
682 lines
21 KiB

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# This is an addon for Blender, that provides some tools to calculate
# ship stats, and exports it next to the blend file with the same name.
import bpy
import math
import bpy_extras.io_utils
import os
bl_info = {
"name": "Pioneer Ship Planner",
"author": "Szilard Balint (nozmajner)",
"version": (0,1,5),
"blender": (2, 76, 0),
"location": "Properties -> Scene -> Ship Planner",
"description": "Calculates ship stats for Pioneer Space Simulator",
"warning": "",
"wiki_url": "N/A",
"tracker_url": "N/A",
"category": "Scene"}
gee = 9.81
def sum_mass(hull, fuel, cap, cargo_cap):
result = [hull+fuel+cap, hull+fuel, hull+fuel+cargo_cap]
return result
def acc(mass, thrust):
acc_full = (thrust/mass[0]/gee) #mass*1000 volt
acc_empty = (thrust/mass[1]/gee)
if acc_full <= 0.0001:
result_full = "<0.0001"
result_full = acc_full
if acc_empty <= 0.0001:
result_empty = "<0.0001"
result_empty = acc_empty
result = [result_full, result_empty]
return result
def deltav(ev, mass, fuel_cap):
dv = (float(ev))*(math.log(float(mass+fuel_cap)/mass))
if dv <=0.0001:
result = "<0.0001"
result = dv
return result
#Operator example
class VesselExport(bpy.types.Operator): # , bpy_extras.io_utils.ExportHelper .ExportHelper feldobja az export ablakot, ha megnyomom a gombot
"""Export shipdef.lua"""
bl_idname = "object.simple_operator"
bl_label = "Export shipdef"
filename_ext = ".lua"
def poll(cls, context):
return context.active_object is not None
def execute(self, context):
scene =["Scene"]
# file = open(filepath, 'w', encoding="ansi", newline = "\n")
file = open(os.path.splitext([0] + ".json", 'w', newline = "\n")
fw = file.write
#writing starting bracket
#writing ship data
fw('\t"model" : "' + scene.ModelName + '",\n')
fw('\t"name" : "' + scene.ShipName + '",\n')
fw('\t"cockpit" : "' + scene.Cockpit + '",\n')
fw('\t"manufacturer" : "' + scene.ManufacturerName + '",\n')
fw('\t"ship_class" : "' + scene.ShipClass + '",\n')
fw('\t"min_crew" : ' + str(scene.Min_crew) + ',\n')
if scene.Max_crew < scene.Min_crew: #checks if max crew is lower than minimum to ensure it's sanity
fw('\t"max_crew" : ' + str(scene.Min_crew) + ',\n')
fw('\t"max_crew" : ' + str(scene.Max_crew) + ',\n')
fw('\t"price" : ' + str(scene.Price) + ',\n')
fw('\t"hull_mass" : ' + str(scene.HullMass) + ',\n')
fw('\t"capacity" : ' + str(scene.Capacity) + ',\n')
#slots part
fw('\t"slots" : {\n')
if scene.Capacity > scene.CargoCap: #checks if cargo capacity fits in overall capacity, if not, then uses overall capacity.
fw('\t\t"cargo" : ' + str(scene.CargoCap) + ',\n')
fw('\t\t"cargo" : ' + str(scene.Capacity) + ',\n')
fw('\t\t"engine" : ' + str(scene.Max_Engine) + ',\n')
#no default checking for these, sisnce I like them being around in each ship file
fw('\t\t"scoop" : ' + str(scene.Scoop) + ',\n')
fw('\t\t"laser_front" : ' + str(scene.laser_front) + ',\n')
fw('\t\t"laser_rear" : ' + str(scene.laser_rear) + ',\n')
fw('\t\t"missile" : ' + str(scene.Max_missile) + ',\n')
# these are only writen, if they aren't on their default value
if scene.Sensor != 8:
fw('\t\t"sensor" : ' + str(scene.Sensor) + ',\n')
if scene.Max_ecm != 1:
fw('\t\t"ecm" : ' + str(scene.Max_ecm) + ',\n')
if scene.Autopilot != 1:
fw('\t\t"autopilot" : ' + str(scene.Autopilot) + ',\n')
if scene.Scanner != 1:
fw('\t\t"scanner" : ' + str(scene.Scanner) + ',\n')
if scene.Radarmapper != 1:
fw('\t\t"radar" : ' + str(scene.Radarmapper) + ',\n')
if scene.Hypercloud != 1:
fw('\t\t"hypercloud" : ' + str(scene.Hypercloud) + ',\n')
if scene.Shield != 9999:
fw('\t\t"shield" : ' + str(scene.Shield) + ',\n')
if scene.Energybooster != 1:
fw('\t\t"energy_booster" : ' + str(scene.Energybooster) + ',\n')
if scene.Cabin != 1:
fw('\t\t"cabin" : ' + str(scene.Cabin) + ',\n')
if scene.Lasercooler != 1:
fw('\t\t"laser_cooler" : ' + str(scene.Lasercooler) + ',\n')
if scene.Cargolifesupport != 1:
fw('\t\t"cargo_life_support" : ' + str(scene.Cargolifesupport) + ',\n')
if scene.Tradecomp != 1:
fw('\t\t"trade_analyzer" : ' + str(scene.Tradecomp) + ',\n')
if scene.Autorepair != 1:
fw('\t\t"hull_autorepair" : ' + str(scene.Autorepair) + ',\n')
fw('\t\t"atmo_shield" : ' + str(scene.Atmoshield) + '\n') #last entry doesn't have a comma,!
