Merge branch 'list' into dev

Paul Cruz 2017-06-15 16:46:54 -07:00
commit dc80b3c798
4 changed files with 146 additions and 137 deletions

View File

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ unsigned ZSTD_isFrame(const void* buffer, size_t size)
/** ZSTD_frameHeaderSize() :
* srcSize must be >= ZSTD_frameHeaderSize_prefix.
* @return : size of the Frame Header */
static size_t ZSTD_frameHeaderSize(const void* src, size_t srcSize)
size_t ZSTD_frameHeaderSize(const void* src, size_t srcSize)
if (srcSize < ZSTD_frameHeaderSize_prefix) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
{ BYTE const fhd = ((const BYTE*)src)[4];

View File

@ -461,6 +461,11 @@ ZSTDLIB_API unsigned long long ZSTD_getFrameContentSize(const void *src, size_t
* however it does mean that all frame data must be present and valid. */
ZSTDLIB_API unsigned long long ZSTD_findDecompressedSize(const void* src, size_t srcSize);
/*! ZSTD_frameHeaderSize() :
* `src` should point to the start of a ZSTD frame
* `srcSize` must be >= ZSTD_frameHeaderSize_prefix.
* @return : size of the Frame Header */
size_t ZSTD_frameHeaderSize(const void* src, size_t srcSize);
* Context memory usage

