Renamed vs_ prefix to msuild_, added SETLOCAL

Christophe Chevalier 2016-06-12 15:20:40 +02:00
parent cd98f93cff
commit 2a87a9154d
1 changed files with 22 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -2,48 +2,50 @@
IF "%1%" == "" GOTO display_help
SET vs_version=%1
SET vs_platform=%2
IF "%vs_platform%" == "" SET vs_platform=x64
SET msbuild_version=%1
SET vs_configuration=%3
IF "%vs_configuration%" == "" SET vs_configuration=Release
SET msbuild_platform=%2
IF "%msbuild_platform%" == "" SET msbuild_platform=x64
SET vs_toolset=%4
SET msbuild_configuration=%3
IF "%msbuild_configuration%" == "" SET msbuild_configuration=Release
SET msbuild_toolset=%4
GOTO build
echo Syntax: build.generic.cmd vs_version vs_platform vs_configuration vs_toolset
echo vs_version: VS installed version (VS2012, VS2013, VS2015, ...)
echo vs_platform: Platform (x64 or Win32)
echo vs_configuration: VS configuration (Release or Debug)
echo vs_toolset: Platform Toolset (v100, v110, v120, v140)
echo Syntax: build.generic.cmd msbuild_version msbuild_platform msbuild_configuration msbuild_toolset
echo msbuild_version: VS installed version (VS2012, VS2013, VS2015, ...)
echo msbuild_platform: Platform (x64 or Win32)
echo msbuild_configuration: VS configuration (Release or Debug)
echo msbuild_toolset: Platform Toolset (v100, v110, v120, v140)
SET msbuild="%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe"
IF %vs_version% == VS2013 SET msbuild="C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
IF %vs_version% == VS2015 SET msbuild="C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
IF %msbuild_version% == VS2013 SET msbuild="%programfiles(x86)%\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
IF %msbuild_version% == VS2015 SET msbuild="%programfiles(x86)%\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
rem TODO: Visual Studio "15" (vNext) will use MSBuild 15.0 ?
SET project="%~p0\..\projects\VS2010\zstd.sln"
SET msbuildparams=/verbosity:minimal /nologo /t:Clean,Build /p:Platform=%vs_platform% /p:Configuration=%vs_configuration%
IF NOT "%vs_toolset%" == "" SET msbuildparams=%msbuildparams% /p:PlatformToolset=%vs_toolset%
SET msbuild_params=/verbosity:minimal /nologo /t:Clean,Build /p:Platform=%msbuild_platform% /p:Configuration=%msbuild_configuration%
IF NOT "%msbuild_toolset%" == "" SET msbuild_params=%msbuild_params% /p:PlatformToolset=%msbuild_toolset%
SET output=%~p0%bin
SET output="%output%/%vs_configuration%/%vs_platform%/"
SET msbuildparams=%msbuildparams% /p:OutDir=%output%
SET output="%output%/%msbuild_configuration%/%msbuild_platform%/"
SET msbuild_params=%msbuild_params% /p:OutDir=%output%
echo ### Building %vs_version% project for %vs_configuration% %vs_platform% (%vs_toolset%)...
echo ### Build Params: %msbuildparams%
echo ### Building %msbuild_version% project for %msbuild_configuration% %msbuild_platform% (%msbuild_toolset%)...
echo ### Build Params: %msbuild_params%
%msbuild% %project% %msbuildparams%
%msbuild% %project% %msbuild_params%
echo # Success
echo # OutDir: %output%