Remove bc from play tests

Nick Magerko 2019-08-21 10:27:54 -07:00
parent 30bfa228e8
commit b3540507f5
1 changed files with 17 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -408,6 +408,23 @@ println "compress multiple files including a missing one (notHere) : "
$ZSTD -f tmp1 notHere tmp2 && die "missing file not detected!"
println "\n===> stream-size mode"
./datagen -g11000 > tmp
println "test : basic file compression vs sized streaming compression"
file_size=$($ZSTD -14 -f tmp -o tmp.zst && wc -c < tmp.zst)
stream_size=$(cat tmp | $ZSTD -14 --stream-size=11000 | wc -c)
if [ "$stream_size" -gt "$file_size" ]; then
die "hinted compression larger than expected"
println "test : sized streaming compression and decompression"
cat tmp | $ZSTD -14 -f tmp -o --stream-size=11000 tmp.zst
$ZSTD -df tmp.zst -o tmp_decompress
cmp tmp tmp_decompress || die "difference between original and decompressed file"
println "test : incorrect stream size"
cat tmp | $ZSTD -14 -f -o tmp.zst --stream-size=11001 && die "should fail with incorrect stream size"
println "\n===> dictionary tests "
println "- test with raw dict (content only) "
@ -1019,28 +1036,4 @@ test -f dictionary
rm -f tmp* dictionary
println "\n===> stream-size mode"
./datagen -g11000 > tmp
println "test : basic file compression vs sized streaming compression"
$ZSTD -14 -f tmp -o tmp.zst 2>&1 | tee file.out
cat tmp | $ZSTD -14 -f -o tmp.zst --stream-size=11000 2>&1 | tee stream_sized.out
file_ratio=$(cat file.out | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/%//g')
stream_sized_ratio=$(cat stream_sized.out | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/%//g')
rm file.out stream_sized.out
ratio_diff=$(echo $file_ratio - $stream_sized_ratio | bc)
if [ $(echo "(100 * $ratio_diff) > 5" | bc -l) == 1 ]
die "greater than 0.05% difference between file and sized-streaming compression"
println "test : sized streaming compression and decompression"
cat tmp | $ZSTD -14 -f tmp -o --stream-size=11000 tmp.zst
$ZSTD -df tmp.zst -o tmp_decompress
cmp tmp tmp_decompress || die "difference between original and decompressed file"
println "test : incorrect stream size"
cat tmp | $ZSTD -14 -f -o tmp.zst --stream-size=11001 && die "should fail with incorrect stream size"
rm -f tmp*