcell 2017-02-03 18:04:00 -08:00
parent 18ce8b54dd
commit f191be2fe6
1 changed files with 309 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -386,6 +386,11 @@ size_t ZSTD_decompress_with_dict(void *const dst, const size_t dst_len,
istream_t in = {(const u8 *)src, 0, src_len};
ostream_t out = {(u8 *)dst, dst_len};
// "A content compressed by Zstandard is transformed into a Zstandard frame.
// Multiple frames can be appended into a single file or stream. A frame is
// totally independent, has a defined beginning and end, and a set of
// parameters which tells the decoder how to decompress it."
while (IO_istream_len(&in) > 0) {
decode_frame(&out, &in, &parsed_dict);
@ -415,19 +420,43 @@ static void decode_frame(ostream_t *const out, istream_t *const in,
const dictionary_t *const dict) {
const u32 magic_number = IO_read_bits(in, 32);
// Skippable frame
// "Magic_Number
// 4 Bytes, little-endian format. Value : 0x184D2A5?, which means any value
// from 0x184D2A50 to 0x184D2A5F. All 16 values are valid to identify a
// skippable frame."
if ((magic_number & ~0xFU) == 0x184D2A50U) {
// Skippable frame
// "Skippable frames allow the insertion of user-defined data into a
// flow of concatenated frames. Its design is pretty straightforward,
// with the sole objective to allow the decoder to quickly skip over
// user-defined data and continue decoding.
// Skippable frames defined in this specification are compatible with
// LZ4 ones."
const size_t frame_size = IO_read_bits(in, 32);
// skip over frame
IO_advance_input(in, frame_size);
} else if (magic_number == 0xFD2FB528U) {
// Zstandard frame
// "Magic_Number
// 4 Bytes, little-endian format. Value : 0xFD2FB528"
if (magic_number == 0xFD2FB528U) {
// ZSTD frame
decode_data_frame(out, in, dict);
} else {
// not a real frame
ERROR("Invalid magic number");
// not a real frame
ERROR("Invalid magic number");
/// Decode a frame that contains compressed data. Not all frames do as there
@ -483,6 +512,17 @@ static void free_frame_context(frame_context_t *const context) {
static void parse_frame_header(frame_header_t *const header,
istream_t *const in) {
// "The first header's byte is called the Frame_Header_Descriptor. It tells
// which other fields are present. Decoding this byte is enough to tell the
// size of Frame_Header.
// Bit number Field name
// 7-6 Frame_Content_Size_flag
// 5 Single_Segment_flag
// 4 Unused_bit
// 3 Reserved_bit
// 2 Content_Checksum_flag
// 1-0 Dictionary_ID_flag"
const u8 descriptor = IO_read_bits(in, 8);
// decode frame header descriptor into flags
@ -501,12 +541,18 @@ static void parse_frame_header(frame_header_t *const header,
// decode window size
if (!single_segment_flag) {
// Use the algorithm from the specification to compute window size
// "Provides guarantees on maximum back-reference distance that will be
// used within compressed data. This information is important for
// decoders to allocate enough memory.
// Bit numbers 7-3 2-0
// Field name Exponent Mantissa"
u8 window_descriptor = IO_read_bits(in, 8);
u8 exponent = window_descriptor >> 3;
u8 mantissa = window_descriptor & 7;
// Use the algorithm from the specification to compute window size
size_t window_base = (size_t)1 << (10 + exponent);
size_t window_add = (window_base / 8) * mantissa;
header->window_size = window_base + window_add;
@ -514,6 +560,10 @@ static void parse_frame_header(frame_header_t *const header,
// decode dictionary id if it exists
if (dictionary_id_flag) {
// "This is a variable size field, which contains the ID of the
// dictionary required to properly decode the frame. Note that this
// field is optional. When it's not present, it's up to the caller to
// make sure it uses the correct dictionary. Format is little-endian."
const int bytes_array[] = {0, 1, 2, 4};
const int bytes = bytes_array[dictionary_id_flag];
@ -524,6 +574,11 @@ static void parse_frame_header(frame_header_t *const header,
// decode frame content size if it exists
if (single_segment_flag || frame_content_size_flag) {
// "This is the original (uncompressed) size. This information is
// optional. The Field_Size is provided according to value of
// Frame_Content_Size_flag. The Field_Size can be equal to 0 (not
// present), 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes. Format is little-endian."
