Merge pull request #1151 from felixhandte/zstd-dfast-in-place-dict-goto

ZSTD_dfast: Support Searching the Dictionary Context In-Place (Alternate `goto` Implementation)
Yann Collet 2018-05-31 17:37:09 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 7c33b48221
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 227 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -1207,11 +1207,22 @@ static size_t ZSTD_resetCCtx_usingCDict(ZSTD_CCtx* cctx,
/* We have a choice between copying the dictionary context into the working
* context, or referencing the dictionary context from the working context
* in-place. We decide here which strategy to use. */
const int attachDict = ( pledgedSrcSize <= 8 KB
const U64 attachDictSizeCutoffs[(unsigned)ZSTD_btultra+1] = {
8 KB, /* unused */
8 KB, /* ZSTD_fast */
16 KB, /* ZSTD_dfast */
16 KB, /* ZSTD_greedy */
16 KB, /* ZSTD_lazy */
16 KB, /* ZSTD_lazy2 */
16 KB, /* ZSTD_btlazy2 */
16 KB, /* ZSTD_btopt */
16 KB /* ZSTD_btultra */
const int attachDict = ( pledgedSrcSize <= attachDictSizeCutoffs[cdict->cParams.strategy]
&& !params.forceWindow /* dictMatchState isn't correctly
* handled in _enforceMaxDist */
&& cdict->cParams.strategy == ZSTD_fast
&& cdict->cParams.strategy <= ZSTD_dfast
&& ZSTD_equivalentCParams(cctx->appliedParams.cParams,
@ -2203,7 +2214,8 @@ ZSTD_blockCompressor ZSTD_selectBlockCompressor(ZSTD_strategy strat, ZSTD_dictMo
ZSTD_compressBlock_btopt_extDict, ZSTD_compressBlock_btultra_extDict },
{ ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_dictMatchState /* default for 0 */,
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL /* unimplemented as of yet */ }
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL /* unimplemented as of yet */ }
ZSTD_blockCompressor selectedCompressor;
ZSTD_STATIC_ASSERT((unsigned)ZSTD_fast == 1);

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ FORCE_INLINE_TEMPLATE
size_t ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(
ZSTD_matchState_t* ms, seqStore_t* seqStore, U32 rep[ZSTD_REP_NUM],
ZSTD_compressionParameters const* cParams, void const* src, size_t srcSize,
U32 const mls /* template */)
U32 const mls /* template */, ZSTD_dictMode_e const dictMode)
U32* const hashLong = ms->hashTable;
const U32 hBitsL = cParams->hashLog;
@ -62,70 +62,178 @@ size_t ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(
const BYTE* const istart = (const BYTE*)src;
const BYTE* ip = istart;
const BYTE* anchor = istart;
const U32 lowestIndex = ms->window.dictLimit;
const BYTE* const lowest = base + lowestIndex;
const U32 prefixLowestIndex = ms->window.dictLimit;
const BYTE* const prefixLowest = base + prefixLowestIndex;
const BYTE* const iend = istart + srcSize;
const BYTE* const ilimit = iend - HASH_READ_SIZE;
U32 offset_1=rep[0], offset_2=rep[1];
U32 offsetSaved = 0;
const ZSTD_matchState_t* const dms = ms->dictMatchState;
const U32* const dictHashLong = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState ?
dms->hashTable : NULL;
const U32* const dictHashSmall = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState ?
dms->chainTable : NULL;
const U32 dictLowestIndex = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState ?
dms->window.dictLimit : 0;
const BYTE* const dictBase = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState ?
dms->window.base : NULL;
const BYTE* const dictLowest = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState ?
dictBase + dictLowestIndex : NULL;
const BYTE* const dictEnd = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState ?
dms->window.nextSrc : NULL;
const U32 dictIndexDelta = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState ?