#performance stuff
fw('\t"effective_exhaust_velocity" : ' + str(int(scene.EV*1000)) + ',\n')
fw('\t"thruster_fuel_use" : -1.0,\n') # to avoid problems if line missing
fw('\t"fuel_tank_mass" : ' + str(scene.FuelMass) + ',\n')
if scene.Max_Engine < scene.Hyperdrive: #checking if default drive class is larger than max, if so using the max class instead
fw('\t"hyperdrive_class" : ' + str(scene.Max_Engine) + ',\n')
fw('\t"hyperdrive_class" : ' + str(scene.Hyperdrive) + ',\n')
#thrust values
fw('\t"forward_thrust" : ' + str(int(scene.FWD*1000)) + ',\n')
fw('\t"reverse_thrust" : ' + str(int(scene.BWD*1000)) + ',\n')
fw('\t"up_thrust" : ' + str(int(scene.UP*1000)) + ',\n')
fw('\t"down_thrust" : ' + str(int(scene.DWN*1000)) + ',\n')
fw('\t"left_thrust" : ' + str(int(scene.LEFT*1000)) + ',\n')
fw('\t"right_thrust" : ' + str(int(scene.RIGHT*1000)) + ',\n')
fw('\t"angular_thrust" : ' + str(int(scene.ANG*1000)) + '\n')
return {'FINISHED'}
class ShipPlanner(bpy.types.Panel):
"""Ship stats planner utility for Pioneer"""
bl_idname = "ShipPlanner"
bl_label = "Ship Planner"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = 'scene'
#bl_options = { 'UNDO'}
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
scn = bpy.context.scene
scene =["Scene"]
#row_init = layout.row()
#row_init.operator("InitProps.bl_idname", text = "InitProps.bl_label")
ship_box =
ship_box.label("Ship", icon = "AUTO")
row_name = ship_box.row()
row_name.prop(scn, 'ShipName', text = "Name") #, '["Name"]')
row_model = ship_box.row()
row_model.prop(scn, 'ModelName')
row_cockpit = ship_box.row()
row_cockpit.prop(scn, 'Cockpit')
row_manufacturer = ship_box.row()
row_manufacturer.prop( scn, 'ManufacturerName')
row_class = ship_box.row()
row_class.prop( scn, 'ShipClass')
row_price = ship_box.row()
row_price.prop(scn, 'Price')
row_crew = ship_box.row()
row_crew.prop(scn, 'Min_crew')
row_crew.prop(scn, 'Max_crew')
mass_box =
mass_box.label("Masses (t)", icon = "OBJECT_DATA")
row_hull = mass_box.row()
#row_hull.label("Hull mass")
row_hull.prop(scn, 'HullMass')
row_hull.prop(scn, 'FuelMass', text = "Fuel mass")
row_cap = mass_box.row()
row_cap.prop(scn, 'Capacity')
row_cap.prop(scn, 'CargoCap', text = "Cargo cap")
mass = sum_mass(scene.HullMass, scene.FuelMass, scene.Capacity, scn.CargoCap) # calculate ship mass
row_masses = mass_box.row()
row_masses.label(str("Full mass: " + str(mass[0]) + "t"))
row_masses.label(str("Empty mass: " + str(mass[1]) + "t"))
row_masses.label(str("Cargo mass: " + str(mass[2]) + "t"))
thr_box =
thr_box.label("Thrust (kN)", icon = "LAMP_SPOT")
row1 = thr_box.row(align = True)
row1.prop(scn, 'FWD', text = "fwd")
row1.prop(scn, 'BWD', text = "bwd")
row2 = thr_box.row(align = True)
acc_fwd = acc(mass, scene.FWD)
acc_bwd = acc(mass, scene.BWD)
row2.label("F: " + str(acc_fwd[0])[0:6] + " G / E: " + str(acc_fwd[1])[0:6] +" G")
row2.label("F: " + str(acc_bwd[0])[0:6] + " G / E: " + str(acc_bwd[1])[0:6] +" G")
row3 = thr_box.row(align = True)
row3.prop(scn, 'UP', text = "up")
row3.prop(scn, 'DWN',text = "down")
row4 = thr_box.row(align = True)
acc_up = acc(mass, scene.UP)
acc_down = acc(mass, scene.DWN)
row4.label("F: " + str(acc_up[0])[0:6] + " G / E: " + str(acc_up[1])[0:6] +" G")
row4.label("F: " + str(acc_down[0])[0:6] + " G / E: " + str(acc_down[1])[0:6] +" G")
row5 = thr_box.row(align = True)
row5.prop(scn, 'LEFT', text = "left")
row5.prop(scn, 'RIGHT', text = "right")
row6 = thr_box.row(align = True)
acc_left = acc(mass, scene.LEFT)
acc_right = acc(mass, scene.RIGHT)
row6.label("F: " + str(acc_left[0])[0:6] + " G / E: " + str(acc_left[1])[0:6] +" G")
row6.label("F: " + str(acc_right[0])[0:6] + " G / E: " + str(acc_right[1])[0:6] +" G")