// if frame_content_size_flag == 0 but single_segment_flag is set, we
// still have a 1 byte field
const int bytes_array[] = {1, 2, 4, 8};
@ -531,6 +586,7 @@ static void parse_frame_header(frame_header_t *const header,
header->frame_content_size = IO_read_bits(in, bytes * 8);
if (bytes == 2) {
// "When Field_Size is 2, the offset of 256 is added."
header->frame_content_size += 256;
} else {
@ -538,9 +594,10 @@ static void parse_frame_header(frame_header_t *const header,
if (single_segment_flag) {
// in this case the effective window size is frame_content_size this
// impacts sequence decoding as we need to determine whether to fall
// back to the dictionary or not on large offsets
// "The Window_Descriptor byte is optional. It is absent when
// Single_Segment_flag is set. In this case, the maximum back-reference
// distance is the content size itself, which can be any value from 1 to
// 2^64-1 bytes (16 EB)."
header->window_size = header->frame_content_size;
@ -584,16 +641,31 @@ static void frame_context_apply_dict(frame_context_t *const ctx,
/// Decompress the data from a frame block by block
static void decompress_data(frame_context_t *const ctx, ostream_t *const out,
istream_t *const in) {
// "A frame encapsulates one or multiple blocks. Each block can be
// compressed or not, and has a guaranteed maximum content size, which
// depends on frame parameters. Unlike frames, each block depends on
// previous blocks for proper decoding. However, each block can be
// decompressed without waiting for its successor, allowing streaming
// operations."
int last_block = 0;
do {
// Parse the block header
// "Last_Block
// The lowest bit signals if this block is the last one. Frame ends
// right after this block.
// Block_Type and Block_Size
// The next 2 bits represent the Block_Type, while the remaining 21 bits
// represent the Block_Size. Format is little-endian."
last_block = IO_read_bits(in, 1);
const int block_type = IO_read_bits(in, 2);
const size_t block_len = IO_read_bits(in, 21);
switch (block_type) {
case 0: {
// Raw, uncompressed block
// "Raw_Block - this is an uncompressed block. Block_Size is the
// number of bytes to read and copy."
const u8 *const read_ptr = IO_read_bytes(in, block_len);
u8 *const write_ptr = IO_write_bytes(out, block_len);
@ -604,7 +676,9 @@ static void decompress_data(frame_context_t *const ctx, ostream_t *const out,
case 1: {
// RLE block, repeat the first byte N times
// "RLE_Block - this is a single byte, repeated N times. In which
// case, Block_Size is the size to regenerate, while the
// "compressed" block is just 1 byte (the byte to repeat)."
const u8 *const read_ptr = IO_read_bytes(in, 1);
u8 *const write_ptr = IO_write_bytes(out, block_len);
@ -615,14 +689,18 @@ static void decompress_data(frame_context_t *const ctx, ostream_t *const out,
case 2: {
// Compressed block
// "Compressed_Block - this is a Zstandard compressed block,
// detailed in another section of this specification. Block_Size is
// the compressed size.
// Create a sub-stream for the block
istream_t block_stream = IO_make_sub_istream(in, block_len);
decompress_block(ctx, out, &block_stream);
case 3:
// Reserved block type
// "Reserved - this is not a block. This value cannot be used with
// current version of this specification."