prefixLowestIndex - (U32)(dictEnd - dictBase) :
const U32 dictAndPrefixLength = (U32)(ip - prefixLowest + dictEnd - dictLowest);
assert(dictMode == ZSTD_noDict || dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState);
/* init */
ip += (ip==lowest);
{ U32 const maxRep = (U32)(ip-lowest);
ip += (dictAndPrefixLength == 0);
if (dictMode == ZSTD_noDict) {
U32 const maxRep = (U32)(ip - prefixLowest);
if (offset_2 > maxRep) offsetSaved = offset_2, offset_2 = 0;
if (offset_1 > maxRep) offsetSaved = offset_1, offset_1 = 0;
if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState) {
/* dictMatchState repCode checks don't currently handle repCode == 0
* disabling. */
assert(offset_1 <= dictAndPrefixLength);
assert(offset_2 <= dictAndPrefixLength);
/* Main Search Loop */
while (ip < ilimit) { /* < instead of <=, because repcode check at (ip+1) */
size_t mLength;
U32 offset;
size_t const h2 = ZSTD_hashPtr(ip, hBitsL, 8);
size_t const h = ZSTD_hashPtr(ip, hBitsS, mls);
U32 const current = (U32)(ip-base);
U32 const matchIndexL = hashLong[h2];
U32 const matchIndexS = hashSmall[h];
U32 matchIndexS = hashSmall[h];
const BYTE* matchLong = base + matchIndexL;
const BYTE* match = base + matchIndexS;
const U32 repIndex = current + 1 - offset_1;
const BYTE* repMatch = (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState
&& repIndex < prefixLowestIndex) ?
dictBase + (repIndex - dictIndexDelta) :
base + repIndex;
hashLong[h2] = hashSmall[h] = current; /* update hash tables */
assert(offset_1 <= current); /* supposed guaranteed by construction */
if ((offset_1 > 0) & (MEM_read32(ip+1-offset_1) == MEM_read32(ip+1))) {
/* favor repcode */
/* check dictMatchState repcode */
if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState
&& ((U32)((prefixLowestIndex-1) - repIndex) >= 3 /* intentional underflow */)
&& (MEM_read32(repMatch) == MEM_read32(ip+1)) ) {
const BYTE* repMatchEnd = repIndex < prefixLowestIndex ? dictEnd : iend;
mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip+1+4, repMatch+4, iend, repMatchEnd, istart) + 4;
ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, ip-anchor, anchor, 0, mLength-MINMATCH);
goto _match_stored;
/* check noDict repcode */
if ( dictMode == ZSTD_noDict
&& ((offset_1 > 0) & (MEM_read32(ip+1-offset_1) == MEM_read32(ip+1)))) {
mLength = ZSTD_count(ip+1+4, ip+1+4-offset_1, iend) + 4;
ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, ip-anchor, anchor, 0, mLength-MINMATCH);
} else {
U32 offset;
if ( (matchIndexL > lowestIndex) && (MEM_read64(matchLong) == MEM_read64(ip)) ) {
mLength = ZSTD_count(ip+8, matchLong+8, iend) + 8;
offset = (U32)(ip-matchLong);
while (((ip>anchor) & (matchLong>lowest)) && (ip[-1] == matchLong[-1])) { ip--; matchLong--; mLength++; } /* catch up */
} else if ( (matchIndexS > lowestIndex) && (MEM_read32(match) == MEM_read32(ip)) ) {
size_t const hl3 = ZSTD_hashPtr(ip+1, hBitsL, 8);
U32 const matchIndexL3 = hashLong[hl3];
const BYTE* matchL3 = base + matchIndexL3;
hashLong[hl3] = current + 1;
if ( (matchIndexL3 > lowestIndex) && (MEM_read64(matchL3) == MEM_read64(ip+1)) ) {
mLength = ZSTD_count(ip+9, matchL3+8, iend) + 8;
offset = (U32)(ip-matchL3);
while (((ip>anchor) & (matchL3>lowest)) && (ip[-1] == matchL3[-1])) { ip--; matchL3--; mLength++; } /* catch up */
} else {
mLength = ZSTD_count(ip+4, match+4, iend) + 4;
offset = (U32)(ip-match);
while (((ip>anchor) & (match>lowest)) && (ip[-1] == match[-1])) { ip--; match--; mLength++; } /* catch up */
} else {
ip += ((ip-anchor) >> kSearchStrength) + 1;
offset_2 = offset_1;
offset_1 = offset;
ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, ip-anchor, anchor, offset + ZSTD_REP_MOVE, mLength-MINMATCH);
goto _match_stored;
/* check prefix long match */
if ( (matchIndexL > prefixLowestIndex) && (MEM_read64(matchLong) == MEM_read64(ip)) ) {
mLength = ZSTD_count(ip+8, matchLong+8, iend) + 8;
offset = (U32)(ip-matchLong);
while (((ip>anchor) & (matchLong>prefixLowest)) && (ip[-1] == matchLong[-1])) { ip--; matchLong--; mLength++; } /* catch up */
goto _match_found;
/* check dictMatchState long match */