row7 = thr_box.row(align = True)
row7.prop(scn, 'ANG', text = "angular")
thr_box =
thr_box.label("Efficiency", icon = "IPO")
row_EV = thr_box.row(align = True)
row_EV.label("Exhaust velocity (km/s):")
row_EV.prop(scn, 'EV', text = "ev")
row_deltaV = thr_box.row(align = True)
row_empty = thr_box.row(align = True)
deltav_empty = deltav(scene.EV, scene.HullMass, scene.FuelMass)
row_empty.label("Empty: " + str(deltav_empty)[0:10] + " km/s")
row_full = thr_box.row(align = True)
deltav_full = deltav(scene.EV, (scene.HullMass+scene.Capacity), scene.FuelMass)
row_full.label("Full: " + str(deltav_full)[0:10] + " km/s")
row_maximum = thr_box.row(align = True)
deltav_max = deltav(scene.EV, scene.HullMass, (scene.FuelMass+scene.CargoCap))
row_maximum.label("Max: " + str(deltav_max)[0:10] + " km/s")
equip_box =
equip_box.label("Equipment mounts", icon = "PLUGIN")
row_hyperdrive = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_hyperdrive.prop(scn, 'Hyperdrive', text = "Hyperdrive")
row_hyperdrive.prop(scn, 'Max_Engine', text = "Max")
row_wep = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_wep.prop(scn, 'laser_front', text = "Front laser")
row_wep.prop(scn, 'laser_rear', text = "Rear laser")
row_cooling = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_cooling.prop(scn, 'Missiles', text = "Missiles")
row_cooling = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_cooling.prop(scn, 'Lasercooler', text = "Laser cooling Booster")
row_scoop = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_scoop.prop(scn, 'Scoop', text = "Scoop")
row_scanner = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_scanner.prop(scn, 'Scanner', text = "Scanner")
row_scanner.prop(scn, 'Radarmapper', text = "Radar Mapper")
row_hypercloud = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_hypercloud.prop(scn, 'Hypercloud', text = "Hypercloud analyzer")
row_hypercloud.prop(scn, 'Sensor', text = "(Sensor)")
row_ecm = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_ecm.prop(scn, 'Max_ecm', text = "ECM")
row_atmoshield = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_atmoshield.prop(scn, 'Atmoshield', text = 'Atmo shielding')
row_shield = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_shield.prop(scn, 'Shield', text = 'Max Shield')
row_shield.prop(scn, 'Energybooster', text = 'Energy Booster')
row_cabin = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_cabin.prop(scn, 'Cabin', text = 'Max Passenger Cabin')
row_cargolife = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_cargolife.prop(scn, 'Cargolifesupport', text = 'Cargo bay Life support')
row_autopilot = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_autopilot.prop(scn, 'Autopilot', text = 'Autopilot')
row_autorepair = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_autorepair.prop(scn, 'Autorepair', text = 'Hull Autorepair system')
row_tradecomp = equip_box.row(align = True)
row_tradecomp.prop(scn, 'Tradecomp', text = 'Trade analyzer')
vessel_export =
vessel_export.label("Export", icon = "EXPORT")
exportrow = vessel_export.row(align = True)
exportrow.operator("object.simple_operator", text = "Export")
#class InitProps(bpy.types.Operator):
# """Tooltip"""
# bl_idname = "scene.init_my_prop"
# bl_label = "Init properties"
# @classmethod
# def poll(cls, context):
# return context.scene
# def execute(self, context):
# if context.scene.Capacity != 1:
# context.scene.Capacity = 1
# return {'FINISHED'}
#Registering the operator
def register():
bpy.types.Scene.Valami = bpy.props.FloatProperty( #ezzel hozom letre, tobbi feljebb
name = "Valami",
default = 0.0,
description = "Ez bizony mar valami")
#######Ship box######
bpy.types.Scene.ShipName = bpy.props.StringProperty(