@ -641,6 +719,12 @@ static void decompress_data(frame_context_t *const ctx, ostream_t *const out,
/******* BLOCK DECOMPRESSION **************************************************/
static void decompress_block(frame_context_t *const ctx, ostream_t *const out,
istream_t *const in) {
// "A compressed block consists of 2 sections :
// Literals_Section
// Sequences_Section"
// Part 1: decode the literals block
u8 *literals = NULL;
const size_t literals_size = decode_literals(ctx, in, &literals);
@ -673,7 +757,22 @@ static void fse_decode_hufweights(ostream_t *weights, istream_t *const in,
static size_t decode_literals(frame_context_t *const ctx, istream_t *const in,
u8 **const literals) {
// Decode literals header
// "Literals can be stored uncompressed or compressed using Huffman prefix
// codes. When compressed, an optional tree description can be present,
// followed by 1 or 4 streams."
// "Literals_Section_Header
// Header is in charge of describing how literals are packed. It's a
// byte-aligned variable-size bitfield, ranging from 1 to 5 bytes, using
// little-endian convention."
// "Literals_Block_Type
// This field uses 2 lowest bits of first byte, describing 4 different block
// types"
// size_format takes between 1 and 2 bits
int block_type = IO_read_bits(in, 2);
int size_format = IO_read_bits(in, 2);
@ -726,13 +825,13 @@ static size_t decode_literals_simple(istream_t *const in, u8 **const literals,
switch (block_type) {
case 0: {
// Raw data
// "Raw_Literals_Block - Literals are stored uncompressed."
const u8 *const read_ptr = IO_read_bytes(in, size);
memcpy(*literals, read_ptr, size);
case 1: {
// Single repeated byte
// "RLE_Literals_Block - Literals consist of a single byte value repeated N times."
const u8 *const read_ptr = IO_read_bytes(in, 1);
memset(*literals, read_ptr[0], size);
@ -796,6 +895,8 @@ static size_t decode_literals_compressed(frame_context_t *const ctx,
if (block_type == 2) {
// Decode provided Huffman table
// "This section is only present when Literals_Block_Type type is
// Compressed_Literals_Block (2)."
decode_huf_table(&huf_stream, &ctx->literals_dtable);
@ -824,22 +925,32 @@ static size_t decode_literals_compressed(frame_context_t *const ctx,
static void decode_huf_table(istream_t *const in, HUF_dtable *const dtable) {
const u8 header = IO_read_bits(in, 8);
// "All literal values from zero (included) to last present one (excluded)
// are represented by Weight with values from 0 to Max_Number_of_Bits."
// "This is a single byte value (0-255), which describes how to decode the list of weights."
u8 weights[HUF_MAX_SYMBS];
memset(weights, 0, sizeof(weights));
int num_symbs;
if (header >= 128) {
// Direct representation, read the weights out
// "This is a direct representation, where each Weight is written
// directly as a 4 bits field (0-15). The full representation occupies
// ((Number_of_Symbols+1)/2) bytes, meaning it uses a last full byte
// even if Number_of_Symbols is odd. Number_of_Symbols = headerByte -
// 127"
num_symbs = header - 127;
const size_t bytes = (num_symbs + 1) / 2;
const u8 *const weight_src = IO_read_bytes(in, bytes);
for (int i = 0; i < num_symbs; i++) {
// read_bits_LE isn't applicable here because the weights are order
// reversed within each byte
// "They are encoded forward, 2
// weights to a byte with the first weight taking the top four bits
// and the second taking the bottom four (e.g. the following
// operations could be used to read the weights: Weight[0] =
// (Byte[0] >> 4), Weight[1] = (Byte[0] & 0xf), etc.)."
if (i % 2 == 0) {
weights[i] = weight_src[i / 2] >> 4;
} else {
@ -864,7 +975,9 @@ static void fse_decode_hufweights(ostream_t *weights, istream_t *const in,
FSE_dtable dtable;
// Construct the FSE table
// "An FSE bitstream starts by a header, describing probabilities
// distribution. It will create a Decoding Table. For a list of Huffman
// weights, maximum accuracy is 7 bits."
