finished main portion of code, now need to debug

Paul Cruz 2017-07-03 17:28:59 -07:00
parent 00b5e6c512
commit 0887e98d4b
2 changed files with 253 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -29,3 +29,4 @@ clean:
@$(RM) -f v1 v2
@$(RM) -rf *.dSYM
@$(RM) -f tmp*
@echo "finished cleaning"

View File

@ -2,72 +2,291 @@
#define FILE_CHUNK_SIZE 4 << 20
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free */
#include <pthread.h> /* pthread functions */
#include <string.h> /* memset */
#include "zstd.h"
typedef struct {
void* start;
size_t size;
} buffer_t;
typedef struct {
buffer_t src;
buffer_t dst;
unsigned compressionLevel;
unsigned jobID;
unsigned jobCompleted;
unsigned jobReady;
pthread_mutex_t* jobCompleted_mutex;
pthread_cond_t* jobCompleted_cond;
pthread_mutex_t* jobReady_mutex;
pthread_cond_t* jobReady_cond;
size_t compressedSize;
} jobDescription;
typedef struct {
unsigned compressionLevel;
unsigned numActiveThreads;
unsigned numJobs;
unsigned nextJobID;
unsigned threadError;
pthread_mutex_t jobCompleted_mutex;
pthread_cond_t jobCompleted_cond;
pthread_mutex_t jobReady_mutex;
pthread_cond_t jobReady_cond;
jobDescription* jobs;
FILE* dstFile;
} adaptCCtx;
static adaptCCtx* createCCtx(unsigned numJobs, const char* const outFilename)
adaptCCtx* ctx = malloc(sizeof(adaptCCtx));
memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(adaptCCtx));
ctx->compressionLevel = 6; /* default */
pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->jobCompleted_mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&ctx->jobCompleted_cond, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->jobReady_mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&ctx->jobReady_cond, NULL);
ctx->numJobs = numJobs;
ctx->jobs = malloc(numJobs*sizeof(jobDescription));
ctx->nextJobID = 0;
ctx->threadError = 0;
if (!ctx->jobs) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not allocate space for jobs during context creation\n");
return NULL;
FILE* dstFile = fopen(outFilename, "wb");
if (dstFile == NULL) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not open output file\n");
return NULL;
ctx->dstFile = dstFile;
return ctx;
static void freeCompressionJobs(adaptCCtx* ctx)
unsigned u;
for (u=0; u<ctx->numJobs; u++) {
jobDescription job = ctx->jobs[u];
if (job.dst.start) free(job.dst.start);
if (job.src.start) free(job.src.start);
static int freeCCtx(adaptCCtx* ctx)
int const completedMutexError = pthread_mutex_destroy(&ctx->jobCompleted_mutex);
int const completedCondError = pthread_cond_destroy(&ctx->jobCompleted_cond);
int const readyMutexError = pthread_mutex_destroy(&ctx->jobReady_mutex);
int const readyCondError = pthread_cond_destroy(&ctx->jobReady_cond);
int const fileError = fclose(ctx->dstFile);
return completedMutexError | completedCondError | readyMutexError | readyCondError | fileError;
static void* compressionThread(void* arg)
adaptCCtx* ctx = (adaptCCtx*)arg;
unsigned currJob = 0;
for ( ; ; ) {
jobDescription* job = &ctx->jobs[currJob];
while(job->jobReady == 0) {
pthread_cond_wait(job->jobReady_cond, job->jobReady_mutex);
/* compress the data */
size_t const compressedSize = ZSTD_compress(job->dst.start, job->dst.size, job->src.start, job->src.size, job->compressionLevel);
if (ZSTD_isError(compressedSize)) {
ctx->threadError = 1;
DISPLAY("Error: somethign went wrong during compression\n");
return arg;
job->compressedSize = compressedSize;
if (currJob >= ctx->numJobs || ctx->threadError) {
/* finished compressing all jobs */
return arg;
static void* outputThread(void* arg)
adaptCCtx* ctx = (adaptCCtx*)arg;
unsigned currJob = 0;
for ( ; ; ) {
jobDescription* job = &ctx->jobs[currJob];
while (job->jobCompleted == 0) {
pthread_cond_wait(job->jobCompleted_cond, job->jobCompleted_mutex);
size_t const compressedSize = job->compressedSize;
if (ZSTD_isError(compressedSize)) {
DISPLAY("Error: an error occurred during compression\n");
return arg; /* TODO: return something else if error */
size_t const writeSize = fwrite(ctx->jobs[currJob].dst.start, 1, compressedSize, ctx->dstFile);
if (writeSize != compressedSize) {
DISPLAY("Error: an error occurred during file write operation\n");
return arg; /* TODO: return something else if error */
if (currJob >= ctx->numJobs || ctx->threadError) {
/* finished with all jobs */
return arg;
static size_t getFileSize(const char* const filename)