name = "Ship Name",
default = "name",
description = "Name of the ship, displayed in the game.")
bpy.types.Scene.Cockpit = bpy.props.StringProperty(
name = "Cockpit",
default = '',
description = "Custom cockpit .model Leave blank for default cockpit.")
bpy.types.Scene.ManufacturerName = bpy.props.StringProperty(
name = "Manufacturer",
default = "opli",
description = "Manufacturer, for logo selection. Valid values are the file names in the icons/manufacturers folder - without extension")
bpy.types.Scene.ShipClass = bpy.props.StringProperty(
name = "Ship class",
default = "light_courier",
description = "Ship class, for class icon display in the ship marker. Valid values are in the icons/shipclass folder")
bpy.types.Scene.ModelName = bpy.props.StringProperty(
name = "Model file",
default = "model",
description = "Name of the model file to be used. They are in the data/models/ folder")
bpy.types.Scene.Price = bpy.props.IntProperty(
name = "Price",
default = 1,
min = 1,
description = "Base price of the ship.")
bpy.types.Scene.Min_crew = bpy.props.IntProperty(
name = "Min crew",
default = 1,
min = 1,
description = "Minimum crew capacity of the ship.")
bpy.types.Scene.Max_crew = bpy.props.IntProperty(
name = "Max crew",
default = 1,
min = 1,
description = "Maximum crew capacity of the ship.")
#######Masses box######
bpy.types.Scene.HullMass = bpy.props.IntProperty(
name = "Hull mass",
default = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1000000000,
description = "Mass of the hull in tonnes.")
bpy.types.Scene.FuelMass = bpy.props.IntProperty(
name = "Fuel tank mass",
default = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1000000000,
description = "Capacity of the fuel tank in tonnes.")
bpy.types.Scene.Capacity = bpy.props.IntProperty(
name = "Capacity",
default = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1000000000,
description = "Equipment and cargo capacity of the ship in tonnes.")
bpy.types.Scene.CargoCap = bpy.props.IntProperty(
name = "Cargo capacity",
default = 1,
min = 1,
max = 1000000000,
description = "Cargo capacity in tonnes.")
#######Thrust box#######
bpy.types.Scene.FWD = bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "FWD thrust",
default = 1.0,
min = 1.0,
max = 1000000000.0,
description = "Forward thrust in kN's")
bpy.types.Scene.BWD = bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "BWD thrust",
default = 1.0,
min = 1.0,
max = 1000000000.0,
description = "Backward thrust in kN's")
bpy.types.Scene.UP = bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "UP thrust",
default = 1.0,
min = 1.0,
max = 1000000000.0,
description = "Upward thrust in kN's")
bpy.types.Scene.DWN = bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "DOWD thrust",
default = 1.0,
min = 1.0,
max = 1000000000.0,
description = "Downward thrust in kN's")
bpy.types.Scene.LEFT = bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "LEFT thrust",
default = 1.0,
min = 1.0,
max = 1000000000.0,
description = "Leftward thrust in kN's")
bpy.types.Scene.RIGHT = bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "RIGHT thrust",
default = 1.0,
min = 1.0,
max = 1000000000.0,
description = "Rightward thrust in kN's")
bpy.types.Scene.ANG = bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "ANG thrust",
default = 1.0,
min = 1.0,
max = 1000000000.0,
description = "Angular thrust in kN's")
##########Efficiency box#########
bpy.types.Scene.EV = bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "ev",
default = 1.0,
min = 1.0,
max = 1000000000.0,
description = "Exhaust velocity in km/s")
bpy.types.Scene.Hyperdrive = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 13,
description = "Default hyperdrive class.")