FSE_decode_header(&dtable, in, MAX_ACCURACY_LOG);
// Decode the weights
@ -947,9 +1060,19 @@ static void decode_seq_table(istream_t *const in, FSE_dtable *const table,
static size_t decode_sequences(frame_context_t *const ctx, istream_t *in,
sequence_command_t **const sequences) {
// "A compressed block is a succession of sequences . A sequence is a
// literal copy command, followed by a match copy command. A literal copy
// command specifies a length. It is the number of bytes to be copied (or
// extracted) from the literal section. A match copy command specifies an
// offset and a length. The offset gives the position to copy from, which
// can be within a previous block."
size_t num_sequences;
// Decode the sequence header and allocate space for the output
// "Number_of_Sequences
// This is a variable size field using between 1 and 3 bytes. Let's call its
// first byte byte0."
u8 header = IO_read_bits(in, 8);
if (header == 0) {
// "There are no sequences. The sequence section stops there.
@ -980,12 +1103,33 @@ static size_t decode_sequences(frame_context_t *const ctx, istream_t *in,
static void decompress_sequences(frame_context_t *const ctx, istream_t *in,
sequence_command_t *const sequences,
const size_t num_sequences) {
// "The Sequences_Section regroup all symbols required to decode commands.
// There are 3 symbol types : literals lengths, offsets and match lengths.
// They are encoded together, interleaved, in a single bitstream."
// "Symbol compression modes
// This is a single byte, defining the compression mode of each symbol
// type."
// Bit number : Field name
// 7-6 : Literals_Lengths_Mode
// 5-4 : Offsets_Mode
// 3-2 : Match_Lengths_Mode
// 1-0 : Reserved
u8 compression_modes = IO_read_bits(in, 8);
if ((compression_modes & 3) != 0) {
// Reserved bits set
// "Following the header, up to 3 distribution tables can be described. When
// present, they are in this order :
// Literals lengths
// Offsets
// Match Lengths"
// Update the tables we have stored in the context
decode_seq_table(in, &ctx->ll_dtable, seq_literal_length,
(compression_modes >> 6) & 3);
@ -1016,6 +1160,12 @@ static void decompress_sequences(frame_context_t *const ctx, istream_t *in,
const int padding = 8 - log2inf(src[len - 1]);
i64 offset = len * 8 - padding;
// "The bitstream starts with initial state values, each using the required
// number of bits in their respective accuracy, decoded previously from
// their normalized distribution.
// It starts by Literals_Length_State, followed by Offset_State, and finally
// Match_Length_State."
FSE_init_state(&state.ll_table, &state.ll_state, src, &offset);
FSE_init_state(&state.of_table, &state.of_state, src, &offset);
FSE_init_state(&state.ml_table, &state.ml_state, src, &offset);
@ -1036,6 +1186,10 @@ static void decompress_sequences(frame_context_t *const ctx, istream_t *in,
static sequence_command_t decode_sequence(sequence_state_t *const state,
const u8 *const src,
i64 *const offset) {
// "Each symbol is a code in its own context, which specifies Baseline and
// Number_of_Bits to add. Codes are FSE compressed, and interleaved with raw
// additional bits in the same bitstream."
// Decode symbols, but don't update states
const u8 of_code = FSE_peek_symbol(&state->of_table, state->of_state);
const u8 ll_code = FSE_peek_symbol(&state->ll_table, state->ll_state);
@ -1049,18 +1203,24 @@ static sequence_command_t decode_sequence(sequence_state_t *const state,
// Read the interleaved bits
sequence_command_t seq;
// Offset computation works differently
// "Decoding starts by reading the Number_of_Bits required to decode Offset.