if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState) {
U32 const dictMatchIndexL = dictHashLong[h2];
const BYTE* dictMatchL = dictBase + dictMatchIndexL;
assert(dictMatchL < dictEnd);
if (dictMatchL > dictLowest && MEM_read64(dictMatchL) == MEM_read64(ip)) {
mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip+8, dictMatchL+8, iend, dictEnd, prefixLowest) + 8;
offset = (U32)(current - dictMatchIndexL - dictIndexDelta);
while (((ip>anchor) & (dictMatchL>dictLowest)) && (ip[-1] == dictMatchL[-1])) { ip--; dictMatchL--; mLength++; } /* catch up */
goto _match_found;
/* check prefix short match */
if ( (matchIndexS > prefixLowestIndex) && (MEM_read32(match) == MEM_read32(ip)) ) {
goto _search_next_long;
/* check dictMatchState short match */
if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState) {
U32 const dictMatchIndexS = dictHashSmall[h];
match = dictBase + dictMatchIndexS;
matchIndexS = dictMatchIndexS + dictIndexDelta;
if (match > dictLowest && MEM_read32(match) == MEM_read32(ip)) {
goto _search_next_long;
ip += ((ip-anchor) >> kSearchStrength) + 1;
size_t const hl3 = ZSTD_hashPtr(ip+1, hBitsL, 8);
U32 const matchIndexL3 = hashLong[hl3];
const BYTE* matchL3 = base + matchIndexL3;
hashLong[hl3] = current + 1;
/* check prefix long +1 match */
if ( (matchIndexL3 > prefixLowestIndex) && (MEM_read64(matchL3) == MEM_read64(ip+1)) ) {
mLength = ZSTD_count(ip+9, matchL3+8, iend) + 8;
offset = (U32)(ip-matchL3);
while (((ip>anchor) & (matchL3>prefixLowest)) && (ip[-1] == matchL3[-1])) { ip--; matchL3--; mLength++; } /* catch up */
goto _match_found;
/* check dict long +1 match */
if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState) {
U32 const dictMatchIndexL3 = dictHashLong[hl3];
const BYTE* dictMatchL3 = dictBase + dictMatchIndexL3;
assert(dictMatchL3 < dictEnd);
if (dictMatchL3 > dictLowest && MEM_read64(dictMatchL3) == MEM_read64(ip+1)) {
mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip+1+8, dictMatchL3+8, iend, dictEnd, prefixLowest) + 8;
offset = (U32)(current + 1 - dictMatchIndexL3 - dictIndexDelta);
while (((ip>anchor) & (dictMatchL3>dictLowest)) && (ip[-1] == dictMatchL3[-1])) { ip--; dictMatchL3--; mLength++; } /* catch up */
goto _match_found;
/* if no long +1 match, explore the short match we found */
if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState && matchIndexS < prefixLowestIndex) {
mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip+4, match+4, iend, dictEnd, istart) + 4;
offset = (U32)(current - matchIndexS);
while (((ip>anchor) & (match>dictLowest)) && (ip[-1] == match[-1])) { ip--; match--; mLength++; } /* catch up */
} else {
mLength = ZSTD_count(ip+4, match+4, iend) + 4;
offset = (U32)(ip - match);
while (((ip>anchor) & (match>prefixLowest)) && (ip[-1] == match[-1])) { ip--; match--; mLength++; } /* catch up */
/* fall-through */
offset_2 = offset_1;
offset_1 = offset;
ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, ip-anchor, anchor, offset + ZSTD_REP_MOVE, mLength-MINMATCH);
/* match found */
ip += mLength;
anchor = ip;
@ -138,19 +246,44 @@ size_t ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(
hashSmall[ZSTD_hashPtr(ip-2, hBitsS, mls)] = (U32)(ip-2-base);
/* check immediate repcode */
while ( (ip <= ilimit)
&& ( (offset_2>0)
& (MEM_read32(ip) == MEM_read32(ip - offset_2)) )) {
/* store sequence */
size_t const rLength = ZSTD_count(ip+4, ip+4-offset_2, iend) + 4;
{ U32 const tmpOff = offset_2; offset_2 = offset_1; offset_1 = tmpOff; } /* swap offset_2 <=> offset_1 */
hashSmall[ZSTD_hashPtr(ip, hBitsS, mls)] = (U32)(ip-base);
hashLong[ZSTD_hashPtr(ip, hBitsL, 8)] = (U32)(ip-base);
ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, 0, anchor, 0, rLength-MINMATCH);
ip += rLength;
anchor = ip;
continue; /* faster when present ... (?) */
} } }
if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState) {
while (ip <= ilimit) {
U32 const current2 = (U32)(ip-base);
U32 const repIndex2 = current2 - offset_2;
const BYTE* repMatch2 = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMatchState
&& repIndex2 < prefixLowestIndex ?