View File

@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
* Macros
#define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
#define DISPLAYOUT(...) fprintf(stdout, __VA_ARGS__)
#define DISPLAYLEVEL(l, ...) { if (g_displayLevel>=l) { DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); } }
static int g_displayLevel = 2; /* 0 : no display; 1: errors; 2 : + result + interaction + warnings; 3 : + progression; 4 : + information */
void FIO_setNotificationLevel(unsigned level) { g_displayLevel=level; }
@ -871,182 +872,182 @@ typedef struct {
int usesCheck;
} fileInfo_t;
int calcFrameHeaderSize(BYTE frameHeaderDescriptor){
int frameContentSizeBytes = 0;
int windowDescriptorBytes;
int dictionaryIDBytes;
int frameContentSizeFlag = frameHeaderDescriptor >> 6;
int singleSegmentFlag = (frameHeaderDescriptor & (1 << 5)) >> 5;
int dictionaryIDFlag = frameHeaderDescriptor & 3;
frameContentSizeBytes = 1 << frameContentSizeFlag;
else if(singleSegmentFlag){
frameContentSizeBytes = 1;
windowDescriptorBytes = singleSegmentFlag ? 0 : 1;
dictionaryIDBytes = dictionaryIDFlag ? 1 << (dictionaryIDFlag - 1): 0;
return 4 + 1 + windowDescriptorBytes + frameContentSizeBytes + dictionaryIDBytes;
* Reads information from file, stores in *info
* if successful, returns 0, otherwise returns 1
int getFileInfo(fileInfo_t* info, const char* inFileName){
FILE* srcFile = FIO_openSrcFile(inFileName);
static int getFileInfo(fileInfo_t* info, const char* inFileName){
int detectError = 0;
FILE* const srcFile = FIO_openSrcFile(inFileName);
if (srcFile == NULL) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not open source file %s\n", inFileName);
return 1;
info->compressedSize = (unsigned long long)UTIL_getFileSize(inFileName);
info->decompressedSize = 0;
info->numActualFrames = 0;
info-> numSkippableFrames = 0;
info->numSkippableFrames = 0;
info->canComputeDecompSize = 1;
/* begin analyzing frame */
BYTE magicNumberBuffer[4];
size_t numBytesRead = fread(magicNumberBuffer, 1, 4, srcFile);
U32 magicNumber;
if(numBytesRead != 4) break;
magicNumber = MEM_readLE32(magicNumberBuffer);
BYTE frameHeaderDescriptor;
int totalFrameHeaderBytes;
BYTE* frameHeader;
int lastBlock = 0;
size_t readBytes = fread(&frameHeaderDescriptor, 1, 1, srcFile);
if(readBytes != 1){
DISPLAY("There was an error with reading frame header descriptor\n");
for( ; ; ){
size_t const numBytesRead = fread(headerBuffer, 1, sizeof(headerBuffer), srcFile);
if (numBytesRead < ZSTD_frameHeaderSize_min) {
/* calculate actual frame header size */
totalFrameHeaderBytes = calcFrameHeaderSize(frameHeaderDescriptor);
/* reset to beginning of from and read entire header */
fseek(srcFile, -5, SEEK_CUR);
frameHeader = (BYTE*)malloc(totalFrameHeaderBytes);
readBytes = fread(frameHeader, 1, totalFrameHeaderBytes, srcFile);
if(readBytes != (size_t)totalFrameHeaderBytes){
DISPLAY("There was an error reading the frame header\n");
DISPLAY("Error: did not reach end of file but ran out of frames\n");
detectError = 1;
/* get decompressed file size */
U64 additional = ZSTD_getFrameContentSize(frameHeader, totalFrameHeaderBytes);
info->decompressedSize += additional;
U32 const magicNumber = MEM_readLE32(headerBuffer);
if (magicNumber == ZSTD_MAGICNUMBER) {
U64 const frameContentSize = ZSTD_getFrameContentSize(headerBuffer, numBytesRead);
if (frameContentSize == ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_ERROR || frameContentSize == ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN) {
info->canComputeDecompSize = 0;
else {
info->decompressedSize += frameContentSize;
/* move to the end of the frame header */
size_t const headerSize = ZSTD_frameHeaderSize(headerBuffer, numBytesRead);
if (ZSTD_isError(headerSize)) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not determine frame header size\n");
detectError = 1;
int const ret = fseek(srcFile, ((long)headerSize)-((long)numBytesRead), SEEK_CUR);
if (ret != 0) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not move to end of frame header\n");
detectError = 1;
/* skip the rest of the blocks in the frame */
BYTE blockHeaderBuffer[3];
U32 blockHeader;
int blockSize;
readBytes = fread(blockHeaderBuffer, 1, 3, srcFile);
if(readBytes != 3){
DISPLAY("There was a problem reading the block header\n");
/* skip the rest of the blocks in the frame */
int lastBlock = 0;
size_t readBytes = 0;
BYTE blockHeaderBuffer[3];
U32 blockHeader;
int blockSize;
readBytes = fread(blockHeaderBuffer, 1, 3, srcFile);
if (readBytes != 3) {
DISPLAY("There was a problem reading the block header\n");
detectError = 1;
blockHeader = MEM_readLE24(blockHeaderBuffer);
lastBlock = blockHeader & 1;
blockSize = (blockHeader - (blockHeader & 7)) >> 3;
int const ret = fseek(srcFile, blockSize, SEEK_CUR);
if (ret != 0) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not skip to end of block\n");
detectError = 1;
} while (lastBlock != 1);
if (detectError) {
blockHeader = MEM_readLE24(blockHeaderBuffer);
lastBlock = blockHeader & 1;
blockSize = (blockHeader - (blockHeader & 7)) >> 3;
fseek(srcFile, blockSize, SEEK_CUR);
}while(lastBlock != 1);
/* check if checksum is used */
int contentChecksumFlag = (frameHeaderDescriptor & (1 << 2)) >> 2;
info->usesCheck = 1;
/* check if checksum is used */
BYTE const frameHeaderDescriptor = headerBuffer[4];
int const contentChecksumFlag = (frameHeaderDescriptor & (1 << 2)) >> 2;
if (contentChecksumFlag) {
info->usesCheck = 1;
if (contentChecksumFlag) {
int const ret = fseek(srcFile, 4, SEEK_CUR);