// It then does the same for Match_Length, and then for Literals_Length."
seq.offset = ((u32)1 << of_code) + STREAM_read_bits(src, of_code, offset);
seq.match_length =
STREAM_read_bits(src, SEQ_MATCH_LENGTH_EXTRA_BITS[ml_code], offset);
seq.literal_length =
STREAM_read_bits(src, SEQ_LITERAL_LENGTH_EXTRA_BITS[ll_code], offset);
// "If it is not the last sequence in the block, the next operation is to
// update states. Using the rules pre-calculated in the decoding tables,
// Literals_Length_State is updated, followed by Match_Length_State, and
// then Offset_State."
// If the stream is complete don't read bits to update state
if (*offset != 0) {
// Update state in the order specified in the specification
FSE_update_state(&state->ll_table, &state->ll_state, src, offset);
FSE_update_state(&state->ml_table, &state->ml_state, src, offset);
FSE_update_state(&state->of_table, &state->of_state, src, offset);
@ -1088,6 +1248,7 @@ static void decode_seq_table(istream_t *const in, FSE_dtable *const table,
switch (mode) {
case seq_predefined: {
// "Predefined_Mode : uses a predefined distribution table."
const i16 *distribution = default_distributions[type];
const size_t symbs = default_distribution_lengths[type];
const size_t accuracy_log = default_distribution_accuracies[type];
@ -1096,15 +1257,20 @@ static void decode_seq_table(istream_t *const in, FSE_dtable *const table,
case seq_rle: {
// "RLE_Mode : it's a single code, repeated Number_of_Sequences times."
const u8 symb = IO_read_bits(in, 8);
FSE_init_dtable_rle(table, symb);
case seq_fse: {
// "FSE_Compressed_Mode : standard FSE compression. A distribution table
// will be present "
FSE_decode_header(table, in, max_accuracies[type]);
case seq_repeat:
// "Repeat_Mode : re-use distribution table from previous compressed
// block."
// Nothing to do here, table will be unchanged
@ -1322,8 +1488,8 @@ static void traverse_frame(const frame_header_t *const header, istream_t *const
/******* END OUTPUT SIZE COUNTING *********************************************/
/******* DICTIONARY PARSING ***************************************************/
static void init_raw_content_dict(dictionary_t *const dict, const u8 *const src,
const size_t src_len);
static void init_dictionary_content(dictionary_t *const dict,
istream_t *const in);
static void parse_dictionary(dictionary_t *const dict, const u8 *src,
size_t src_len) {
@ -1337,13 +1503,20 @@ static void parse_dictionary(dictionary_t *const dict, const u8 *src,
const u32 magic_number = IO_read_bits(&in, 32);
if (magic_number != 0xEC30A437) {
// raw content dict
init_raw_content_dict(dict, src, src_len);
IO_rewind_bits(&in, 32);
init_dictionary_content(dict, &in);
dict->dictionary_id = IO_read_bits(&in, 32);
// Parse the provided entropy tables in order
// "Entropy_Tables : following the same format as the tables in compressed
// blocks. They are stored in following order : Huffman tables for literals,
// FSE table for offsets, FSE table for match lengths, and FSE table for
// literals lengths. It's finally followed by 3 offset values, populating
// recent offsets (instead of using {1,4,8}), stored in order, 4-bytes
// little-endian each, for a total of 12 bytes. Each recent offset must have
// a value < dictionary size."
decode_huf_table(&in, &dict->literals_dtable);
decode_seq_table(&in, &dict->of_dtable, seq_offset, seq_fse);
decode_seq_table(&in, &dict->ml_dtable, seq_match_length, seq_fse);
@ -1355,38 +1528,33 @@ static void parse_dictionary(dictionary_t *const dict, const u8 *src,
dict->previous_offsets[2] = IO_read_bits(&in, 32);
// Ensure the provided offsets aren't too large
// "Each recent offset must have a value < dictionary size."
