test-zstd-versions.py: test dictiony compression for v0.5.1 and newer

inikep 2016-06-16 19:29:09 +02:00
parent 24aa7b4238
commit 150152fb8a
1 changed files with 63 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -67,21 +67,44 @@ def get_git_tags():
return tags
def create_dict(tag, dict_source_path):
dict_name = 'dict.' + tag
if not os.path.isfile(dict_name):
cFiles = glob.glob(dict_source_path + "/*.c")
hFiles = glob.glob(dict_source_path + "/*.h")
execute('./zstd.' + tag + ' -f --train ' + ' '.join(cFiles) + ' ' + ' '.join(hFiles) + ' -o ' + dict_name)
print(dict_name + ' created')
print(dict_name + ' already exists')
def dict_compress_sample(tag, sample):
dict_name = 'dict.' + tag
from subprocess import DEVNULL # py3k
except ImportError:
DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
subprocess.call(['./zstd.' + tag, '-D', dict_name, '-f', sample, '-o', sample + '_01_64' + tag + '_dict.zst'], stderr=DEVNULL)
# zstdFiles = glob.glob("*.zst*")
# print(zstdFiles)
print(tag + " : dict compression completed")
def compress_sample(tag, sample):
from subprocess import DEVNULL # py3k
except ImportError:
DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
if subprocess.call(['./zstd.' + tag, '-f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_01_64_' + tag + '.zst')
os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_01_64_' + tag + '_nodic.zst')
if subprocess.call(['./zstd.' + tag, '-5f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_05_64_' + tag + '.zst')
os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_05_64_' + tag + '_nodic.zst')
if subprocess.call(['./zstd.' + tag, '-9f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_09_64_' + tag + '.zst')
os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_09_64_' + tag + '_nodic.zst')
if subprocess.call(['./zstd.' + tag, '-15f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_15_64_' + tag + '.zst')
os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_15_64_' + tag + '_nodic.zst')
if subprocess.call(['./zstd.' + tag, '-18f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_18_64_' + tag + '.zst')
os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_18_64_' + tag + '_nodic.zst')
# zstdFiles = glob.glob("*.zst*")
# print(zstdFiles)
print(tag + " : compression completed")
@ -94,7 +117,7 @@ def sha1_of_file(filepath):
def remove_duplicates():
list_of_zst = sorted(glob.glob('*.zst'))
list_of_zst = sorted(glob.glob('*_nodic.zst'))
for i, ref_zst in enumerate(list_of_zst):
if not os.path.isfile(ref_zst):
@ -109,7 +132,7 @@ def remove_duplicates():
def decompress_zst(tag, zstd_up_to_v05=False):
dec_error = 0
list_zst = sorted(glob.glob('*.zst'))
list_zst = sorted(glob.glob('*_nodic.zst'))
from subprocess import DEVNULL # py3k
except ImportError:
@ -133,15 +156,37 @@ def decompress_zst(tag, zstd_up_to_v05=False):
return dec_error
def create_dict(tag, dict_source_path):
dict_name = 'dict.' + tag
if not os.path.isfile(dict_name):
cFiles = glob.glob(dict_source_path + "/*.c")
hFiles = glob.glob(dict_source_path + "/*.h")
execute('./zstd.' + tag + ' -f --train ' + ' '.join(cFiles) + ' ' + ' '.join(hFiles) + ' -o ' + dict_name)
print(dict_name + ' created')
def decompress_dict(tag, zstd_up_to_v05=False):
dec_error = 0
list_zst = sorted(glob.glob('*_dict.zst'))
from subprocess import DEVNULL # py3k
except ImportError:
DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
for file_zst in list_zst:
dict_tag = file_zst[0:len(file_zst)-9] # remove "_dict.zst"
dict_tag = dict_tag[dict_tag.rfind('v'):]
if dict_tag == 'vel':
dict_tag = head
dict_name = 'dict.' + dict_tag
#print("dict_tag=" + dict_tag + " dict_name=" + dict_name)
print(file_zst, end=' ')
print(tag, end=' ')
print(dict_tag, end=' ')
file_dec = file_zst + '_d64_' + tag + '.dec'
if zstd_up_to_v05:
params = ['./zstd.' + tag, '-D', dict_name, '-df', file_zst, file_dec]
print(dict_name + ' already exists')
params = ['./zstd.' + tag, '-D', dict_name, '-df', file_zst, '-o', file_dec]
if subprocess.call(params, stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
if not filecmp.cmp(file_dec, test_dat):
print('ERR !! ')
dec_error = 1
print('OK ')
print('command does not work')
return dec_error
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -205,6 +250,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if tag >= 'v0.5.1':
create_dict(tag, dict_source_path)
dict_compress_sample(tag, test_dat)
compress_sample(tag, test_dat)
if tag >= 'v0.5.1':