if (ret != 0) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not skip past checksum\n");
detectError = 1;
fseek(srcFile, 4, SEEK_CUR);
else if (magicNumber == ZSTD_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START) {
BYTE frameSizeBuffer[4];
size_t readBytes = fread(frameSizeBuffer, 1, 4, srcFile);
if (readBytes != 4) {
DISPLAY("There was an error reading skippable frame size");
detectError = 1;
long const frameSize = MEM_readLE32(frameSizeBuffer);
int const ret = fseek(srcFile, frameSize, SEEK_CUR);
if (ret != 0) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not find end of skippable frame\n");
detectError = 1;
else if(magicNumber==ZSTD_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START){
BYTE frameSizeBuffer[4];
long frameSize;
size_t readBytes = fread(frameSizeBuffer, 1, 4, srcFile);
if(readBytes != 4){
DISPLAY("There was an error reading skippable frame size");
frameSize = MEM_readLE32(frameSizeBuffer);
fseek(srcFile, frameSize, SEEK_CUR);
return 0;
return detectError;
void displayInfo(const char* inFileName, fileInfo_t* info, int displayLevel){
double compressedSizeMB = (double)info->compressedSize/(1 MB);
double decompressedSizeMB = (double)info->decompressedSize/(1 MB);
static void displayInfo(const char* inFileName, fileInfo_t* info, int displayLevel){
double const compressedSizeMB = (double)info->compressedSize/(1 MB);
double const decompressedSizeMB = (double)info->decompressedSize/(1 MB);
const char* checkString = (info->usesCheck ? "XXH64" : "None");
if(info->usesCheck && info->canComputeDecompSize){
DISPLAY("Skippable Non-Skippable Compressed Uncompressed Ratio Check Filename\n");
DISPLAY("%9d %13d %7.2f MB %7.2f MB %5.3f XXH64 %s\n",
if (info->canComputeDecompSize) {
DISPLAYOUT("Skippable Non-Skippable Compressed Uncompressed Ratio Check Filename\n");
DISPLAYOUT("%9d %13d %7.2f MB %9.2f MB %5.3f %s %s\n",
info->numSkippableFrames, info->numActualFrames, compressedSizeMB, decompressedSizeMB,
compressedSizeMB/decompressedSizeMB, inFileName);
compressedSizeMB/decompressedSizeMB, checkString, inFileName);
else if(!info->usesCheck){
DISPLAY("Skippable Non-Skippable Compressed Uncompressed Ratio Check Filename\n");
DISPLAY("%9d %13d %7.2f MB %7.2f MB %5.3f %s\n",
info->numSkippableFrames, info->numActualFrames, compressedSizeMB, decompressedSizeMB,
compressedSizeMB/decompressedSizeMB, inFileName);
else if(!info->canComputeDecompSize){
DISPLAY("Skippable Non-Skippable Compressed Uncompressed Ratio Check Filename\n");
DISPLAY("%9d %13d %7.2f MB XXH64 %s\n",
info->numSkippableFrames, info->numActualFrames, compressedSizeMB, inFileName);
DISPLAY("Skippable Non-Skippable Filename\n");
DISPLAY("%9d %13d %7.2f MB %s\n",
info->numSkippableFrames, info->numActualFrames, compressedSizeMB, inFileName);
else {
DISPLAYOUT("Skippable Non-Skippable Compressed Check Filename\n");
DISPLAYOUT("%9d %13d %7.2f MB %s %s\n",
info->numSkippableFrames, info->numActualFrames, compressedSizeMB, checkString, inFileName);
DISPLAY("# Zstandard Frames: %d\n", info->numActualFrames);
DISPLAY("# Skippable Frames: %d\n", info->numSkippableFrames);
DISPLAY("Compressed Size: %.2f MB (%llu B)\n", compressedSizeMB, info->compressedSize);
DISPLAY("Decompressed Size: %.2f MB (%llu B)\n", decompressedSizeMB, info->decompressedSize);
DISPLAY("Ratio: %.4f\n", compressedSizeMB/decompressedSizeMB);
DISPLAYOUT("# Zstandard Frames: %d\n", info->numActualFrames);
DISPLAYOUT("# Skippable Frames: %d\n", info->numSkippableFrames);
DISPLAYOUT("Compressed Size: %.2f MB (%llu B)\n", compressedSizeMB, info->compressedSize);
if (info->canComputeDecompSize) {
DISPLAYOUT("Decompressed Size: %.2f MB (%llu B)\n", decompressedSizeMB, info->decompressedSize);
DISPLAYOUT("Ratio: %.4f\n", compressedSizeMB/decompressedSizeMB);
DISPLAY("Check: XXH64\n");
if (info->usesCheck) {
DISPLAYOUT("Check: XXH64\n");
int FIO_listFile(const char* inFileName, int displayLevel){
const char* const suffixPtr = strrchr(inFileName, '.');
DISPLAY("File: %s\n", inFileName);
if(!suffixPtr || strcmp(suffixPtr, ZSTD_EXTENSION)){
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "file %s was not compressed with zstd -- ignoring\n\n", inFileName);
return 1;
fileInfo_t* info = (fileInfo_t*)malloc(sizeof(fileInfo_t));
int error = getFileInfo(info, inFileName);
fileInfo_t info;
DISPLAYOUT("File: %s\n", inFileName);
int const error = getFileInfo(&info, inFileName);
if (error == 1) {
DISPLAY("An error occurred with getting file info\n");
return 1;
displayInfo(inFileName, info, displayLevel);
displayInfo(inFileName, &info, displayLevel);
return 0;

View File

@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ static int usage_advanced(const char* programName)
DISPLAY( " -M# : Set a memory usage limit for decompression \n");
DISPLAY( "--list : list information about a zstd compressed file \n");
DISPLAY( "-- : All arguments after \"--\" are treated as files \n");
DISPLAY( "\n");
@ -402,6 +403,7 @@ int main(int argCount, const char* argv[])
if (argument[1]=='-') {
/* long commands (--long-word) */
if (!strcmp(argument, "--")) { nextArgumentsAreFiles=1; continue; } /* only file names allowed from now on */
if (!strcmp(argument, "--list")) { operation=zom_list; continue; }
if (!strcmp(argument, "--compress")) { operation=zom_compress; continue; }
if (!strcmp(argument, "--decompress")) { operation=zom_decompress; continue; }
if (!strcmp(argument, "--uncompress")) { operation=zom_decompress; continue; }
@ -674,6 +676,7 @@ int main(int argCount, const char* argv[])
g_displayOut = stdout;
DISPLAY("No files given\n");