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (dict->previous_offsets[i] > src_len) {
ERROR("Dictionary corrupted");
// The rest is the content
dict->content_size = IO_istream_len(&in);
// "Content : The rest of the dictionary is its content. The content act as
// a "past" in front of data to compress or decompress, so it can be
// referenced in sequence commands."
init_dictionary_content(dict, &in);
static void init_dictionary_content(dictionary_t *const dict,
istream_t *const in) {
// Copy in the content
dict->content_size = IO_istream_len(in);
dict->content = malloc(dict->content_size);
if (!dict->content) {
const u8 *const content = IO_read_bytes(&in, dict->content_size);
const u8 *const content = IO_read_bytes(in, dict->content_size);
memcpy(dict->content, content, dict->content_size);
/// If parse_dictionary is given a raw content dictionary, it delegates here
static void init_raw_content_dict(dictionary_t *const dict, const u8 *const src,
const size_t src_len) {
dict->dictionary_id = 0;
// Copy in the content
dict->content = malloc(src_len);
if (!dict->content) {
dict->content_size = src_len;
memcpy(dict->content, src, src_len);
/// Free an allocated dictionary
static void free_dictionary(dictionary_t *const dict) {
@ -1636,8 +1804,15 @@ static size_t HUF_decompress_1stream(const HUF_dtable *const dtable,
const u8 *const src = IO_read_bytes(in, len);
// To maintain similarity with FSE, start from the end
// Find the last 1 bit
// "Each bitstream must be read backward, that is starting from the end down
// to the beginning. Therefore it's necessary to know the size of each
// bitstream.
// It's also necessary to know exactly which bit is the latest. This is
// detected by a final bit flag : the highest bit of latest byte is a
// final-bit-flag. Consequently, a last byte of 0 is not possible. And the
// final-bit-flag itself is not part of the useful bitstream. Hence, the
// last byte contains between 0 and 7 useful bits."
const int padding = 8 - log2inf(src[len - 1]);
i64 offset = len * 8 - padding;
@ -1651,6 +1826,10 @@ static size_t HUF_decompress_1stream(const HUF_dtable *const dtable,
IO_write_byte(out, HUF_decode_symbol(dtable, &state, src, &offset));
// "The process continues up to reading the required number of symbols per
// stream. If a bitstream is not entirely and exactly consumed, hence
// reaching exactly its beginning position with all bits consumed, the
// decoding process is considered faulty."
// When all symbols have been decoded, the final state value shouldn't have
// any data from the stream, so it should have "read" dtable->max_bits from
@ -1666,6 +1845,11 @@ static size_t HUF_decompress_1stream(const HUF_dtable *const dtable,
static size_t HUF_decompress_4stream(const HUF_dtable *const dtable,
ostream_t *const out, istream_t *const in) {
// "Compressed size is provided explicitly : in the 4-streams variant,
// bitstreams are preceded by 3 unsigned little-endian 16-bits values. Each
// value represents the compressed size of one stream, in order. The last
// stream size is deducted from total compressed size and from previously
// decoded stream sizes"
const size_t csize1 = IO_read_bits(in, 16);
const size_t csize2 = IO_read_bits(in, 16);
const size_t csize3 = IO_read_bits(in, 16);
@ -1719,6 +1903,10 @@ static void HUF_init_dtable(HUF_dtable *const table, const u8 *const bits,
// "Symbols are sorted by Weight. Within same Weight, symbols keep natural
// order. Symbols with a Weight of zero are removed. Then, starting from
// lowest weight, prefix codes are distributed in order."
