
280 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.010;
use warnings;
use strict;
use autodie qw(:all);
use Date::Format qw(time2str);
use Date::Calc qw(Today Date_to_Time Add_Delta_Days);
use constant SOURCE_DIR => q{/home/robn/p/pioneer};
use constant TEMP_DIR => q{/home/robn/p/tmp};
use constant OUT_DIR => q{/home/robn/p};
use constant CHROOT_DIR => q{/home/robn/p/wheezy};
use constant THIRDPARTY_DIR => q{/home/robn/p/pioneer-thirdparty};
use constant MXE_DIR => q{/home/robn/p/mxe};
use constant CONFIGURE_OPTS => q{--with-ccache --enable-debug --with-strip};
use constant MAKE_OPTS => q{-j9};
use constant UPLOAD_PATH => q{robertnorris,};
use constant URL_FORMAT => q{};
use constant PLATFORM => {
linux64 => {
suffix => "",
configure_opts => "",
builder => \&build_chroot,
archiver => \&archive_bz2,
linux32 => {
suffix => "",
configure_opts => "",
builder => \&build_chroot,
archiver => \&archive_bz2,
win32 => {
suffix => ".exe",
configure_opts => "--with-mxe=".MXE_DIR,
build_dir => SOURCE_DIR,
builder => \&build_local,
archiver => \&archive_7z,
#osx => {
my ($branch, $platforms) = @ARGV;
$branch //= "master";
my @platforms = grep { exists PLATFORM->{$_} } ($platforms ? (split ',', $platforms) : (keys %{PLATFORM()}));
my ($ref, $date, $buildno) = update_source($branch);
my $version = $branch eq "master" ? $date : $branch;#"$date.$buildno" : $branch;
my %archives;
for my $platform (@platforms) {
if ($platform ne "osx") {
my $build_dir = build($platform);
my $copy_dir = copy($platform, $build_dir);
if (check($platform, $copy_dir)) {
$archives{$platform} = archive($platform, $copy_dir);
} else {
# should notify someone somehow...?
say ">>> build $platform failed";
else {
# osx, screw it
system qq{ssh "bash -lc './ $ref $version'"};
system "scp$version-osx.tar.bz2 ".OUT_DIR;
$archives{$platform} = "pioneer-$version-osx.tar.bz2";
say STDERR "sleeping for 300 before uploading...";
sleep 300;
upload(values %archives);
tag($version) if $branch eq "master";
sub update_source {
my ($branch) = @_;
say STDERR ">>> updating source";
system "git fetch --tags --all -p";
system "git checkout origin/$branch || git checkout $branch";
my $ref = `git log -n1 --pretty=%h origin/$branch`;
chomp $ref;
my $date = `date +%Y%m%d`;
chomp $date;
my $since = time2str("%Y-%m-%d", Date_to_Time(Add_Delta_Days((Today())[0,1],1,-1),0,0,0));
my $count = `git rev-list --since=$since --count HEAD`;
chomp $count;
return ($ref, $date, $count);
sub build_local {
my ($platform, $configure_opts) = @_;
say STDERR ">>> local build: ".PLATFORM->{$platform}->{build_dir};
$configure_opts .= " --with-thirdparty=".PLATFORM->{$platform}->{thirdparty_dir} if PLATFORM->{$platform}->{thirdparty_dir};
chdir PLATFORM->{$platform}->{build_dir};
no autodie;
system "make distclean";
system "./bootstrap";
system "./configure $configure_opts";
system "make clean";
system "make ".MAKE_OPTS;
return PLATFORM->{$platform}->{build_dir};
sub build_chroot {
my ($platform, $configure_opts) = @_;
say STDERR ">>> chroot build";
system sprintf("sudo rsync -av --delete --exclude=pioneer/.git %s %s/%s", SOURCE_DIR, CHROOT_DIR, $platform);
$configure_opts .= " --with-thirdparty=/pioneer-thirdparty";
system sprintf("sudo chroot %s/%s sh -c 'cd pioneer && ./configure $configure_opts && make distclean && ./configure %s && make %s'", CHROOT_DIR, $platform, $configure_opts, MAKE_OPTS);
