removed tests duplicated between TravisCI and Github Actions

reduce load on TravisCI
Yann Collet 2020-12-18 11:01:22 -08:00
parent 456ca2aa06
commit 54cc01c5be
2 changed files with 9 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ jobs:
LDFLAGS=-Wl,--no-undefined make -C lib libzstd-mt
make -C tests zbufftest-dll
# candidate test (to check) : underlink test
# LDFLAGS=-Wl,--no-undefined : will make the linker fail if dll is underlinked
# zbufftest-dll : test that a user program can link to multi-threaded libzstd without specifying -pthread
runs-on: ubuntu-16.04 # fails on 18.04
@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ jobs:
sudo apt-get install clang-3.8
CC=clang-3.8 make clean msan-test-zstd HAVE_ZLIB=0 HAVE_LZ4=0 HAVE_LZMA=0
# Note : external libraries must be turned off when using MSAN tests,
# because they are not msan-instrumented,
# so any data coming from these libraries is always considered "uninitialized"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@ -155,7 +163,7 @@ jobs:
make clean
make c99build
make clean
make travis-install
make travis-install # just ensures `make install` works
runs-on: ubuntu-latest

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@ -32,49 +32,11 @@ matrix:
- make check
- name: make benchmarking
- make benchmarking
- name: make test (complete)
# DEVNULLRIGHTS : will request sudo rights to test permissions on /dev/null
- DEVNULLRIGHTS=test make test
- name: gcc-6 + gcc-7 + libzstdmt compilation # ~ 6mn
- make gcc6install gcc7install
- CC=gcc-6 CFLAGS=-Werror make -j all
- make clean
- CC=gcc-7 CFLAGS=-Werror make -j all
- make clean
- LDFLAGS=-Wl,--no-undefined make -C lib libzstd-mt
- make -C tests zbufftest-dll
# LDFLAGS=-Wl,--no-undefined : will make the linker fail if dll is underlinked
# zbufftest-dll : test that a user program can link to multi-threaded libzstd without specifying -pthread
- name: gcc-8 + ASan + UBSan + Test Zstd # ~6.5mn
- make gcc8install
- CC=gcc-8 CFLAGS="-Werror" make -j all
- make clean
- CC=gcc-8 make -j uasan-test-zstd </dev/null # test when stdin is not a tty
- name: gcc-6 + ASan + UBSan + Test Zstd, 32bit mode # ~4mn
- make gcc6install libc6install
- CC=gcc-6 CFLAGS="-Werror -m32" make -j all32
- make clean
- CC=gcc-6 make -j uasan-test-zstd32 # note : can complain about pointer overflow
- name: clang-3.8 + MSan + Test Zstd # ~3.5mn
- make clang38install
# External libraries must be turned off when using MSAN tests,
# because they are not msan-instrumented,
# so any data coming from these libraries is always considered "uninitialized"
- CC=clang-3.8 make clean msan-test-zstd HAVE_ZLIB=0 HAVE_LZ4=0 HAVE_LZMA=0
- name: Minimal Decompressor Macros # ~5mn
- make clean && make -j all ZSTD_LIB_MINIFY=1 MOREFLAGS="-Werror"
@ -86,51 +48,11 @@ matrix:
- make clean && make -j all MOREFLAGS="-Werror -DZSTD_NO_INLINE -DZSTD_STRIP_ERROR_STRINGS"
- make clean && make check MOREFLAGS="-Werror -DZSTD_NO_INLINE -DZSTD_STRIP_ERROR_STRINGS"
- name: cmake build and test check # ~6mn
- make cmakebuild
- name: static analyzer scanbuild # ~26mn
dist: trusty # note : it's important to pin down a version of static analyzer, since different versions report different false positives
- make staticAnalyze
- name: gcc-8 + ASan + UBSan + Fuzz Test # ~19mn
- make gcc8install
- CC=gcc-8 make clean uasan-fuzztest
- name: gcc-6 + ASan + UBSan + Fuzz Test 32bit # ~15.5mn
- make gcc6install libc6install
- CC=gcc-6 CFLAGS="-O2 -m32" make uasan-fuzztest # can complain about pointer overflow
- name: clang-3.8 + MSan + Fuzz Test # ~14.5mn
- make clang38install
- CC=clang-3.8 make clean msan-fuzztest
- name: ASan + UBSan + MSan + Regression Test # ~ 4.5mn
- make -j uasanregressiontest
- make clean
- make -j msanregressiontest
- name: C++, gnu90 and c99 compatibility # ~3mn
- make cxxtest
- make clean
- make gnu90build
- make clean
- make c99build
- make clean
- make travis-install # just ensures `make install` works
- name: mingw cross-compilation
script :
- sudo update-alternatives --set x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++-posix;
- CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc CXX=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ CFLAGS="-Werror -O1" make zstd
- name: Valgrind + Fuzz Test Stack Mode # ~ 7mn
- make valgrindinstall