FILE* fd = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (fd == NULL) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not open file in order to get file size\n");
return -1; /* intentional underflow */
if (fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) {
DISPLAY("Error: fseek failed during file size computation\n");
return -1;
size_t const fileSize = ftell(fd);
if (fclose(fd) != 0) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not close file during file size computation\n");
return -1;
return fileSize;
static int createCompressionJob(adaptCCtx* ctx, BYTE* data, size_t srcSize)
unsigned const nextJob = ctx->nextJobID;
jobDescription job = ctx->jobs[nextJob];
job.compressionLevel = ctx->compressionLevel;
job.src.start = malloc(srcSize);
job.src.size = srcSize;
job.dst.size = ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize);
job.dst.start = malloc(job.dst.size);
job.jobCompleted = 0;
job.jobCompleted_cond = &ctx->jobCompleted_cond;
job.jobCompleted_mutex = &ctx->jobCompleted_mutex;
job.jobReady_cond = &ctx->jobReady_cond;
job.jobReady_mutex = &ctx->jobReady_mutex;
job.jobID = nextJob;
if (!job.src.start || !job.dst.start) {
/* problem occurred, free things then return */
if (job.src.start) free(job.src.start);
if (job.dst.start) free(job.dst.start);
return 1;
memcpy(job.src.start, data, srcSize);
return 0;
/* return 0 if successful, else return error */
int main(int argCount, const char* argv[])
const char* const srcFilename = argv[1];
const char* const dstFilename = argv[2];
FILE* const srcFile = fopen(srcFilename, "rb");
FILE* const dstFile = fopen(dstFilename, "wb");
BYTE* const src = malloc(FILE_CHUNK_SIZE);
size_t const dstSize = ZSTD_compressBound(FILE_CHUNK_SIZE);
BYTE* const dst = malloc(dstSize);
FILE* const srcFile = fopen(srcFilename, "rb");
size_t fileSize = getFileSize(srcFilename);
size_t const numJobsPrelim = (fileSize / FILE_CHUNK_SIZE) + 1;
size_t const numJobs = (numJobsPrelim * FILE_CHUNK_SIZE) == fileSize ? numJobsPrelim : numJobsPrelim + 1;
int ret = 0;
adaptCCtx* ctx = NULL;
/* checking for errors */
if (!srcFilename || !dstFilename || !src || !dst) {
if (fileSize == (size_t)(-1)) {
ret = 1;
goto cleanup;
if (!srcFilename || !dstFilename || !src) {
DISPLAY("Error: initial variables could not be allocated\n");
ret = 1;
goto cleanup;
/* compressing in blocks */
for ( ; ; ) {
size_t const readSize = fread(src, 1, FILE_CHUNK_SIZE, srcFile);
if (readSize != FILE_CHUNK_SIZE && !feof(srcFile)) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not read %d bytes\n", FILE_CHUNK_SIZE);
/* creating context */
ctx = createCCtx(numJobs, dstFilename);
if (ctx == NULL) {
ret = 1;
goto cleanup;
/* create output thread */
pthread_t out;
if (pthread_create(&out, NULL, &outputThread, ctx)) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not create output thread\n");
ret = 1;
goto cleanup;
/* create compression thread */
pthread_t compression;
if (pthread_create(&compression, NULL, &compressionThread, ctx)) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not create compression thread\n");
ret = 1;
goto cleanup;
/* creating jobs */
for ( ; ; ) {
size_t const readSize = fread(src, 1, FILE_CHUNK_SIZE, srcFile);
if (readSize != FILE_CHUNK_SIZE && !feof(srcFile)) {
DISPLAY("Error: problem occurred during read from src file\n");
ret = 1;
goto cleanup;
/* reading was fine, now create the compression job */
size_t const compressedSize = ZSTD_compress(dst, dstSize, src, readSize, 6);
if (ZSTD_isError(compressedSize)) {
DISPLAY("Error: something went wrong during compression\n");
ret = 1;
int const error = createCompressionJob(ctx, src, readSize);
if (error != 0) {
ret = error;
goto cleanup;
size_t const writeSize = fwrite(dst, 1, compressedSize, dstFile);
if (writeSize != compressedSize) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not write compressed data to file\n");
ret = 1;
goto cleanup;
if (feof(srcFile)) {
/* reached end of file */
/* file compression completed */
int const error = fclose(srcFile);
if (ret != 0) {
DISPLAY("Error: could not close the file\n");
ret = error;
int const fileCloseError = fclose(srcFile);
int const cctxReleaseError = freeCCtx(ctx);
if (fileCloseError | cctxReleaseError) {
ret = 1;
goto cleanup;
if (src != NULL) free(src);
if (dst != NULL) free(dst);
if (ctx != NULL) freeCCtx(ctx);
return ret;