u32 rank_idx[HUF_MAX_BITS + 1];
// Initialize the starting codes for each rank (number of bits)
rank_idx[max_bits] = 0;
@ -1779,6 +1967,7 @@ static void HUF_init_dtable_usingweights(HUF_dtable *const table,
const int last_weight = log2inf(left_over) + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < num_symbs; i++) {
// "Number_of_Bits = Number_of_Bits ? Max_Number_of_Bits + 1 - Weight : 0"
bits[i] = weights[i] > 0 ? (max_bits + 1 - weights[i]) : 0;
bits[num_symbs] =
@ -1857,12 +2046,23 @@ static size_t FSE_decompress_interleaved2(const FSE_dtable *const dtable,
const u8 *const src = IO_read_bytes(in, len);
// Find the last 1 bit
// "Each bitstream must be read backward, that is starting from the end down
// to the beginning. Therefore it's necessary to know the size of each
// bitstream.
// It's also necessary to know exactly which bit is the latest. This is
// detected by a final bit flag : the highest bit of latest byte is a
// final-bit-flag. Consequently, a last byte of 0 is not possible. And the
// final-bit-flag itself is not part of the useful bitstream. Hence, the
// last byte contains between 0 and 7 useful bits."
const int padding = 8 - log2inf(src[len - 1]);
i64 offset = len * 8 - padding;
// The end of the stream contains the 2 states, in this order
u16 state1, state2;
// "The first state (State1) encodes the even indexed symbols, and the
// second (State2) encodes the odd indexes. State1 is initialized first, and
// then State2, and they take turns decoding a single symbol and updating
// their state."
FSE_init_state(dtable, &state1, src, &offset);
FSE_init_state(dtable, &state2, src, &offset);
@ -1871,6 +2071,11 @@ static size_t FSE_decompress_interleaved2(const FSE_dtable *const dtable,
// negative
size_t symbols_written = 0;
while (1) {
// "The number of symbols to decode is determined by tracking bitStream
// overflow condition: If updating state after decoding a symbol would
// require more bits than remain in the stream, it is assumed the extra
// bits are 0. Then, the symbols for each of the final states are
// decoded and the process is complete."
IO_write_byte(out, FSE_decode_symbol(dtable, &state1, src, &offset));
if (offset < 0) {
@ -1920,6 +2125,10 @@ static void FSE_init_dtable(FSE_dtable *const dtable,
// which can be larger than a byte can store
u16 state_desc[FSE_MAX_SYMBS];
// "Symbols are scanned in their natural order for "less than 1"
// probabilities. Symbols with this probability are being attributed a
// single cell, starting from the end of the table. These symbols define a
// full state reset, reading Accuracy_Log bits."
int high_threshold = size;
for (int s = 0; s < num_symbs; s++) {
// Scan for low probability symbols to put at the top
@ -1929,6 +2138,9 @@ static void FSE_init_dtable(FSE_dtable *const dtable,
// "All remaining symbols are sorted in their natural order. Starting from
// symbol 0 and table position 0, each symbol gets attributed as many cells
// as its probability. Cell allocation is spreaded, not linear."
// Place the rest in the table
const u16 step = (size >> 1) + (size >> 3) + 3;
const u16 mask = size - 1;
@ -1943,11 +2155,12 @@ static void FSE_init_dtable(FSE_dtable *const dtable,
for (int i = 0; i < norm_freqs[s]; i++) {
// Give `norm_freqs[s]` states to symbol s
dtable->symbols[pos] = s;
// "A position is skipped if already occupied, typically by a "less
// than 1" probability symbol."
do {
pos = (pos + step) & mask;
} while (pos >=
high_threshold); // Make sure we don't occupy a spot taken
// by the low prob symbols
// Note: no other collision checking is necessary as `step` is
// coprime to `size`, so the cycle will visit each position exactly
// once
@ -1975,30 +2188,53 @@ static void FSE_init_dtable(FSE_dtable *const dtable,
/// use the decoded frequencies to initialize a decoding table.
static void FSE_decode_header(FSE_dtable *const dtable, istream_t *const in,
const int max_accuracy_log) {
// "An FSE distribution table describes the probabilities of all symbols
// from 0 to the last present one (included) on a normalized scale of 1 <<
// Accuracy_Log .