dictBase - dictIndexDelta + repIndex2 :
base + repIndex2;
if ( ((U32)((prefixLowestIndex-1) - (U32)repIndex2) >= 3 /* intentional overflow */)
&& (MEM_read32(repMatch2) == MEM_read32(ip)) ) {
const BYTE* const repEnd2 = repIndex2 < prefixLowestIndex ? dictEnd : iend;
size_t const repLength2 = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip+4, repMatch2+4, iend, repEnd2, istart) + 4;
U32 tmpOffset = offset_2; offset_2 = offset_1; offset_1 = tmpOffset; /* swap offset_2 <=> offset_1 */
ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, 0, anchor, 0, repLength2-MINMATCH);
hashSmall[ZSTD_hashPtr(ip, hBitsS, mls)] = current2;
hashLong[ZSTD_hashPtr(ip, hBitsL, 8)] = current2;
ip += repLength2;
anchor = ip;
if (dictMode == ZSTD_noDict) {
while ( (ip <= ilimit)
&& ( (offset_2>0)
& (MEM_read32(ip) == MEM_read32(ip - offset_2)) )) {
/* store sequence */
size_t const rLength = ZSTD_count(ip+4, ip+4-offset_2, iend) + 4;
U32 const tmpOff = offset_2; offset_2 = offset_1; offset_1 = tmpOff; /* swap offset_2 <=> offset_1 */
hashSmall[ZSTD_hashPtr(ip, hBitsS, mls)] = (U32)(ip-base);
hashLong[ZSTD_hashPtr(ip, hBitsL, 8)] = (U32)(ip-base);
ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, 0, anchor, 0, rLength-MINMATCH);
ip += rLength;
anchor = ip;
continue; /* faster when present ... (?) */
} } } }
/* save reps for next block */
rep[0] = offset_1 ? offset_1 : offsetSaved;
@ -170,13 +303,33 @@ size_t ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast(
default: /* includes case 3 */
case 4 :
return ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, cParams, src, srcSize, 4);
return ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, cParams, src, srcSize, 4, ZSTD_noDict);
case 5 :
return ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, cParams, src, srcSize, 5);
return ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, cParams, src, srcSize, 5, ZSTD_noDict);
case 6 :
return ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, cParams, src, srcSize, 6);
return ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, cParams, src, srcSize, 6, ZSTD_noDict);
case 7 :
return ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, cParams, src, srcSize, 7);
return ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, cParams, src, srcSize, 7, ZSTD_noDict);
size_t ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_dictMatchState(
ZSTD_matchState_t* ms, seqStore_t* seqStore, U32 rep[ZSTD_REP_NUM],
ZSTD_compressionParameters const* cParams, void const* src, size_t srcSize)
const U32 mls = cParams->searchLength;
default: /* includes case 3 */
case 4 :
return ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, cParams, src, srcSize, 4, ZSTD_dictMatchState);
case 5 :
return ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, cParams, src, srcSize, 5, ZSTD_dictMatchState);
case 6 :
return ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, cParams, src, srcSize, 6, ZSTD_dictMatchState);
case 7 :
return ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, cParams, src, srcSize, 7, ZSTD_dictMatchState);

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@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ void ZSTD_fillDoubleHashTable(ZSTD_matchState_t* ms,
size_t ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast(
ZSTD_matchState_t* ms, seqStore_t* seqStore, U32 rep[ZSTD_REP_NUM],
ZSTD_compressionParameters const* cParams, void const* src, size_t srcSize);
size_t ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_dictMatchState(
ZSTD_matchState_t* ms, seqStore_t* seqStore, U32 rep[ZSTD_REP_NUM],
ZSTD_compressionParameters const* cParams, void const* src, size_t srcSize);
size_t ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_extDict(
ZSTD_matchState_t* ms, seqStore_t* seqStore, U32 rep[ZSTD_REP_NUM],
ZSTD_compressionParameters const* cParams, void const* src, size_t srcSize);