# special case for build host, compile the sgm models as well
if ($platform eq 'linux64') {
system sprintf("sudo chroot %s/%s sh -c 'cd pioneer && make sgm'", CHROOT_DIR, $platform);
return sprintf("%s/%s/pioneer", CHROOT_DIR, $platform);
sub build {
my ($platform) = @_;
say STDERR ">>> $platform: building";
my @configure_opts = (CONFIGURE_OPTS, PLATFORM->{$platform}->{configure_opts});
push @configure_opts, "--with-version=$version";
push @configure_opts, "--with-extra-version=$ref";
my $configure_opts = join ' ', @configure_opts;
return PLATFORM->{$platform}->{builder}($platform, $configure_opts);
sub filename_base {
my ($platform) = @_;
return $branch eq "master" ? "pioneer-$version-$platform" : "pioneer-$version-$ref-$platform";
sub copy {
my ($platform, $source_dir) = @_;
say ">>> $platform: copying";
chdir $source_dir;
my $copy_dir = TEMP_DIR.'/'.filename_base($platform);
system "mkdir -p $copy_dir";
my $suffix = PLATFORM->{$platform}->{suffix};
system "cp -v src/pioneer$suffix $copy_dir";
system "cp -v src/modelcompiler$suffix $copy_dir";
system "cp -v src/ $copy_dir" if $platform eq 'win32';
system "cp -v src/ $copy_dir" if $platform eq 'win32';
system "ls *.txt | /usr/bin/grep -v -E '(COMPILING\.txt|SAVEBUMP\.txt)' | xargs cp -v -t $copy_dir";
system "cp -v $copy_dir"
system "cp -rv licenses $copy_dir/licenses";
system "cp -rv data $copy_dir/data";
system "find $copy_dir/data/lang -name cmn.json -delete";
system "find $copy_dir/data '(' -name .gitignore -o -name Makefile\\\* ')' -delete";
# if we did a linux64 build we should have sgm files, copy those to the target
if (-d CHROOT_DIR."/linux64") {
system sprintf("cd %s/linux64/pioneer && find -name \*.sgm -exec cp -v '{}' %s/'{}' ';'", CHROOT_DIR, $copy_dir);
return $copy_dir;
sub check {
my ($platform, $binary_dir) = @_;
say ">>> $platform: checking";
my $suffix = PLATFORM->{$platform}->{suffix};
if (! -x "$binary_dir/pioneer$suffix") { return 0; }
if (! -x "$binary_dir/modelcompiler$suffix") { return 0; }
return 1;
sub archive {
my ($platform, $source_dir) = @_;
say STDERR ">>> $platform: archiving";
chdir "$source_dir/..";
my $archive = PLATFORM->{$platform}->{archiver}($platform);
system "rm -rf $source_dir";
return $archive;
sub archive_bz2 {
my ($platform) = @_;
my $base = filename_base($platform);
my $out = OUT_DIR."/$base.tar";
system "tar cvf $out $base";
system "bzip2 $out";
my $arc = "$base.tar.bz2";
say STDERR ">>> $platform: archived to $arc";
return $arc;
sub archive_7z {
my ($platform) = @_;
my $base = filename_base($platform);
my $out = OUT_DIR."/$base.7z";
system "7za a $out $base";
my $arc = "$base.7z";
say STDERR ">>> $platform: archived to $arc";
return $arc;
sub upload {
my @files = @_;
chdir OUT_DIR;
say STDERR ">>> uploading ", join(' ', @files);
system join(' ', "scp", @files, UPLOAD_PATH);
sub tweet {
my %archives = @_;
my $links = join '', map { sprintf " %s ".URL_FORMAT, $_, $archives{$_} } sort keys %archives;
say STDERR ">>> tweeting";
system "ttytter -linelength=500 -status='new build available!$links #pioneerspacesim'";
say STDERR ">>> sending to pusher";
system "/home/robn/p/pusher-event jameson:builder pioneer 'new build available ($version $ref):$links'";
sub tag {
my ($version) = @_;
say STDERR ">>> tagging $version";
system "git tag $version";
system "git push origin $version";