bpy.types.Scene.Max_Engine = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 13,
description = "Maximum hyperdrive class. 0 for no hyperspace capability")
bpy.types.Scene.laser_front = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 1,
description = "Front cannon mount")
bpy.types.Scene.laser_rear = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 0,
min = 0,
max = 1,
description = "Rear cannon mount")
bpy.types.Scene.Missiles = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 0,
min = 0,
max = 50,
description = "Number of missiles the ship can carry")
bpy.types.Scene.Max_missile = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 0,
min = 0,
max = 1000,
description = "Maximum number of missiles")
bpy.types.Scene.Scoop = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 2,
min = 0,
max = 3,
description = "Scoop compatibility 0: no scoop, 1: fuel scoop, 2: cargo scoop, 3: combo scoop")
bpy.types.Scene.Max_ecm = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 1,
description = "ECM compatibility.")
bpy.types.Scene.Scanner = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 1,
description = "Scanner compatibility.")
bpy.types.Scene.Radarmapper = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 1,
description = "Radar mapper compatibility.")
bpy.types.Scene.Hypercloud = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 1,
description = "Hypercloud analyzer compatibility.")
bpy.types.Scene.Sensor = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 8,
min = 0,
max = 50,
description = "Sensor mount - currently not in use")
bpy.types.Scene.Autorepair = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 1,
description = "Hull Autorepair sys compatibility.")
bpy.types.Scene.Energybooster = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 1,
description = "Energy booster compatibility.")
bpy.types.Scene.Atmoshield = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 1,
description = "Atmospheric shielding compatibility. Ships without it can't land or be bought on surface bases")
bpy.types.Scene.Cabin = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 50,
min = 0,
max = 50,
description = "Passenger cabin compatibility and max amount.")
bpy.types.Scene.Shield = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 9999,
min = 0,
max = 9999,
description = "Shield compatibility and max amount.")
bpy.types.Scene.Lasercooler = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 1,
description = "Laser cooling booster compatibility.")
bpy.types.Scene.Cargolifesupport = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 1,
description = "Cargo bay life support compatibility.")
bpy.types.Scene.Autopilot = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 1,
description = "Autopilot compatibility.")
bpy.types.Scene.Tradecomp = bpy.props.IntProperty(
default = 1,
min = 0,
max = 1,
description = "Trade analyzer.")
def unregister():
del bpy.types.Scene.ShipName
del bpy.types.Scene.ModelName
del bpy.types.Scene.ManufacturerName
del bpy.types.Scene.ShipClass
del bpy.types.Scene.Price
del bpy.types.Scene.HullMass
del bpy.types.Scene.FuelMass
del bpy.types.Scene.Capacity
del bpy.types.Scene.CargoCap
del bpy.types.Scene.FWD
del bpy.types.Scene.BWD
del bpy.types.Scene.UP
del bpy.types.Scene.DWN
del bpy.types.Scene.LEFT
del bpy.types.Scene.RIGHT
del bpy.types.Scene.ANG
del bpy.types.Scene.EV
del bpy.types.Scene.Hyperdrive
del bpy.types.Scene.Max_engine
del bpy.types.Scene.Max_laser
del bpy.types.Scene.Max_missile
del bpy.types.Scene.Fuelscoop
del bpy.types.Scene.Cargoscoop
del bpy.types.Scene.Max_ecm
del bpy.types.Scene.Scanner
del bpy.types.Scene.Radarmapper
del bpy.types.Scene.Hypercloud
del bpy.types.Scene.Autorepair
del bpy.types.Scene.Energybooster
del bpy.types.Scene.Atmoshield
del bpy.types.Scene.Cabin
del bpy.types.Scene.Shield
del bpy.types.Scene.Lasercooler
del bpy.types.Scene.Cargolifesupport
del bpy.types.Scene.Autopilot
if __name__ == "__main__":