// It's a bitstream which is read forward, in little-endian fashion. It's
// not necessary to know its exact size, since it will be discovered and
// reported by the decoding process.
if (max_accuracy_log > FSE_MAX_ACCURACY_LOG) {
ERROR("FSE accuracy too large");
// The bitstream starts by reporting on which scale it operates.
// Accuracy_Log = low4bits + 5. Note that maximum Accuracy_Log for literal
// and match lengths is 9, and for offsets is 8. Higher values are
// considered errors."
const int accuracy_log = 5 + IO_read_bits(in, 4);
if (accuracy_log > max_accuracy_log) {
ERROR("FSE accuracy too large");
// The +1 facilitates the `-1` probabilities
i32 remaining = (1 << accuracy_log) + 1;
// "Then follows each symbol value, from 0 to last present one. The number
// of bits used by each field is variable. It depends on :
// Remaining probabilities + 1 : example : Presuming an Accuracy_Log of 8,
// and presuming 100 probabilities points have already been distributed, the
// decoder may read any value from 0 to 255 - 100 + 1 == 156 (inclusive).
// Therefore, it must read log2sup(156) == 8 bits.
// Value decoded : small values use 1 less bit : example : Presuming values
// from 0 to 156 (inclusive) are possible, 255-156 = 99 values are remaining
// in an 8-bits field. They are used this way : first 99 values (hence from
// 0 to 98) use only 7 bits, values from 99 to 156 use 8 bits. "
i32 remaining = 1 << accuracy_log;
i16 frequencies[FSE_MAX_SYMBS];
int symb = 0;
while (remaining > 1 && symb < FSE_MAX_SYMBS) {
while (remaining > 0 && symb < FSE_MAX_SYMBS) {
// Log of the number of possible values we could read
int bits = log2inf(remaining) + 1;
int bits = log2inf(remaining + 1) + 1;
u16 val = IO_read_bits(in, bits);
// Try to mask out the lower bits to see if it qualifies for the "small
// value" threshold
const u16 lower_mask = ((u16)1 << (bits - 1)) - 1;
const u16 threshold = ((u16)1 << bits) - 1 - remaining;
const u16 threshold = ((u16)1 << bits) - 1 - (remaining + 1);
if ((val & lower_mask) < threshold) {
IO_rewind_bits(in, 1);
@ -2007,14 +2243,23 @@ static void FSE_decode_header(FSE_dtable *const dtable, istream_t *const in,
val = val - threshold;
// "Probability is obtained from Value decoded by following formula :
// Proba = value - 1"
const i16 proba = (i16)val - 1;
// A value of -1 is possible, and has special meaning
// "It means value 0 becomes negative probability -1. -1 is a special
// probability, which means "less than 1". Its effect on distribution
// table is described in next paragraph. For the purpose of calculating
// cumulated distribution, it counts as one."
remaining -= proba < 0 ? -proba : proba;
frequencies[symb] = proba;
// Handle the special probability = 0 case
// "When a symbol has a probability of zero, it is followed by a 2-bits
// repeat flag. This repeat flag tells how many probabilities of zeroes
// follow the current one. It provides a number ranging from 0 to 3. If
// it is a 3, another 2-bits repeat flag follows, and so on."
if (proba == 0) {
// Read the next two bits to see how many more 0s
int repeat = IO_read_bits(in, 2);
@ -2033,7 +2278,10 @@ static void FSE_decode_header(FSE_dtable *const dtable, istream_t *const in,
if (remaining != 1 || symb >= FSE_MAX_SYMBS) {
// "When last symbol reaches cumulated total of 1 << Accuracy_Log, decoding
// is complete. If the last symbol makes cumulated total go above 1 <<
// Accuracy_Log, distribution is considered corrupted."
if (remaining != 0 || symb >= FSE_MAX_SYMBS) {