Rewrite Table Fill to Retain Cache Entries Beyond Chain Window

W. Felix Handte 2020-09-03 19:45:24 -04:00
parent 916238d9dc
commit b2b0641ea0
1 changed files with 43 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -478,7 +478,8 @@ U32 ZSTD_insertAndFindFirstIndex(ZSTD_matchState_t* ms, const BYTE* ip) {
void ZSTD_dedicatedDictSearch_lazy_loadDictionary(ZSTD_matchState_t* ms, const BYTE* const ip)
U32 const target = (U32)(ip - ms->window.base);
const BYTE* const base = ms->window.base;
U32 const target = (U32)(ip - base);
U32* const hashTable = ms->hashTable;
U32* const chainTable = ms->chainTable;
U32 const chainSize = 1 << ms->cParams.chainLog;
@ -486,8 +487,9 @@ void ZSTD_dedicatedDictSearch_lazy_loadDictionary(ZSTD_matchState_t* ms, const B
U32 idx = ms->nextToUpdate;
U32 const minChain = chainSize < target ? target - chainSize : idx;
U32 const bucketSize = 1 << ZSTD_LAZY_DDSS_BUCKET_LOG;
U32 const nbAttempts = 1 << ms->cParams.searchLog;
U32 const chainLimit = nbAttempts > 255 ? 255 : nbAttempts;
U32 const cacheSize = bucketSize - 1;
U32 const chainAttempts = (1 << ms->cParams.searchLog) - cacheSize;
U32 const chainLimit = chainAttempts > 255 ? 255 : chainAttempts;
/* We know the hashtable is oversized by a factor of `bucketSize`.
* We are going to temporarily pretend `bucketSize == 1`, keeping only a
@ -501,13 +503,12 @@ void ZSTD_dedicatedDictSearch_lazy_loadDictionary(ZSTD_matchState_t* ms, const B
U32 hashIdx;
assert(ms->cParams.chainLog <= 24);
assert(ms->cParams.hashLog >= ms->cParams.chainLog + 2);
assert(ms->cParams.hashLog >= ms->cParams.chainLog);
assert(idx != 0);
/* fill tmp hash and tmp chain */
/* fill conventional hash table and conventional chain table */
for ( ; idx < target; idx++) {
U32 const h = ZSTD_hashPtr(
ms->window.base + idx, hashLog, ms->cParams.minMatch);
U32 const h = ZSTD_hashPtr(base + idx, hashLog, ms->cParams.minMatch);
if (idx >= minChain) {
tmpChainTable[idx & chainMask] = hashTable[h];
@ -518,41 +519,55 @@ void ZSTD_dedicatedDictSearch_lazy_loadDictionary(ZSTD_matchState_t* ms, const B
U32 chainPos = 0;
for (hashIdx = 0; hashIdx < (1U << hashLog); hashIdx++) {
U32 count = 0;
U32 count;
U32 i = tmpHashTable[hashIdx];
while (i >= minChain && count < chainLimit) {
chainTable[chainPos++] = i;
for (count = 0; i >= minChain && count < cacheSize; count++) {
/* skip through the chain to the first position that won't be
* in the hash bucket */
i = tmpChainTable[i & chainMask];
tmpHashTable[hashIdx] = ((chainPos - count) << 8) + count;
if (count == cacheSize) {
for (count = 0; count < chainLimit;) {
chainTable[chainPos++] = i;
if (i < minChain) {
i = tmpChainTable[i & chainMask];
} else {
count = 0;
if (count) {
tmpHashTable[hashIdx] = ((chainPos - count) << 8) + count;
} else {
tmpHashTable[hashIdx] = 0;
assert(chainPos <= chainSize); /* I believe this is guaranteed... */
/* inflate hash table */
/* move chain pointers into the last entry of each hash bucket */
for (hashIdx = (1 << hashLog); hashIdx; ) {
U32 const bucketIdx = --hashIdx << ZSTD_LAZY_DDSS_BUCKET_LOG;
U32 const chainPackedPointer = tmpHashTable[hashIdx];
U32 const chainIdx = chainPackedPointer >> 8;
U32 const chainLength = chainPackedPointer & 0xFF;
U32 const cacheLength = chainLength < bucketSize - 1 ? chainLength : bucketSize - 1;
U32 i;
for (i = 0; i < cacheLength; i++) {
hashTable[bucketIdx + i] = chainTable[chainIdx + i];
for (; i < bucketSize - 1; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < cacheSize; i++) {
hashTable[bucketIdx + i] = 0;
if (chainLength < bucketSize) {
hashTable[bucketIdx + bucketSize - 1] = 0;
} else {
U32 const newChainPointer = ((chainIdx + bucketSize - 1) << 8) + (chainLength - bucketSize + 1);
hashTable[bucketIdx + bucketSize - 1] = newChainPointer;
hashTable[bucketIdx + bucketSize - 1] = chainPackedPointer;
/* densify chain table */
/* TODO */
/* fill the buckets of the hash table */
for (idx = ms->nextToUpdate; idx < target; idx++) {
U32 const h = ZSTD_hashPtr(base + idx, hashLog, ms->cParams.minMatch)
U32 i;
/* Shift hash cache down 1. */
for (i = cacheSize - 1; i; i--)
hashTable[h + i] = hashTable[h + i - 1];
hashTable[h] = idx;
ms->nextToUpdate = target;